Hi eXtremal,
I`m with Win10 388.31 drivers, all cards are on 85% TPD +150 core 500 memory and 1060-6 are with 0.21 cpd , 1070 are with 0.31, 1070 ti with 0.34 cpd . What is TPD on your tests? Do you think 388.31 is the reason?
I use stock settings, not used any overclock utility.
What is it TPD? Do you mean TDP or power limit?
Drivers 388.31 not tested (only 390.xx and 397.31), and it can be reason of low performance, we don't have enough statistics for NVidia.
Windows 10 x64, Nvidia 1080 x2, drivers 397.31, EWBF's Zcash CUDA miner. 0.3.4b works on my system.
I used the default config as it seems proper for Nvidia, and tried disabling all but first 2 devices in the config but same results. Anything for me to try?
Error 999 on initialization (cuInit CUDA driver call) is "unknown error", NVidia does not provide documentation about it. Google founds some discussion.. reason of this error usually broken driver installation and conflicts with other software (but google found nothing about Windows 10, only Linux issues). You can try cleanup and reinstall drivers, try 390.76 and run miner with administrator rights.