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2301  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Christians hate Atheists? on: February 20, 2016, 09:33:55 PM
Is it written anywhere in the Bible that being an atheist means going to hell?

Not really... you'd be surprised at how little is mentioned about hell in the bible...

For example... If you read The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, written in 1320 AD... Hell is not a lake of fire, but it is frozen... because that is what Christians believed in the 1300's

I'm not sure when hell changed from a frozen lake into a lake of fire... that's new... I suppose burning is scarier than freezing?

The Catholics don't believe in hell (anymore), and I don't think the Jews ever believed in hell... no idea about Muslims or Hindu... I'd guess the Muslims believe in hell, but not Hindu?
2302  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Stop with these topics on: February 20, 2016, 09:22:03 PM
Well, after all, they are God's chosen, favorite people. No offense.

This is truely aimed at offending people. You know there are many religions in the world and pointing to one as the superior is only going to ruffle feathers.

Where you born religious or did you catch it from some one? Wink

I'm not religious, nor a jew.

I'm a Jew, but not Jewish... I think... hard to keep that religious jargon straight

To be fair, God is the one who said that He loves His Jews more than the rest of you...

Quote from: Exodus 19:5
Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine

Quote from: Deuteronomy 14:2
For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth.
2303  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage on: February 20, 2016, 09:05:55 PM
kung hindi mo mahal at nirerespeto ang iyong anak na lalaki, hindi mahalaga kung sino siya loves, pagkatapos ikaw ay ang kakila-kilabot na tao

If Jesus had a son, and Jesus' son was gay... Would Jesus still love his son?

What a stupid post. Sure thing that Jesus would love anyone and forgive any sin, even if someone was gay if he admit it, feel sorry and stop with such bestiality. You should read New Testament, find part about fagots and see what it says.

Don't bring the bible or god into this... this has nothing to do with the bible or god...

The bible also fully endorses SLAVERY in both the OT & NT!

Quote from: Exodus 21:7-11
And if a man sells his daughter to be a female slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do. If she does not please her master, who has betrothed her to himself, then he shall let her be redeemed. He shall have no right to sell her to a foreign people, since he has dealt deceitfully with her. And if he has betrothed her to his son, he shall deal with her according to the custom of daughters. If he takes another wife, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, and her marriage rights. And if he does not do these three for her, then she shall go out free, without paying money.

Quote from: Ephesians 6:5
Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ
Quote from: Colossians 3:22
Slaves, in all things obey those who are your masters on earth, not with external service, as those who merely please men, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord

Are you also in support of slavery, or are you willing to admit the bible is bullshit and your God is an immoral asshole?
2304  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage on: February 20, 2016, 08:17:12 PM
Think him speaking up for what he believes in is actually going to help build more open communication. His view is bigoted and closed and most likely pushed more people to understanding than it did draw people to a backwards religion. Its like when a racist speaks,you can often see they have mental issues or poor education.


All the smart people see how foolish these religious zealots truly are
2305  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage on: February 20, 2016, 08:01:24 PM
I don't see how anyone can call themselves a Christian while spreading hatred... that is completely un-Christ-like

When did Jesus ever hate on anyone?

The only time that I can recall is when he hated on the Church for being a bunch of hypocrites...  I already quoted the verse in this thread... go grab your bible and read Matthew chapter 5-7... look up the context of Matthew 23, and why Jesus is so fucking pissed off at the church... he literally throws a fit

Quote from: Matthew 23:1-4
Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, “The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the law of Moses. So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don’t follow their example. For they don’t practice what they teach. They crush people with unbearable religious demands and never lift a finger to ease the burden...
2306  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Who wrote the Bible? on: February 20, 2016, 07:36:35 PM

Creator(s) of the universeA single God, YHVH.A God battling a Goddess.

I'm curious where it says YHVH created the universe... the first verse of the bible refers to Elohim, plural for gods, creating the universe

protip: Read Hebrew from right to left

Quote from: Genesis 1:1
In the beginning created gods, the heavens and the Earth.
Bereshit bara Elohim et hashamayim ve'et ha'arets.

Bereshit (בראשית) = In the beginning
bara (ברא) = created
Elohim (אלהים) = gods (plural)
et (את) = the
hashamayim (השמים) = heavens (plural)
ve'et (ואת) = and the
ha'arets (הארץ) = Earth

IIRC, YHVH (יהוה/Yahweh/Jehovah) means lord... so, lord = gods?  Now I'm confused
2307  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage on: February 20, 2016, 07:20:11 PM
The only wrong  he said is comparing man to animal but its freedom of speech.
I agree with Pacman, hes telling the truth.
like the bible said "who denies the truth lives in lie".

