August 04, 2015, 02:39:15 PM |
The top wallet was 1 million. During the drop from 40k down to the mid 20s it went down to 850k. During this spike it dropped another 10k. Seems like we're fighting our way through a very large sell off by the top wallet on Bittrex.
August 04, 2015, 02:49:43 PM |
The top wallet was 1 million. During the drop from 40k down to the mid 20s it went down to 850k. During this spike it dropped another 10k. Seems like we're fighting our way through a very large sell off by the top wallet on Bittrex.
Isn't that the exchanges wallet? Largest wallet is usually own by Bittrex
August 04, 2015, 02:52:03 PM |
No, I mean the top wallet ON Bittrex. Under the distribution tab.
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
August 04, 2015, 02:53:16 PM |
The top wallet was 1 million. During the drop from 40k down to the mid 20s it went down to 850k. During this spike it dropped another 10k. Seems like we're fighting our way through a very large sell off by the top wallet on Bittrex.
Ha nice, yeah I noticed that too! Top wallet is not trex I don't think in this case. Anyways, whoever you are please dump it back down to 15-19k range so I can load up again! 
Sr. Member
Activity: 477
Merit: 250
Blockchain Just Entered The Real World
August 05, 2015, 02:50:48 PM |
startchat mobile app is doing quite well I guess.
August 06, 2015, 04:52:43 PM |
If I were Max Keiser I wouldn't be trying to pump the price. I'd be trying to stabilize the price. I also wouldn't want it to be common knowledge that I'm manipulating the price. Maybe what we're dealing with here is a stability fund. This shifts the playing field away from speculators and towards adopters. I think the game here is going to be playing the swings until it settles down and then finding greener pastures.
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1041
August 06, 2015, 08:24:57 PM |
If I were Max Keiser I wouldn't be trying to pump the price. I'd be trying to stabilize the price. I also wouldn't want it to be common knowledge that I'm manipulating the price. Maybe what we're dealing with here is a stability fund. This shifts the playing field away from speculators and towards adopters. I think the game here is going to be playing the swings until it settles down and then finding greener pastures.
I'd say right now is a great FREAKING TIME TO BUY! sub 24k.....
Piston Honda
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1068
Juicin' crypto
August 07, 2015, 01:45:44 AM |
START is so established yet it's funny how the pump and dump/manipulation happens as usual like any coin and subsequent bagholders many insiders in this scene get to make all the right moves while the rest are hung out to dry . have to wait for mercy of it to go back up...hopefully startcoin doesnt take another many manyyyy months to move up high again. devs seem to work (max and all) but it doesn't reflect in the price...why? well i'm sure those that know can figure it out......... yes it's "cheaper" not CHEAP persay...i'm hoping it craps itself back down to like 10k sats lol, then load up! seems tho it can't go much under 18k ... still decent but in IF it's supposed to be such a huge value (still waitinnnggg)  - who knows how my the original devs hold 
$ADK ~ watch & learn...
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
August 07, 2015, 06:32:00 AM |
I think the simplest explanation is best. It is not manipulation by whales. It is the miners. The miners mine 50,000+ coins per day. Rewards etc every Friday average about 40k (so not very substantial compared to mining). Every so often a wave of new people or existing folks with extra cash get excited and want to buy up more or buy up for the first time cause they think START is great idea. When these new people come in it is often because of a lot of buzz and things happening with startjoin and the ecosystem. This investor buying gets crowded and prices start to rocket up until everyone who wants to get in gets in. Real simple. Then we are ALL LONG but the miners keep selling (Prob not 50k per day but maybe 30K). Price dips a little or a more short term trader sells believing it is top then this dominoes all the way down. The coin has growing interest and people are buying with each wave of action but not enough to crush that 50k per day mining.
Good news. Around Oct 20th. the mining block reward will go from 40 per block to 20 so the 50 per day should go 25k and everything will change.
August 07, 2015, 07:29:27 PM |

