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Author Topic: NiceHash Miner - easy-to-use best-profit multi-device cryptocurrency miner  (Read 170930 times)
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---- winter*juvia -----

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April 05, 2017, 05:50:23 PM

Is nicehash Miner planning on updated to Claymore 9.0?

Copy Claymore 9 into the 3rd party miner folder....

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April 05, 2017, 06:10:53 PM

Is there any hope of having Claymore dual miner setup for nVidia cards in the nicehash miner? I have quite a few rigs running the 10x series cards now and this functionality would add some $$ to the bottom line.
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April 05, 2017, 07:40:14 PM

Is nicehash Miner planning on updated to Claymore 9.0?

Copy Claymore 9 into the 3rd party miner folder....

Its really that simple?
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April 06, 2017, 12:02:14 PM

Is nicehash Miner planning on updated to Claymore 9.0?

Copy Claymore 9 into the 3rd party miner folder....

Its really that simple?

Well I just tried it and whilst it works and is getting shares accepted on both pools, the GUI doesn't show any speed reading and as a result keeps restarting.

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April 06, 2017, 12:19:34 PM

Is nicehash Miner planning on updated to Claymore 9.0?

Copy Claymore 9 into the 3rd party miner folder....

Its really that simple?

Its really that simple.   I've done it with all the claymore versions since they've started supporting claymore.
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April 06, 2017, 02:36:43 PM

How would I dual mine LBRY?

I tried this and it keeps says DCR and doesnt generate speeds on site.

-dpool stratum+tcp:// -dwal BTCWALLET -allpools 1
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April 08, 2017, 07:12:36 AM

Unable to get NiceHash profitability data. If you are connected to internet, try again later.

I think the web maintenance is preventing me from mining. what in the world are you guys thinking
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April 08, 2017, 07:14:13 AM

Web frontend is currently down for maintenance.

We expect to be back in a couple minutes. Thanks for your patience.

 Stratum servers should be running as usual.

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April 08, 2017, 08:06:19 AM

Hey. Whers gone 4 hours mining? Technical issues again?  Huh
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April 08, 2017, 02:16:08 PM

OlegVerona, no worries, we have recovered everything so nothing was lost.  Smiley

Happy mining!


What do you mean nothing was lost? I was up last night physically watching the nicehash miner not working because you took your website down for maintenance. And about 10 minutes after I posted it on here it was fixed.
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April 08, 2017, 02:22:52 PM

OlegVerona, no worries, we have recovered everything so nothing was lost.  Smiley

Happy mining!


What do you mean nothing was lost? I was up last night physically watching the nicehash miner not working because you took your website down for maintenance. And about 10 minutes after I posted it on here it was fixed.

My miners stopped hashing for 4 hours during this maintenance. So "nothing was lost" is kinda not correct...

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---- winter*juvia -----

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April 08, 2017, 04:51:08 PM

With everything I was referring to the earnings, which we successfully pushed and everyone got paid.  Cool

Happy mining.

My failover pools didn't take over successfully during the downtime so basically rigs were hashing to la-la land and I still paid for electricity  Angry

Could you summarize a brief report on what actually happened?

Occasional scheduled maintenance and minor unplanned downtimes from NH are reasonably acceptable however 4 hour downtime is serious.... For hardware or server related issues, I am sure NH have decent backup servers and redundancy strategies etc. so I am not too worried about that.

However, does NH have backup or contingencies for "ISP related downtime" like this?

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April 08, 2017, 05:02:12 PM

ir there a way to mine ETH+DCR using claymore 9 on ETHOS? i tryed a lot of conf.. but did not work
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April 09, 2017, 04:50:50 AM

Are you not virtualized?  Hardware breaking should be a momentary blip as VMs reboot at the very most and at best no blip at all if load balancers are brought in to shift traffic to other servers automatically.  Seems odd for a large company that depends on up time to not have these types of things.  I run a 24/7 infrastructure with customers hitting it day and night and hardware is never an issue for more than a few moments while it flips over to secondary's.  Something you may want to consider.

Edit:  Don't get me wrong though, you guys are one of the most stable out there.  But I, like others, depend on you for cash flow. Wink

This is from the other thread, citronick:

IMPORTANT NOTICE: one of our backend servers broke down (hardware). We are working on the fix as soon as possible.

UPDATE: There was an attempt to fix the issue by replacing RAM. No luck. The issue is still there. Now looking into other options. It may take an hour or two.

UPDATE2: The problem happened at EU marketplace location. We also took down USA marketplace (nothing wrong there). Because orders eventually run out and low paying orders come in play, miners usually do not want to work on these. Offline service redirects your miners to your backup pools (if you have them configured).
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Activity: 1834
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---- winter*juvia -----

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April 09, 2017, 05:09:56 AM

Are you not virtualized?  Hardware breaking should be a momentary blip as VMs reboot at the very most and at best no blip at all if load balancers are brought in to shift traffic to other servers automatically.  Seems odd for a large company that depends on up time to not have these types of things.  I run a 24/7 infrastructure with customers hitting it day and night and hardware is never an issue for more than a few moments while it flips over to secondary's.  Something you may want to consider.

