- Passport number and series.
I think this is a sufficient set to carry out some kind of illegal activity. In Russia, with the help of this data, can find out even more information about a person using various specialized services. Or use this data for various registrations and so on. ... With this information, you can get a lot of data on this person: where he is registered at the place of residence, the exact address, his tax number, and a huge pile of all kinds of information.
Thank you for the additional context. In light of that, I agree that the post contains data that is too security-sensitive, and it should therefore not be allowed.
Is this a violation of the rules and should such posts be deleted?
In general, we consider doxxing to be linking of a pseudonymous identity with a real-life identity: Personal information is defined as anything which links a user's online identity (username, email, etc.) to their meatspace identity, excluding links that the person himself has posted.
If that ID was claimed to belong to some forum member, then that'd be doxxing. But because it stands alone, we don't consider it doxxing. Separately, it's not allowed to post things that are especially security-sensitive: anything that the legacy insecure government/banking system requires to be secret is not allowed anywhere. This includes social security numbers, credit card numbers, and certain account numbers. If those images contain info which would be very useful in stealing that person's identity or committing similar fraud, then perhaps they should not be allowed under this rule. I don't think they contain such info, though I'm not 100% sure. Also separately, if info about some person is posted with the implication that some sort of violence should be committed against them, then that would not be allowed because incitement isn't allowed. For example, this would be too much like incitement: "Here's a bad person's photo. Maybe someone should do something about them." I read (via Google Translate) light_warrior's post as (disappointingly) hateful, but I don't read it as incitement. So I don't think that the post should be deleted.
Occasionally, someone who didn't win a slot in the auction still wants a slot very badly and PMs me. In these cases, I sell the 10th slot, and the factoids end up having "0 chance at the moment" for that round. This is not the normal way that things are supposed to work, so the 10th slot is sold at a premium. Recently I've been applying a premium of 20% over the highest (post-flattening) bid in the auction, so 43 mBTC in the most recent case, though somebody bought the 10th slot two rounds in a row, so perhaps I will increase the premium if someone requests the 10th slot again next round.
There are three separate issues here: - Plagiarism is bannable on bitcointalk.org because copying something just to boost your post count (or similar) demonstrates utter contempt for the whole concept of a discussion forum. You copying something like that is completely different, so it would not be bannable. - If you copy something and pass it off as your own, some people might consider this unethical and worthy of negative trust. In this case, I would personally consider this ASCII art too simple to expect you to credit the author. - Copying something could be a legal issue for you due to copyright. At least under US law, that ASCII art is too simple to be copyrightable.
The forum sells ad space in the area beneath the first post of every topic page. This income is used primarily to cover hosting costs and to pay moderators for their work (there are many moderators, so each moderator gets only a small amount -- moderators should be seen as volunteers, not employees). Any leftover amount is typically either saved for future expenses or otherwise reinvested into the forum or the ecosystem. There are 10 total ad slots which are randomly rotated. So one ad slot has a one in ten chance of appearing. Nine of the slots are for sale here. Ads appear only on topic pages with more than one post. Hero/Legendary members, Donators, VIPs, and moderators have the ability to disable ads; these people don't increase the impression stats for your ads. Design & ad restrictionsAd text may not contain lies, misrepresentation, or inappropriate language. Ads may not link directly to any NSFW page. No ICOs [1], loggable mixers [2], banks, funds, or anything that a person can be said to "invest" in; I may very rarely make exceptions if you convince me that you are ultra legit, but don't count on it. Ads may be rejected for other reasons, and I may remove ads even after they are accepted. See the ad design rules for info on designing forum ads. When advertising a new service, you should always check with me in advance whether your service is OK. I will sometimes accept bids of people who don't do this, but such people are taking the risk of being rejected at the last minute. It's also a good idea for you to have me check your ad's HTML+CSS in