Activity: 924
Merit: 1060
November 28, 2014, 03:21:38 PM |
You must hand it to them, the creativity of these guys, personally I cannot make heads or tails of what it is they are saying, other than it sounds like nothing more than an interest bearing bank account or short term certificate of deposit. Massively wrapped up balloons and bows and layers upon layers of gift wrap paper.
No idea what they are on about. Some one smarter will have to wade through all that and perhaps wrap it up in a nutshell for the rest of us.
Activity: 1246
Merit: 1024
November 28, 2014, 03:36:01 PM |
You must hand it to them, the creativity of these guys, personally I cannot make heads or tails of what it is they are saying, other than it sounds like nothing more than an interest bearing bank account or short term certificate of deposit. Massively wrapped up balloons and bows and layers upon layers of gift wrap paper.
No idea what they are on about. Some one smarter will have to wade through all that and perhaps wrap it up in a nutshell for the rest of us.
What I can figure out is that each one you buy will "stake" one Paycoin but you can never take the Paycoin. Just get the staking reward as if you were staking a real Paycoin. So I think you will get .05 Paycoin a year per Staker. Can buy one or 5,000 of them. So generous of them. Or after buying the staker do you have to load Paycoins into it to get it staking???
Activity: 924
Merit: 1060
November 28, 2014, 03:39:21 PM |
Verbose and drivel is the only thing that comes to mind when trying to read all of that. I put up a copy of it here since their site is constantly down if anyone is mildly curious to see what they are on about http://pastebin.com/jb96iVheI suspect I will print it all out and wipe my doggies ass with it.
November 28, 2014, 03:43:35 PM |
Between all the typos and words run together I cannot makes heads or tails of what they are selling. It looks to me just to be a scheme to fleece more money out of all the minions on Hashtalk who seem to worship GAW and it's troll CEO. If anyone can explain what it is supposed to be except for a semi-elaborate Ponsi scheme, please enlighten me. 
Activity: 1246
Merit: 1024
November 28, 2014, 03:46:30 PM |
Verbose and drivel is the only thing that comes to mind when trying to read all of that. I put up a copy of it here since their site is constantly down if anyone is mildly curious to see what they are on about http://pastebin.com/jb96iVheI suspect I will print it all out and wipe my doggies ass with it. Lots of typos also. So you are paying $9.95 per coin slot for three months, or $17.95 per coin slot for six months for the privilege of staking your Paycoin with the "Prime" controllers. No way you are going to make back what you paid them for the honor of staking your bogus Paycoins. Anyone who buys them is a moron. Have to buy a slot per Paycoin you want to stake. WTF!!!
Activity: 1364
Merit: 1000
November 28, 2014, 03:53:52 PM |
They are available on Zencloud, just to let you know...
November 28, 2014, 03:57:42 PM |
in case you want a more censored moderate version of this thread, go to hashtalk to drown out the truth make use of the "ignore" function to drown out background noise. There is enough viable and accurate information on this thread to be able to come to educated conclusions without having people shout in your ears about what you should think or do.
Correct Funny. You seem to oppose censorship, but at the same time you do not refrain from manipulating quotes without indicating that you did. Double standards?
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
November 28, 2014, 03:59:26 PM Last edit: November 28, 2014, 04:15:21 PM by CryptoApparel |
Hashstaker is a cloud wallet, only used to stake paycoins. So if you were hoping for something new for mining, this is useless. If you don't know what staking is check of this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1HqLudciVUStaking is a pure gamble to keep people to hold their coins. You put a paycoin into the a hashstaker and it sits in the wallet for a period of time. After said period is over you may or may not receive more coins. How to profit of GAW and their new coin? Just buy primes and mine paycoins. The main people there are going to buy them are big investors that want Prime Controllers. They need at least 1% of all the coins in circuit to bid on one. So they will be the main consumers. As of right now GAW will apparently putting millions into get their own. GAW = CONFUSING?  ?
November 28, 2014, 04:12:23 PM |
in case you want a more censored moderate version of this thread, go to hashtalk to drown out the truth make use of the "ignore" function to drown out background noise. There is enough viable and accurate information on this thread to be able to come to educated conclusions without having people shout in your ears about what you should think or do.
Correct Funny. You seem to oppose censorship, but at the same time you do not refrain from manipulating quotes without indicating that you did. Double standards? He's just a troll. Look a few pages back and you'll see him writing consecutive posts and just quoting others, because he has nothing to add. I remember he used to be banned for spamming months ago, and is still doing the same thing.