Activity: 79
Merit: 10
August 07, 2015, 10:54:31 PM |
Those of us lucky enough to see where startcoin is going will benefit greatly by owning as much as we can afford to buy, i am all in no more spare money to invest. Reading Karl's blog i got very excited imagine what startjoin will become when projects on the leaderboard get funded every week, and once a year all listed projects get funded WOW ! Startcoin right now is so undervalued its unbelievable, a year from now or sooner a lot of startcoin investors are going to be really rich, Startjoin is going to be bigger than any of us can imagine. If you are trading this coin be careful you don't sell all your stash and are not fit to buy back in, once this coin takes off there will no stopping it, trade as you please and make profit if you can but my advice is to keep some don't sell all. Once StartFund kicks off and it becomes public knowledge and media reports it startcoin is going to rise rise and rise no stopping it.
August 07, 2015, 11:57:39 PM |
Buy pressure won't begin to exceed the constant sell pressure, or what I call 'headwind', until the 18-20k range. We're not going anywhere without major investors coming in, and the first signs of them doing that is in that range. The question is, how much of that support needs to be filled before the buy pressure significantly exceeds the headwind? I'm not 'all in' until 20k, max.

Activity: 79
Merit: 10
August 08, 2015, 12:17:03 AM |
Buy pressure won't begin to exceed the constant sell pressure, or what I call 'headwind', until the 18-20k range. We're not going anywhere without major investors coming in, and the first signs of them doing that is in that range. The question is, how much of that support needs to be filled before the buy pressure significantly exceeds the headwind? I'm not 'all in' until 20k, max.
Good points , i have been going all in since 30k and it kept dropping every time i bought but it didn't really annoy me that much i am happy a have the coins now and they are into storage for now , i don't trade much as i never win. I think once StartFund begins we will get the big investors, it should turn StartJoin into a massive site when people realise if they list on the site they have a chance to get on leaderboard and them same people will promote their campaign like mad to get on the leaderboard therefore making more people aware of Startjoin-Startcoin. As with everything it will all happen pretty much overnight i mean the investors coming in and the massive price rises. Karl Gray has not given a date as when the fund will begin as he probably doesn't know for sure, once it does its going to be fantastic i am sure for all of us and all the crowdfunders getting full funding to start their businesses etc.
August 08, 2015, 12:33:40 AM |
Add to that, headwinds don't decrease over the weekend. Mining continues at a steady pace while volume drops, decreasing the buy pressure. Furthermore you have people selling their free coins from StartJoin. We'll probably see the bottom on Sunday. I'll want to be bought in before Monday morning.

Activity: 79
Merit: 10
August 08, 2015, 12:46:27 AM |
I need to get more coins where can i raise the funds i am thinking lol
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
August 08, 2015, 03:05:35 AM |
Those of us lucky enough to see where startcoin is going will benefit greatly by owning as much as we can afford to buy, i am all in no more spare money to invest. Reading Karl's blog i got very excited imagine what startjoin will become when projects on the leaderboard get funded every week, and once a year all listed projects get funded WOW ! Startcoin right now is so undervalued its unbelievable, a year from now or sooner a lot of startcoin investors are going to be really rich, Startjoin is going to be bigger than any of us can imagine. If you are trading this coin be careful you don't sell all your stash and are not fit to buy back in, once this coin takes off there will no stopping it, trade as you please and make profit if you can but my advice is to keep some don't sell all. Once StartFund kicks off and it becomes public knowledge and media reports it startcoin is going to rise rise and rise no stopping it.
I am a stickler for details and wanted to mention something before the rumour mill keeps potential falsehoods alive. Which could lead to unnecessary disappointment in the future. Regarding the quote above which states the leaderboard will be funded weekly and all projects get funded once per year. If you read carefully it does not say those things. In the past Karl did say the leader board projects would get fully funded but I think he said monthly in either case in this article it does not say how often but yes it does say leader board will get fully funded. It does not say that once per year all projects will get fully funded it says they will be backed. I am sure it will be a generous backing and awesome for the start ecosystem but backed could mean simply that everyone gets $1. FYI. Been reading his stuff a lot and IMHO I believe Karl chooses his language very carefully. Lastly, i not saying he won't do it the way you say. I am just saying that the wording is not promising that.
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
August 08, 2015, 03:09:13 AM |
I need to get more coins where can i raise the funds i am thinking lol
so start is your chooice ?
August 08, 2015, 12:07:10 PM |
*Image Removed*
August 08, 2015, 06:37:48 PM |
In advance of Startcoin being listed on a Chinese exchange, over the next 36hrs will be giving away some of these on Startjoin and Startpeeps, they are the same as those to be distributed in China apart from being in English . 
*Image Removed*
August 08, 2015, 07:08:22 PM |
That, ladies and gents, means the bottom has officially been reached 