advance, especially if this is your first time advertising. Duration/timing - Ad slots won in this auction will run from noon May 20 (US Eastern time) to noon June 23. (34 days.) - This auction will end sometime between May 11 and May 16, but May 12 is most likely. - You must pay within 48 hours of the auction ending. Only Bitcoin is accepted. If you fail to pay in time, your ad slots may be resold, and in cases where I feel that you're acting in bad faith, I may even give you a negative trust rating. - You must send me a valid ad (ie. one not breaking any of the styling or other rules) before noon May 19. If you fail to send a valid ad in time, then the ad round will start without you, and you will be "burning time". You can still send an ad after the deadline, and usually this ad will be put up fairly quickly, but no particular timeline is guaranteed after the deadline. - If extended downtime or similar issues cause your ad not to be displayed for a long time, we generally give prorated refunds (USD-denominated) for the lost time, but this is not guaranteed. StatsExact historical impression counts per slot: https://bitcointalk.org/adrotate.php?adstatsInfo about the current ad slots: https://bitcointalk.org/adrotate.php?adinfoAuction rulesNew members are likely to have their bids rejected unless they PM me first, telling me what they're going to advertise. New members might also be required to pay some amount in advance. Additionally, if you have never purchased forum ad space before, and it is not blatantly obvious what you're going to advertise, say what you're going to advertise in your first bid, or tell me in a PM. Post your bids in this thread. Prices must be stated in mBTC per slot. (10 mBTC = 0.01 BTC.) You must state the maximum number of slots you want. When the auction ends, the highest bidders will have their slots filled until all nine slots are filled. So if someone bids for 9 slots @ 50 mBTC and this is the highest bid, then he'll get all 9 slots. If the two highest bids are 9 slots @ 40 mBTC and 1 slot @ 50 mBTC, then the first person will get 8 slots and the second person will get 1 slot. The notation "2 @ 50" means 2 slots for 50 mBTC each. Not 2 slots for 50 mBTC total.- When you post a bid, the bids in your previous posts are considered to be automatically canceled. You can put multiple bids in one post, however, like "5 @ 10 and 1 @ 50". - All bid prices must be evenly divisible by 2 mBTC. - The bidding starts at 2 mBTC. - The auction ends at an arbitrary time between May 11 and May 16. Times closer to 8:00AM May 12 (US Eastern time) are more likely. - If two people bid at the same price, the person who bid first will have his slots filled first. If these rules are confusing, look at some of the past forum ad auctions to see how it's done. I reserve the right to reject bids, even days after the bid is made. Price flatteningAt the end of the auction, after the winning bids are all determined, I will do a "price flattening" operation. This has no effect on which bids actually win, but is instead just meant to make the prices actually paid by bidders more equal. For each bid, in order of lowest to greatest price/slot, I will reduce each bid's price/slot to the highest value which is equal to or only the minimum increment greater than the next-lower bid. This allows you to bid higher prices without worrying so much, but you still mustn't bid more than you're willing to pay. Example: This: Slots mBTC/Slot Person 6 200 A 1 160 B 1 80 C 1 80 D
Becomes: Slots mBTC/Slot Person 6 84 A [step 4: reduced to 82+2=84] 1 82 B [step 3: reduced to 80+2=82] 1 80 C [step 2: same as the next-lowest, unchanged] 1 80 D [step 1: the lowest bid is always unchanged] Payment, etc.You must pay for your slots within 48 hours of receiving the payment address. Otherwise your slots may be sold to someone else, and I might even give you a negative trust rating. I will send you the payment information via forum PM from this account ("theymos", user ID 35) after announcing the auction results in this thread. You might receive false payment information from scammers pretending to be me. They might even have somewhat similar usernames. Be careful. [1]: For the purposes of forum ads, an ICO is any token, altcoin, or other altcoin-like thing which meets any of the following criteria: it is primarily run/backed by a company; it is substantially, fundamentally centralized in either operation or coin distribution; or it is not yet possible for two unprivileged users of the system to send coins directly to each other in a P2P way. The intention here is to allow community efforts to advertise things like Litecoin, but not to allow ICO funding, even when the ICO is disguised in various ways.[2]: A loggable mixer is a service marketed primarily for improving transaction privacy which accepts full custody of cryptocurrency for a time and has the technical ability to log where the cryptocurrency comes from and goes to (even if they promise not to log).
