8bitcoder (OP)
February 23, 2014, 06:01:16 PM Last edit: May 24, 2020, 03:10:54 PM by 8bitcoder |
Here are some selected news items of what have been going on with Myriad recently. | 2 MAR 2020 | Core: | GitHub | | 20 FEB 2019 | Core: (maintenance) | GitHub | | 20 FEB 2019 | Core: (required, algoswap2) | GitHub |
Make sure to stop by Reddit for the latest developments.  | What is Myriad? Myriad is the first Multi-Algo coin. Correct implementation of Multi-Algo leads to higher security and prevents centralisation of mining power. The algorithms of Myriad have been selected to allow securing the blockchain with a diverse set of hardware. We embrace ASICs, GPUs and CPUs.
Decentralisation of mining power is important to keep control of a coin democratic. Other coins have had their mining power become more and more centralised which have already caused problems for bitcoin. The prevention of this is one of Myriads main strengths and innovations. Myriad is also utilizing merged mining (AuxPOW) for Scrypt and SHA256D, which means miners of Bitcoin and Litecoin can help secure Myriads blockchain with no extra cost for them or for Myriad. Myriad gains tremendous in security from this. A further measure have also been taken to secure the coin. A single algo can only mine six consecutive blocks. This together with an advanced difficulty calculation prevents the so called time warp attacks. All of this means that Myriads Multi-Algo POW is more secure than other coins and offers exceptional 51% resistance. Who Controls Myriad? Myriad is much like Bitcoin a community driven project full of volunteers. We have coders, designers and other professionals helping out. But we also have a bunch of regular people that help out in any way they can and are an active and valuable part of the Myriad community. What about large changes to Myriad Core, who decides? For large changes in Core we use what is called mining consensus. For Myriad this principle actually works because of Myriads decentralised mining. In 2016 we successfully replaced the Qubit algo in favor of Yescrypt using mining consensus. And in 2019 we successfully replaced Skein with Argon2D also using mining consensus. Why Myriad? In short: Myriad have a proven track record. It was released in 2014 and have stood the test of time and have adapted when needed. |
| Distribution
- Block Time: 1 minute
- Current Block Reward: 250 XMY
- Halving Time: Every 96 week (967680 blocks)
- Total Coin Supply: About 2 Billion XMY
- Difficult Adjustment: Every block
- Fair: Myriad is fairly distributed. No Premine and No ICO
- Multi-Algo: Scrypt, SHA256D, Yescrypt, Argon2D and Myriad-Groestl
- Difficulty Separation: Each algorithm has separate difficulty
- Difficulty Calculation: Geometric average
- Consecutive Block Limit: 6 Consecutive Blocks
- AUX-POW: Scrypt and SHA256D
- Coin Control: Yes
- Time Warp Proof: Yes
- P2P port: 10888
- RPC port: 10889
- Configuration file: myriadcoin.conf
How Myriad Multi-Algo works
- Each proof of work algorithm has its own independent difficulty.
- Any algorithm can find the next block.
- All algorithms use the same difficulty adjustment method.
- On average, each algorithm has the same chance of finding the next block.
- Each algorithm aims for a block generation time of 5 minutes.
- Over the five algorithms, a block should be found on average every 60 seconds.
DesktopMobile Other Do you run a Myriad Block Explorer? Let us know and we will add it to the list. | SHA256D
| Scrypt
| Skein
| Myriad-Groestl
| Yescrypt
Know a good pool, or want your pool listed here? Let us know about it and we'll check it out.
February 23, 2014, 06:05:36 PM |
Nice graphs n.n
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Activity: 39
Merit: 0
February 23, 2014, 06:06:45 PM |
February 23, 2014, 06:09:45 PM |
Could you confirm or deny if this is another Scrypt clone to don't waste time? Thanks
8bitcoder (OP)
February 23, 2014, 06:12:01 PM |
Not just another clone. Something new and something old 
February 23, 2014, 06:17:05 PM |
Activity: 2100
Merit: 1167
February 23, 2014, 06:18:09 PM |
without the qt released before lauch in password zip it is a fail.
need a virustotal output also.
