Crestington (OP)
Activity: 882
Merit: 1024
August 03, 2015, 10:47:25 AM |
Help! my con wallet is broke, when I start it this comes up
MinGW Runtime Assertion
Assertion failed!
Program: c:\Users\PayCon-qt-win-2-0-0\PayCon-qt.exe File:src\kernel.cpp, Line 429
Expression: pindex->pprev || Pindex->GetBlockHash()== (!fTestNet?hashGenesisBlock:hashGenesisBlockTestNet)
Have you run the wallet before? or had previous versions? yes, been running CON for ages I'm not sure the root of it off hand, this is the piece it is referring to as the Stake modifier. // Get stake modifier checksum unsigned int GetStakeModifierChecksum(const CBlockIndex* pindex) { assert (pindex->pprev || pindex->GetBlockHash() == (!fTestNet ? hashGenesisBlock : hashGenesisBlockTestNet)); // Hash previous checksum with flags, hashProofOfStake and nStakeModifier CDataStream ss(SER_GETHASH, 0); if (pindex->pprev) ss << pindex->pprev->nStakeModifierChecksum; ss << pindex->nFlags << pindex->hashProofOfStake << pindex->nStakeModifier; uint256 hashChecksum = Hash(ss.begin(), ss.end()); hashChecksum >>= (256 - 32); return hashChecksum.Get64(); } It will fix the problem to move your wallet out of your roaming folder, delete the Blockchain and resync and then once fully synced, to replace the empty wallet with the one containing your balance. I'll update the bootstrap and full Blockchain downloads when I wake up, is there anything you did differently?
Jr. Member
Activity: 42
Merit: 10
August 03, 2015, 11:01:29 AM |
Help! my con wallet is broke, when I start it this comes up
MinGW Runtime Assertion
Assertion failed!
Program: c:\Users\PayCon-qt-win-2-0-0\PayCon-qt.exe File:src\kernel.cpp, Line 429
Expression: pindex->pprev || Pindex->GetBlockHash()== (!fTestNet?hashGenesisBlock:hashGenesisBlockTestNet)
Have you run the wallet before? or had previous versions? yes, been running CON for ages I'm not sure the root of it off hand, this is the piece it is referring to as the Stake modifier. // Get stake modifier checksum unsigned int GetStakeModifierChecksum(const CBlockIndex* pindex) { assert (pindex->pprev || pindex->GetBlockHash() == (!fTestNet ? hashGenesisBlock : hashGenesisBlockTestNet)); // Hash previous checksum with flags, hashProofOfStake and nStakeModifier CDataStream ss(SER_GETHASH, 0); if (pindex->pprev) ss << pindex->pprev->nStakeModifierChecksum; ss << pindex->nFlags << pindex->hashProofOfStake << pindex->nStakeModifier; uint256 hashChecksum = Hash(ss.begin(), ss.end()); hashChecksum >>= (256 - 32); return hashChecksum.Get64(); } It will fix the problem to move your wallet out of your roaming folder, delete the Blockchain and resync and then once fully synced, to replace the empty wallet with the one containing your balance. I'll update the bootstrap and full Blockchain downloads when I wake up, is there anything you did differently? thanks for that. I was kind of hoping to not have to re-download the blockchain. The only change I made was to not have Paycon start at login.
Crestington (OP)
Activity: 882
Merit: 1024
August 03, 2015, 05:59:32 PM |
Help! my con wallet is broke, when I start it this comes up
MinGW Runtime Assertion
Assertion failed!