Auction ended, final result: Slots mBTC/slot Person 1 40 Tibu * 1 40 Panxora_COO * 2 36 nicosey * 4 32 Hhampuz 1 32 MoonbetEcosystem * = Price paid will be flattened
I was asked to weigh in regarding moderation policy in this case:
This is an unusual, borderline case. In most contexts, constantly posting links to your own site would be considered excessively spammy regardless of what was on the site. In most contexts, so much copy/pasting (even "laundered" via a site you own) would be considered plagiarism. But because the Meetups and Press boards are more-or-less meant for the sort of aggregation that he's doing, and because it looks like he was given permission to post these press releases on his site, I'm leaning toward thinking that his activities look more like contributing (ie. working toward the purposes of the Meetups and Press boards) and less like spam/plagiarism, especially since he doesn't have very high posting volume and he doesn't have a paid sig.
My conviction that this is the best result is not strong, but that's where I fall for now.
(I am somewhat sympathetic to the idea that the Press board should be closed, but that's a separate question.)
Godex_io was previously cleared to bid, but his bids will no longer be accepted. This change is due to an issue on my end rather than any issue with Godex_io. Apologies for making this change so late in the auction.
Current auction status: Slots mBTC/slot Person 1 40 Tibu * 1 40 Panxora_COO * 2 28 BK8.Official 1 28 MoonbetEcosystem 4 28 Hhampuz * = Price paid would be flattened if the auction ended now
The auction continues.
This month 128 users were eligible. Old: theymos HostFat phantastisch malevolent qwk cygan fronti mprep Foxpup philipma1957 babo Cyrus Welsh ibminer Mitchell Ticked Timelord2067 jeremypwr EFS stompix hilariousandco Avirunes Buchi-88 Lesbian Cow willi9974 JayJuanGee Rmcdermott927 achow101 DaveF examplens yahoo62278 bitbollo Royse777 LFC_Bitcoin o_solo_miner ezeminer sandy-is-fine Real-Duke LoyceV actmyname The Pharmacist LeGaulois DarkStar_ SFR10 TwitchySeal phishead TryNinja BitcoinGirl.Club Jet Cash condoras Lafu polymerbit crwth webtricks Ale88 duesoldi bobita Vispilio Baofeng be.open imhoneer krogothmanhattan wolwoo RaltcoinsB roycilik El duderino_ Coin-1 icopress bavicrypto GreatArkansas sheenshane o_e_l_e_o logfiles Agrawas GazetaBitcoin Maus0728 TheBeardedBaby tvplus006 coinlocket$ dkbit98 mole0815 witcher_sense DdmrDdmr Lakai01 morvillz7z Husna QA Bthd abhiseshakana COOLCRYPTOVATOR DireWolfM14 TalkStar The0ldl_lser rxalts efialtis Ratimov geophphreigh Rikafip FatFork NotATether bullrun2020bro New: theymos gmaxwell phantastisch malevolent Balthazar yxt qwk mprep Foxpup philipma1957 babo Cyrus ibminer Mitchell Ticked wwzsocki Timelord2067 jeremypwr EFS stompix hilariousandco EcuaMobi arulbero buckrogers Lesbian Cow willi9974 JayJuanGee achow101 DaveF teeGUMES irfan_pak10 BitcoinPenny yahoo62278 bitbollo Royse777 zazarb LFC_Bitcoin o_solo_miner sandy-is-fine klarki LoyceV actmyname The Pharmacist LeGaulois SFR10 TwitchySeal phishead TryNinja ekiller condoras Lafu Coin_trader polymerbit HCP crwth Ale88 Vispilio Baofeng be.open krogothmanhattan wolwoo JollyGood RaltcoinsB roycilik CryptopreneurBrainboss El duderino_ KTChampions Trofo Coin-1 icopress bavicrypto GreatArkansas sheenshane o_e_l_e_o logfiles Agrawas GazetaBitcoin Maus0728 tranthidung tvplus006 dkbit98 witcher_sense bitmover DdmrDdmr cabalism13 Husna QA abhiseshakana madnessteat COOLCRYPTOVATOR lovesmayfamilis 1miau Harkorede YOSHIE efialtis Ratimov zasad@ Lachrymose FatFork NotATether bullrun2020bro
April fools! I hope that people had fun. It's always funny how many people are actually fooled. Credit to Halab and Cyrus for the idea. The triva questions were from the OpenTriviaQA database by uberspot. How the IQ score worked was that it was impossible to go above 200 or below 0, and it was supposed to be centered around 100, so it got easier to lose points and harder to gain them the higher your IQ got above 100, and vice-versa for below 100. The questions themselves all had the same weight. It was very easy to cheat (not least because the answers were all public), but just for fun, here are all of the final IQ scores: https://bitcointalk.org/af2022.txt
Your 5 mBTC ChipMixer prize donated to Razom:
Thanks! We can suggest you create a separate wallet for us to transfer you the prize
Received & donated, thanks!
