Activity: 1414
Merit: 1001
To weird to live To rare to die
June 19, 2017, 01:23:12 AM |
When I ask for the best block hash how do I understand the output i'm given? How can I determine how close I came to solving the difficulty?
zcoinofficial (OP)
June 19, 2017, 10:28:15 AM |
zcash zcoin zclassic zencash
any more out there? this is getting a bit confusing!
And only two of those with original development.

Activity: 87
Merit: 10
June 19, 2017, 12:05:29 PM |
zcash zcoin zclassic zencash
any more out there? this is getting a bit confusing!
And only two of those with original development. Wrong ZenCash has original development built on top of ZCash the same way both ZCoin and ZCash are built upon Bitcoin

Activity: 107
Merit: 10
June 19, 2017, 12:10:35 PM |
Now to anyone who bought on the basis of the various posters who vilified me and accused me of FUD - see what I was saying? Wait a few days, volume is declining, price will decline. I didn't disparage anyone else's viewpoint, but was myself disparaged - for what? In this case, being right. Wait a few days. It's possible we're in for a whole of market downward correction. Whether we are or not will be obvious within a week. If we're not, buy back in. I believe this coin can do well in a strong crypto market. But we have to see if we're in for a whole of market correction first. No, back spreading helpful honesty. Yes, volume is declining to mean, or a bit below what mean has been the last three weeks or so. That is a massive drop in volume from that over the previous few days' pump. The decline in volume indicated to me price drop likely, ie. why I said "wait a few days" instead of your suggestion to "buy". In fact I was correct, it's now just below $14 on bittrex, which is a 15% plus decline. A week ago it was worth about $11.50 - I think that is probably a reasonable floor. I'd probably even buy in at $12. I'm a long term holder too, but happy to correct unwarranted purchasing advice made on a public forum that contradicts known technical fundamentals of cryptographic currency markets - namely, the tendency for price to rise with an increase in volume and decline with a decrease in volume. He says "good time to buy", probably because he wants to sell. Volume has dropped from about 5.7 million per day to 2.7 million per day, that means the present pump is finished, and the dump underway. This means it's a bad time to buy. Wait a few days and see what it dumps down to, and pick up coin then. Significantly declining volume is always a very bad sign for price. BITTREX Price Manipulation. Why Bittrex still use bot to manipulate the price ? The trade fees is not enough ? 3 USD / 18.6 % price discrepancy is to much !!! Good Zcoin buying time. Current research indicates that some coins that trade in cny may have 10%-15% higher ranges vs the polo/bittrex exchanges. China volume is much higher than Bittrex (3x-4x). They (Chinese) are unlikely to let it slide much, if at all, as zcoin tech advancements trigger price jumps. Excited to hear how the zcoin testing is going on the testnet? Back to spread more FUD are you? I said good time to buy because the price is down, and I believe China interest and volume will not let it fall too much...which appears to be the case. Volume is where it was about a week ago, and hasn't dropped off from that point. It is down from the 2 or 3 day surge, which was from new investors taking positions. Every Zcoin holder believes there will be many more surges to come .... and every pull back will be a good time to buy. The zcoin tech is exciting - I have no plans to sell any of my coins any time soon.
Activity: 29
Merit: 2
June 19, 2017, 12:10:39 PM |
zcash zcoin zclassic zencash
any more out there? this is getting a bit confusing!
And only two of those with original development. Wrong ZenCash has original development built on top of ZCash the same way both ZCoin and ZCash are built upon Bitcoin All altcoins are built upon Bitcoin! xD
Activity: 1414
Merit: 1001
To weird to live To rare to die
June 19, 2017, 12:20:15 PM |
When I ask for the best block hash how do I understand the output i'm given? How can I determine how close I came to solving the difficulty?
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
June 19, 2017, 12:21:23 PM |
zcash zcoin zclassic zencash
any more out there? this is getting a bit confusing!
And only two of those with original development. Wrong ZenCash has original development built on top of ZCash the same way both ZCoin and ZCash are built upon Bitcoin All altcoins are built upon Bitcoin! xD ripple and monero and probably others coins doesn't share bitcoin code.
Activity: 29
Merit: 2
June 19, 2017, 01:00:46 PM |
zcash zcoin zclassic zencash
any more out there? this is getting a bit confusing!
And only two of those with original development. Wrong ZenCash has original development built on top of ZCash the same way both ZCoin and ZCash are built upon Bitcoin All altcoins are built upon Bitcoin! xD ripple and monero and probably others coins doesn't share bitcoin code. But they all use blockchain technology