Edit:  Don't get me wrong though, you guys are one of the most stable out there.  But I, like others, depend on you for cash flow. Wink

This is from the other thread, citronick:

IMPORTANT NOTICE: one of our backend servers broke down (hardware). We are working on the fix as soon as possible.

UPDATE: There was an attempt to fix the issue by replacing RAM. No luck. The issue is still there. Now looking into other options. It may take an hour or two.

UPDATE2: The problem happened at EU marketplace location. We also took down USA marketplace (nothing wrong there). Because orders eventually run out and low paying orders come in play, miners usually do not want to work on these. Offline service redirects your miners to your backup pools (if you have them configured).

Thanks for the fwd on the support notice -- hmmm I thought it was a ISP related issue (seen over Twitter feed) - I am surprised that it's HW related...

....anwyays, I would like to add on to jwarren81's comment on using virtualization technology.

If NH has not implemented VM yet, strongly suggest you do it ASAP since NH marketplace and platforms should be considered critical infrastructure. VM technology is not new, it has been around for so long.... first in the networking moons ago (some say even from mainframe days). Modern server and storage infrastructures have also tremendously gained resilience and scalability using VM technologies - many good VM solutions out there that could extend your service uptime 24x7x365.

Btw, thanks for great open communications and explanation on the service downtime. Press on!

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April 09, 2017, 09:05:30 AM

Unfortunately, VMs are something you can use only if you don't need latest CPU technologies such as AES-NI, AVX2 etc which we heavily rely on. Also, to our experiences, VMs do not have such good uptime. There are many sporadic issues such as sudden reboots and upgrade maintenances, disks are terribly slow, private network outtages that also cause issues with storage I/O etc.

What happened should not have happened, but it did anyway. However, the chances of this happening are very very very slim, so we do not expect something like this to happen again. - Largest Crypto-Mining Marketplace
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April 09, 2017, 12:24:31 PM

Seems that I'm getting close to what I want my equihash mining in excavator to be.
Currently I'm getting ~440H/s with ~120W power consumption with my GTX 1070, but I'm overclocking it with MSI Afterburner and when NiceHash miner switches to another algorythm I often get freeze with "lost connection to GPU" in afterburner, "no CUDA device" or something like this and another errors in miners. And then I need to reboot in order to make it continue mining. Last night this thing happened again and my PC worked for 7 hours without any profit. So I came to conclusion that I need to find proper OC settings for each algorythm in order to make mining safe and stable.

NiceHashSupport, can you help me please with settings for NiceHash miner?

Putting this in start_equihash+restart_script.bat file seems to work well:
%DEBUG_MODE% -ca -ca -ca -os 0 150 780 53 -or

As I understood, number of -ca means number of threads, -os enables overclocking (with parameters after it) and -or means reset overclocking when exiting miner.

But it doesn't work when I'm running NiceHash Miner application. I also pasted this code to "extra launch parameters", but without any result.
Is there any guide what settings to put in "extra launch parameters" of NiceHash Miner? Or can you tell me what parameters I should paste there?
And, by the way, do you think my parameters are good for GTX1070? 53% TDP gives me ~120W in excavator. It is sad that when I'm trying to raise my core clock higher than +150MHz it usually ends up with errors, while I can still raise up memory by +900MHz in excavator while using equihash algorythm.
Thanks in advance.
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April 09, 2017, 11:01:15 PM

You will not be able to set OC with NHM yet. We are working to bring you these features in future versions, current support is not complete and would only break your OCs. - Largest Crypto-Mining Marketplace
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April 10, 2017, 12:24:45 AM

That must have been one horribly run virtual infrastructure.  AES-NI and AVX2 are available within VMs, atleast when using VMware vSphere.  VMs generally are more stable because there are no hardware driver issues within the virtualized OS since you are using the same drivers (from VMware) for every server and they are incredibly stable. Storage I/O is a function of your storage and transport, not virtualization.  We run solid state storage arrays with sub 1ms latency continuously and easily handle over 1GB/s throughput.

There are very few applications that don't run better on a proper virtual infrastructure, but it does have to be engineered correctly, which it sounds like whatever you tried before, was not.  This is the type of stuff I manage and build everyday, but maybe you have something unique that I haven't seen before.

Unfortunately, VMs are something you can use only if you don't need latest CPU technologies such as AES-NI, AVX2 etc which we heavily rely on. Also, to our experiences, VMs do not have such good uptime. There are many sporadic issues such as sudden reboots and upgrade maintenances, disks are terribly slow, private network outtages that also cause issues with storage I/O etc.

What happened should not have happened, but it did anyway. However, the chances of this happening are very very very slim, so we do not expect something like this to happen again.
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April 15, 2017, 02:31:02 AM

Do the benchmarking scores update when you mine or only when you run the benchmarking test?
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