Program: c:\Users\PayCon-qt-win-2-0-0\PayCon-qt.exe File:src\kernel.cpp, Line 429
Expression: pindex->pprev || Pindex->GetBlockHash()== (!fTestNet?hashGenesisBlock:hashGenesisBlockTestNet)
Have you run the wallet before? or had previous versions? yes, been running CON for ages I'm not sure the root of it off hand, this is the piece it is referring to as the Stake modifier. // Get stake modifier checksum unsigned int GetStakeModifierChecksum(const CBlockIndex* pindex) { assert (pindex->pprev || pindex->GetBlockHash() == (!fTestNet ? hashGenesisBlock : hashGenesisBlockTestNet)); // Hash previous checksum with flags, hashProofOfStake and nStakeModifier CDataStream ss(SER_GETHASH, 0); if (pindex->pprev) ss << pindex->pprev->nStakeModifierChecksum; ss << pindex->nFlags << pindex->hashProofOfStake << pindex->nStakeModifier; uint256 hashChecksum = Hash(ss.begin(), ss.end()); hashChecksum >>= (256 - 32); return hashChecksum.Get64(); } It will fix the problem to move your wallet out of your roaming folder, delete the Blockchain and resync and then once fully synced, to replace the empty wallet with the one containing your balance. I'll update the bootstrap and full Blockchain downloads when I wake up, is there anything you did differently? thanks for that. I was kind of hoping to not have to re-download the blockchain. The only change I made was to not have Paycon start at login. Oh well it shouldn't be too bad, I've made a current copy of the Blockchain in a zip file along with a PayCon.conf file containing current .onion nodes, just make sure you add an RPC username and password to the .conf file.!FsNm0YBb!bPE-Bs2u4sR0EuDn2Vd8SudOJkTtZ2FQtXOz77SXpe8
August 03, 2015, 08:15:28 PM |
I get orphans from time to time as well however I turned off notifications for several of my coins so I will not get any notifications and this has helped tremendously not just with con but just about all my coins.I dont know if that is really an issue but It has helped.
Anyone know how to disable them on a PI? I'm not sure I haven't used a PI but I want to. AngelLox is the guy to talk to, he is super good at building on the PI and has the most experience there. Well I have no idea how to do that, try messing with the preferences, there should be something there. I know that in a gnome desktop enviroment there is a little switch in the notification panel but i don't recall lxde having one. I also recently got away from my pi, due to some system and hardware limitations. Though i'm not sure notifications are the bad guy that makes you get a lot of orphans. I suggest tuning in your time with ntp and getting a good amount of connections. Also, if you get 2-3 orphans every day it isn't that big of a deal.
Activity: 1638
Merit: 1013
August 03, 2015, 09:14:56 PM |
Here are the Raspberry Pi wallets for PayCon based on the commit just before TOR. TOR requires 64bit and since arm7 is 32bit the TOR portion of the code cannot run on Pi. Both the dynamic Qt and headless daemon (command line) wallets are included as well as a static headless daemon wallet. The static wallet has the advantage that you do not need to install dependencies before running the wallet. Important: 1) Always backup your wallet.dat first before you do anything 2) The wallet was built on a Raspberry Pi2 (ARM7) running Raspbian Wheezy and the instructions and scripts assume you are running as user "pi". 3) Installation directory where the binaries are installed is ~/opt/PayCon or /home/pi/opt/PayCon 4) If you decide to instal the dynamic wallets, all that is needed is to execute the dynamic command below on your Pi in a terminal window and afterwards you need to click on the PayCon icon on your desktop to launch the Qt wallet or go to the directory with the wallets and run the daemon (PayCond) with the options you want at the command prompt or in a terminal window 5) An Internet connection is required for the installation 6) A bootstrap.dat is available to fast track the blockchain sync - up to block 293520. The installation script does not force the install of the bootstrap.dat as it is 100MB. You need to manually download it, unzip it and place the bootstrap.dat in the ~/.PayCon folder. 7) The bootstrap.dat also works for Windows wallets. Windows users just have to copy the bootstrap.dat file into their c\users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\paycon folder and run the Win client again 8.) You need at least an 8GB memory card for the dynamic wallets, but the static wallet can run on a 4GB card. 9) The installation itself takes about 30-45min on an out-of-the-box Pi 10) You cannot just download the dynamic wallets, you have to run the script to get the dependencies as well else it will not run. You can however just download the static wallet and run it. Note that the Qt wallet will crash the first time it is loaded but just run it a second time then it will work from there on forward. 11) The installation script does not enable the UFW firewall by default. If you want to enable it, uncomment the UFW lines in the script and add the port you want open and run it again or enable it manually by running the UFW commands as in the script with the correct port numbers. 