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261  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you hate muslems? on: April 02, 2016, 06:29:36 PM
I only hate Muslims who support the following:

. The killing of apostates

. The stoning of adulterers

. Cutting the hands of thieves

. Throwing gays off rooftops

. Jailing or killing people who draw the prophet Mohammed

. Jailing or killing people who burn or otherwise destroy or deface the Qu'ran

. Attacking or harassing non-believers purely because they don't follow their faith

. Raping or enslaving non-believers

. Killing or jailing people who drink in public

. Circumcising children ( Chopping off bits of their genitals )

. Establishing Sharia Law within Democratic countries

If you're a Muslim and believe any of these things and think that you can only be a Muslim and believe in this bullshit, then of course I hate you, however if you're a Muslim and find these things horrendous and will do everything to stop this, then you're more than welcome.

PS: It's not "your" country... if you don't like Muslims, then get the fuck out of OUR country!

Let me ask you a question, would you seriously welcome Muslims in your country with open arms if they believed in any of the things I listed above? If you do, then it should be you who should leave whichever country you're in.
262  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Japanese porn industry hit by shortage of men on: April 02, 2016, 12:28:47 AM
because Japan is one of the most expensive country for cost of living.

That's actually wrong, I've done my research and it would be cheaper for me to move to Japan than to live here in the UK if I made a good chunk of money, when you use B.itcoin inflation becomes much less of an issue, by the way, another factor in this is apparently they have capped third party car insurance, another thing which makes it a lot cheaper to live their than the UK as well as a proper progressive tax system.

Even the housing prices are cheaper overall in Japan compared to a lot of western countries, that's if you look outside Tokyo of course.
263  Other / Politics & Society / Re: ISIS Turns Saudis Against the Kingdom, and Families Against Their Own on: April 02, 2016, 12:25:52 AM
I know it's harsh, but considering what these fucking Saudis do to their own people it's about time they got a taste of the kind of terror that's spreading out throughout the rest of the world, maybe now they'll finally do something as they've been directly attacked. I have little sympathy for these guys as I'm convinced they are part of the problem especially with their particular brand of Islamism and how they treat the citizenry.

I have definitely run out of empathy given what the west is going through right now, better the middle east kills itself than the rest of the world.that gets along quite civilly by comparison.
264  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Women beating men; is it common? on: March 31, 2016, 02:38:46 PM
I've actually gotten inadvertently dragged into these kind of arguments before, I don't mention it much here, because this is Bitcointalk but on reddit I ended up throwing my lot in with the MRA crowd because feminists accused me of being an MRA rape apologist, naturally I didn't know what the hell MRAs were so I searched for it and found the feminists and SJWs were totally full of shit.

Here's an article on the subject, people like saddampuh are part of the problem, social conservative and traditionalist douchebags who insist men have to behave or act a certain way or they're not 'men'. The truth of the matter is domestic violence stats are actually almost 50/50, men are slightly less, but not by that much, the problem is that there are so many people out there who have blatantly stereotypical views of men and double standards they think that domestic violence against men doesn't exist at all

lol kill yourself already if you've been whooped by a woman.

Hopefully some day you wake up to find your dick cut off in your sleep. Of course you need a girlfriend first, so that will probably never happen.
Funny, but kind of unneeded. Both of you are acting kind of ridiculous. Saying kill yourself is advocating suicide and saying you'll never get a girlfriend is just rude.

Ignore the cunt, that's what I do, he's your classic fanatical moron.
265  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Orwellian Citizen Score, China's credit score system, is a warning for Americans on: March 31, 2016, 02:30:56 PM
Let's be realistic, with all this politically correct bullshit going on it's already happening but simply unofficially, free speech and expression isn't protected anymore, if you read certain publications or talk about things that certain people consider 'offensive' they can and will attempt to ostracise you for it, it doesn't matter how innocent your intentions are the mere fact that you've been onto places the politically correct crowd object to is enough to get you on their shit list even if you don't really take part in the discussion much.

It's already happening on reddit and other forms of social media, twitter is a classic and more extreme example, the only difference is there's no scoring system so you don't know how well you're doing in their eyes, they simply ban you or try to attack you right away. I think arrogance and smugness is going to bite people in the arse if they look at other countries and think that kind of crap can't possibly happen where they are.
266  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Reversable male contraceptive being tested called Vasalgel on: March 30, 2016, 07:57:36 PM
It's real Techshare, don't be a dick Tongue It's pretty much going all around the major news outlets now.
267  Other / Politics & Society / Reversable male contraceptive being tested called Vasalgel on: March 30, 2016, 04:25:52 PM

You know what the best part is? They accept Bitcoin donations, also, it looks like this isn't some dodgy as fuck thing that somebody is messing around with or is actually quite harmful it looks very legitimate, they're using Bitpay.
268  Other / Politics & Society / Re: North Korea Tells Citizens to Prepare Themselves for Famine on: March 29, 2016, 01:55:40 PM
Interesting.  The UN is prepared to sacrifice another 3 million in a vain attempt to change the mind of a verifiable megalomaniac with a total lack of empathy his people.  I guess the end game is depopulation?

