June 11, 2014, 07:13:30 PM |
I think everyone needs to chill out and let people work together.
Whatever his motives, Chapelin is giving his time to this product, and we should be grateful for that.
At this point, with very few transaction, by scrubbing addresses and matching transactions in/out, he can find an address tied to the wallet.
So trying to say he is wrong - is wrong.
I would imagine if we treated him with a little more respect, he would probably do the same in return.
Once transactions pick up, it may be a lot harder to track those transactions, but by using his method - whatever it be, he most likely would be able to match the transaction, or at least narrow it down.
if the sent matches the received, it most likely will be able to be flagged if not by the eye, by a piece of software.
What do you mean treat him with a little more respect? He has been asked multiple times to prove the senders address and link on the blockchain to which he cannot do and changes the subject. If he wants respect then all he needs to do is provide what ATC has requested
June 11, 2014, 07:14:01 PM |
I really don't see chaeplan as here to help, i think he is a paid drk troll, purely here for fud. Luckily we have a pto active dev who is on the forums and here to show him up.. Great job atc.. You have the drk boys very worried
DASH #DashDC #DashIntoDigitalCash
June 11, 2014, 07:14:34 PM |
if the problem is low transaction amounts cant we all send some coin at same time same amount all over the place and dig in that pile ?
Join the revolution - XC - Decentralized Trustless Multi-Node Private Transactions
June 11, 2014, 07:14:55 PM |
I think everyone needs to chill out and let people work together.
Whatever his motives, Chapelin is giving his time to this product, and we should be grateful for that.
At this point, with very few transaction, by scrubbing addresses and matching transactions in/out, he can find an address tied to the wallet.
So trying to say he is wrong - is wrong.
I would imagine if we treated him with a little more respect, he would probably do the same in return.
Once transactions pick up, it may be a lot harder to track those transactions, but by using his method - whatever it be, he most likely would be able to match the transaction, or at least narrow it down.
if the sent matches the received, it most likely will be able to be flagged if not by the eye, by a piece of software.
but the issue he is making a statement he can't back up and he is confused on how the software works so he is assuming something and if he is correct, I would like to see the proof otherwise it is FUD the mixer doesn't use the multi-inputs from sender A to create the output to receiver B, if it does, he should be able to prove that Mixer just use output of wallet. And you can't deny. this is multi input.{ "txid": "d867cc969fb58137b08f6e27a31bd8ec06d917c708da8f7bbf338113c4db374b", "version": 1, "time": 1402507194, "locktime": 0, "vin": [ { "txid": "d2c432940715e034a0c51ef6360f5551f68566842bb2177ad9cc35900fadbb85", "vout": 1, "scriptSig": { "asm": "304502205fff64a5d2c8f45fe2bc2042edc7558b5d71cb33f07149aeadf4a473942206ca022100ad744025f57fb45ead65cbd15c30a3aa3727aff0bca818688f42737442aee61801 0372cf8b94c9f0a695e7fa84dc1bfd3bd4f06692418932df8183a011420fb423f4", "hex": "48304502205fff64a5d2c8f45fe2bc2042edc7558b5d71cb33f07149aeadf4a473942206ca022100ad744025f57fb45ead65cbd15c30a3aa3727aff0bca818688f42737442aee61801210372cf8b94c9f0a695e7fa84dc1bfd3bd4f06692418932df8183a011420fb423f4" }, "sequence": 4294967295 }, { "txid": "e2bbfdbfc87537bf9fff200bf69afe138d680698083950a2615058e2db4d2dbe", "vout": 1, "scriptSig": { "asm": 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June 11, 2014, 07:15:07 PM |
if the problem is low transaction amounts cant we all send some coin at same time same amount all over the place and dig in that pile ?
Even with the low TX amounts, he wasn't able to show the sender's address...
Join the revolution - XC - Decentralized Trustless Multi-Node Private Transactions
Sr. Member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
So much for "Community"
June 11, 2014, 07:15:56 PM |
Cryptogretzky, Dadon, DRRobert, Wevus, Evtrmm, Mikemikemike, Jestersdead, Greyskies, 520bit, Jasinlee, Teka, Pizpie and anyone else interested:
Huge differentiator XC MOBILE APP has been created (Android and IPhone) but not released - quick mobile transfer - balance checks - full control over keys - advanced QR code scanner - mixer support coming
If we want to do an exclusive launch with XC - message me in our IRC channel #XCofficial - I'm there as Alliance.
