pooler (OP)
August 10, 2015, 09:25:03 PM |
At the moment the highest accepted value for share difficulty is 131072. was trying to set d=40960, but it sets 32768 The pool rounds your suggestion to the closest power of two for technical reasons. I don't see this as a limitation, as in practice only the order of magnitude of the share difficulty matters, not the actual number.
BTC: 15MRTcUweNVJbhTyH5rq9aeSdyigFrskqE · LTC: LTCPooLqTK1SANSNeTR63GbGwabTKEkuS7
August 14, 2015, 07:12:18 AM |
What is the best diff to set for a zeus thunder ave 28 mh/s
pooler (OP)
August 14, 2015, 07:43:43 AM |
What is the best diff to set for a zeus thunder ave 28 mh/s
I'd let the pool server decide, but if for some reason you want/need fixed difficulty, try 2048.
BTC: 15MRTcUweNVJbhTyH5rq9aeSdyigFrskqE · LTC: LTCPooLqTK1SANSNeTR63GbGwabTKEkuS7
August 14, 2015, 08:58:03 AM |
What is the best diff to set for a zeus thunder ave 28 mh/s
I'd let the pool server decide, but if for some reason you want/need fixed difficulty, try 2048. Thanks I will test that out and see is stales go down, would like it at 0 lol
August 14, 2015, 10:23:14 AM |
What is the best diff to set for a zeus thunder ave 28 mh/s
I'd let the pool server decide, but if for some reason you want/need fixed difficulty, try 2048. Thanks I will test that out and see is stales go down, would like it at 0 lol That is a good setting, been running now with 0 stales
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
September 13, 2015, 12:52:29 PM |
I started litecoin mining again today after a break for a year - yes I know its pointless with only 1 graphics card but I wanted to try it again I'm using litecoinpool.org and after a bit I got guiminer working properly again Its showing me 531Khash/s yets litecoinpool.org is showing me working at an average of 25.3 kH/s I waited almost an hour for it to stabilise but its still showing a very low hash rate compared to what guiminer is showing me
Any ideas why or what I can do?
pooler (OP)
October 27, 2015, 03:34:31 AM |
I haven't tested it, but the truth is that it doesn't matter whether it works or not: CPU mining for profit is pointless nowadays, as it's way too slow to be worth it. (So slow that it doesn't even matter how many computers you can get to mine.)
BTC: 15MRTcUweNVJbhTyH5rq9aeSdyigFrskqE · LTC: LTCPooLqTK1SANSNeTR63GbGwabTKEkuS7
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
October 27, 2015, 08:19:01 AM |
Even on a high traffic site ? If we rely on a base of 1,000 visitors / hour for a period of > 60 minutes ? If each person mine 200h / second => 200000h / second is it as negligible for litecoin ?
pooler (OP)
October 27, 2015, 08:48:27 AM |
Even on a high traffic site ? If we rely on a base of 1,000 visitors / hour for a period of > 60 minutes ? If each person mine 200h / second => 200000h / second is it as negligible for litecoin ?
Yes, a hash rate of 200 kH/s is indeed negligible nowadays (with the current difficulty and price you would earn less than $0.19 per month). And mind that that assumes that at any time your website has, on average, 1000 visitors online simultaneously. Traditional monetization techniques, such as ads, are way more profitable (and don't make your visitors wonder why their computer is heating up so much).
BTC: 15MRTcUweNVJbhTyH5rq9aeSdyigFrskqE · LTC: LTCPooLqTK1SANSNeTR63GbGwabTKEkuS7
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
October 27, 2015, 08:51:25 AM |
Ok ok thank u for your responses 
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
November 13, 2015, 03:13:29 PM |
Guys im not a complete novice when it comes to mining i am really new from Australia and want to start mining i know the basics ive got got 1100MH/s and want to Join in on the mining in this pool how do i do that if its too much to explain can you point me in the right direction so i can get started seems like alot to take in but im sharp and have the right tools for the job THX HEAPS :-) !!!
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1000
December 01, 2015, 12:47:31 PM |
Does anyone know why there's such a big difference between what bitcoinwisdom's calculator says and what you're earning? I mean, I have a miner hashing 5.2 Mhs, bitcoinwisdom says I should earn about 0.1279 LTC/day, but I'm only making about 0.065 LTC/day. Why am I earning 50% of what the online calculator says? The pool shows correct hashrate and everything checks out. Is the bitcoinwisdom calculator wrong? Anyone else having same problem?
pooler (OP)
December 01, 2015, 01:05:53 PM |
Does anyone know why there's such a big difference between what bitcoinwisdom's calculator says and what you're earning? I mean, I have a miner hashing 5.2 Mhs, bitcoinwisdom says I should earn about 0.1279 LTC/day, but I'm only making about 0.065 LTC/day. Why am I earning 50% of what the online calculator says? The pool shows correct hashrate and everything checks out. Is the bitcoinwisdom calculator wrong? Anyone else having same problem?