The problem is with that kind of tactic giving them money will inevitably mean that they'll simply target their dissidents and adversaries or people they find less important to the 'cause' the UN as with many western countries really have no fucking clue how to deal with people they can't just bomb and invade.
269  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Deal reached to take California minimum wage to $15 an hour on: March 28, 2016, 05:22:10 PM
I will find it pretty hilarious to watch these people dig their own graves, economists have warned against this kind of thing for years, arbitrarily raising the minimum wage is going to do fuck all.
270  Other / Meta / Re: Wondering why Trolling is still against the forum rules . on: March 28, 2016, 08:52:29 AM
You have an ignore function, use it.
271  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2016-03-25]Venezuelan Government Launches Anti-Bitcoin Campaign on: March 26, 2016, 02:30:25 AM

Am I the only one who sees such stories as something positive? People in countries like Venezuela are aware that they're being fed with government propaganda and many will do the opposite of whatever the official advise is.

Therefore it's essentially free advertising campaign in the national tv channel. Although people may not be able to legally trade BTC (not sure on that tho) if the Bitcoin awareness and demand is high, they'll easily find a way to bypass any restrictions. 

As Venezuelan citizens learn about Bitcoin, I would expect there to be a lot of black market dealing going on where they sell their Bitcoin for local currency or vice versa and start trading with each other in secret, this is exactly the type of thing that Bitcoin is very good at, the only restrictions they'd have to deal with generally are the banking services. In which case in a situation like Venezula the citizens might choose to abandon the paper currency altogether and just use Bitcoin because it works and doesn't lose value so easily.
272  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Microsoft deletes 'teen girl' AI after it became racist on: March 25, 2016, 11:09:59 AM
I love that, even AI hate feminists and SJWs and these are just the simple ones Tongue
273  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2016-03-23] OXBTC Launches Bitcoin Cloud Mining Promotion on: March 23, 2016, 10:29:26 PM
Unless they're like Genesis Mining who show proper video footage and even livestreams of their mining farms don't trust these guys for a second, as of now, all we have seen is that they have a website.
274  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Explosion at Zaventem airport in Brussels on: March 22, 2016, 10:55:01 PM

When has that ever stopped them from wasting suicide bombers and fighters against civilians?

All muslims in the Europe support suicide bombers and terrorists?

All nazis in Germany supported the endlösung? No they didn't, just some. Is that change anything about the opinion about nazism?

It is fucking amazing that people seem to think that Islam should get a free pass from any sort of criticism even if there are people running around killing people in its name, how about you people defending this stop being such a bunch of cowards?
275  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Explosion at Zaventem airport in Brussels on: March 22, 2016, 10:10:11 AM
Do you think muslims are the main cause of this? Funny.
i'll bet you any amount of money that muslims carried out this attack, and that they will be behind the next one, and the one after that

"Cui prodest". I dont think that muslims stand to gain from this.

When has that ever stopped them from wasting suicide bombers and fighters against civilians?
276  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Explosion at Zaventem airport in Brussels on: March 22, 2016, 09:14:22 AM
how many more of these until people accept that it is time to deport muslims from europe?

Do you think muslims are the main cause of this? Funny.

I'm almost willing to place a bet on that but I don't really gamble, plus there have been Islamists caught before in Belgium plotting this exact kind of attack except directed at the EU.
277  Other / Off-topic / Re: Please vote for me in the big election on: March 21, 2016, 03:15:36 AM
This post gave me cancer and aids of the eyes.. Terrible choice of GIF.
These are the kind of posts I wont stand for in the offtopic forms, memespouting gifshaming will no longer be tolerated if I win

In that case everybody should do everything they can to stop you.

I really hope you're joking around.
278  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Growing Anti-Japanese movemend in Germany on: March 21, 2016, 02:50:49 AM
The extreme-left nuts might be behind this attack, as the Japanese have refused to accept the hordes of barbarians from the Middle East in to their country. The Japs don't believe in multiculturalism. They want to protect their culture and are in favor of a homogenized society. That is why the crime rate in Japan is one of the lowest in the world.

I hope you're completely wrong about that and on any other day I would have been happy to say you're being a delusional idiot, these days though, I'm really not sure, given the kind of tactics the crazy left wingers are adopting. I will correct you on one point though, the Japanese are actually pretty welcoming to foreigners they just have the good sense to not let a bunch of refugees in by the thousands without doing proper background checks and making sure they aren't criminals first.

I find it ridiculous that not wanting people to get attacked or raped by immigrants who don't want to live in your country peacefully now automatically means you're xenophobic.
279  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Growing Anti-Japanese movemend in Germany on: March 20, 2016, 11:36:32 PM
The fuck? An anti-Japanese movement? Is this a thing now? I'm aware that there are bad relations between China and Japan over this but that's the only thing I can think of that could cause this.

Then again, the Japanese did just make a statement about anime/manga which a lot of people didn't like so I wonder if this is more to do with that?
280  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Brussels: Moslems Protected Abdeslam – The Whole Neighborhood Knew He was There on: March 20, 2016, 10:42:02 PM
I'm not surprised. Most people failing to realize that muslims are not our friends. Some of them whom we know personally maybe friends, but the majority of them are distanced themselves from us and have a very different agenda for the future.
I think that's accurate, and it's likely the ones we know personally and who are our friends, are very lax about their religion and their "religious duties."  For example I've known dozens of Muslims and not a one of them did the five times a day prayer rug on the floor thing.  I believe I would have seen it, and I do not think they would have been secret about it.

That's very true, I do have personal experience in this, the ones that don't take the religion so seriously, as with any are the most tolerant, open minded and friendly, it's the douchebags you see wondering around with their beards at certain length and lecturing people in the street about drinking alchohol or telling girls to cover up that are the fucking problem, the difficulty is there are assholes that out there that will try to defend them constantly and people are getting sick of it.
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