I spoke with the mobile app developer and he sees the potential in XC, likes the community, and may do it for a XC bounty. He was originally looking to do the launch with a different coin; however, if we can get in there quickly, it's ours.
+1 Is this the new XC "DARK" wallet. J/K
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
June 11, 2014, 07:16:08 PM |
I really don't see chaeplan as here to help, i think he is a paid drk troll, purely here for fud. Luckily we have a pto active dev who is on the forums and here to show him up.. Great job atc.. You have the drk boys very worried
Critics (or testers) arent supposed to help. they are supposed to point out problems. Once you are aware of the problems, you them fix them. Development 101
Activity: 1330
Merit: 1000
June 11, 2014, 07:16:23 PM |
if the problem is low transaction amounts cant we all send some coin at same time same amount all over the place and dig in that pile ?
Even with the low TX amounts, he wasn't able to show the sender's address... Thanks Dev, now it is time to get on right track--our further projects. nothing can stop XC
Activity: 66
Merit: 10
June 11, 2014, 07:16:43 PM |
Really? Good to know.
Anyway, You want hard link, that two address of mixer are connected. Right ?
yes Then code is right. Sending to real payee works good. Problem is received coins are reused. Proof : have to prove two address is related. XPpRHV6hWFDnQvNhu7WaRy6h6KfGkmx9Hb === XFY3XchgfA16dFv9pFVDTpCGg2q7TWUNtC Right ? ah but the received coins that are re-used at not from that transaction, it is from an earlier transaction through the mixer, so a different SENDER Right. not from that transaction. Used address by Mixer is related after all. In this case, txs are fewer, so very clear. It's related after 10 ~~ many blocks after. So I call it flaw. Ah, so there is no provable direct link thank you 1FzikiCbBUM2YnatvHS9ufJtrUqkmuMD8s is mine. okay show me the proof of link? is mine. the receivers address is XV49MnmtTirtZSQ2jtgisvNhNr6DduzCNu show the proof back to the original senders address otherwise your spreading FUD The bounty is still open until somebody proves the link... Don't you understand this ? I show you mixer address is related. Want more ? all your showing is the mixer address, the bounty is for showing a link from the original sender to the receiver address of XV49MnmtTirtZSQ2jtgisvNhNr6DduzCNu of course you can trace back to the mixer from the receiver address, but prove the sender's address and link ON THE BLOCKCHAIN Oh kiddding. Sender --- a add of mixer -- b add of mixer -- payee. It's in blockchain, a add of mixer == b add of mixer. okay so prove it if you want the bounty - but prove the sender's address and link ON THE BLOCKCHAIN Well I think you don't know anything about multi input. It's used in a input together. Ah, so you change topics when you can't prove the link from sender to receiver? Input An input is a reference to an output in a different transaction. Multiple inputs are often listed in a transaction. The values of the referenced outputs are added up, and the total is usable in the outputs of this transaction. Previous tx is a hash of a previous transaction. Index is the specific output in the referenced transaction. ScriptSig is the first half of a script (discussed in more detail later).
The script contains two components, a signature and a public key. The public key belongs to the redeemer of the output transaction and proves the creator is allowed to redeem the outputs value. The other component is an ECDSA signature over a hash of a simplified version of the transaction. It, combined with the public key, proves the transaction was created by the real owner of the address in question. Various flags define how the transaction is simplified and can be used to create different types of payment. pass-through mixer. A personal attack on ATCSecure isnt any proof, a link to Wiki isnt any proof, and saying the one who wrote this don't understand it is just hilarious. All Fud spreaders have one thing in common, if they cant convince you, they WILL attack you personal, and you are no exception! Just keep it on topic, and post the full proof, without any step missing.
June 11, 2014, 07:16:49 PM |
I really don't see chaeplan as here to help, i think he is a paid drk troll, purely here for fud. Luckily we have a pto active dev who is on the forums and here to show him up.. Great job atc.. You have the drk boys very worried
Critics (or testers) arent supposed to help. they are supposed to point out problems. Once you are aware of the problems, you them fix them. Development 101 correct but when you make a statement and then just show the mixer address and claim that links w/ the sender address without showing the sender address - how does that help?
Join the revolution - XC - Decentralized Trustless Multi-Node Private Transactions
June 11, 2014, 07:17:08 PM |
The fud is so obvious now its actually making us stronger lol
DASH #DashDC #DashIntoDigitalCash
June 11, 2014, 07:18:27 PM |
What doesn't FUD you only makes you stronger?
