zcoinofficial (OP)
June 17, 2017, 05:12:55 AM |
Hope I'm not asking this in the wrong forum. I was playing with proxy settings on zcoin-qt version 0p8p7p8. Apparently I really fubar-ed the settings. zcoin-qt crashed and now will not run at all. When I try to restart, it gives two odd error messages and shuts down. I cannot get to the settings tab to change the bogus proxy settings. Tried extracting the .exe only, from zip. No joy. Same error messages, same crash. Do there exist configuration files somewhere, that hold proxy tab settings? Something I can edit with a text editor?
First error message: zcoin = Error Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network? [OK?]
Second error message: Runtime Error! Program: C:\coinhome\Zcoin\zcoin-qt.exe This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. [OK?]
See if you can clear your settings here: C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\zcoin
June 17, 2017, 07:08:57 AM |
Zcoin my second love.
$18.69 (15.31%)
Hope that make you all happy. I found it in miserable condition at 2-5 dollars at first.
Weekend all. Let the miner work while you boil your eggs or whatever you do so well.
Throw some "shit" and see what sticks.

Activity: 79
Merit: 10
June 17, 2017, 07:20:10 AM |
If the price goes up - and it certainly looks like it will - finally - I think a good deal of that will be owed to you. Professional marketing and communications is absolutely worth many times its weight. Salute
more with this statement.
June 17, 2017, 08:29:18 AM |
How much is the mining cost and how is it calculated?
Jr. Member
Activity: 49
Merit: 1
June 17, 2017, 06:32:54 PM |
Hope I'm not asking this in the wrong forum. I was playing with proxy settings on zcoin-qt version 0p8p7p8. Apparently I really fubar-ed the settings. zcoin-qt crashed and now will not run at all. When I try to restart, it gives two odd error messages and shuts down. I cannot get to the settings tab to change the bogus proxy settings. Tried extracting the .exe only, from zip. No joy. Same error messages, same crash. Do there exist configuration files somewhere, that hold proxy tab settings? Something I can edit with a text editor?
First error message: zcoin = Error Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network? [OK?]
Second error message: Runtime Error! Program: C:\coinhome\Zcoin\zcoin-qt.exe This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. [OK?]
See if you can clear your settings here: C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\zcoin In the ...USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\zcoin directory, I find files: db.log, debug.log, peers.dat, and wallet.dat. I find directories: blocks, chainstate, and database. When I edit files at this level, nothing looks like config data. db.log is empty. When I edit files in the directories, many are binary. Non-binary files do not look like config data either. Quite a few zero length files, particularly files with name "LOCK". Quite a few files with name "MANIFEST". zcoin-qt still crashes immediately. If I copy wallet.dat to a flash stick, and completely delete/reinstall zcoin application, will my addresses be preserved? No coins in the wallet.dat. So no fear of loss.
June 17, 2017, 06:36:06 PM |
BITTREX Price Manipulation. Why Bittrex still use bot to manipulate the price ? The trade fees is not enough ? 3 USD / 18.6 % price discrepancy is to much !!!
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
June 17, 2017, 08:28:51 PM |
BITTREX Price Manipulation. Why Bittrex still use bot to manipulate the price ? The trade fees is not enough ? 3 USD / 18.6 % price discrepancy is to much !!! https://i.imgur.com/uT0jCZu.png yeah i noticed that too.. we need to get this coin on poloniex. After that the price will explode!!!
June 17, 2017, 08:48:51 PM |
How much is the mining cost and how is it calculated?
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
June 17, 2017, 11:14:43 PM Last edit: June 17, 2017, 11:28:23 PM by zuluking |
BITTREX Price Manipulation. Why Bittrex still use bot to manipulate the price ? The trade fees is not enough ? 3 USD / 18.6 % price discrepancy is to much !!! https://i.imgur.com/uT0jCZu.pngHow do you know it is price manipulation? There can be many legitimate reasons for the price discrepancy.