November 28, 2014, 04:13:06 PM |
Hashstaker is a cloud wallet, only used to stake paycoins. So if you were hoping for something new for mining, this is useless. If you don't know what staking is check of this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1HqLudciVUStaking is a pure gamble to keep people to hold their coins. You put a paycoin into the a hashstaker and it sits in the wallet for a period of time. After said period is over you may or may not receive more coins. Isn't that like paying for the right to earn interest in this case? Not sure I understand what this will provide to the owner beside a possible speculation value for now... My understanding (which may or may not be accurate): - No premine and GAW is going to compete with everyone on day one to earn the ICO coins and distribute them to everyone.
- This would imply Hashpoint to Paycoin conversion will take a while since GAW needs to earn them first
- You buy a HashStaker now for 3/6 months
- But you won't get your coins on day 1, GAW has to mine them first
- What am I going to stake? Wouldn't I be paying for a right to earn interest on a nearly nonexistent balance for a while?
Am I getting this right?
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1060
November 28, 2014, 04:26:35 PM |
in case you want a more censored moderate version of this thread, go to hashtalk to drown out the truth make use of the "ignore" function to drown out background noise. There is enough viable and accurate information on this thread to be able to come to educated conclusions without having people shout in your ears about what you should think or do.
Correct Funny. You seem to oppose censorship, but at the same time you do not refrain from manipulating quotes without indicating that you did. Double standards? He's just a troll. Look a few pages back and you'll see him writing consecutive posts and just quoting others, because he has nothing to add. I remember he used to be banned for spamming months ago, and is still doing the same thing. If you were used to telling the truth you'd say I was never banned
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1060
November 28, 2014, 04:27:32 PM |
in case you want a more censored moderate version of this thread, go to hashtalk to drown out the truth make use of the "ignore" function to drown out background noise. There is enough viable and accurate information on this thread to be able to come to educated conclusions without having people shout in your ears about what you should think or do.
Correct Funny. You seem to oppose censorship, but at the same time you do not refrain from manipulating quotes without indicating that you did. Double standards? It just sounds like you don't know what censorship is
suchmoon (OP)
Activity: 3962
Merit: 9209
November 28, 2014, 04:30:06 PM |
You must hand it to them, the creativity of these guys, personally I cannot make heads or tails of what it is they are saying, other than it sounds like nothing more than an interest bearing bank account or short term certificate of deposit. Massively wrapped up balloons and bows and layers upon layers of gift wrap paper.
No idea what they are on about. Some one smarter will have to wade through all that and perhaps wrap it up in a nutshell for the rest of us.
What I can figure out is that each one you buy will "stake" one Paycoin but you can never take the Paycoin. Just get the staking reward as if you were staking a real Paycoin. So I think you will get .05 Paycoin a year per Staker. Can buy one or 5,000 of them. So generous of them. Or after buying the staker do you have to load Paycoins into it to get it staking??? It sounds as if you're renting a "staking wallet": Step 1: Select # of Coin Slots and Prime Cycle duration when buying your HashStaker. (durations are $9.95 for 3 months and $17.95 for 6 months) Step 2: Buy Paycoins at Paycoin.com and send them from your wallet to your HashStaker’s address to load them. This activates your HashStaker†. (You can't do that yet, and there is a footnote missing). Step3: Enjoy Payouts. Your HashStaker stakes every day, giving you daily Paycoin payouts based on the number of Paycoins inside your HashStaker wallet. I'm not sure if that means your HashStaker will have to be renewed/repurchased after 3 or 6 months, or the duration means something else. The concept sounds utterly ridiculous to me. Paying for a wallet to hold your coins? That is indeed changing crypto-currencies forever.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1060
November 28, 2014, 04:30:10 PM |
Funny they promise $4 to $20 https://paycoin.com/icoThat's called securities fraud
Activity: 1246
Merit: 1024
November 28, 2014, 04:34:25 PM |
You must hand it to them, the creativity of these guys, personally I cannot make heads or tails of what it is they are saying, other than it sounds like nothing more than an interest bearing bank account or short term certificate of deposit. Massively wrapped up balloons and bows and layers upon layers of gift wrap paper.
No idea what they are on about. Some one smarter will have to wade through all that and perhaps wrap it up in a nutshell for the rest of us.
