August 25, 2015, 11:52:10 PM |
You must have rocks in your head if you think SC will fail, look at all the other Alts out there that have no purpose other than PnD. Does ANY other coin have a holdings company and full-time staff behind it? that regularly does equity drives and gets regularly mentioned on a show with 20 mil world viewers. Some people still dirty they held onto Maxcoin to long so keep on the Ponzi talk. It's all just angry troll FUD
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
August 26, 2015, 07:47:26 PM |
You must have rocks in your head if you think SC will fail, look at all the other Alts out there that have no purpose other than PnD. Does ANY other coin have a holdings company and full-time staff behind it? that regularly does equity drives and gets regularly mentioned on a show with 20 mil world viewers. Some people still dirty they held onto Maxcoin to long so keep on the Ponzi talk. It's all just angry troll FUD
Yup, and I'm hoping start does take off in due time. I mean we'll all prob be holding for another year or maybe even more and that's most likely the expected #MOON time for it, but hey if it's happens before I'm all for it!  Given the team, money, development and exposure behind it I don't see it disappearing like so many scam altcoins, it's prob the next to make/become something big. Now we must hope the value will do the same (if the manipulation even bloody stops! lol).
August 26, 2015, 11:23:41 PM |
You must have rocks in your head if you think SC will fail, look at all the other Alts out there that have no purpose other than PnD. Does ANY other coin have a holdings company and full-time staff behind it? that regularly does equity drives and gets regularly mentioned on a show with 20 mil world viewers. Some people still dirty they held onto Maxcoin to long so keep on the Ponzi talk. It's all just angry troll FUD
Yup, and I'm hoping start does take off in due time. I mean we'll all prob be holding for another year or maybe even more and that's most likely the expected #MOON time for it, but hey if it's happens before I'm all for it!  Given the team, money, development and exposure behind it I don't see it disappearing like so many scam altcoins, it's prob the next to make/become something big. Now we must hope the value will do the same (if the manipulation even bloody stops! lol). Well the SCH equity drive is supposed to be this week, then this morning I see a 100k buy wall floating around the 20k's I reakon that is getting ready for a flash fund, pushing the price up for it.
August 27, 2015, 10:30:00 AM |
I support startcoin , because most good coin the name that is startcoin that never disappoints price , will probably need some time to raise the price to 100k .
August 27, 2015, 11:54:46 AM |
Ouch I thought that 100k wall would get things moving, and someone dumped into it. Madness at that price, I think the best thing for SC will be the halving in 10 weeks, maybe sooner once the SMBS kicks in, maybe take a week off it
August 27, 2015, 12:42:58 PM |
Ouch I thought that 100k wall would get things moving, and someone dumped into it. Madness at that price, I think the best thing for SC will be the halving in 10 weeks, maybe sooner once the SMBS kicks in, maybe take a week off it
I didnt mind was surprised though :-)
*Image Removed*

Activity: 86
Merit: 10
August 28, 2015, 12:13:59 AM |
Lots of big players around. Coherent price speculation is not for the amatuer anymore. I've made my play and I'm sticking to it. The price will either go up, or down. I'm not going to waste any time worrying about it, or be swayed by devious plays designed to shake out spooked investors. 
August 28, 2015, 02:31:42 PM |
Lots of big players around. Coherent price speculation is not for the amatuer anymore. I've made my play and I'm sticking to it. The price will either go up, or down. I'm not going to waste any time worrying about it, or be swayed by devious plays designed to shake out spooked investors.  This is exactly how I feel. In fact, I stopped watching the market last week after I bought more. I don't give a rat's ass if it goes down because there WILL be growth in the future. In the short term anything can happen, and there's simply no use worrying about it. I'm in and I'm staying in. In a couple months it won't matter where it's been. The only people who will lose are the people who sell in times like this. Let's also remember that much of what's happening is related to fear in the BTC market. Those of us who have been around a few years know times like these come and go. You just have to ride them out and remind yourself that BTC and START are not going anywhere, and for the love of god, buy low, sell high. This is NOT when you sell. This is when you consider buying more.
August 28, 2015, 02:39:53 PM |
Lots of big players around. Coherent price speculation is not for the amatuer anymore. I've made my play and I'm sticking to it. The price will either go up, or down. I'm not going to waste any time worrying about it, or be swayed by devious plays designed to shake out spooked investors.  This is exactly how I feel. In fact, I stopped watching the market last week after I bought more. I don't give a rat's ass if it goes down because there WILL be growth in the future. In the short term anything can happen, and there's simply no use worrying about it. I'm in and I'm staying in. In a couple months it won't matter where it's been. The only people who will lose are the people who sell in times like this. Let's also remember that much of what's happening is related to fear in the BTC market. Those of us who have been around a few years know times like these come and go. You just have to ride them out and remind yourself that BTC and START are not going anywhere, and for the love of god, buy low, sell high. This is NOT when you sell. This is when you consider buying more. Agreed I just cant get my head around people selling at these prices so i brought a load yesterday Thanks Dumpers :-)
*Image Removed*