Activity: 107
Merit: 10
June 17, 2017, 11:58:29 PM |
Bittrex API is very poor at filtering out order spoofing bots which is manipulative and makes it hard to place genuine orders - although this is a case of them letting others run these through the orderbook, not them doing it themselves I think. I always believe all non-regulated exchanges front-run the order book, but unless one's the FBI how are you going to know it or prove it? I think the main reason for the price discrepancy between BTC38 and Bittrex Zcoin price is that BTC38 is a CNY (Renmimbi) XZC (Zcoin) pair, and Bittrex is a BTC XZC pair. Otherwise every man and his dog would be arbitraging such a huge gap, and bring the prices into line. If only XZC could be listed on one more large exchange that does a BTC XZC pair. BITTREX Price Manipulation. Why Bittrex still use bot to manipulate the price ? The trade fees is not enough ? 3 USD / 18.6 % price discrepancy is to much !!!
June 18, 2017, 12:06:16 AM |
BITTREX Price Manipulation. Why Bittrex still use bot to manipulate the price ? The trade fees is not enough ? 3 USD / 18.6 % price discrepancy is to much !!! Good Zcoin buying time. Current research indicates that some coins that trade in cny may have 10%-15% higher ranges vs the polo/bittrex exchanges. China volume is much higher than Bittrex (3x-4x). They (Chinese) are unlikely to let it slide much, if at all, as zcoin tech advancements trigger price jumps. Excited to hear how the zcoin testing is going on the testnet?

Activity: 107
Merit: 10
June 18, 2017, 01:58:22 AM |
He says "good time to buy", probably because he wants to sell. Volume has dropped from about 5.7 million per day to 2.7 million per day, that means the present pump is finished, and the dump underway. This means it's a bad time to buy. Wait a few days and see what it dumps down to, and pick up coin then. Significantly declining volume is always a very bad sign for price. BITTREX Price Manipulation. Why Bittrex still use bot to manipulate the price ? The trade fees is not enough ? 3 USD / 18.6 % price discrepancy is to much !!! Good Zcoin buying time. Current research indicates that some coins that trade in cny may have 10%-15% higher ranges vs the polo/bittrex exchanges. China volume is much higher than Bittrex (3x-4x). They (Chinese) are unlikely to let it slide much, if at all, as zcoin tech advancements trigger price jumps. Excited to hear how the zcoin testing is going on the testnet?
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1002
June 18, 2017, 04:14:37 AM |
He says "good time to buy", probably because he wants to sell. Volume has dropped from about 5.7 million per day to 2.7 million per day, that means the present pump is finished, and the dump underway. This means it's a bad time to buy. Wait a few days and see what it dumps down to, and pick up coin then. Significantly declining volume is always a very bad sign for price. BITTREX Price Manipulation. Why Bittrex still use bot to manipulate the price ? The trade fees is not enough ? 3 USD / 18.6 % price discrepancy is to much !!! Good Zcoin buying time. Current research indicates that some coins that trade in cny may have 10%-15% higher ranges vs the polo/bittrex exchanges. China volume is much higher than Bittrex (3x-4x). They (Chinese) are unlikely to let it slide much, if at all, as zcoin tech advancements trigger price jumps. Excited to hear how the zcoin testing is going on the testnet? Maybe in the short term we'll see price drop a little but I'm holding long term and will continue buying on every dip, if dev team delivers on MTP it will easily go up 5X.
June 18, 2017, 04:17:49 AM |
He says "good time to buy", probably because he wants to sell. Volume has dropped from about 5.7 million per day to 2.7 million per day, that means the present pump is finished, and the dump underway. This means it's a bad time to buy. Wait a few days and see what it dumps down to, and pick up coin then. Significantly declining volume is always a very bad sign for price. BITTREX Price Manipulation. Why Bittrex still use bot to manipulate the price ? The trade fees is not enough ? 3 USD / 18.6 % price discrepancy is to much !!! Good Zcoin buying time. Current research indicates that some coins that trade in cny may have 10%-15% higher ranges vs the polo/bittrex exchanges. China volume is much higher than Bittrex (3x-4x). They (Chinese) are unlikely to let it slide much, if at all, as zcoin tech advancements trigger price jumps. Excited to hear how the zcoin testing is going on the testnet? Back to spread more FUD are you? I said good time to buy because the price is down, and I believe China interest and volume will not let it fall too much...which appears to be the case. Volume is where it was about a week ago, and hasn't dropped off from that point. It is down from the 2 or 3 day surge, which was from new investors taking positions. Every Zcoin holder believes there will be many more surges to come .... and every pull back will be a good time to buy. The zcoin tech is exciting - I have no plans to sell any of my coins any time soon.