What I can figure out is that each one you buy will "stake" one Paycoin but you can never take the Paycoin. Just get the staking reward as if you were staking a real Paycoin. So I think you will get .05 Paycoin a year per Staker. Can buy one or 5,000 of them. So generous of them. Or after buying the staker do you have to load Paycoins into it to get it staking??? It sounds as if you're renting a "staking wallet": Step 1: Select # of Coin Slots and Prime Cycle duration when buying your HashStaker. (durations are $9.95 for 3 months and $17.95 for 6 months) Step 2: Buy Paycoins at Paycoin.com and send them from your wallet to your HashStaker’s address to load them. This activates your HashStaker†. (You can't do that yet, and there is a footnote missing). Step3: Enjoy Payouts. Your HashStaker stakes every day, giving you daily Paycoin payouts based on the number of Paycoins inside your HashStaker wallet. I'm not sure if that means your HashStaker will have to be renewed/repurchased after 3 or 6 months, or the duration means something else. The concept sounds utterly ridiculous to me. Paying for a wallet to hold your coins? That is indeed changing crypto-currencies forever. Yes, the number of HashStakers is limited each round. After the three or six month period they expire and you have to buy new ones again. If PayCoin increases in value the cost of the HashStakers will go up. ROI on 3 month staker supposed be 2.5 months and on 6 month staker 4.5 months. So .5 month or 1.5 months "profit."
suchmoon (OP)
Activity: 3962
Merit: 9209
November 28, 2014, 04:35:35 PM |
hi all , I ve been away for little time . tryied to read all the post but it's confusing . They were supposed to convert hashpoint to paycoin , but so far my account on zenpool still show hashpoint . I know it has been delayed but he date of the ICO is still the same here : https://paycoin.com/icoSome news about that ?? what about the primes ?? i saw price are going up on the market , why ? I red something about an offer to convert prime to the new miner for paycoin . or do they use prime to mine paycoin ? I'm kind of lost here Haspoint to PayCoin conversion has been postponed till the end of Round 2, which would be December 4. They did not update the official timeline. Primes went up because of the PayBase announcement (PayBase is a sort of a PayPal+CoinBase hybrid, a payment processor). Primes will gain some new features, which we are still trying to figure out, the whole HashStaker thing is confusing, but Primes are supposed to be able to do the same thing as the HashStaker.
Activity: 924
Merit: 1060
November 28, 2014, 04:36:46 PM |
I think what it is in reality is, is snake oil. The author himself said it yesterday or before, when someone had the audacity to ask for more information before today, as to what exactly it is we are buying; the response was, well you can't have details of something that has been offered yet, and you can either buy it tomorrow or not. Our customers trust us and believe we deliver what we promise, so there. Trust me and buy it or don't. Then take a bucket of horseshit that can be summed up in one paragraph and pay someone to expand it and draw it all out in to muddled form to the tune of 200 lines for 4, so by the time a rocket scientist has had a chance to analyze it, Grandpa and Grandma, cluck to each other, ooh I do not understand a word of it but sure looks impressive, and that nice church going Joshua is so handsome, honey lets sink our life savings into this. 
suchmoon (OP)
Activity: 3962
Merit: 9209
November 28, 2014, 04:38:34 PM |
Yes, the number of HashStakers is limited each round. After the three or six month period they expire and you have to buy new ones again. If PayCoin increases in value the cost of the HashStakers will go up. ROI on 3 month staker supposed be 2.5 months and on 6 month staker 4.5 months. So .5 month or 1.5 months "profit."
Can you post a link where those ROI numbers a coming from? It sounds crazy that a $20 coin can earn $10 in interest in 2.5 months.
Activity: 1246
Merit: 1024
November 28, 2014, 04:40:56 PM |
Yes, the number of HashStakers is limited each round. After the three or six month period they expire and you have to buy new ones again. If PayCoin increases in value the cost of the HashStakers will go up. ROI on 3 month staker supposed be 2.5 months and on 6 month staker 4.5 months. So .5 month or 1.5 months "profit."
Can you post a link where those ROI numbers a coming from? It sounds crazy that a $20 coin can earn $10 in interest in 2.5 months. It was here: https://hashtalk.org/topic/20275/the-hashstaker-is-hereBut now coming up a 500 internal error. I had to reboot computer and did not PDF the page before rebooting.