
Activity: 134
Merit: 10
October 12, 2017, 07:35:38 AM |
how problematic is it to have concentrated almost all hashingpower at one pool? is it possible to implement a mechanism that prohibits such a circumstance?
regulation? o_O isnt that kind of missing the point? so it's still decentralised, when allmost all the hashing is at one pool? isnt that kind of missing the point? o_O
Activity: 1820
Merit: 1092
~Full-Time Minter since 2016~
October 12, 2017, 07:45:16 AM |
Which pool are you using for this coin ? I'm using but I don't understand this pool. My rig is diging for more than 6 hours and all my counters stay to 0 :   Bt hashrates are OK :   I gave a BTC address as asked in the zpool web page : command line : -a lyra2z -o stratum+tcp:// -u 3BuSaEnhrSgqh3unhBEjEGjLZNcBoFCXsN -p c=xzc pretty simple really, zpool hasent hit a block for you to get your shares paid  It's been days and at current hashrate it will be days more. They seemed to have started off strong, i was mining there myself, got some blocks, but as the block dragged out everyone (me included) seems to have slowly left  They just need some hash and you will be paid your shares when a block is hit
~Got this girl in my bed, a roof over my head, i mint a couple coins a week, and thats how i make bread~ ~On the 12th day of Hatzvah, OGminer said to me: "compute root of the merkle hash tree!"~ Prohashing -- Simply the best Multipool!
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
October 12, 2017, 02:16:14 PM |
Just a question friends Why sometimes block time increases up to +-1hour? Last night for example: block 55955 11th Oct 2017 23:48:51 block 55956 12th Oct 2017 01:02:33 illustrate me please 
October 12, 2017, 02:41:29 PM |
Just a question friends Why sometimes block time increases up to +-1hour? Last night for example: block 55955 11th Oct 2017 23:48:51 block 55956 12th Oct 2017 01:02:33 illustrate me please  Luck. That's natural and that's how it is.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
October 12, 2017, 07:33:12 PM |
Are you guys getting a lot of invalid shares in mph last day?
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
October 12, 2017, 08:19:50 PM |
Luck. That's natural and that's how it is.
Wow awesome peaks.Thanks buddy appreciated  Are you guys getting a lot of invalid shares in mph last day?
MPH doesnt show average numbers,only for current round.Some rounds im getting about +-30% rejected,some rounds very low%. Just have a look on graph and on Last24h earned. I asked mph admin @miningpoolhub I started some hours ago using your zcoin pool, checked just a minute and:
Est. Shares 142,393 (done: 69.81%) Your Valid 87.7301 Your Invalid 28.8445 (24.74%)
Any tip for improve this insane amount of invalid shares? Im using last djm's ccminer like its recommended
Thanks in advise
Djm34 build sends normal shares and previous block's shares. Those previous block's shares are totally useless and treated as invalid. So it's intended action actually.
I believe that invalid share percent goes up and down radically. It should be okay most times, isn't it?
October 12, 2017, 09:41:53 PM |
There will be 21 million Zcoins. Zcoin follows the same halving cycle as Bitcoin (every 4 years). 10% of the total Zcoin supply will be distributed to the Founders Reward as time passes. In the first 4 years, 20% of Zcoins will be distributed to the Founders Reward. In other words, during the first 4 years, 40 Zcoins will go to the miners and 10 Zcoins will go towards the Founders reward. After the first 4 years, the block reward goes completely towards the miners.
If I mine this coin, the 20% coin will go to founder's account, this just like a scam.
zcoinofficial (OP)
October 13, 2017, 03:06:23 AM Last edit: October 13, 2017, 03:23:41 AM by zcoinofficial |
There will be 21 million Zcoins. Zcoin follows the same halving cycle as Bitcoin (every 4 years). 10% of the total Zcoin supply will be distributed to the Founders Reward as time passes. In the first 4 years, 20% of Zcoins will be distributed to the Founders Reward. In other words, during the first 4 years, 40 Zcoins will go to the miners and 10 Zcoins will go towards the Founders reward. After the first 4 years, the block reward goes completely towards the miners.