12) Always verify the checksums when you download files to make sure it was downloaded ok. To verify the checksums on your Pi, go to the ~/opt/PayCon folder and execute sha256sum <filename> and md5sum <filename> and compare the values with the values in the checksums.txt file. Do the same for the bootstrap.dat Users will be familiar with the Qt wallet as it works like a Qt wallet in Windows. Instructions to use the headless command line daemon wallet: 1) Since you the installation script created a PayCon.conf file with the startup settings in it, go to the folder with the binaries ~/opt/PayCon and enter ./PayCond in a terminal window to start the server 2) After the blockchain has been imported you can enter the normal wallet commands that you would as in a Windows debug console preceded with ./PayCond eg. ./PayCond getinfo 3) Remember to always make a backup of your wallet.dat file before you do anything like encrypting it 4) To encrypt your wallet run the command ./PayCond encryptwallet <yourpassword> Let me know about any issues that you may encounter. To kickstart the installation execute one of the following commands at the command prompt or in a terminal window on your Pi, depending if you want to install the static wallet or the dynamic wallets. Static wallet: wget && chmod +x && ./ && rm -f Dynamic wallets: wget && chmod +x && ./ && rm -f Direct links: Link to static wallet installation scriptLink to dynamic wallet installation scriptLink to static PayCond wallet (rename PayConds to PayCond) Link to dynamic PayCon-qt walletLink to dynamic PayCond walletLink to virustotal scan for static PayCondLink to virustotal scan for dynamic PayCon-qtLink to virustotal scan for dynamic PayCondLink to bootstrap.dat up to block 293520 (100MB) Link to checksums.txt
Activity: 1638
Merit: 1013
August 03, 2015, 09:41:17 PM |
Regarding the question about staking orphans on the Pi or otherwise.
There are 2 types of staking - fixed block rewards and percentage based block rewards. The lengths can also differ between in perpetuity or for a fixed period. Orphans do seem to matter if you are mining POS of a fixed block reward for a fixed period, meaning that if you lose a block you have lost the coins and when the period expires you have lost out, although your weight seems to stay the same after an orphan meaning the chances are good that you will get a block soon after the orphan.
Based on visual observation orphans do not seem to matter with percentage based POS mining in perpetuity because if you miss one block your weight seem to stay the same and you will get that block reward or close to it with a next block soon after the orphan. Over time the POS reward has to add up to the coin design of a certain % per year. The last example is similar to closing your wallet for a week and opening it again for staking and then getting a large block reward to bring your POS rewards in line with the coin POS reward design. Since PayCon falls in the second category orphans do not really mind as long as you get a few blocks once in a while.
Crestington (OP)
Activity: 882
Merit: 1024
August 03, 2015, 11:05:42 PM |
Regarding the question about staking orphans on the Pi or otherwise.
There are 2 types of staking - fixed block rewards and percentage based block rewards. The lengths can also differ between in perpetuity or for a fixed period. Orphans do seem to matter if you are mining POS of a fixed block reward for a fixed period, meaning that if you lose a block you have lost the coins and when the period expires you have lost out, although your weight seems to stay the same after an orphan meaning the chances are good that you will get a block soon after the orphan.
Based on visual observation orphans do not seem to matter with percentage based POS mining in perpetuity because if you miss one block your weight seem to stay the same and you will get that block reward or close to it with a next block soon after the orphan. Over time the POS reward has to add up to the coin design of a certain % per year. The last example is similar to closing your wallet for a week and opening it again for staking and then getting a large block reward to bring your POS rewards in line with the coin POS reward design. Since PayCon falls in the second category orphans do not really mind as long as you get a few blocks once in a while.
Thank you I will add the PI wallets to the OP, do you have an address I can send you some Coins?
August 04, 2015, 05:52:38 PM Last edit: August 04, 2015, 11:17:39 PM by AngelLox |
Since i feel useless without a pi i decided to setup this lil script to make a con desktop icon. echo -e 'Please write paycon-qt location (avoid using ~)' && read qtlocation && wget -O ~/.PayCon/con.png && echo -e "#! /usr/bin/env xdg-open\n[Desktop Entry]\nName=PayCon\nType=Application\nComment=We don't deny it. \nCategories=Application\nExec=$qtlocation\nIcon=/home/$USER/.PayCon/con.png\nTerminal=false\nStartupNotify=true" > ~/Desktop/Paycon.desktop && chmod +x ~/Desktop/Paycon.desktop
#Borrowed something from HYP wiki
August 05, 2015, 01:01:51 AM |
paycon is really going strong!