Pacman is wrong... the bible is also wrong

Research indicates that various forms of this are found throughout the animal kingdom. As of 1999, about 500 species, ranging from primates to gut worms, have been documented engaging in same-sex behaviors. According to the organizers of the 2006 Against Nature? exhibit, it has been observed in 1,500 species.

4 Some selected species and groups
    4.1 Birds
        4.1.1 Black swans
        4.1.2 Gulls
        4.1.3 Ibises
        4.1.4 Mallards
        4.1.5 Penguins
        4.1.6 Vultures
        4.1.7 Pigeons
    4.2 Mammals
        4.2.1 Amazon dolphin
        4.2.2 American bison
        4.2.3 Bonobo and other apes
        4.2.4 Bottlenose dolphins
        4.2.5 Elephants
        4.2.6 Giraffes
        4.2.7 Monkeys
        4.2.8 Japanese macaque
        4.2.9 Lions
        4.2.10 Polecat
        4.2.11 Sheep
        4.2.12 Spotted hyena
    4.3 Others
        4.3.1 Lizards
        4.3.2 Insects and arachnids
   Fruit flies
   Bed bugs

Observed in 1500 different animal species as of 2006, which was 10 years ago...
2308  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage on: February 20, 2016, 07:08:06 PM
It's his human right to say what he thinks. It's other people's right to say that it sounds like a load of old shit. If I want to fuck and marry a fire hydrant then I should be able to as long as said fire hydrant consents.

I agree with free speech and all, that only makes a person look the fool...

I draw the line when they start making discriminatory laws, or assault people

But, if you elect a person like that as president of your country... you can expect him to make discriminatory laws, and probably incite violence

It seems like the world has this problem every 100 years... first witches, then blacks, then Jews, now it's the gays... is your group next?

Why are Christians always shouting, "Allah Akbar!"... "Kill the Infidel!"?
2309  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage on: February 20, 2016, 06:11:10 PM
What makes you think that you are the sane person?  You are the one trying to demonize another human being for a choice he makes... that makes you a fucking hypocrite...

Doesn't the bible say to love your neighbor as yourself?  That includes gays you stone-age hypocrite

Why do you get to cherry-pick some rubbish out of the Old Testament, ignore everything else in the entire fucking bible... just because you want to hate people?

I dare you to lay a hand on one of these, "mentally ill sodomites"... I will personally fly to the Philippines and beat the religion out of you... with a fork!
you're supposed to love your neighbours not their sins, the new testament condemns sodomy also, london not philippines

So what?  The bible is wrong!  Your God is wrong!!!

Besides, the quote is, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself", not "Hate your neighbor's sin"... If you do not love your gay neighbor, then you cannot possibly love yourself

Did you also miss the part where Jesus says, "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye"?
2310  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage on: February 20, 2016, 05:51:50 PM
nice to see a respected figure speak his mind instead of pandering to mentally ill sodomites

What makes you think that you are the sane person?  You are the one trying to demonize another human being for a choice he makes... that makes you a fucking hypocrite...

Doesn't Jesus say, "love your neighbor as you love yourself"?  That includes gays you stone-age hypocrite

Why do you get to cherry-pick some rubbish out of the Old Testament, ignore everything else in the entire fucking bible... just because you want to hate people?

I dare you to lay a hand on one of these, "mentally ill sodomites"... I will personally fly to the Philippines and beat the religion out of you... with a fork!
2311  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donald J. Trump to AUDIT the Federal Reserve on: February 20, 2016, 05:46:11 PM
Edit: When the fuck does he talk about auditing the Fed?!?  I watched like 10 mins, then skipped around, and I can't find it

Watch from 20:45

Thanks... I hate when people name a video something like, "Trump Insider: Trump Will AUDIT THE FED"... then spend the first 20 minutes talking about other shit

It's like a bait and switch... total scam tactic... so they can preach to me...

Interestingly enough, I am also familiar with 501(3)(c)... the thing they are talking about around 20:45... Alex is completely wrong

501(3)(c) absolutely muzzles free speech... it says in plain English that if you spend money trying to influence politics, your tax-exempt status shall be revoked!

A church can spend all the money it wants on political campaigns, but be prepared to pay taxes from now on...

Ok, I found the time...

Quote from: some guy
I suspect you get an audit of the Fed... he's never said that, but I know his views...

Helluva misnamed video... takes him 22 minutes to get to the lie... seriously... it's not even hearsay... he even says he made it up... he never heard Trumps say shit

Why do people listen to this idiot?

