Elder III
September 13, 2017, 12:44:14 AM |
The purpose of the benchmark is to find out what hashrate your hardware is capable of with each algorithm in order for the auto profit switching feature to function. Without benchmarking the hardware that feature can't function since it has no data to base it's calculations off of.
Yeah, but if I have 8 identical cards, NH insists in running the benchmark on each of the individually. I wonder why there is no option to tell it to only run the benchmark in the 1st card. I wonder if it could have anything to do with the fact that when you benchmark, all the hash goes to an internal NH address and not the one you have defined in the client... It doesn't matter if you have identical cards, they will not all have the exact same hashrate by default. Due to asic quality, silicone lottery, cooling (your middle GPUs tend to run hotter) etc... the hashrate will be different on some of them.
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1006
September 13, 2017, 01:17:38 AM |
The purpose of the benchmark is to find out what hashrate your hardware is capable of with each algorithm in order for the auto profit switching feature to function. Without benchmarking the hardware that feature can't function since it has no data to base it's calculations off of.
Yeah, but if I have 8 identical cards, NH insists in running the benchmark on each of the individually. I wonder why there is no option to tell it to only run the benchmark in the 1st card. I wonder if it could have anything to do with the fact that when you benchmark, all the hash goes to an internal NH address and not the one you have defined in the client... It doesn't matter if you have identical cards, they will not all have the exact same hashrate by default. Due to asic quality, silicone lottery, cooling (your middle GPUs tend to run hotter) etc... the hashrate will be different on some of them. not enough to make a difference.. you can however run the bench on one card, go into the settings and set the speed manually for each card.
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
September 13, 2017, 04:51:55 AM |
Hello, can someone give me a short explanation on how to set NH to run completely hidden in the background?
So I don't want to see anything on the desktop, the NH window, the CMD console or anything. Best all down in the tray.
Even after a restart or update.
Activity: 73
Merit: 0
September 13, 2017, 08:07:06 AM |
The purpose of the benchmark is to find out what hashrate your hardware is capable of with each algorithm in order for the auto profit switching feature to function. Without benchmarking the hardware that feature can't function since it has no data to base it's calculations off of.
Yeah, but if I have 8 identical cards, NH insists in running the benchmark on each of the individually. I wonder why there is no option to tell it to only run the benchmark in the 1st card. I wonder if it could have anything to do with the fact that when you benchmark, all the hash goes to an internal NH address and not the one you have defined in the client... It doesn't matter if you have identical cards, they will not all have the exact same hashrate by default. Due to asic quality, silicone lottery, cooling (your middle GPUs tend to run hotter) etc... the hashrate will be different on some of them. not enough to make a difference..
you can however run the bench on one card, go into the settings and set the speed manually for each card. Strongly agree on this. When I used Nicehash, this benchmark of same cards was really a pain. With new version and new algos added I'm guessing it could take up to 2 hours for a rig with 8 cards. Do you think everybody has 2 hours to stand and look how Nicehash is benchmarking cards?
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
September 13, 2017, 10:14:14 AM |
The purpose of the benchmark is to find out what hashrate your hardware is capable of with each algorithm in order for the auto profit switching feature to function. Without benchmarking the hardware that feature can't function since it has no data to base it's calculations off of.
Yeah, but if I have 8 identical cards, NH insists in running the benchmark on each of the individually. I wonder why there is no option to tell it to only run the benchmark in the 1st card. I wonder if it could have anything to do with the fact that when you benchmark, all the hash goes to an internal NH address and not the one you have defined in the client... It doesn't matter if you have identical cards, they will not all have the exact same hashrate by default. Due to asic quality, silicone lottery, cooling (your middle GPUs tend to run hotter) etc... the hashrate will be different on some of them. not enough to make a difference..
you can however run the bench on one card, go into the settings and set the speed manually for each card. Strongly agree on this. When I used Nicehash, this benchmark of same cards was really a pain. With new version and new algos added I'm guessing it could take up to 2 hours for a rig with 8 cards. Do you think everybody has 2 hours to stand and look how Nicehash is benchmarking cards? On NiceHash Miner Legacy! On benchmark window on the list just tick one box (gpu #3) do the benchmark, go to the #1 gpu click the right button on top of the gpu and choose to copy from #3 do this to other gpus, it works perfectly. Do not recommend making the reference benchmark with GPUs # 1 and # 2
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
September 13, 2017, 10:17:27 AM |
Any plans for NHML for Linux?
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
September 13, 2017, 10:32:09 AM |
So I downloaded Ccminer and I started mining nist5. The stats page says I'm earning about 2,5 euro a day. That's nice.