April fools!
In order to improve the overall forum experience, going forward we are only going to allow smart people to post. To determine your intelligence, you will be required to answer a question every time you post (or edit your post). Your answers will be used to calculate your IQ, and starting next week, everyone with an IQ below 120 will be banned. Let's make Bitcointalk.org into the ivory tower of excellence that it was always meant to be!
I'm touched that so many people voted for me. There are many people who deserve to be called "heroes of good" more than me, but I will try to live up to it. I decline any prize; if there is BTC allocated to me, please donate it to Razom. Thanks to icopress for organizing this event, and congratulations to the winners!
Why does "Market Rebellion" know anything about this? My instinct is that this rumor will turn out to be false. But assuming it's true: Bitcointalk.org has long been on Russia's block list, so all current Russian users are using VPNs, etc. If Russia bans all non-Russian IP, then that would make it much more difficult for Russian users to access the rest of the Internet, though there's not much that we can do about that. For example, creating a Tor hidden service wouldn't help them at all. For Russians to access the Internet, they'll have to personally have some non-wired connection to the regular Internet via Starlink, cross-border laser/radio communication, etc.; or they'll have to proxy their connection via multi-homed devices which have both one of those non-wired connections as well as a Russian IP. Those latter multi-homed devices could act as Tor bridges or VPNs, but keeping these online for long may become difficult because devices with Russian IPs are presumably located in Russia and can easily be shut down by Russian authorities once discovered. The architecture of Tor bridges was not set up for this "cut off an entire country" threat model, and probably won't work well long-term. A more resilient way of bypassing this kind of censorship is a distributed database like Freenet. These systems function based on an entirely different premise from the normal Internet, so they can't be used to access the normal Internet, but they would allow for more robustly communicating through Russia's firewall. One multi-homed Freenet node could anonymously transfer data from the outside world into Russia, and then this data would be replicated among many Russian-only nodes. Freenet and similar systems can probably be pretty easily blocked by detecting and blocking all of their traffic, so an even better way of bypassing censorship would be a wireless mesh network combined with a Freenet-like distributed database. I don't know of any well-established software for doing this, though.
In all of the many years I've been admin, I don't think that anything has touched/disturbed me more than knowing that there are many veteran forum members whose countries are currently at war. It's insane that we have several people here who are literally under artillery bombardment and are being forced to defend their homes from soldiers. How is humanity so messed up that an entire bureaucracy and chain of command filled with hundreds of thousands of people are helping to commit this atrocity? And while Ukrainians are the biggest victims of this war, of course, the average Russian person is a victim too: economic cannon fodder in Putin's war. The Russian section was the first non-English section created (created when Satoshi was the forum's head administrator), and Russian-speakers, including many Ukrainians, were some of the earliest adopters of Bitcoin. This war is a tragedy in many more important ways, but it's specifically a tragedy for the Bitcoin community. My greatest hope is that applied cryptography (of which Bitcoin is probably the most successful example) will enable Russians to resist and eventually overthrow their authoritarian government in ways that give them some chance of continuing their lives. It's not reasonable to expect Russians to resist in ways that lead to almost-certain death or imprisonment.