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1003
"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!
August 05, 2015, 02:08:56 AM |
Paycon is without a doubt one of the top coins out there!!
I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed
Crestington (OP)
Activity: 882
Merit: 1024
August 05, 2015, 06:26:47 PM |
Paycon is without a doubt one of the top coins out there!!
Completely, it's the best of the best. Currently we have a few projects on the go, I am working on adding Multi-Send backend to replace Stake For Charity, Websites, and some promo stuff. Going to need to replace the twitter as that was managed by el_manager but he has been absent for quite some time now. Is there anyone that would want to manage the twitter? What ideas do you guys have in the most effective way to manage it?
August 10, 2015, 10:51:10 AM |
Hey, Crestington
I finally got more than 450 coins! Not sure on what stack size I should use? My 450 had 30 stake, but that orphaned. So, what is involved running the twitter account? I could do that, if I had a clue on what it involved.
Peace, Dennis
Crestington (OP)
Activity: 882
Merit: 1024
August 10, 2015, 12:03:37 PM |
Hey, Crestington
I finally got more than 450 coins! Not sure on what stack size I should use? My 450 had 30 stake, but that orphaned. So, what is involved running the twitter account? I could do that, if I had a clue on what it involved.
Peace, Dennis
Stack size of 450 coins should be pretty good, I'd probably leave it in that size Block. The Average weight spent atm is around 4200 so would probably Stake somewhere in the 9-12 day range but becomes more likely to hit anywhere after 4-5 days. I'm not really sure what would be involved with twitter either, could do anything really and just make stuff up. We could do some kind of twitter competition?
August 10, 2015, 12:08:50 PM |
Hey, Crestington
I finally got more than 450 coins! Not sure on what stack size I should use? My 450 had 30 stake, but that orphaned. So, what is involved running the twitter account? I could do that, if I had a clue on what it involved.
Peace, Dennis
Stack size of 450 coins should be pretty good, I'd probably leave it in that size Block. The Average weight spent atm is around 4200 so would probably Stake somewhere in the 9-12 day range but becomes more likely to hit anywhere after 4-5 days. I'm not really sure what would be involved with twitter either, could do anything really and just make stuff up. We could do some kind of twitter competition? I tweeted for a few coins, just general stuff like the daily price, what the POS diff is and where to buy CON.
Crestington (OP)
Activity: 882
Merit: 1024
August 10, 2015, 12:51:53 PM |
Hey, Crestington
I finally got more than 450 coins! Not sure on what stack size I should use? My 450 had 30 stake, but that orphaned. So, what is involved running the twitter account? I could do that, if I had a clue on what it involved.
Peace, Dennis
Stack size of 450 coins should be pretty good, I'd probably leave it in that size Block. The Average weight spent atm is around 4200 so would probably Stake somewhere in the 9-12 day range but becomes more likely to hit anywhere after 4-5 days. I'm not really sure what would be involved with twitter either, could do anything really and just make stuff up. We could do some kind of twitter competition? I tweeted for a few coins, just general stuff like the daily price, what the POS diff is and where to buy CON. You can see the difficulty here's interesting to be able to look at what's going on visually, POS difficulty has been skyrocketing and is 680% what it was a 100,000 Blocks ago (70 days) but the average weight spent was about a 180% increase (Number of days past minimum age * Amount in Block). The largest market is the C-Cex CON/BTC market, does quite well on the market
August 10, 2015, 09:26:07 PM |
It's interesting to be able to look at what's going on visually, POS difficulty has been skyrocketing and is 680% what it was a 100,000 Blocks ago (70 days) but the average weight spent was about a 180% increase (Number of days past minimum age * Amount in Block).
Must be because people are adopting smaller block sizes, i've got 66k all spread out in less than 150 con per block, with over half a mil weight.
