We may not have reached our minimum for the Bittrex CFC, but that will not stop us. We're moving forward. DETAILS COMING SOON!!!CFC IS NOW CLOSED. BUY WALL FOR BTC REFUNDS TO FOLLOW https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-R3D!First demo can be viewed here: https://vimeo.com/getr3d/r3dblog. Rundown of account creation, posting, replies, and r3d's core application to a blog-type platform
Second demo can be viewed here: https://vimeo.com/getr3d/r3dbin. We outline how you can create your own code/paste bin site written to the blockchain
Interview with Lootz from SuperNET Radio can be found here: https://soundcloud.com/supernetradio/r3dArticle discussing r3d on fuk.io: http://fuk.io/august-2015-report-best-altcoins-and-cryptocurrency-to-mine-and-invest-in-to-profit/
I'd like to start off by giving the community a brief history of my crypto background & participation before we jump into r3d.
(Those of you who don't know me, please don't jump to conclusions about my nickname. It was a nickname given to me as a kid entirely based on my Surname)
Many of you know me through my participation & leadership in the SHIBECOIN community-takeover and supportive team efforts for NEOSCOIN. SHIBE was the first altcoin that I heavily invested in and was relatively new to crypto at the time so I didn't know any better and refused to cut my losses and move on. Things didn't work out as we had hoped, but I've met some phenomenal people along the way and learned so much about bitcoin and crypto as a whole through that experience. Some of you may know me from my level of support and participation with Ian from the former altcoin exchange coin-swap.net. In addition, I've also acted as escrow for some, and as a reference for others as well as a basic mining pool operator.
The purpose of providing you with my crypto background is to be clear about my intentions and come at this as a seasoned member of the altcoin community rather than creating a brand-new bitcointalk account in which no one can trust. I will be clear and honest when someone asks me if I am a developer. I am not a developer nor have I ever claimed to be one.
My purpose here is to act as a community director, or manager if you will. I have voluntarily stepped up to assist in leading this project at the request of several experienced developers.
At this point in time the developers will remain anonymous.
The purpose of their anonymity is to stay focused on the code without distraction, thus I am here representing this fascinating project.As you are all aware now, syntaks is a hired developer for this project.
Now for some words from the collective and technical information

r3d is what is going to free our creative minds from the shackles of censorship. r3d is what will empower your blog, your website, your forum, your documents - using the blockchain, some intuition and a powerful arsenal of technologies.
We, the r3d collective, are comprised of technologists, activists, coders and free-thinking supporters. We've come together to utilize existing technologies to their fullest potential and create the most functional platform and economically-sound crypto ecosystem possible. We are tired of standing idle while each and every day more of our freedoms are taken away.
We are here.
Pronounced like the color "red" with the "E" substituted as a "3" for "oldschool l33t speak" as a tribute to old bbs nodes.
The association of red with communism is rooted in the use of a red flag by European revolutionaries, and used as the idea of the workers/people "rising up". The obvious symbolism is that of blood. In fact, red flags were used in medieval times to indicate that a castle would not surrender, and later by pirates and others to indicate that, if/when they won nobody would be spared (the blood would flow freely).
We felt that it fits with the entire scope of what we are trying to accomplish with r3d, creating a platform that allows complete freedom from censorship and gives users and nodes the ability for self moderation, to reward content providers directly, to reward nodes directly, to reward commenters and communities all through a semi closed loop system.
r3d's goal is to set the internet free using blockchain technologies.

- Unique account registration that can be used on the entire r3d network. You can register as many accounts as you like for a fee. The fee is in place as a method of spam/squatting prevention and goes directly to the miners. While account registration isn't mandatory, there are many occasions where it is beneficial to be able to prove who you say you are, and to prove that you are the creator of something, account registration allows you to do just that, eventually authenticate with other services by becoming an authentication provider. One possible use case for this is an author who wants to be able to easily prove they wrote a specific post on a specific time because someone is trying to copy their work, r3d will allow them to legally prove this.
- Ability to create assets aka posts. You can post to any site on the network with the same account, or just create a post to share with others in general. r3d is meant to be a commune of freedom. Posts are pretty much anything, comments, a blog post, a wanted ad, a forum post, a welcome page to a website, a secret document, a link to an external site. These will live on the blockchain for as long as r3d is around. Basically nearly anything you can make on the internet today, is intended to be able to be put into r3d. These posts cost r3d to create, in which the fee goes to the miners, but the creators can easily recoup and even make a profit off of them by other users voting or tipping.
- Voting: This gives people the ability to vote/rate virtually anything on the r3d network, its also one of the ways to reward/transfer r3d to another person. Eg: If someone was to post a great short story that you liked on r3d, you could "upvote" it, which would transfer a small amount of your r3d to them in reward for their work, think of it like micro transactions, but with the ability to be any amount you would like, most of the r3d goes to the creator, and a small percentage goes to miners as fees. Voting will allow a reputation system to be built directly into the blockchain, so if someone were to create a storefront on r3d you would quickly be able to see who are the most reputable/trusted sellers.
We're providing a standard client for r3d initially to showcase exactly what can be done. One of the many great features is that it can be partnered with any programming language basically that can read JSON or handle RPC connections. Both options are available to make community development as easy as possible.