The forum sells ad space in the area beneath the first post of every topic page. This income is used primarily to cover hosting costs and to pay moderators for their work (there are many moderators, so each moderator gets only a small amount -- moderators should be seen as volunteers, not employees). Any leftover amount is typically either saved for future expenses or otherwise reinvested into the forum or the ecosystem. There are 10 total ad slots which are randomly rotated. So one ad slot has a one in ten chance of appearing. Nine of the slots are for sale here. Ads appear only on topic pages with more than one post. Hero/Legendary members, Donators, VIPs, and moderators have the ability to disable ads; these people don't increase the impression stats for your ads. Design & ad restrictionsAd text may not contain lies, misrepresentation, or inappropriate language. Ads may not link directly to any NSFW page. No ICOs [1], loggable mixers [2], banks, funds, or anything that a person can be said to "invest" in; I may very rarely make exceptions if you convince me that you are ultra legit, but don't count on it. Ads may be rejected for other reasons, and I may remove ads even after they are accepted. See the ad design rules for info on designing forum ads. When advertising a new service, you should always check with me in advance whether your service is OK. I will sometimes accept bids of people who don't do this, but such people are taking the risk of being rejected at the last minute. It's also a good idea for you to have me check your ad's HTML+CSS in advance, especially if this is your first time advertising. Duration/timing - Ad slots won in this auction will run from noon April 14 (US Eastern time) to noon May 20. (36 days.) - This auction will end sometime between April 5 and April 8, but April 7 is most likely. - You must pay within 48 hours of the auction ending. Only Bitcoin is accepted. If you fail to pay in time, your ad slots may be resold, and in cases where I feel that you're acting in bad faith, I may even give you a negative trust rating. - You must send me a valid ad (ie. one not breaking any of the styling or other rules) before noon April 13. If you fail to send a valid ad in time, then the ad round will start without you, and you will be "burning time". You can still send an ad after the deadline, and usually this ad will be put up fairly quickly, but no particular timeline is guaranteed after the deadline. - If extended downtime or similar issues cause your ad not to be displayed for a long time, we generally give prorated refunds (USD-denominated) for the lost time, but this is not guaranteed. StatsExact historical impression counts per slot: https://bitcointalk.org/adrotate.php?adstatsInfo about the current ad slots: https://bitcointalk.org/adrotate.php?adinfoAuction rulesNew members are likely to have their bids rejected unless they PM me first, telling me what they're going to advertise. New members might also be required to pay some amount in advance. Additionally, if you have never purchased forum ad space before, and it is not blatantly obvious what you're going to advertise, say what you're going to advertise in your first bid, or tell me in a PM. Post your bids in this thread. Prices must be stated in mBTC per slot. (10 mBTC = 0.01 BTC.) You must state the maximum number of slots you want. When the auction ends, the highest bidders will have their slots filled until all nine slots are filled. So if someone bids for 9 slots @ 50 mBTC and this is the highest bid, then he'll get all 9 slots. If the two highest bids are 9 slots @ 40 mBTC and 1 slot @ 50 mBTC, then the first person will get 8 slots and the second person will get 1 slot. The notation "2 @ 50" means 2 slots for 50 mBTC each. Not 2 slots for 50 mBTC total.- When you post a bid, the bids in your previous posts are considered to be automatically canceled. You can put multiple bids in one post, however, like "5 @ 10 and 1 @ 50". - All bid prices must be evenly divisible by 2 mBTC. - The bidding starts at 2 mBTC. - The auction ends at an arbitrary time between April 5 and April 8. Times closer to 8:00AM April 7 (US Eastern time) are more likely. - If two people bid at the same price, the person who bid first will have his slots filled first. If these rules are confusing, look at some of the past forum ad auctions to see how it's done. I reserve the right to reject bids, even days after the bid is made. Price flatteningAt the end of the auction, after the winning bids are all determined, I will do a "price flattening" operation. This has no effect on which bids actually win, but is instead just meant to make the prices actually paid by bidders more equal. For each bid, in order of lowest to greatest price/slot, I will reduce each bid's price/slot to the highest value which is equal to or only the minimum increment greater than the next-lower bid. This allows you to bid higher prices without worrying so much, but you still mustn't bid more than you're willing to pay. Example: This: Slots mBTC/Slot Person 6 200 A 1 160 B 1 80 C 1 80 D
Becomes: Slots mBTC/Slot Person 6 84 A [step 4: reduced to 82+2=84] 1 82 B [step 3: reduced to 80+2=82] 1 80 C [step 2: same as the next-lowest, unchanged] 1 80 D [step 1: the lowest bid is always unchanged] Payment, etc.You must pay for your slots within 48 hours of receiving the payment address. Otherwise your slots may be sold to someone else, and I might even give you a negative trust rating. I will send you the payment information via forum PM from this account ("theymos", user ID 35) after announcing the auction results in this thread. You might receive false payment information from scammers pretending to be me. They might even have somewhat similar usernames. Be careful. [1]: For the purposes of forum ads, an ICO is any token, altcoin, or other altcoin-like thing which meets any of the following criteria: it is primarily run/backed by a company; it is substantially, fundamentally centralized in either operation or coin distribution; or it is not yet possible for two unprivileged users of the system to send coins directly to each other in a P2P way. The intention here is to allow community efforts to advertise things like Litecoin, but not to allow ICO funding, even when the ICO is disguised in various ways.[2]: A loggable mixer is a service marketed primarily for improving transaction privacy which accepts full custody of cryptocurrency for a time and has the technical ability to log where the cryptocurrency comes from and goes to (even if they promise not to log).