If I mine this coin, the 20% coin will go to founder's account, this just like a scam.
A scam is one that is cheating people into something that it is not. We have been very clear with our source of funds as always mentioned in our FAQs. Zcash follows the same reward mechanism. 20% of the coin in the first 4 years is equivalent to 10% of total eventual supply. begin Zcoin, we needed investor funding and we found people who believed in our project who were willing to fund us when Zcoin was just some proof of concept code. They are now reaping the rewards as 'founders'. Poramin holds one of the founder's wallet and another wallet is dedicated to funding the project including the team's salary and marketing efforts. This to me is nothing wrong with it. You can even inspect the code to see how the funds are distributed. There are 3 investor wallets, 1 Poramin wallet and 1 team bounty wallet. In this way we don't have to worry about 'instamine' or manipulation techniques and just focus on developing the project the best we can.

Activity: 79
Merit: 10
October 13, 2017, 03:40:46 AM |
Every time, we think it's time for zcoin to shine but nothing happens.
Hopefully the masternode will change everything
Jr. Member
Activity: 56
Merit: 1
October 13, 2017, 06:28:41 AM |
Every time, we think it's time for zcoin to shine but nothing happens.
Hopefully the masternode will change everything
cause every time, we think the MTP is coming, but nothing happen 
welcome to MAGNET (
October 13, 2017, 06:57:07 AM |
Every time, we think it's time for zcoin to shine but nothing happens.
Hopefully the masternode will change everything
cause every time, we think the MTP is coming, but nothing happen  More like everytime btc fucks alts...
October 13, 2017, 09:29:29 AM |
Development of Zcoin is rather chaotic... devs try 10 things at the same time... we have the heavily over promised and under delivered MTP algorithm that immediately had major flaws and now is put on ice for god knows how long...
We have the Znodes, we have the mining pools, we have the urge for the Ethereum mixer(which seems to go fully unnoticed by the Ethereum community so whats the actual added value in that?), we have the sigma protocol.... all these amazing ideals... but we dont have the basics like a normal functioning wallet... no real commercial adoption for online shopping and no real effort by devs to get adoption going.. We have no real argument to take on Zcash... actually the only thing is the lack of auditable supply of Zcash... so that should be emphasised 24/7 by the devs in marketing efforts, all the time...
Crypto is a dog eat dog system with one coin to rule them all... in the Anon sphere this is Zcash and Zcoin is not putting up a fight. Do you people not understand the only way for Zcoin to go up is for Zcash to go down....
Finally Zcoin must be listed asap on Poloniex, Kraken, Bitfinex, Bithumb and other major exchanges or this market will just remain tiny and niche
zcoinofficial (OP)
October 13, 2017, 09:58:54 AM |
Znodes: Working code base is done. Work in progress. Mining pools: Good progress on P2Pool. Ethereum Mixer: Completely independent dev on this that doesn't affect main dev.
What's wrong with the wallet? Have you used it recently since the latest update?
October 13, 2017, 09:59:30 AM |
Development of Zcoin is rather chaotic... devs try 10 things at the same time... we have the heavily over promised and under delivered MTP algorithm that immediately had major flaws and now is put on ice for god knows how long...
We have the Znodes, we have the mining pools, we have the urge for the Ethereum mixer(which seems to go fully unnoticed by the Ethereum community so whats the actual added value in that?), we have the sigma protocol.... all these amazing ideals... but we dont have the basics like a normal functioning wallet... no real commercial adoption for online shopping and no real effort by devs to get adoption going.. We have no real argument to take on Zcash... actually the only thing is the lack of auditable supply of Zcash... so that should be emphasised 24/7 by the devs in marketing efforts, all the time...
Crypto is a dog eat dog system with one coin to rule them all... in the Anon sphere this is Zcash and Zcoin is not putting up a fight. Do you people not understand the only way for Zcoin to go up is for Zcash to go down....
