hello guys so long didnt catch con
how much i got stake with 100k con ??
It depends, 1st decide the size of your input blocks - large blocks of 1,000 coins will stake faster
but, you only get 30 coins return on your 1,000 coins. smaller blocks, such as, 300 or 400 coins
take longer to build weight but, a 30 coin return on 300 coins is pretty nice. I recommend a mix of sizes.
I use 300 coins to 800 coins with the majority around 550 - 600.
Hard to predict how many stakes you will get because there is time, other bag holders and luck.
A wild guess, once you age your coins and build up weight, would be 10 to 12 stakes per day of 30 coins each
per 100,000 coins. I base that on the last 3 months for me. A note: when I used large coin blocks (1,000 +),
I had a much lower return.