So then I do a clean install of the NiceHash app. It says Lyra2v is the best algo... at 1,9 euro a day. Why is this?
Also, why is Nist5 not an algo listed in my NiceHash. I'm using a single 1080 Ti and it only gives a few algo's. Why is that? If you install NiceHash Legacy Miner 1.8.2 it has the Nist5 algorithm as an option to mine. There are some other additions as well, so it's very much worth the time to check it out. I'll try it, thanks. Edited: Why isn't x15, x13, quark, ... among the options? I've been using NH for weeks and weeks; I get the feeling that I might have been missing out on getting the best $$$ for my GPU/time. Is there a way to add more algo's manually? To the legacy version? To the nice folks at NH. Please answer my question. Why aren't x15, x13, quark, Nist5, .. and others included in the NH mining software when there are clearly pools for these algos at NiceHash? There isn't even a benchmark for the "missing" algos. Without a benchmark, how does the app know what algo is the most profitable one? The app always says lyra or equihash is the most profiting algo, when in reality, other algos earn me more at other pools. I get the feeling that you "want" me to mine equihash or lyra with my 1080 ti. Is this to supply the buyers? That reason might be more $$$ for you and less $$$ for me. I'm sure there are a lot of people like me who still "trust" the NH app and "think" they are getting the max out of their GPU. I feel like my time got wasted using the NH app. Am I wrong? Thank you in advance for your replies? You are using the wrong version. Download and run NiceHash Legacy Miner, not the old version 1.7.# or whatever, nor the dumbed down NiceHash 2. With the Legacy miner you get all those other algorithms and it's by far the best version to use in my unhumble opinion.  ---- https://github.com/nicehash/NiceHashMinerLegacy/releases I tried a few legacy versions, some algos aren't there. And even if they are, why use old legacy software? There's a reason why software is legacy, I guess? Why aren't the algos present in the latest version of the app? People are most likely to miss out on profits because the app is not showing/mining in the most profitable coin. I still get the feeling the people behing NH want us to mine whatever they need to supply the buyers. You think? They make their 6% fee that way... You can choose any algorithm you want to mine, with just one click. Very different for example from Ethos. In fact the NHML is mining with more profitability and less energy than Ethos. Tested in 2 rigs exactly the same Go to Whattomine and check it out! Stop crying
September 16, 2017, 08:30:27 AM |
You can choose any algorithm you want to mine, with just one click.
No, not all algos are listed in the application. You can NOT choose the algo you want. You can, however, choose the algo they want you to use.
Elder III
September 17, 2017, 03:01:53 AM |
You can choose any algorithm you want to mine, with just one click.
No, not all algos are listed in the application. You can NOT choose the algo you want. You can, however, choose the algo they want you to use. You can choose the algorithm of your choice from the ones that they have listed. So it would be most accurate to say you can have your pick of the available algorithms... or just let it auto switch based on profits as I believe most people do.
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1006
September 17, 2017, 04:50:30 AM |
can you guys explain how you come up with the 100% luck per day value on this page? https://www.nicehash.com/algorithm/daggerhashimotoaccording to you guys you are paying +73% +/- right now yet by my calculations you are actually around what 100% luck actually pays or so.. even less with the fee you charge.. i noticed you guys hid this page on the new site.. is it because its not accurate?
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
September 18, 2017, 07:58:20 AM |
I have access to a bunch of esx server unused model varying from proliant DL360 gen9 HP to poweredge r630 Dell, how can I use nicehash from my pc and make use of all that untapped power ? the simpler , the better...
September 18, 2017, 08:50:23 AM |
The purpose of the benchmark is to find out what hashrate your hardware is capable of with each algorithm in order for the auto profit switching feature to function. Without benchmarking the hardware that feature can't function since it has no data to base it's calculations off of.
Yeah, but if I have 8 identical cards, NH insists in running the benchmark on each of the individually. I wonder why there is no option to tell it to only run the benchmark in the 1st card. I wonder if it could have anything to do with the fact that when you benchmark, all the hash goes to an internal NH address and not the one you have defined in the client... It doesn't matter if you have identical cards, they will not all have the exact same hashrate by default. Due to asic quality, silicone lottery, cooling (your middle GPUs tend to run hotter) etc... the hashrate will be different on some of them. not enough to make a difference..
you can however run the bench on one card, go into the settings and set the speed manually for each card. Strongly agree on this. When I used Nicehash, this benchmark of same cards was really a pain. With new version and new algos added I'm guessing it could take up to 2 hours for a rig with 8 cards. Do you think everybody has 2 hours to stand and look how Nicehash is benchmarking cards? There is nothing wrong. Once you can always find this time. If you want to shorten the time select only some of the most lucrative algorithms. I like to use for mining on graphics cards only Ethereum. The benchmark in this case is 15 minutes.