Imagine if you will spending an hour detailing your thoughts on a cause you believe in only to find out not but a half hour later, the site administrator has removed your content. Imagine as a site owner, your web host has removed your content due to a violation of their terms and your faithful followers are now left homeless along with all of their content removed. Do you have recent backups? Do you have backups at all? How much was lost due to the ruling of a pseudo-iron fist?
With r3d, none of the above can ever happen. With r3d, you no longer have the fears and concerns you once might have. Everything is on the blockchain and as it has been proven already - you cannot stop the blockchain. Consider r3d a permanent, indestructible home that provides the ability to mirror quickly and without issue. What if you no longer needed to depend on a web host or a site operator but in fact your site itself was a free entity?
Taking things a step further, r3d encrypts your data before it is ever sent to the blockchain. What if you did not want to trust a site that allowed you to share information through pasting? Those sites are indexed more often than not rather quickly, and unfortunately what you were hoping would be private between you and another party is now quite public. Not with r3d. Your document is only readable by those with a valid passphrase which you set at the time of creation.
Imagine a site like wikileaks not ever needing to concern themselves with anything beyond their content. Picture a site like reddit where users can share their thoughts and reward each other for appreciated contributions. How about a technical support site where helpful contributers are rewarded for their help by their peers?
This is just an example of what r3d can be used for. Everything is moderated client-side, which means you have the power to control what YOU want to see and do NOT want to see.
Everything r3d supports in the core is achievable through the RPC interface. r3d encourages and supports custom clients. Developers can easily make use of the r3d system through most any language with RPC libraries. r3d also has the option to export your subscribed content feeds to json through RPC. You could create instances on-the-fly through the power of r3d that could be mirrored on websites or fed through custom-coded clients.

- decentralized reddit-type forum with client-side moderation as well as node based moderation and rules all running at the same time in which posters, commenters and moderators are paid via the blockchain.
- a decentralized permanent pastebin alternative where people can be rewarded for what you post.
- decentralized wikipedia clone on the blockchain where curators can actually be paid for their time.
- an alternative to twitter where you can earn r3d for the value you contribute.
- an anonymous un-censorable wikileaks alternative with the ability of proof of author.
- help sites where your content is paid for via the users who find it useful via micro tipping/voting.
- a craigslist clone or other market place with a built in reputation system.
- r3d aware smart objects. eg: being able to unlock the doors of a vacation property because it can verify who you are for the length of your rental agreement.
- identity verification services.
- legal contracts with time sensitivity.
- elections
make better forums, blogs, wikis, websites using r3d source with blockchain already included

- Price point discovery/dynamic pricing based on network load.
- Encrypted p2p messaging.
- Expiring assets.
- Thin clients
- Super nodes
- deployable decentralized 1 click applications using the r3d blockchain
- user filtering - ignore posts from users in your list from showing up on your client
- asset configuration options (additional information, preferences)
- TOR support
- Mobile clients
Lots of exciting features to come

- scrypt auxpow
- 2 minute block spacing
- 20 confirmations to maturity
- All services activate after 5 confirmations
- KGW difficulty algorithm with improvements
- Coin supply (4 billion all sold through the ICO)
- Reward per block: service fees only (detailed below)
- Account Registration: one-time 3500 r3d fee (fees go to miners); unique to each user, duplicates will never be permitted; can be used across any and all platforms built on r3d
- Create your own node (site): one-time 3500 r3d fee (fees go to miners)
- Create a document/asset (free-floating document): one-time 100 r3d fee (fees go to miners)
- Create an asset on a node that isn't yours (e.g.: a post): one-time 100 r3d fee (49 goes to the node owner, 51 to miners)
- Create a comment on an asset on a node that isn't yours: one-time 50 r3d fee (39 to the asset creator, 5 to the node owner, 6 to miners)
- Create a comment on an asset (not on a node): one-time 50 r3d fee (39 to the asset creator, 11 to miners)
- Vote on an asset on a node: one-time 10 r3d fee (7 to the asset creator, 1 to the node owner, 2 to miners)
- Vote on an asset not on a node: one-time 10 r3d fee (8 to the asset creator, 2 to miners)
- Give a user a positive reputation point: one-time 10 r3d fee (8 to the user, 2 to miners)
- Give a user a negative reputation point: one-time 10 r3d fee (10 to miners)

We have chosen to adopt a semi closed-loop system using zero-sum game theory, from Wikipedia:
In game theory and economic theory, a zero-sum game is a mathematical representation of a situation in which each participant's gain (or loss) of utility is exactly balanced by the losses (or gains) of the utility of the other participant(s). If the total gains of the participants are added up and the total losses are subtracted, they will sum to zero.
How this works for r3d is 100% of the utility of r3d goes back in to the economy either back to miners in the form of fees, or to contributors in the form of rewards creating a constant cycle. This is similar to how Bitcoin is intended to work at the very end of its halvings, where the only mining rewards are fees, but unlike Bitcoin, r3d's entire ecosystem is built with the focus on fees and rewards from the start. With the fact that r3d is also intended to be mined along-side any other scrypt currency (eg: the most profitable scrypt currency at the time) it can encourage mining and holding a lot easier, without the hyperinflation associated with poorly thought out PoS currencies (eg: unrealistic APR's such as 100%). In fact, the intentional design of r3d's semi closed-loop system and service fees is intended to create a rich self sustaining economic ecosystem that will be able to grow organically, and reward early investors as the popularity of the platform grows. Remember, mining costs nothing since it can be mined with any other scrypt currency, but miners are only rewarded when r3d is used.
In layman's terms regarding r3d: All services in r3d have fees, all of the fees go either to miners or back to reward contributors directly.