You will hear it from Trump own mouth soon.

He is a close friend of Trump for 40 years and he has been exposing the Clintons even before Trump decided to run for office.

I am a very strong advocate of free speech, not 'your free speech end when my feelings are hurt',  and I believe churches should have the right to say whatever they want. Nowadays, they don't even have to spent money but just saying something political is enough to be prosecuted.

Churches were only added to section 501c3 of the tax code in 1954. We can thank Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, a left-winger for that. Johnson was no ally of the church. As part of his political agenda, Johnson had it in mind to silence the church and eliminate the significant influence the church had always had on shaping "public policy."

Since it is more like a hush money, i advocate churches to pay the taxes as long as the law exist.

I agree completely on churches paying taxes...

Did you know that non-churches are required to prove they spend at least 10% of their total assets on charitable services every single year to keep their non-profit status?

Do you know how much the average church spends on actual charity work? Around 1%...

You have some asshole preachers living in multi-million dollar mansions... Flying in private fucking jets... And dodging taxes

Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, defending their private jets
2312  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Crazy shit Bible says, crazy shit Christians say on: February 20, 2016, 05:41:12 PM
Is it about laziness?
If atheism is a religion, could laziness be one as well?
BAD Decker - you have the floor. Hit it.

If laziness is a religion then I can become an adept xD

Anyway none of the dumbasses here have ever answered to the original questions. They still never explained why the Earth is flat and square in the Bible...

Or why God thinks the sky is blue because it is made of water... (Genesis chapter 1)

Ahah, didn't know that. It's a good way to end any logical discussion xD

"God separated the waters above (sky) the firmament (land), from the waters below (oceans) the firmament"

Can you blame him?  He lived during Bronze Age, he knew what people at that time knew, which is jack squat.  

I don't understand why God had to separate the water from the water on day 2... Couldn't he have just left all the water, skipped ahead a few chapters, and began Genesis with Noah and the flood story?

I'm not saying the talking snake and magic apple aren't cool, but the story doesn't really get good until God murders the entire planet

Which means God made a mistake by trusting humans in fact Wink

If God would have just listened to my advice, and started with Noah, nobody would even know he screwed up the first batch of humans...
2313  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why Atheists Feel So Threatened on: February 20, 2016, 05:35:00 PM
Are you sure you can handle 72 virgins? I mean that's a lot of punani to take care of.

May be 4 every day. All the 72 will be used within 18 days time.  Grin

Then you need to exchange your virgins with someone else, to get fresh supplies. However, I am having certain doubts regarding this. The most important of them are:

1. Is there a supply of viagra in the heaven?
2. Are the virgins free from STDs such as syphilis and HIV?
3. Are all of them over the age of 18?

The other question is: can you get a mix of virgins and not virgins, because virgins are cool and al but that's not what I prefer :-/

The real question is... What do women get?

Do women also get 72 virgins, or do they just get fucked for eternity?

Also, why are there 72 times as many women in heaven?  Are women morally superior to men? How did so many get there?

Why does God never show up to clarify these questions?

Why didn't God write more clearly the first time he wrote it down?
2314  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Stop with these topics on: February 20, 2016, 05:28:05 PM

It's the good old standby of hate,  Jew Hate.   Over and over and over.

I never could understand the Jew hate.  I make jokes about Jewish stereotypes, just like Pollack jokes but I don't hate or even dislike either population.  Some of my best friends are stupid fucking Pollacks and every Jew I've met has had a heart of gold.  I haven't even noticed cheapness or tightness with money.  Strange.

A couple million more years with the world mixing races and there won't be a thing called race anymore.  All skin color will be roughly the same, whatever shade it is and Skynet will be laughing at Rodney King and David Duke.  My brain will be in a jar plugged into the electrical outlet along with a toaster.

When you make jokes about Jewish stereotype, do you feel the same as when you joke about black people?

Don't take this the wrong way... I'm just curious... It seems like most people don't think it's racist to joke about Jews for some reason... not sure why
I'm not even referring to jokes.

I am referring to outright, present Jew Hate.  It is everywhere on these forums, all the time.  Jews are blamed on the worst atrocities with no reasoning or logic and rarely does anyone say anything.  "Jews behind 911,"  "Jews shoot down airliner."  ETc, etc.


And that's my point - the OP suggests "Stop with these topics," but he does not suggest or even realize that he omitted the biggest carnival of hate of them all.  So, how about his advice?

My theory is the Christians....

The Christians spent centuries trying to destroy any knowledge of their origins... They burned thousands of books where they stole their stories and rituals...

