Pre-Release v.2.0.1b - Windows x86/x64
All feature of Linux versions plus:
implementing colors (bot instances are not tabbed yet, but you can use 2 buttons to select/show/hide the pair instance console you want to check). Final release will tab them all like in old ConsoleControl
Users can now save settings and reload settings they saved per each pair
Users can now change settings without having to restart the bot
Users can now save their API/Secret so they dont have to input them again when they close the bot
Initial commit for future features: graphics, profit/loss calculation, trading history (as long as i update the GUI you will see more tabs on your bot
Your Gunbot knows when to speed up: when prices are about to reach the bottom of a dump or the top of a pump, you will see your bot speeding like a crazy monkey! Dont get scared: we need to be fast when we need to buy and we need to be fast on market when it is time to sell.
Dont be scared to use short times and settings too: you will NOT get banned from Poloniex. The bot is completely refactored using async, so we send and receive informations from/to Poloniex respecting our time and their callbacks: ii anything goes wrong, your Gunbot knows what to do and will handle any kind of error, in the right way.
Maybe i forgot some features....
Please run the bot with extremly fast settings: short time delay, short prices list etc, let it run over a minimum of 8-10 pairs, and you will see your Gunbot being your profit generator.
Tips and tricks: your Gunbot now knows if you change settings and you could help him to have more profit. If you are the kind of person that likes to watch at your Gunbot with a corner of your eyes at Poloniex, you can use the Gunbot settings to raise %GAIN if you see a huge pump
Same apply for the buy price: change ema values and you will see the price to buy to lower or raise, you can help your bot to ride the swings dinamically!!! Experiment with the ema values: if anything goes wrong, set the default values again (0.02 and 0.04) and start again to experiment until you understand how to lower and raise the buy price.
A special thanks to all linux users in the Telegram group that helped me to debug this core and give us all a better Gunbot.
Please report any bug immediately!!!