The current block reward for Litecoin is 25 LTC, but BitcoinWisdom's calculator still defaults to the previous value of 50 LTC, so you need to change that manually.
BTC: 15MRTcUweNVJbhTyH5rq9aeSdyigFrskqE · LTC: LTCPooLqTK1SANSNeTR63GbGwabTKEkuS7
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1000
December 02, 2015, 02:08:50 AM |
Does anyone know why there's such a big difference between what bitcoinwisdom's calculator says and what you're earning? I mean, I have a miner hashing 5.2 Mhs, bitcoinwisdom says I should earn about 0.1279 LTC/day, but I'm only making about 0.065 LTC/day. Why am I earning 50% of what the online calculator says? The pool shows correct hashrate and everything checks out. Is the bitcoinwisdom calculator wrong? Anyone else having same problem?
The current block reward for Litecoin is 25 LTC, but BitcoinWisdom's calculator still defaults to the previous value of 50 LTC, so you need to change that manually. Okay, thanks for the information. How do you let bitcoinwisdom know about the mistake? That's a major boo boo.
pooler (OP)
December 02, 2015, 07:43:18 AM |
Does anyone know why there's such a big difference between what bitcoinwisdom's calculator says and what you're earning? I mean, I have a miner hashing 5.2 Mhs, bitcoinwisdom says I should earn about 0.1279 LTC/day, but I'm only making about 0.065 LTC/day. Why am I earning 50% of what the online calculator says? The pool shows correct hashrate and everything checks out. Is the bitcoinwisdom calculator wrong? Anyone else having same problem?
The current block reward for Litecoin is 25 LTC, but BitcoinWisdom's calculator still defaults to the previous value of 50 LTC, so you need to change that manually. Okay, thanks for the information. How do you let bitcoinwisdom know about the mistake? That's a major boo boo. They have a forum thread here.
BTC: 15MRTcUweNVJbhTyH5rq9aeSdyigFrskqE · LTC: LTCPooLqTK1SANSNeTR63GbGwabTKEkuS7
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
January 29, 2016, 04:53:26 AM |
pooler (OP)
January 29, 2016, 07:19:54 AM |
can some help me out tell me how unlock payment address the Signature is not working ? i copy past my private key from my litecoin wallet in the Signature box to verify its not working unlock what i doing wrong ? can some help me please?
You shouldn't ever give your private key to anyone. What you have to do is use it to generate a signature of the string the website provides you with. That proves your ownership of the address without compromising it.
BTC: 15MRTcUweNVJbhTyH5rq9aeSdyigFrskqE · LTC: LTCPooLqTK1SANSNeTR63GbGwabTKEkuS7
February 08, 2016, 05:13:14 PM |
Hi all... just a weird issue. I have 3 farmboys by INNOSILICON using a2 chips. My issue is that litecoinpool is the only pool that my miners don't crash on. they have some invalid shares but will work day and night just fine. but any other pool they will just stop ... some pools within minutes .. some in hours. pools like supernova and all others like it they also have a variable diff, and I get about 50 to 95 percent Efficiency depending on coin. I haven't been able to get much help from innosilicon. tried changing to fixed diff and changing diff on machines, tried taking machine, the one of 3 that has more invalid shares than the other 2 offline. nothing helps.... wondering why litecoinpool is different and what I could try to make others work.
pooler (OP)
February 08, 2016, 05:34:40 PM |
Hi all... just a weird issue. I have 3 farmboys by INNOSILICON using a2 chips. My issue is that litecoinpool is the only pool that my miners don't crash on. they have some invalid shares but will work day and night just fine. but any other pool they will just stop ... some pools within minutes .. some in hours. pools like supernova and all others like it they also have a variable diff, and I get about 50 to 95 percent Efficiency depending on coin. I haven't been able to get much help from innosilicon. tried changing to fixed diff and changing diff on machines, tried taking machine, the one of 3 that has more invalid shares than the other 2 offline. nothing helps.... wondering why litecoinpool is different and what I could try to make others work.
We don't do anything special protocol-wise, our Stratum implementation is proprietary but totally standards-compliant. You should probably contact the operators of the pools that you have trouble with, maybe by working together you can understand where the problem lies. I've done this before for Titan miners, which used to have very serious issues due to poor early firmware versions.
BTC: 15MRTcUweNVJbhTyH5rq9aeSdyigFrskqE · LTC: LTCPooLqTK1SANSNeTR63GbGwabTKEkuS7