Activity: 87
Merit: 10
June 19, 2017, 01:36:14 PM |
zcash zcoin zclassic zencash
any more out there? this is getting a bit confusing!
And only two of those with original development. Wrong ZenCash has original development built on top of ZCash the same way both ZCoin and ZCash are built upon Bitcoin All altcoins are built upon Bitcoin! xD ripple and monero and probably others coins doesn't share bitcoin code. NEM , Pascal ...
June 19, 2017, 02:24:29 PM |
zcash zcoin zclassic zencash
any more out there? this is getting a bit confusing!
And only two of those with original development. Wrong ZenCash has original development built on top of ZCash the same way both ZCoin and ZCash are built upon Bitcoin All altcoins are built upon Bitcoin! xD ripple and monero and probably others coins doesn't share bitcoin code. NEM , Pascal ... They may not use the existing bitcoin core upgrades, but the early bitcoin p2p dev work is used/copied in pretty much all blockchain code...that code was pretty revolutionary.
June 19, 2017, 05:36:51 PM |
zcash zcoin zclassic zencash
any more out there? this is getting a bit confusing!
And only two of those with original development. i think i missed one, Zero (ZER). is that right?
Sr. Member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
Vincit qui se vincit.
June 19, 2017, 06:01:37 PM |
This coin is going to 0.01 in no time.
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1000
June 19, 2017, 09:39:56 PM |
Activity: 1414
Merit: 1001
To weird to live To rare to die
June 19, 2017, 10:53:37 PM |
zcash zcoin zclassic zencash
any more out there? this is getting a bit confusing!
And only two of those with original development. i think i missed one, Zero (ZER). is that right? yes....and? zero coin was the original I believe, but zcoin is the first actual implementation of it ?
Activity: 1414
Merit: 1001
To weird to live To rare to die
June 19, 2017, 10:54:11 PM |
This coin is going to 0.01 in no time.
Activity: 1414
Merit: 1001
To weird to live To rare to die
June 20, 2017, 12:13:42 AM |
When I ask for the best block hash how do I understand the output i'm given? How can I determine how close I came to solving the difficulty?
bump one last bump hopefully someone can explain it at a high school level 
zcoinofficial (OP)
June 20, 2017, 06:00:48 AM |
zcash zcoin zclassic zencash
any more out there? this is getting a bit confusing!
And only two of those with original development. i think i missed one, Zero (ZER). is that right? yes....and? zero coin was the original I believe, but zcoin is the first actual implementation of it ? All these coins their main feature is the privacy aspect. Zclassic, Zencash and Zero are all forks of Zcash and use the same privacy scheme which is the Zerocash protocol that uses zk-SNARKs. All of these coins also use Equihash. The same mining algorithm as Zcash. Therefore their core foundations are the same. Zcoin is not a fork (okay maybe a Bitcoin fork) but is built off the Zerocoin protocol that uses completely different cryptographic principles (RSA accumulators). Zcoin doesn't use Equihash but uses Lyra2z and soon, MTP which is meant to be an improvement of Equihash (same authors). We're trying to do something different here which has its own set of pros and cons and actually we launched slightly earlier than Zcash.

Activity: 107
Merit: 10
June 20, 2017, 08:30:50 AM |
MTP won't fundamentally change Zcoin's market price. On Bittrex there's currently an excess of sell orders over buy orders of Zcoin of $5 million USD, unless I'm reading it wrong, in which case tell me. Maybe that's partly because miners leave it on the market and don't focus on it and just leave it sitting there, whereas buyers are in and out quickly. Still, that's gotta worry other people besides me.
The sooner we get zcoin incentivised nodes going the better. 500 or 1000 coin stake required. maybe 500 to avoid making smaller investors feel bad. When can you do this Zcoin team?
June 20, 2017, 08:59:55 AM |
How much is the mining cost now? Where can I search it?
zcoinofficial (OP)
June 20, 2017, 09:11:11 AM |
MTP won't fundamentally change Zcoin's market price. On Bittrex there's currently an excess of sell orders over buy orders of Zcoin of $5 million USD, unless I'm reading it wrong, in which case tell me. Maybe that's partly because miners leave it on the market and don't focus on it and just leave it sitting there, whereas buyers are in and out quickly. Still, that's gotta worry other people besides me.
The sooner we get zcoin incentivised nodes going the better. 500 or 1000 coin stake required. maybe 500 to avoid making smaller investors feel bad. When can you do this Zcoin team?
Well if I had to hazard a guess, the upcoming MTP release has already changed Zcoin's market price. We have doubled since a short while ago? But who knows, it's crypto land where ICOs with only a smattering of untested code can raise millions of dollars in a couple of hours. As for Znodes, our incentivized nodes scheme, this is done right after our wallet optimizations. As to how long, within a few months (including the wallet core upgrade and optimizations) but I don't want to set any hard deadlines. It depends how far we want to implement the Znode scheme. Do we just do the incentivized node structure first without its implementation of its segregated Zerocoin processing or delay it a bit to get the Zerocoin processing in as well. And for the many people asking on Znode coins required? I'll do a copy paste from our Slack convo: The team doesn't know yet either. We won't determine the figure until it's closer to launch. Why? Not for any secret reason. But what if zcoin was somehow worth 1000 dollars Then even if we set a figure now It won't be realistic anymore Znode launch is some months away as per our roadmap So pointless to set it now, once we are clear on a release date and closer to launch Then we can set a figure. Orr if zcoin price crash then too low a figure would be also not good For example if zcoin was worth 0.50 back to my entry , then would u want the cost for a zcoin node to be only 1000 xzc or 500 USD ? No right lol So again, we don't have any figure because right now we want to work out the tech then we can determine the economics. It's much easier dev than mtp and should be a lot faster But we will see 