Here are the Raspberry Pi wallets for PayCon based on the commit just before TOR. TOR requires 64bit and since arm7 is 32bit the TOR portion of the code cannot run on Pi. Both the dynamic Qt and headless daemon (command line) wallets are included as well as a static headless daemon wallet. The static wallet has the advantage that you do not need to install dependencies before running the wallet.
1) Always backup your wallet.dat first before you do anything
2) The wallet was built on a Raspberry Pi2 (ARM7) running Raspbian Wheezy and the instructions and scripts assume you are running as user "pi".
3) Installation directory where the binaries are installed is ~/opt/PayCon or /home/pi/opt/PayCon
4) If you decide to instal the dynamic wallets, all that is needed is to execute the dynamic command below on your Pi in a terminal window and afterwards you need to click on the PayCon icon on your desktop to launch the Qt wallet or go to the directory with the wallets and run the daemon (PayCond) with the options you want at the command prompt or in a terminal window
5) An Internet connection is required for the installation
6) A bootstrap.dat is available to fast track the blockchain sync - up to block 293520. The installation script does not force the install of the bootstrap.dat as it is 100MB. You need to manually download it, unzip it and place the bootstrap.dat in the ~/.PayCon folder.
7) The bootstrap.dat also works for Windows wallets. Windows users just have to copy the bootstrap.dat file into their c\users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\paycon folder and run the Win client again
8.) You need at least an 8GB memory card for the dynamic wallets, but the static wallet can run on a 4GB card.
9) The installation itself takes about 30-45min on an out-of-the-box Pi
10) You cannot just download the dynamic wallets, you have to run the script to get the dependencies as well else it will not run. You can however just download the static wallet and run it. Note that the Qt wallet will crash the first time it is loaded but just run it a second time then it will work from there on forward.
11) The installation script does not enable the UFW firewall by default. If you want to enable it, uncomment the UFW lines in the script and add the port you want open and run it again or enable it manually by running the UFW commands as in the script with the correct port numbers.
12) Always verify the checksums when you download files to make sure it was downloaded ok. To verify the checksums on your Pi, go to the ~/opt/PayCon folder and execute sha256sum <filename> and md5sum <filename> and compare the values with the values in the checksums.txt file. Do the same for the bootstrap.dat
Users will be familiar with the Qt wallet as it works like a Qt wallet in Windows. Instructions to use the headless command line daemon wallet:
1) Since you the installation script created a PayCon.conf file with the startup settings in it, go to the folder with the binaries ~/opt/PayCon and enter ./PayCond in a terminal window to start the server
2) After the blockchain has been imported you can enter the normal wallet commands that you would as in a Windows debug console preceded with ./PayCond eg. ./PayCond getinfo
3) Remember to always make a backup of your wallet.dat file before you do anything like encrypting it
4) To encrypt your wallet run the command ./PayCond encryptwallet <yourpassword>
Let me know about any issues that you may encounter.
To kickstart the installation execute one of the following commands at the command prompt or in a terminal window on your Pi, depending if you want to install the static wallet or the dynamic wallets.
Static wallet:
wget && chmod +x && ./ && rm -f
Dynamic wallets:
wget && chmod +x && ./ && rm -f
Direct links:
Link to
static wallet installation scriptLink to
dynamic wallet installation scriptLink to
static PayCond wallet (rename PayConds to PayCond)
Link to
dynamic PayCon-qt walletLink to
dynamic PayCond walletLink to
virustotal scan for static PayCondLink to
virustotal scan for dynamic PayCon-qtLink to
virustotal scan for dynamic PayCondLink to
bootstrap.dat up to block 293520 (100MB)
Link to