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541  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: BTC sent by mistake to localbitcoins wallet. How to recover? on: December 05, 2023, 01:22:45 AM
Once I did all necessary  steps to send btc I had assumed that the next window after imputing google attention  number would tak me to another part where actu I could type my desired address. Here however  it was not what I thought  instead there was a narrow window where automatically  past used addresses would briefly show but this I had noticed  just after authorisation  and it was too late to reverse it.
Does Bittrex automatically fill it for you, or is your browser auto-fill acting up? As far as I can tell from their latest FAQ, it seems like there is no authentication after you request withdrawal[1]. So yeah, that really sucks.

Hopefully, you won't repeat the same mistake in the future. You can turn off auto-fill or something similar if it is not related to username/password if you still plan to use your phone. CMIIW.

542  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: A noobie question about secret words on: December 05, 2023, 12:54:18 AM
They are behind username and password currently but I'm not sure are they bound to physical device somehow and what point do I need to use recover words.
What kind of username and password are you referring to? Maybe you can share how you created this wallet first so that people don't misunderstand it. Electrum doesn't need a username to create a wallet. Did you create it on a custodial wallet or another software? If that is the case, depending on how you create it, you might need to sweep to a new wallet if you care about security.
543  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Register your bitcoin .₿ handle powered by Rootstock on: December 05, 2023, 12:45:10 AM
If you plan on bumping this thread regularly for promotion, I'd suggest making an ann thread instead since you don't seem to be looking for developers or help on building your project. While it is related to Bitcoin in one way or another, if it mainly focuses on the sidechain you can probably post it on the Altcoin boards too.

If you plan on posting an image, you can also buy a Copper member option, or just upload your image on Bitciontalk-friendly hosting web like Talkimg instead of copy-pasting Reddit images.
544  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Segala tentang Mixer akan diban Bitcointalk on: December 04, 2023, 09:10:21 AM
Tapi apa yang benar-benar membedakan coinjoin dengan mix*r? Apakah coinjoin memang anti pencucian uang?
Gampangnya ya kalau mixer cenderung dikelola oleh satu atau beberapa pihak gan, sementara coinjoin itu kan mekanisme protokol yang ada di jaringan blockchain itu sendiri. Walau emang ada wallet atau pihak yang menyediakan fitur coinjoin tapi dengan melibatkan blacklist dst, tapi ini tidak berarti orang lain ga bisa melakukan coinjoin sama sekali. Kalau mixer kan kalau yang punya pergi ya agan harus nyari jasa lain.

Dibilang anti sih tergantung kaya gimana yang agan pake juga. Kalau lewat Wasabi mungkin cenderung iya kalau mereka memfilter alamat dan transaksi yang dianggap ternoda, jadinya macam filter kaya AML dst. Tapi kalau agan pake wallet lain yang ga ada begitunya ya bisa tetap disalahgunakan. Balik lagi namanya alat ya bisa dipake buat hal baik atau hal buruk. Kalau mau benar-benar anti ya harus maksa semua orang yang transaksi buat KYC nantinya. CMIIW.
545  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [DISKUSI] Apakah Minero Akan Booming Paska Mixer Di larang Di Forum? on: December 04, 2023, 02:53:56 AM
Susah sih kalau mengukur secara pasti. Ane rasa mereka yang sangat peduli dengan privasi juga sudah memakai Monero sejak dulu. Kalaupun mixer diban, terakhir kan orang masih bisa nyebutin nama mereka di posting selama bukan iklan jadi bisa aja mixer masih tetap jadi pilihan mereka yang tidak mau ribet jual beli Monero. Walau ane rasa marketing mereka tidak akan se-efekif saat ini, jadi traffic bakal tetap terpengaruh. Bisa juga mereka migrasi ke forum altcoin lain atau malah merambah ke sosmed kalau dirasa perlu.

Ane tidak akan kaget kalau mixer-mixer yang tidak ingin berurusan dengan pemerintah nantinya bakal nambahin embel-embel ToS atau bahkan secara eksplisit memfilter transaksi yang mereka proses supaya kalau jadi target bisa saja tidak dihukum tapi diminta kerja sama (dengan asumsi mereka tidak memproses mixing dari alamat yang dinilai mencurigakan). Tapi kalau sampai seperti ini tentunya masalah privasi hampir sudah pasti tidak terjamin. Seingat ane CM dulu juga tetap nyimpen log transaksi mereka, meskipun bilangnya ga menyimpan catatan transaksi, CMIIW.

