Activity: 1
Merit: 0
March 06, 2017, 09:11:57 PM |
What did you set the Max Balance to Trade ? What would you suggest setting this to for 1 BTC ? And for 5 BTC ? Are there any other settings you would change depending on your starting balance?
Gunthar (OP)
March 06, 2017, 09:21:01 PM |
What did you set the Max Balance to Trade ? What would you suggest setting this to for 1 BTC ? And for 5 BTC ? Are there any other settings you would change depending on your starting balance? just divide your total BTC balance for the number of pairs you are trading. Some customers are investing more BTC in some pairs because they believe in those coins more than others: for example they allocate more MAX BALANCE in XMR then in ETC and so on. THere are no other settings to change based on your starting balance. Hope it helped
Gunthar (OP)
March 06, 2017, 09:38:23 PM |
you use its configuration?
default is
how use?
doesnt matter the order you use them: same formula but different period of time
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
March 07, 2017, 12:42:36 AM |
Thinking about getting a licence.
@gun: what would you do regarding the licences if polo gets shut down?
Gunthar (OP)
March 07, 2017, 12:58:30 AM |
Thinking about getting a licence.
@gun: what would you do regarding the licences if polo gets shut down?
I will be very sorry if that happens...long life to polo. I hope if owners get in troubles and think to shutdown that jewel, they would contact me before 
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
March 07, 2017, 01:13:28 AM |
Thinking about getting a licence.
@gun: what would you do regarding the licences if polo gets shut down?
I hope you have reached your ROI by then 
March 07, 2017, 02:42:11 AM |
just change the bot to the next big exchange if polo dies
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
March 07, 2017, 03:45:35 AM Last edit: March 07, 2017, 05:04:25 AM by iensu |
After any azure arrow, there is a bearish trend. The right moment for a change of the trend is when the candlesticks exit and THEN enter back inside the band. Sometimes they get very close to the band and the trend changes without crossing borders. Use the Bollinger Band to be aware of what is going on: it is a dump, yes, but you know exactly when it will stop and you know exactly when the bear will turn into a bull. Stay calm...take a deep breath....and don't stop the GUNBOT  So, do you like it? Did you ever see this? If yes: did you ever use the Bollinger Band as a tool to be aware you are not losing all your money and you don't have to stop your bot but it is just the wonderful world of trading going on? Well, now you know it...if you need more help on this, just shoot me a PM and please again...don't stop your GUNBOT, let it do its job for you...I didn't code emotions in it...  Is the Bollinger Band really supposed to be used like this? Did you set up the candlesticks to 30 or 15 Minutes? As this would effect the graph.
Gunthar (OP)
March 07, 2017, 07:08:15 AM |
Is the Bollinger Band really supposed to be used like this? As i would always suggest: backtest it by yourself and see the results  Did you set up the candlesticks to 30 or 15 Minutes? As this would effect the graph.
To look at the Bollinger Band in this way, the candlestick period must be 5 minutes. The EMA strategy, instead, must be used with 15 minutes candlestick. ~Gun
March 07, 2017, 10:09:05 AM |
Just buy the GUNBOT. Eager to try in coming days.
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| | | | |
Gunthar (OP)
March 07, 2017, 10:15:59 AM |
Just buy the GUNBOT. Eager to try in coming days.
wish you da best, mate!
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
March 07, 2017, 03:23:44 PM |
I guess most succesful is BTC/REP pair, right? by % column. Thank you
Gunthar (OP)
March 07, 2017, 03:29:21 PM |
I guess most succesful is BTC/REP pair, right? by % column. Thank you Look at the age of trades too: in the "ordered" tab of that spreadsheet. A coin might have beed lucky 10 days ago and then stucked. "ordered" tab is my trading history, check last time REP has been traded.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
March 07, 2017, 08:46:15 PM |
So what is the different between "GUNBOT" and "SuperGUN". Is supergun more aggressive? Which do I want to have running most of the time?
March 07, 2017, 09:18:38 PM |
So what is the different between "GUNBOT" and "SuperGUN". Is supergun more aggressive? Which do I want to have running most of the time?
The SUPERGUN strategy You can use the SUPERGUN strategy as an alternative to the 1000trades on. The SUPERGUN is easy to understand, but it can give you big profits during a pump. It uses the same watcher we use in the 1000trades for the pumps and dumps and overrides the %GAIN you set in configs. When there is a downtrend, the bot watches the price going down. When the price is at the bottom of the dump, it buys. The altcoins are now holding on your balance, and the bot starts to watch the trend, waiting for the pump. Soon as the pump starts, the bot waits for the highest possible price, and then it places a SELL order, a bit lower the highest price. The profit you get with this strategy depends on the spread between lowest and highest price in the pump/dump. The %GAIN you set in configs, becomes a "Minimum GAIN" we want. The bot won't SELL at lower GAIN. Here is what I just got on NXC while I was writing this post: %GAIN is set at 1%, the bot got me over 3% in one single trade.  Here is that trade: 
Let's talk about the GUI now. As announced I started the refactor. I will push changes just-on-time which will not cause your bot to be restarted: you will be able to update the GUI while leaving your bot running  I like this kind of development called RAD (rapid application development) because makes me feel very responsive to user's demands. So in this first commit, besides the bot instances being docked with your dashboard, we got two interesting new features: the best currencies to trade analysis available BEFORE to start the bot and updating every hour on your dashboard, and some working and useful new buttons on the consoles. To start the currencies analysis, just press the "STATISTICS" button and then the $ symbol on your console (picture below explaining this step and describes all buttons) 
Gunthar (OP)
March 08, 2017, 02:39:12 PM |
Tell me please, why ? 1) there is no active orders on PASC/BTC The sell order will be placed when conditions are matched: you bought those (might worth to read bot instructions) 2) there is no FCN/BTC in the list. I started 8 pairs. You have checked "Hide 0 balances" (might worth to read poloniex instructions?) no idea how to add pictures to the forum
You cant: you will be able to add picture as your forum rank grows. ReferencePlease move this to the support channel on Telegram, this is not a support thread for the GUNBOT Thanks! ~Gun
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
March 08, 2017, 05:18:00 PM |
Hi I am intetested pm me reserve me a license thanks
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
March 08, 2017, 05:34:33 PM |
@Gunthar pmd you plz replay ; interested in a copy thakns
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
March 08, 2017, 06:46:17 PM |
How to access telegram?