Activity: 107
Merit: 10
June 18, 2017, 08:03:21 AM |
No, back spreading helpful honesty. Yes, volume is declining to mean, or a bit below what mean has been the last three weeks or so. That is a massive drop in volume from that over the previous few days' pump. The decline in volume indicated to me price drop likely, ie. why I said "wait a few days" instead of your suggestion to "buy". In fact I was correct, it's now just below $14 on bittrex, which is a 15% plus decline. A week ago it was worth about $11.50 - I think that is probably a reasonable floor. I'd probably even buy in at $12. I'm a long term holder too, but happy to correct unwarranted purchasing advice made on a public forum that contradicts known technical fundamentals of cryptographic currency markets - namely, the tendency for price to rise with an increase in volume and decline with a decrease in volume. He says "good time to buy", probably because he wants to sell. Volume has dropped from about 5.7 million per day to 2.7 million per day, that means the present pump is finished, and the dump underway. This means it's a bad time to buy. Wait a few days and see what it dumps down to, and pick up coin then. Significantly declining volume is always a very bad sign for price. BITTREX Price Manipulation. Why Bittrex still use bot to manipulate the price ? The trade fees is not enough ? 3 USD / 18.6 % price discrepancy is to much !!! Good Zcoin buying time. Current research indicates that some coins that trade in cny may have 10%-15% higher ranges vs the polo/bittrex exchanges. China volume is much higher than Bittrex (3x-4x). They (Chinese) are unlikely to let it slide much, if at all, as zcoin tech advancements trigger price jumps. Excited to hear how the zcoin testing is going on the testnet? Back to spread more FUD are you? I said good time to buy because the price is down, and I believe China interest and volume will not let it fall too much...which appears to be the case. Volume is where it was about a week ago, and hasn't dropped off from that point. It is down from the 2 or 3 day surge, which was from new investors taking positions. Every Zcoin holder believes there will be many more surges to come .... and every pull back will be a good time to buy. The zcoin tech is exciting - I have no plans to sell any of my coins any time soon.
June 18, 2017, 11:24:41 AM |
Common guys, correction and accumulation and weak hands shaking is what expected every time! 
June 18, 2017, 11:59:55 AM |
Common guys, correction and accumulation and weak hands shaking is what expected every time!  +1. Price bounced back up again. Don't let forum postings of low price predictions turn your hands weak  Looking forward to the Zcoin progress in the days/weeks ahead.
June 18, 2017, 12:14:51 PM |
Welcome to all new investors... Dont worry about the butt hurt early exiters who missed out on more and more main stream adoption and are now trying to FUD as much as they can out of frustration...
Type in ''Zcoin'' on youtube and put the filter on this month... watch the video's where Reuben (Chinese ) explains how Zcoin is in effect solving the true anonymity for digital money, and why and how is superior to Zcash and Monero..
Rest assured you are still early to own Zero coins as $20, even $50 value is nothing... this coin will make Zcash start dropping very soon and is going nowhere except up and up... Zcoin will only grow stronger and stronger moving forward... MTP is the most cutting edge tech and uniquely developed for Zcoin..
Also keep in mind Zcoin was voted the most promising crypto by Chinese investors on BTC38... Yes Chinese!! Zcoin is a Chinese treasure that is attracting millions upon millions of Chinese looking to store and trade value without their Communist regime being able to stick their nose, or censure their financial choices...
Zcoin is what everything has lead up to.... It is true digital money, 100% privacy and has overcome attacks from all directions
If the word Moon ever applied to anything, it will be XZC
Happy Staking!!!!
June 18, 2017, 01:12:58 PM |
how does this coin compare to zclassic?
June 18, 2017, 09:54:36 PM |
I am one of the new investors of this coin. I don't want to trade. I am buying little by little for long term investment. And also i want to continue to buy every deep point. Even i have not exactly full knowledge of this coin's future expectations i like the main idea. I hope this coin is the right choice for me and for everyone who invests their money to this coin.