Kalau ane sendiri sih cenderung tidak ada kebutuhan khusus untuk menggunakan Monero mengingat layanan yang ane pakai sejauh ini juga fokusnya hanya di BTC saja. Kalaupun untuk kebutuhan likuidasi ke rupiah juga udah menggunakan exchange jadi dari segi privasi juga sudah kurang. Kecuali jasa yang ane pake selama ini makin ketat dan minta data yang keterlaluan, mungkin kalau sudah begitu ane beralih ke DEX sepenuhnya dan kalau liquidity trade BTC ke XMR bagus ga ada alasan untuk tidak menggunakan XMR.
546  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [Q&A][TIPS] Seputar Bounty/Airdrop Di Sini on: December 04, 2023, 01:52:38 AM
- Yes benar ini bakal banyak buat timeline/profile agan yang ikut airdrop portal jadi sampah karena pasti banyak rt2/LIKE/QUOTE etc, ya terlepas pasti kalo ikut pake akun burner buat bounty jadi gak masalah lah ya.
Ane cek tampaknya agak susah kalau agan ingin make akun burner, kecuali udah punya stok akun yang dibuat setidaknya 3 bulan yang lalu dan udah punya 100 follower atau lebih. Wajar juga sih buat memfilter bot.

Btw ada juga airdrop Linea yang ada di Intract, sepertinya ujungnya bakal KYC nantinya tapi bisa agan cek karena masih berjalan cukup panjang. Ada juga rumor Airdrop Base, Wormhole, dan platform defi Solana lainnya. Kebanyakan yang ditargetkan adalah aktivitas on-chain, jadi agan harus aktif bikin transaksi di platform-platform defi kayak dex, lending platform dst. Mirip kaya airdrop Jupiter yang barusan terjadi. Binance juga baru saja ngasih tease yang digadang-gadang bakal menghasilkan airdrop, bisa dicek di Web3 wallet mereka (perlu akun Binance yang udah ada KYCnya sih ini).

Apakah minat buat hunting airdrop besar di sub ini? Soalnya ane amati di sosial media airdrop hunter mulai banyak sekali. Sekarang sepertinya cukup butuh modal kalau agan ingin ikutan airdrop dengan hasil gedhe, mengingat rata-rata menargetkan on-chain activity.
547  Local / Mining (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Mining Bitcoin Tidak Lebih Baik Pendapatannya dari Signature Campaign? on: December 04, 2023, 01:37:46 AM
Kurasa opsi ini yang terbaik jika mining coinnya tidak memerlukan peralatan khusus yang canggih, hanya butuh CPU atau GPU yang biasa saja, dan juga tidak butuh watt yang gede.
Emang agan pernah nemuin koin yang ga butuh banyak resources buat di-mine? Kalau Bitcoin udah jelas mustahil kan. Kalaupun mau maksa mungkin ujungnya jalanin masternode dan sejenisnya kalau masalah maintenance dan resource jadi kendala. Tapi syarat modalnya sama-sama besar, bahkan bisa lebih besar kecuali agan join di network yang support pooling atau sejenisnya. Ane dua kali join kaya gini tapi milih delegasi penuh daripada ribet ngatur node sendiri.

Daripada nanggung menurut ane fokusin sekalian di signature campaign saja kalau memang ada kesempatan, plus nyari koneksi ke berbagai member karena bisa aja dapet kerjaan juga gara-gara itu. Networking di forum ini ane rasa cukup mudah selama agan sering bikin post yang ada isinya, atau bikin tools yang berguna buat forum dan sejenisnya. CMIIW.
548  Local / Marketplace (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [Gratis] Jasa Konsultasi Spek Komputer (PC & Laptop) + Diskusi on: December 04, 2023, 01:16:01 AM
Tidak gan, cuma untuk browsing ringan aja, diantaranya buka forum bitcointalk dan sosmed task airdrop aja dikit dikit gan, kebetulan saya tidak suka game dengan menginstal software pada umumnya, yang memakan storage dan ram cukup banyak saat bermain, kalaupun hanya daftar game and round itu pun hanya menggunakan halaman web biasa Grin. ,laptop yang agan pilih tersebut bagi saya sudah berkualitas baik gan, sekarang saya masih menggunakan laptop dengan ram 4GB  Grin . agan pilih brand dengan seri limited edition atau system PO gan ?
Ane beli HP 14s yang AMD 5500U buat adek ane gan, bukan barang limited atau sejenisnya kok. Laptop kelas mid-low end yang ane rasa bisa tahan cukup lama untuk kebutuhan kantoran atau game ringan. Kalau agan kebutuhan utamanya hanya kerja kantoran/browsing-browsing memang ga perlu spek yang tinggi-tinggi amat sih, cuma yang jadi pertanyaan mungkin apa worth it beli Chromebook dibandingkan laptop Windows atau sejenisnya. Ane sendiri beli mini PC buat urusan ngetik-ngetik dan NAS gan, sekitar 2.5 juta waktu itu, cukup mumpuni buat jadi server NAS sekaligus kerja kantoran ringan. Asal ga multitasking buka banyak tab Chrome dst lancar-lancar aja sejauh ini. Cuma ya harus nambah buat beli keyboard, monitor dkk sih kalau makenya mini PC.