I imagine that Christians are the ones behind trying to exterminate the Jews throughout history, Nazi's included...

Christians are clearly ashamed of having stolen all their texts and traditions from other sources, and they have successfully destroyed 99% of all evidence, except for those pesky Jews... They keep trying to exterminate the Jews, but fail every time
2315  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Who wrote the Bible? on: February 20, 2016, 05:22:56 PM
This may have been said in the tread, but I was told that some people believe that Moses wrote Genesis.  He obviously was not around during the creation, so if in fact he wrote Genesis, he was either told by God or the creation story was passed down from Adam, etc.

Or... Perhaps the scholars who have researched the book are correct when they say Moses never wrote it... 4 different people helped write Genesis... Hint, none of these 4 people were God...

Or, perhaps some asshat just made it all up... How is it more believable that God wrote it, than some storyteller wrote it?

People have always had stories about dragons and such... The bible is just a fairy tale... None of it is true... none of it...
2316  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage on: February 20, 2016, 05:13:39 PM
kung hindi mo mahal at nirerespeto ang iyong anak na lalaki, hindi mahalaga kung sino siya loves, pagkatapos ikaw ay ang kakila-kilabot na tao

If Jesus had a son, and Jesus' son was gay... Would Jesus still love his son?

What a stupid post. Sure thing that Jesus would love anyone and forgive any sin, even if someone was gay if he admit it, feel sorry and stop with such bestiality. You should read New Testament, find part about fagots and see what it says.

Oh really? I've read the Bible... Jesus doesn't say a goddamn thing about faggots... Not once you stupid mother fucker

Guess what you stone age hypocrite?

It doesn't matter what the stupid bible says... The bible is wrong in hundreds of places... God's homophobia is simply one thing he is morally wrong about... It's just the tip of the iceberg

How does it feel when Atheists are morally superior to your God?

How do you feel when an Atheist knows more about the bible than you do?
2317  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Pruning questions on: February 20, 2016, 09:34:01 AM
So using this pruning you can reduce size of synchronized folder?
Youtube video about this will be very helpful.

Yes, it reduces the data stored... I set it to 550MB (the minimum), which ends up taking ~2GB of disk space instead of 60GB

Keep in mind, you lose a bit of functionality... If you ever need to rescan the blockchain, it will need to download the entire 60GB again

I have several wallet, they are created at different times. So it is very inconvenient if I have to download the whole blockchain again and again.

If that is the case, don't run it in pruned mode... 60GB isn't that much space
2318  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Pope Francis asks indigenous Mexicans for forgiveness on: February 20, 2016, 09:18:31 AM
The old man is out with new tricks.

For hundreds of years, the Catholic church indulged in genocide against the native people of the Americas. The church suppressed the indigenous beliefs, and forcibly converted the natives to Catholicism. It promoted the worst perpetrators of this genocide as "Catholic Saints". If this guy has any shame, then he should return all the gold and silver the Catholic conquistadors looted from the Aztecs and the other natives, back to them.

The pope will do anything for money... like most Trillionaires... yeah, I said it... the pope is a multi-Trillionaire... the richest man on the planet (by so far you have no clue)

Bill Gates  =  $80,000,000,000
Vatican ~ $3,000,000,000,000

Once they get into as higher authority to a group they need to face various criticisms, they have more than what is needed. Its not fair to use such words. Pope will do anything for money.

I suppose it's all God's money anyway, right?... Or is money of the Devil?  It's so hard to tell when it has God's name on it, and the pope owns half of it...
2319  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage on: February 20, 2016, 09:05:37 AM
kung hindi mo mahal at nirerespeto ang iyong anak na lalaki, hindi mahalaga kung sino siya loves, pagkatapos ikaw ay ang kakila-kilabot na tao

If Jesus had a son, and Jesus' son was gay... Would Jesus still love his son?
2320  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Pope Francis asks indigenous Mexicans for forgiveness on: February 20, 2016, 07:42:55 AM
The old man is out with new tricks.

For hundreds of years, the Catholic church indulged in genocide against the native people of the Americas. The church suppressed the indigenous beliefs, and forcibly converted the natives to Catholicism. It promoted the worst perpetrators of this genocide as "Catholic Saints". If this guy has any shame, then he should return all the gold and silver the Catholic conquistadors looted from the Aztecs and the other natives, back to them.

The pope will do anything for money... like most Trillionaires... yeah, I said it... the pope is a multi-Trillionaire... the richest man on the planet (by so far you have no clue)

Bill Gates  =  $80,000,000,000
Vatican ~ $3,000,000,000,000
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