Finally Zcoin must be listed asap on Poloniex, Kraken, Bitfinex, Bithumb and other major exchanges or this market will just remain tiny and niche
please show where btc hurt you
zcoinofficial (OP)
October 13, 2017, 11:17:33 AM |
A quick update on MTP. We have just heard back from Dmitry and Alexy and they're still working on their revised MTP paper.
They have reviewed Fabien and Marc's papers and have some suggested solutions to it and given some preliminary feedback and discussions on it.
The proposed changes are thankfully not too radical and doesn't involve massive rewrites of MTP. They mainly revolve around: a) Choosing the right parameters for L and T (The choice of L and T determines the maximum adversary advantage AT_alpha in the time-area product, whereas L also determines the proof size. ) b) Having Argon2 with 1 lane only. (as proposed by Marc Bevand) c) The main area that they are looking at is optimizing the proof sizes of MTP 10 fold by using modifications of Argon2 with smaller block sizes.
They are however very busy and we are exploring ways in which we can collaborate to accelerate this development and the new paper.
Jr. Member
Activity: 56
Merit: 1
October 13, 2017, 12:18:39 PM |
Development of Zcoin is rather chaotic... devs try 10 things at the same time... we have the heavily over promised and under delivered MTP algorithm that immediately had major flaws and now is put on ice for god knows how long...
We have the Znodes, we have the mining pools, we have the urge for the Ethereum mixer(which seems to go fully unnoticed by the Ethereum community so whats the actual added value in that?), we have the sigma protocol.... all these amazing ideals... but we dont have the basics like a normal functioning wallet... no real commercial adoption for online shopping and no real effort by devs to get adoption going.. We have no real argument to take on Zcash... actually the only thing is the lack of auditable supply of Zcash... so that should be emphasised 24/7 by the devs in marketing efforts, all the time...
Crypto is a dog eat dog system with one coin to rule them all... in the Anon sphere this is Zcash and Zcoin is not putting up a fight. Do you people not understand the only way for Zcoin to go up is for Zcash to go down....
Finally Zcoin must be listed asap on Poloniex, Kraken, Bitfinex, Bithumb and other major exchanges or this market will just remain tiny and niche
please show where btc hurt you nope, i think that dude is telling the truth. we all see a brilliant road map , and we hope that devs live up to its promise in plan time.
welcome to MAGNET (
zcoinofficial (OP)
October 13, 2017, 01:02:35 PM |
you deleted my post, lol. Thats says a lot about you and your shitcoin. Scammer !
Baseless accusations will be deleted. All your post said was that you felt that the reward was too high and that we are therefore a scammer. Even though it has been disclosed from the very first day and my explanation above still deals with it. Will continue to do this to combat FUD.
Activity: 64
Merit: 0
October 13, 2017, 01:47:43 PM |
Using this calculator, my four GTX 1060 6 Gb (total Hashrate of 4.7 MH/s) shoudl give me nearly $5 / day But when I look at pool stats : miner is mining at 154 MH/s and only got 0.151 XZC/day As 1 XZC cost $9.64 (according to CoinMarketCap), this miner earn $1.45/day (without electricity cost). Calculator is not accurate or pool is too small ? Which pool can provide those kind of estimate reward ? Thanks.
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
October 13, 2017, 03:11:23 PM |
Using this calculator, my four GTX 1060 6 Gb (total Hashrate of 4.7 MH/s) shoudl give me nearly $5 / day But when I look at pool stats : miner is mining at 154 MH/s and only got 0.151 XZC/day As 1 XZC cost $9.64 (according to CoinMarketCap), this miner earn $1.45/day (without electricity cost). Calculator is not accurate or pool is too small ? Which pool can provide those kind of estimate reward ? Thanks. just use another pool for mining (miningpoolhub). Suprnova shows not the correct calculations, all that shows suprnova just multiply by 10, that will be true