Seperti yang om katakan, Koorui itu emang garansinya terbatas lokasi jabodetabek biar lebih mudah klaimnya (engga riweuh sama ongkir + waktu nunggu) , dan ane cek banyak toko, ongkir untuk pengiriman monitor ini ke tempat ane sekitar 70rb-200rb. Kalau ditambah packing kayu +200rb lagi, jadi ane mikir dua kali lagi buat beli monitor Koorui ini, malah jatohnya kebanyakan biaya ini itu biar bisa aman sampe rumah.
Baru denger ane ada modal beginian. Ini kalau yang beli ada di luar kota, terus niat nganterin monitornya buat digaransikan juga ga bisa jadinya? Marketnya berarti terbatas sekali dong, atau memang sengaja ditargetkan diwilayah itu saja? Dulu sempet mau beli monitor yang mahal banget juga gara-gara kegiur tier list, untung kaga jadi karena sekarang malah kebanyakan remote pake Mac buat ngakses PC ane dirumah.
549  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Hardware Wallet on: December 04, 2023, 12:50:47 AM
Berarti percuma ya kalo ada HP ada fitur NFC sedangkan software untuk OS android belum anda, berarti ini khusus PC dan menggunakan Chip Card Reader.
Nampaknya Satochip memang dikhususkan untuk PC saja; Yang saya pahami, software pendukung ini seperti untuk install firmware agar bisa menggunakan Satochip, sementara untuk keperluan Wallet-nya antara lain menggunakan: Electrum Client.
Untuk komparasi lebih jelas sepertinya bisa dilihat disini sih gan[1]. Disitu tertera kalau Satochip desktop only, sementara Satodime bisa buat desktop maupun mobile. Tapi dilihat dari fiturnya sepertinya tidak cocok untuk jadi wallet buat nyimpen duit lama, karena keamanannya sepertinya ga begitu bagus IMO, ga ada pin dst. Ya bisa diwajari sih mengingat targetnya sepertinya hanya untuk bikin giftcard saja, alias sekali pakai atau cepat dispend. Kalau mau dipaksa-paksain sepertinya ya bisa-bisa saja tapi ane rasa terlalu berisiko kalau dari awel targetnya adalah untuk bikin cold storage.

Seingat ane alternatif NFC card wallet kaya gini ada banyak deh buat mobile. Dulu seingat ane pernah bahas yang NFC bikin sendiri itu, modal beli NFC card kosongan atau pake tool open-source di GitHub. Mirip-mirip kaya Satodime ini ujungnya. IIRC emang kebanyakan dibuat dengan target kemudahan dan fleksibilitas sih, bukan masalah keamanan untuk long-term storage.

550  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: ($500 to $1,000 for One Week!) Now Hiring ~25 Experienced Campaign Managers... on: December 03, 2023, 01:49:39 PM
Understandable, I guess here's my pitch then.

1. No link, but I worked with Bountycloud on multiple projects, I also worked with Coinbench to manage their website before. I'm familiar with bounty management too. I also worked as a tester for apps, and websites through review campaigns on this forum or other freelancing platforms (as a Rater, etc).
2. 200$+
3. Yes
551  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: ($500 to $1,000 for One Week!) Now Hiring ~25 Experienced Campaign Managers... on: December 03, 2023, 01:25:34 PM
So basically you're looking for a community tester and manager, who may need to do some campaign/ads management? I'm interested too. I've worked with some bounty management projects in the past as an assistant, and do some management and content creation jobs for Coinbench. I'd prefer if you give a more private option to negotiate the deal instead of asking publicly like this. Would it be fine if I drop you a pm?
552  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Segala tentang Mixer akan diban Bitcointalk on: December 03, 2023, 05:49:46 AM
saya tidak tahu bagaimana masa depan para pastisipan sig mixer yang melakukan penarikan ke dompet binance mereka, pastilah data dirinya akan terekspos, ini sih yang membuat banyak orang khawatir
Maksudnya diekspos disini Binancenya mempublikasi info pribadi orang itu atau gimana gan? Kalau sudah make exchange mah ane rasa pihak exchange sudah tahu itu data pribadi orangnya. Terakhir yang ane baca itu pada dimintai keterangan sumber dananya dari mana dan untuk aktivitas apa, alias proses cek AML kayak biasanya. Jumlah transaksi sig campaign juga tidak pernah besar, jadi ane ragu kalau mereka bakal dipidanakan hanya gara-gara itu. Toh yang disampaikan sama pihak berwajib sendiri mixer tidak selalu ilegal.