Activity: 79
Merit: 10
August 28, 2015, 11:52:17 PM |
Jamie has removed Startjoin from his twitter bio again what is going on ?
August 29, 2015, 07:49:07 AM |
Someone have some serious hashpower at Suchpool.
That guy that have "over" in all his usernames.
In START pool he have like 6015194KHs. Thats like 920+ R9 280x gpu:s... In DASH pool he have like 5775798KHs. Thats like 888+ R9 280 gpu:s...
Is that shit for real or is he mining with some secret x11 asic crap ? I mean, he is probably pulling around 361 000+w if he is using gpu:s
August 29, 2015, 08:27:04 AM |
Someone have some serious hashpower at Suchpool.
That guy that have "over" in all his usernames.
In START pool he have like 6015194KHs. Thats like 920+ R9 280x gpu:s... In DASH pool he have like 5775798KHs. Thats like 888+ R9 280 gpu:s...
Is that shit for real or is he mining with some secret x11 asic crap ? I mean, he is probably pulling around 361 000+w if he is using gpu:s
We discussed this before. I honestly think there are at least X11 fpga's around. Makes no sense to have that kind of GPU farm considering the low profibility.
August 29, 2015, 08:56:34 AM |
Someone have some serious hashpower at Suchpool.
That guy that have "over" in all his usernames.
In START pool he have like 6015194KHs. Thats like 920+ R9 280x gpu:s... In DASH pool he have like 5775798KHs. Thats like 888+ R9 280 gpu:s...
Is that shit for real or is he mining with some secret x11 asic crap ? I mean, he is probably pulling around 361 000+w if he is using gpu:s
We discussed this before. I honestly think there are at least X11 fpga's around. Makes no sense to have that kind of GPU farm considering the low profibility. Ah ok. Yeah i agree, unless he lives in a place where he got pretty much free electricity.

Activity: 79
Merit: 10
August 29, 2015, 06:39:25 PM |
24hr volume 10 BTC ? Whats going on here

Activity: 86
Merit: 10
August 30, 2015, 02:54:53 PM Last edit: August 30, 2015, 08:20:41 PM by Dave-ja-vu |
24hr volume 10 BTC ? Whats going on here
August Bank Holiday in UK and Europe - People spending during the main holiday period in the Northern hemisphere - end of Summer sales bargains to be had on the High Street - Children going back to school for the new academic year - expense after expense. Hardly anybody will have money left for investments for the next couple of weeks. Most cryptos are feeling this pinch. Make of that what you will. 
Piston Honda
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1068
Juicin' crypto
August 31, 2015, 05:15:29 PM |
good point, but again with fake market plays on all coins (START included) that only holds so much weight. those in power of the btc to make shit happen will do it when they feel it's right and to their benefit. but yeah anyway, START seems to be a longer term rather than short term play. with the name/power behind it...i don't see how it's still being held down so bad. wth. come on you fucks, make us rich already!  ----> what i'm sure most people in crypto are saying re. holding this coin LOL.
$ADK ~ watch & learn...
August 31, 2015, 06:54:46 PM |
good point, but again with fake market plays on all coins (START included) that only holds so much weight. those in power of the btc to make shit happen will do it when they feel it's right and to their benefit. but yeah anyway, START seems to be a longer term rather than short term play. with the name/power behind it...i don't see how it's still being held down so bad. wth. come on you fucks, make us rich already!  ----> what i'm sure most people in crypto are saying re. holding this coin LOL.
*Image Removed*
August 31, 2015, 10:29:12 PM |
on which exchange start coin have highest 24h volume ?