Your account locked, please contact support.
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
June 11, 2014, 07:18:32 PM |
I really don't see chaeplan as here to help, i think he is a paid drk troll, purely here for fud. Luckily we have a pto active dev who is on the forums and here to show him up.. Great job atc.. You have the drk boys very worried
He is famous for being a HUGE DRK FANBOY look at their threads... and ATCSECURE love to see the fire in you calling him out FUCK THESE FUDDERS XC FTW He doesnt appear to be fudding, he appears to have an actual point. Address the point he is making and explain why it isnt an issue. If you can do that, there wont be and Fear, Uncertainty or Doubt.
June 11, 2014, 07:19:03 PM |
Great news. No-one can prove the link so far. And this is only release 1. Wait until Ver2 with multipath and realtime encrypted messages. Plus our xnodes can be ran in ANY wallet. Unlike DRK where you set up a node on a VPS that can get hacked (someone lost 1000 DRK). Watch out DRK, we are coming for you
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
June 11, 2014, 07:19:28 PM |
In a real life situation you would not have an MD5 would you? All you would have is the incoming amount and TX ID. Therefore, I hashed the MD5 including the sender and receiver, and zipped it. It is there. the password will be available later - say 4 pm CST, so 3hr45mins from now.
he already posted something. check it now and if he somehow cracked the zip , you guys have to be kidding me evtrmm, where are you now. need you here. All chaeplin did was search for transactions that equal = 2.2, he failed to show any link between the two +1 like the last 500 test, so can you idiots please stop backstabbin your own dev for once. We aren't backstabbing anything. ATCSecure put a test out there. Actually I didn't put that test out there, that was done by evtrmm So far nobody has provided the source address for any test I have done +1 anyone care to provide an address just to get this pissing match over with please
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
June 11, 2014, 07:19:52 PM |
I really don't see chaeplan as here to help, i think he is a paid drk troll, purely here for fud. Luckily we have a pto active dev who is on the forums and here to show him up.. Great job atc.. You have the drk boys very worried
Critics (or testers) arent supposed to help. they are supposed to point out problems. Once you are aware of the problems, you them fix them. Development 101 correct but when you make a statement and then just show the mixer address and claim that links w/ the sender address without showing the sender address - how does that help? He isnt just showing the mixer address. He is able to tie the transaction to a specific wallet. That is a problem.
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
June 11, 2014, 07:20:28 PM |
Whitepaper? Design doc?
I'd like to research this stuff....but I don't see anything. I may be looking in the wrong places though.
June 11, 2014, 07:20:39 PM |
I really don't see chaeplan as here to help, i think he is a paid drk troll, purely here for fud. Luckily we have a pto active dev who is on the forums and here to show him up.. Great job atc.. You have the drk boys very worried
He is famous for being a HUGE DRK FANBOY look at their threads... and ATCSECURE love to see the fire in you calling him out FUCK THESE FUDDERS XC FTW He doesnt appear to be fudding, he appears to have an actual point. Address the point he is making and explain why it isnt an issue. If you can do that, there wont be and Fear, Uncertainty or Doubt. what is his point? the mixer address [output] used for this transaction is visible? well of course it yes, we aren't using quantum physics to send the coins, the issue is the mixers input address and original senders output address since we provided the "last leg"of the TX, he can only back trace to the mixer itself, so far he has NOT Proven anything else
Join the revolution - XC - Decentralized Trustless Multi-Node Private Transactions
June 11, 2014, 07:20:59 PM |
I really don't see chaeplan as here to help, i think he is a paid drk troll, purely here for fud. Luckily we have a pto active dev who is on the forums and here to show him up.. Great job atc.. You have the drk boys very worried
Critics (or testers) arent supposed to help. they are supposed to point out problems. Once you are aware of the problems, you them fix them. Development 101 correct but when you make a statement and then just show the mixer address and claim that links w/ the sender address without showing the sender address - how does that help? He isnt just showing the mixer address. He is able to tie the transaction to a specific wallet. That is a problem. that wallet is the MIXER wallet.. not the original senders wallet
Join the revolution - XC - Decentralized Trustless Multi-Node Private Transactions
Activity: 1330
Merit: 1000
June 11, 2014, 07:21:23 PM |
new fuds are coming!
do you have whitepaper, open-source?