True Genius At Work is how I make business decisions :
Always start with what you know, then work backwards. Fill in the gaps with information that's consistent with the facts you do know.
Ones’ self-constructed “facts” are subjective and cannot be quantified based on assumptions. This why in business school and just about any college you need the learn the scientific approach to address and properly make “educated” business decisions based on proven components derived from research and repeatable/demonstrable conclusions.
So what do we know. We know that btc does not have a single, well funded entity, to create adoption at the rate we would like to see. We know that it is unstable. We know that it's dropped in value by almost half this year.
1. You need to end your first sentence with a “?”…
2. The Bitcoin ecosystem is its OWN decentralized and very well-funded, self-supporting entity. That is the primary benefit and goal of ALL successful cryptocurrencies.
3. Adoption rate “we” would like to see? Who is “we” and how is BTC’s multi-year growth rate anything other than historically positive? It’s almost half its value this year? Incorrect, Mr. GAW. You cannot conclude the value of anything is up or down when the market dynamic is still fluid and changing daily. If all markets were to close tonight and set a “final” BTC set-market-value, that would be the only measure to determine if the ORIGINAL BTC value is up or down and since we do know what it started at years ago, my bet is on the UP ticker. Again, educate yourself and do the research, sir.
On the XPY side, we don't know any of those things. We simple do not know them because it's too early.
The reads like a personal problem to me. In my opinion, only improperly planned and poorly executed schemes that have no structure or project management practices tied to them result in a comment as uninspiring as that statement.
So that's how I would look at it. If btc has met your expectations, then I would stick with it. But if it has has not, why not consider something that's never let you down before.
1. Again, you need that “?”…
2. BTC, along with LTC, Dogecoin, and many other REAL cryptos are doing just fine, thank you.
3. Never let me down before (where is that “?” key!) Haaa.. that ship has already sailed, Mr. GAW, and your name is already on it.
I believe in every thing crypto stands for, and I think XPY is the breath of fresh air we have been waiting for.
If this statement was true or had even a remote possibility of being sincere, you would close your shop and re-educate yourself in what the REAL cryptocurrency arena is, how it functions, and what/who really sustains it.