August 11, 2015, 02:07:10 AM |
Hey, Crestington
I finally got more than 450 coins! Not sure on what stack size I should use? My 450 had 30 stake, but that orphaned. So, what is involved running the twitter account? I could do that, if I had a clue on what it involved.
Peace, Dennis
Stack size of 450 coins should be pretty good, I'd probably leave it in that size Block. The Average weight spent atm is around 4200 so would probably Stake somewhere in the 9-12 day range but becomes more likely to hit anywhere after 4-5 days. I'm not really sure what would be involved with twitter either, could do anything really and just make stuff up. We could do some kind of twitter competition? I tweeted for a few coins, just general stuff like the daily price, what the POS diff is and where to buy CON. You can see the difficulty here's interesting to be able to look at what's going on visually, POS difficulty has been skyrocketing and is 680% what it was a 100,000 Blocks ago (70 days) but the average weight spent was about a 180% increase (Number of days past minimum age * Amount in Block). The largest market is the C-Cex CON/BTC market, does quite well on the market, Crestington I will try stacks of 450, and a few other sizes to see what happens? I will try a do a few tweets on twitter. I will check out a few differnt hash tags. I got lucky this morning and snagged 20k at C-cex. Have a few orders waiting to get hit. Was not wanting to buy at 90k sats!  Stupid FAT FINGERS! Hope you did not spend too much BTC? I made a few oops! myself! At ya, later! Peace, Dennis
Crestington (OP)
Activity: 882
Merit: 1024
August 11, 2015, 07:07:20 AM |
Hey, Crestington
I finally got more than 450 coins! Not sure on what stack size I should use? My 450 had 30 stake, but that orphaned. So, what is involved running the twitter account? I could do that, if I had a clue on what it involved.
Peace, Dennis
Stack size of 450 coins should be pretty good, I'd probably leave it in that size Block. The Average weight spent atm is around 4200 so would probably Stake somewhere in the 9-12 day range but becomes more likely to hit anywhere after 4-5 days. I'm not really sure what would be involved with twitter either, could do anything really and just make stuff up. We could do some kind of twitter competition? I tweeted for a few coins, just general stuff like the daily price, what the POS diff is and where to buy CON. You can see the difficulty here's interesting to be able to look at what's going on visually, POS difficulty has been skyrocketing and is 680% what it was a 100,000 Blocks ago (70 days) but the average weight spent was about a 180% increase (Number of days past minimum age * Amount in Block). The largest market is the C-Cex CON/BTC market, does quite well on the market, Crestington I will try stacks of 450, and a few other sizes to see what happens? I will try a do a few tweets on twitter. I will check out a few differnt hash tags. I got lucky this morning and snagged 20k at C-cex. Have a few orders waiting to get hit. Was not wanting to buy at 90k sats!  Stupid FAT FINGERS! Hope you did not spend too much BTC? I made a few oops! myself! At ya, later! Peace, Dennis It wasn't really that much, about 1 BTC but then I think "hey someone made some good ROI" lol For me I want to go as small as I can without having them forever dwindle at max age. I have a fair bit now (about 430k) and my largest block is 510 but the average is 280 so the method is that many blocks are better even if some are dwindling at max age because I can have more active Stake weight at any given time. With many smaller Blocks you begin to hit max Stake weight and amount per day after 2 weeks or so and with a mix of sizes I can pick out the underperforming Blocks to find that sweet spot. I think as time goes on the % of reward you can achieve per day starts to become closer to the actual % increase of money supply per day as you have more of the money supply active and Staking. In the way that PayCon Stakes, there will always be leeway to find the most efficient points to gain a slight advantage and I think that having that competition is good for the network. In what I mean about a slight advantage, if the money supply increase is 0.4% per day then your maximum average gain per day can be about 1% on what you own if there is a high Stake percentage, with more trade, coins in motion and leaving them on exchanges (providing they aren't Staking) then that lowers the active participating Coins and the rewards are higher.
Activity: 994
Merit: 1000
August 11, 2015, 04:29:34 PM Last edit: August 11, 2015, 04:40:16 PM by 5ick3uffalo |
I`m using smaller blocks, too. (1.55M weight) But nowhere near 430k CON same you, Cres . But i´m on my way with CON and CAP. ...and XRA 