Activity: 2424
Merit: 1148
February 23, 2014, 06:23:17 PM |
without the qt released before lauch in password zip it is a fail.
need a virustotal output also.
You should really post the wallets before hand (Password protected of course) but like the idea of posting initial coin info then launching 30 minutes later.
Visit Satoshi's Place, a Bitcoin Hub based in Bury, Manchester, UK. Website: https://satoshisplace.co.ukGoals: Educate & Onboard users in to Bitcoin. Lightning network⚡️
February 23, 2014, 06:26:48 PM |
Scypt, SHA256D, Qubit, Skein or Groestl
What's?? Is a mix or what other?
February 23, 2014, 06:29:02 PM |
Scypt, SHA256D, Qubit, Skein or Groestl
What's?? Is a mix or what other?
Scypt, SHA256D, Qubit, Skein or Groestl Block time: 2.5 minutes per algorithm (30 seconds total)
Does it mean that this coin can be mined by scrypt GPU for 2.5 mins, then by ASIC for another 2.5 mins etc. ? How is it possible? If the coin is, for example, in "scrypt" phase then all ASICs would be idle and vice versa? Strange but interesting..
February 23, 2014, 06:30:59 PM |
Interesting.. It's 18.30 GMT!!! Launch?
February 23, 2014, 06:32:06 PM |
Not just another clone. Something new and something old  sounds like scrypt + wallet stealer hahahaha 
February 23, 2014, 06:39:29 PM |
5 algo in one coin. Interesting.
February 23, 2014, 06:39:53 PM |
To mine with another algo, you can change the last line of the .conf file to your desired algo. The following algos are supported:
sha256d scrypt skein groestl qubit
You can use any of the existing CPU/GPU/ASCI miners to mine you algo.
So which one is CPU and has standalone miner? Because I believe all those have GPU miner
Activity: 1764
Merit: 1022
February 23, 2014, 06:40:14 PM |
{ "blocks" : 380, "currentblocksize" : 1000, "currentblocktx" : 0, "pow_algo_id" : 0, "pow_algo" : "sha256d", "difficulty" : 0.04763874, "difficulty_sha256d" : 0.04763874, "difficulty_scrypt" : 0.00038077, "difficulty_groestl" : 0.00037316, "difficulty_skein" : 0.00048524, "difficulty_qubit" : 0.00024414, "errors" : "", "generate" : true, "genproclimit" : 7, "hashespersec" : 4183844, "pooledtx" : 0, "testnet" : false }
February 23, 2014, 06:44:21 PM |
February 23, 2014, 06:44:48 PM |
There is something wrong. Block reward for scrypt is 100.
FootballCoin: FXFCWvewynp8feR4ZQ1BJbYxeWzByvqgN8
Activity: 1764
Merit: 1022
February 23, 2014, 06:46:41 PM |
Looks to be 10888  [ { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1393181068, "lastrecv" : 1393181068, "bytessent" : 63969, "bytesrecv" : 127498, "conntime" : 1393180657, "version" : 70001, "subver" : "/Satoshi:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 267, "banscore" : 0, "syncnode" : true }, { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1393181068, "lastrecv" : 1393181068, "bytessent" : 96129, "bytesrecv" : 190211, "conntime" : 1393180658, "version" : 70001, "subver" : "/Satoshi:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 268, "banscore" : 0 }, { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1393181069, "lastrecv" : 1393181068, "bytessent" : 139217, "bytesrecv" : 132057, "conntime" : 1393180659, "version" : 70001, "subver" : "/Satoshi:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 270, "banscore" : 0 } ]
I'm CPU mining GPU mining and ASIC mining. I think I got 1 CPU block and about 10 ASIC blocks. Only Rejects so far off the GPU.
February 23, 2014, 06:49:48 PM |
What of the algos is CPU ONLY with standalone miner?