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1006
September 18, 2017, 09:02:57 AM |
The purpose of the benchmark is to find out what hashrate your hardware is capable of with each algorithm in order for the auto profit switching feature to function. Without benchmarking the hardware that feature can't function since it has no data to base it's calculations off of.
Yeah, but if I have 8 identical cards, NH insists in running the benchmark on each of the individually. I wonder why there is no option to tell it to only run the benchmark in the 1st card. I wonder if it could have anything to do with the fact that when you benchmark, all the hash goes to an internal NH address and not the one you have defined in the client... It doesn't matter if you have identical cards, they will not all have the exact same hashrate by default. Due to asic quality, silicone lottery, cooling (your middle GPUs tend to run hotter) etc... the hashrate will be different on some of them. not enough to make a difference..
you can however run the bench on one card, go into the settings and set the speed manually for each card. Strongly agree on this. When I used Nicehash, this benchmark of same cards was really a pain. With new version and new algos added I'm guessing it could take up to 2 hours for a rig with 8 cards. Do you think everybody has 2 hours to stand and look how Nicehash is benchmarking cards? There is nothing wrong. Once you can always find this time. If you want to shorten the time select only some of the most lucrative algorithms. I like to use for mining on graphics cards only Ethereum. The benchmark in this case is 15 minutes. there is something wrong tho, in these 15 minutes you are mining towards a nicehash wallet.. not your own. its best NOT to do the benchmarks, run the program and write down the values yourself and key them in manually. the actual benchmark is usually pretty far off anyway.. specially since with eth every new dag makes amd cards run a little slower.. its gotten to the point where my 480s like cryptonight better. my 470 rig i have the beta drivers which help but i game on my 480s and i need to have the newest stable drivers for that rig. my 470s have been dual mining eth/lbry
September 22, 2017, 06:31:28 PM |
You can choose any algorithm you want to mine, with just one click.
No, not all algos are listed in the application. You can NOT choose the algo you want. You can, however, choose the algo they want you to use. You can choose the algorithm of your choice from the ones that they have listed. So it would be most accurate to say you can have your pick of the available algorithms... or just let it auto switch based on profits as I believe most people do. "your pick of the available algorithms" -- there you have it. what about the other algos that are not listed? See the pool list at: https://www.nicehash.com/cpu-gpu-miningSkein has been the best earning algo for me.. and it's not in the list. I wasted so much time on the NH app. Sure, the NH app is easy and looks good but... <fill in the blank yourself>
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1006
September 24, 2017, 10:12:30 PM |
nicehash miner legacy needs to have an auto start delay timer..
when my mining rig boots up, nh miner is the first thing to start.. it then says there is no internet and sits idle..

Activity: 104
Merit: 10
September 25, 2017, 08:08:17 AM |
Does NH take into account electricity consumption per algo when finding out most profitable one?
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
October 09, 2017, 03:14:04 PM |
I think people misunderstand how NH works. You are not "mining the most profitable coin" - your coin profits don't come from mining, they come from people paying you to mine for them. The reason why the algos might be disappearing is that there aren't enough buyers in the market to make it worth NH's time to keep the miner in. I think it's sleazy myself but I feel like if they're selling on the website, they should be buying on the software.
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
October 14, 2017, 04:41:10 PM |
Will Nicehash add the Bitcoin Gold to their mining opportunities ? They have already the Equihash algorithm in which this coin will be based and will be mined only with GPU-s. Since the difficulty will be low the first two weeks, this would be great for all the users who use Nicehash as profits will be without a doubt higher than what they are already are. It is not difficult to make, hopefully Nicehash will do it.
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
October 16, 2017, 03:51:07 PM |
i have 4 GTX 1080 TI's and they are getting really hot over 80 - 88 Celsius running nicehash any tweaks to stabilized the temperature?
October 16, 2017, 04:07:26 PM |
i have 4 GTX 1080 TI's and they are getting really hot over 80 - 88 Celsius running nicehash any tweaks to stabilized the temperature?
If your GPU will work in this mode, they will quickly overheat and fail. Nicehash nothing to do with. It will happen on any pool. To cope with this problem need to change the BIOS. There are already modernized under the model of your GPU and you can do it themselves. I recommend you the second option. You need to find a specialist from your country because the procedure will have a lot of technical terms and if English is not your native language you will have problems with understanding.