Bukan tidak mungkin nantinya mixer bakal tetap ada tapi dibelakangnya ada pihak pemerintah, karena ujung-ujungnya hanya itu masalah utama yang bikin mixer diseized. Malah ane agak heran kenapa sampai sekarang belum ada honeypot buat nangkepin grup-grup yang melakukan pencucian uang ilegal. Atau mungkin udah ada tapi ga pada ngiklan di sini? CMIIW.
553  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] |Duel Arena Signature Campaign| Full Members+ Earn up to $80 on: December 03, 2023, 02:36:01 AM
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1275282
Current post count: 9684
bech32 BTC Address: bc1qnawyu2g4j7p5skcf96a8rqcufma5kn8s0rkd3u
Merit EARNED in the last 120 days: 55
554  Other / Meta / Re: Mixers to be banned on: December 02, 2023, 01:55:20 AM
It could be understood that I could still wear mixers' signatures as long as they don't contain a URL and my username isn't mixerABCD.
Yes you can. As long as it doesn't have any links. And in turn, whoever is paying him to do so contacted him outside the forum.
Wouldn't that still violate the ad part though? I don't know how you would verify if somebody is being paid or not from this other than trusting what they said. Unless you track his wallet address etc, which can take time and it is probably easier to just ban any mixer sig. It doesn't matter where the user is being contacted since the promotion is still happening here. CMIIW.
555  Economy / Services / Re: Joniboini EN-ID Translation, Content Creation, Avatar & Signature Service (etc) on: December 01, 2023, 01:42:28 PM
556  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: A scammer selling Bitcoin for $1000 on: December 01, 2023, 03:53:26 AM
have found that some users have left negative tags on profile of that scammer but still he posted that update on 30th of November which lead me to think that do people still get scammed by such scammers? If yes then how could we better guide them to be aware of such scammers? I know that awareness and education will work but it's going to be a hard thing to educate everyone.
I don't think we can say much from that. It is possible that OP is just doing that because he doesn't care about his tags, and hopes that a newbie falls for their trick, just like I did when I was a newbie. After all, he doesn't need a lot of time to log in and post.

I think the tags are good enough to deter newbies or someone to make a deal with him. Nothing we can do further if people deliberately ignore it for some reason since it was not hidden on that board or his profile. I don't think you need to overstress yourself with your goal of educating people. I'm sure most of them will at least get curious about what the negative tag means and then search for a bit. There are tons of threads related to P2P scams too.
557  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: how to move currency BTC pair from one exchange to another on: December 01, 2023, 03:39:31 AM
another question is how can i even trade USD - GBP ore EUR - GBP on exchange ?
it does not allow me to deposit GBP as currency
is there another way to change currency to currency on exchange ? 
Is there any reason why you want to trade a fiat pair though? I don't recall any crypto exchange that focuses on fiat trading pairs, except maybe in the forms of stable coins like USDC-EUR, etc. I assume you only have GBP to deposit but the exchange doesn't provide a trading pair for that? Can't really give you any meaningful suggestions without knowing what exchange you use, as mentioned above. At the very least, you can do P2P to trade your fiat if you can't move to another exchange. CMIIW.
558  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Goodbye Philippines for Binance. on: December 01, 2023, 03:30:47 AM
I'm curious about how they plan to block access to Binance other than blocking domains, which can be bypassed easily if the user changes the DNS resolver. Would they track any Binance address and see if any of them is connected to local exchanges or something similar so that they can block the users or send them a notice?

Another choice they can make is to buy a local exchange instead of building a new one. At least that's what happens in my country. Kinda sad to see if that happens though, since they're being very aggressive and laying off a ton of people just to save money so they get more profit. CMIIW.
559  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Sheepy - new cryptocurrency payment gateway on: December 01, 2023, 03:10:19 AM
I can't seem to understand what's the importance of the partnership you shared above since it basically means Prestashop now has your plugin available for their customers. What kind of steps will lead to a better marketplace environment from that? I don't think this is the first time a marketplace allows a crypto service to develop a plugin for their platform either; CMIIW

It would be great if you at least responded to what others said instead of just posting news here and there. You did that a few months ago iirc, I don't understand why you stopped doing that.
560  Economy / Economics / Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset on: December 01, 2023, 02:54:03 AM
I know that all of us gone through different scenarios and difficulties and we can understand why some cannot push themselves to be better and why some are doing better when they struggle.
It would be a good idea if schools taught something like this. It is really hard to change a mindset or personality in general if the environment doesn't accommodate them. While it is true that in the end, the person's decision is the key factor, it wouldn't be as bad as if we are encouraged to embrace the growth mindset or other positive things by others.

On the other hand, I believe early childhood is also as important to develop people's personalities, so it is a bit difficult for teachers etc if the parents don't really support it either. I do know some kids that grow up being needlessly pessimistic even though the environment doesn't really encourage that mindset. Hoping there is a trigger later on their life feels a bit RNG.
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