Auction ended, final result: Slots mBTC/Slot Person 1 50 Tibu 1 48 MoonbetEcosystem 2 42 nicosey 2 42 yahoo62278 2 40 Panxora_COO 1 36 Hhampuz
How did you people who are complaining about Ukrainian neonazis feel about the Freedom Convoy being smeared in the media for being neonazis because a handful of them apparently were? It's the same thing. You can't judge a whole country/movement based on just a few non-representative anecdotes.
I'm sure that the Ukrainian government is corrupt and has oppressed many people within its borders at various occasions, BTW, which is why I wouldn't donate to their official BTC addresses or anything like that. Just because one side is bad doesn't mean that the other side is good. But that doesn't justify Putin's invasion. If government corruption or bad domestic policies justified war, then everyone would be at war with everyone. IMO the US's invasion of Iraq was far from a justified war, and Ukraine is way better than Iraq was.
Note that bids from Tibu, MoonbetEcosystem, nicosey, and WOW_Crypto will be accepted.
Bids must be evenly divisible by 2 mBTC. When someone breaks this rule, I accept the bid, but I round down to a valid amount.
Current auction status: Slots mBTC/Slot Person 1 50 Tibu * 1 48 MoonbetEcosystem * 2 42 nicosey * 2 40 Panxora_COO * 4 36 Hhampuz * = If the auction ended now, the amount paid would be reduced due to the price flattening rule.
The auction continues.
Yeah, the nutcases pressing Biden to create a "no-fly zone" (ie. shoot down Russian planes, ie. start a war with Russia) are going to end up causing WWIII. They're making me dust off my nuclear-war preparedness plans, find my potassium iodide, etc.
BTW, it's a common misconception that global nuclear war would instantly kill everyone and be the end of the world. If you live more than 10-20km from a major city's center, you'll probably survive the initial blasts. Then if you know how to shelter from the fallout in a basement or something for at least a few days, you'll probably survive the radiation. And then if you don't give up, you and your community should be able to adapt to the climate changes caused by "nuclear winter". If you're not right in the middle of a big obvious target, then you're probably not going to be instantly vaporized, so I recommend making some basic preparations.
BTC will probably not be useful for large-scale evasion of sanctions where a sanctioned person wants to buy million-dollar mansions or whatever. Unless the transaction is purely virtual (like a crypto-to-crypto trade), such a large transaction will be noticed at the physical-world/fiat end of the transaction and investigated. Mixers won't help if authorities are looking right at your stuff in the physical world. Maybe the sanctioned individuals will find crypto useful to do small things like buy access to Netflix, but nothing major.
It is important to note, however, that BTC can be used by ordinary Russians to legally* get around the serious issues created by the sanctions. Currently, ordinary Russians will find it almost impossible to send or receive fiat payments internationally because the Russian banks have been sanctioned, but since ordinary Russians are not themselves sanctioned, they can legally* send/receive BTC internationally. If a parallel BTC economy develops in Russia, that'd be great for Bitcoin, for Russians (because they'll be able to escape some of the economic crush of sanctions), and for the world (because it'll give the Russian state less control over its people, making an uprising more possible).
Note that the regions of Crimea, Luhansk, and Donetsk are ~completely embargoed by US sanctions, so even ordinary people in those areas are sanctioned.* And there are other complicated details of the sanctions.
* As far as I can tell. I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice.