Interesting replies, luckygenough56.
First because the supply is different, well at this time it's around the same but there's still 800 millions scaring investors. I bet the 40k sat sale would have sold like hot cakes with a more natural premine (less than 10%).
Ok, good for bringing that one up. I didn't know this. I can see it now on coinmarketcap. That's indeed a scary thing for investors. They did destroy half of it if I am right: of course they still own way too much for investors to jump in without having fear. Maybe they will do another round of burning AMP
Two, amp released nothing yet but articles.
Is it already possible to develop dApps on their chain ? I mean, if I would want to start developping a dApp today on their chain, would that be possible ?
Three, there may be as many security cheese holes as eth. Chains who want to do everything are less secure than specialized chains. It's the price of megalomania and eth is paying for it atm.
OK, so more testing is needed.
Interesting project nonetheless. Cheers.
Indeed. Cheers.