From the Bitcoin Wiki: Auxiliary Proof-of-Work (POW) a.k.a "AuxPOW" is the relationship between two blockchains for one to trust the other's work as their own and accept AuxPOW blocks.
R3D being scrypt AuxPOW allows it to be merge mined with any other scrypt blockchain (eg: Litecoin) with no extra cost to miners, this solves the so called 'energy waste' problem some people talk about when they mention proof-of-work mining, because the energy is also being used to secure other blockchains, in a sense reusing that energy.
With a POS setup it rewards people for holding and doing nothing with the crypto currency usually offering a completely unrealistic APR in order to con people into thinking that its a great investment, unfortunately economies can't (and don't) work if noone is spending. With our setup we believe having it strictly fee based mining rewards (vs block rewards as well as fees), and AuxPOW it allows miners to dump the fees that have been earned by them back into the r3d system without adversely affecting the economy as well as encouraging active spending.

We've already partnered with several well known pool operators and they are prepared for workers upon launch.

Crowdfunding Campaign is scheduled to launch 09:00:00 AM PDT August 21, 2015 and will close 09:00:00 AM September 4, 2015 at Bittrex
Total Supply: 4,000,000,000
CFC price: 100 Satoshi (0.00000100 BTC)
Sucessful CFC: 802,000,000 r3d purchased before CFC closing
*notes per Bittrex rules, funds will be released no less than 3 days after CFC closes so they can test the source code and blockchain
The launch and release date of r3d is September 6th, 2015THE CFC IS NOW CLOSED. PLEASE LOOK FOR A BUY WALL FOR BTC REFUNDS.
*Why we chose Bittrex*Bittrex has proven themselves time after time to be not only a trustworthy entity in this space, but also very honorable and direct. They have shown often their care for the community's well-being as well as taking proactive measures to validate other projects they've hosted to preserve not only that integrity but to also provide protection for the investors. Without their guidelines and stipulations met, a CFC will not be approved nor hosted. Freedom is something we hold very high in value, and r3d represents a sense of that freedom. If we had no intentions of providing everything we've outlined here, we would have not even approached Bittrex because, as per their rules, all CFC coins would be bought back and the campaign terminated.
*The price point and rationale behind it*The price is a direct reflection of forecasted use of the r3d services. We've all collaborated and come to mathematical agreements in terms of service fees, potential future projections and how they could affect the network and operations. We set the price point as low as we have to make it affordable for everyone to buy r3d and start using it. r3d is affordable enough that if it were to be used for promotion for example for a faucet, for your blog, or even just as donations and tips to others it wouldn't cost much. Our goal is to spread r3d everywhere that we can and invite those both inside of the crypto space and outside of it to enjoy the power of r3d.
Our collective consists of not only some of the most seasoned of developers, economists and strategists but the most devoted people to the cause that any team could ask for. We have arranged direct ports with several well-known pools that will be active post-release as well as AUXPOW configured for r3d.
After the CFC has finished, we will be appropriating funds for:
- Globally-positioned nodes and pools (Ensuring the network is kept evenly-distributed in terms of hash as well as sync locations).
- Advertisements and articles within other communities, technology-based sites, and sites within the crypto space.
- Additional developers to work on alternative r3d clients (If you're an experienced nodejs developer - we will be hiring), as well as continued development for our upcoming on-demand container-based packages.
- Additional designers for new creatives to be used in unconventional methods (such as billboards), apparel (t-shirts, sweatshirts), accessories (mouse pads, thumb drives, etc.)
- Fees for any additional opportunities that present themselves that would benefit r3d and the communities using our platform
- Informational material such as video tutorials on how to run your own r3d site, share documents, protect your data the best and instantly replicate a site or feed.
- Mobile development (critical)
We're trying to reach beyond the typical scope of methods used for distribution and awareness. Our team works together, but all have their specialties and resources which will provide endless possibilities. The members of this team are completely dedicated to r3d development and growth. They have committed to developing, supporting, and marketing r3d full-time. r3d really empowers the content creator, and engages communities with the ability to earn r3d from their contributions. We expect once the public is introduced to r3d and are shown how to use it - our user base will grow exponentially.
Any coin not sold through the CFC will be burned. By design of the r3d network, this will not have any negative impact whatsoever. r3d has endless possibilities and we're just getting started. Requests from the community are very welcomed.