January 02, 2018, 09:36:31 PM |
Why is it that bitcoin, bitcoin cash, eth, and ripple are now all moving in the same direction. I thought they were antagonistic?
(1) They've been moving in the same direction this entire year, and longer. (2) More money is flowing into the market; 670 billion is a tiny amount of money. It needs to be trillions before any major losses. (3) There are multiple roles for coins - they need not directly compete. Truth is, sometimes they are antagonistic, and sometimes they are not. You still believe in $5500? How about $8000? Maybe it will happen, but first 20k at least. Wait, I always have to correct you people here! Tera's target has been consistently increasing by the day. We must stick with his original target of "at least 3000, possibly less" I must remind this, just in case 
Full Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 222
Deb Rah Von Doom
January 02, 2018, 09:39:07 PM |
Why is it that bitcoin, bitcoin cash, eth, and ripple are now all moving in the same direction. I thought they were antagonistic?
(1) They've been moving in the same direction this entire year, and longer. (2) More money is flowing into the market; 670 billion is a tiny amount of money. It needs to be trillions before any major losses. (3) There are multiple roles for coins - they need not directly compete. Truth is, sometimes they are antagonistic, and sometimes they are not. You still believe in $5500? How about $8000? Maybe it will happen, but first 20k at least. Wait, I always have to correct you people here! Tera's target has been consistently increasing by the day. We must stick with his original target of "at least 3000, possibly less" I must remind this, just in case  Correct I amended the short term 'flash crash' target higher as our high went up and 3K in a flash crash became unrealistic, deferring 3K to a possible bear market target.
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
January 02, 2018, 09:40:34 PM |
Why is it that bitcoin, bitcoin cash, eth, and ripple are now all moving in the same direction. I thought they were antagonistic?
If you look at last 4 hours on polo btc/usdt and xrp/btc you will find out they are still pretty antagonistic to each other
Activity: 2016
Merit: 1259
January 02, 2018, 09:43:16 PM |
Fuck are you annoying. Wrong, wrong, wrong again. Go pump and dump your shit in the toilet.
Full Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 222
Deb Rah Von Doom
January 02, 2018, 09:43:43 PM |
Why is it that bitcoin, bitcoin cash, eth, and ripple are now all moving in the same direction. I thought they were antagonistic?
If you look at last 4 hours on polo btc/usdt and xrp/btc you will find out they are still pretty antagonistic to each other Yes but at times they were so antagonistic that even their respective usd pairs were antagonistic
January 02, 2018, 09:56:24 PM |
Wow, Gold continuing its bull tear since Dec.
Insiders must be thinking (knowing?) we'll get some bad news this year. They're always 6-12 months ahead of the public.
Gold price, before 2010, has been rising for 8 years starting from 2002. So... it might not be indicative of anything...
Activity: 3416
Merit: 1913
The Concierge of Crypto
January 02, 2018, 10:15:58 PM |
There's only one bitcoin
There is obviously not only one bitcoin as ... blah blah blah - more nonsense - blah blah blah.I'm talking about the same bitcoin a bunch of these others guys are talking about. The one where you can download the wallet from bitcoin.org and usually linked near the top of this very forum. Have you been living under a rock? Or maybe under a pile of gold? Maybe you're a dragon, they like to sleep on top of a pile of gold, because gold is soft, compared to other metals.
El duderino_
Activity: 2800
Merit: 13892
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
January 02, 2018, 10:17:57 PM |
Breaking 24777$ prediction game FINAL LIST 27/12/2017 bikerleszno  29/12/2018 cAPSLOCK  30/12/2017 digithusiast  31/12/2017 Raja_MBZ  01/01/2018 elg  02/01/2018 wachtwoord  03/01/2018 JimboToronto 04/01/2018 d_eddie 05/01/2018 BTCMILLIONAIRE 06/01/2018 HanvanBitcoin 07/01/2018 ghandi 08/01/2018 savetherainforrest 09/01/2018 explorer 10/01/2018 bicoinpsycho 11/01/2018 Bitcoinaire 12/01/2018 speedwheel 13/01/2018 undeadbitcoiner 14/01/2018 northypole 15/01/2018 ivomm 16/01/2018 maca068 17/01/2018 bitcoinvest 18/01/2018 last of the v8s 19/01/2018 mfort312 20/01/2018 1982dre 21/01/2018 flamast2 22/01/2018 RealMachasm 23/01/2018 willope 24/01/2018 kartala 25/01/2018 orpington 26/01/2018 rolling 27/01/2018 LFC_bitcoin 28/01/2018 jojo69 29/01/2018 CristiTCM 30/01/2018 rayX12 31/01/2018 realsteelboy 01/02/2018 twocorn 02/02/2018 mancroofer 03/02/2018 True Myth 04/02/2018 poolminor 05/02/2018 itod 06/02/2018 scheptan 07/02/2018 vapourminer 08/02/2018 alexeft 09/02/2018 siera 10/02/2018 AlcoHoDL 11/02/2018 Dunkelheit667 12/02/2018 yonton 13/02/2018 Wekkel 14/02/2018 Thekool1s 15/02/2018 starmman 16/02/2018 Globb0 17/02/2018 leveldkrypto 18/02/2018 olesh 19/02/2018 BitCoinBurger 20/02/2018 Paashaas 21/02/2018 flynn 22/02/2018 icygreen 23/02/2018 erisdiscordia 24/02/2018 phil_s 25/02/2018 sirazimuth 26/02/2018 Arriemoller 27/02/2018 yonton 28/02/2018 Muttley 01/03/2018 bones261 02/03/2018 heater 03/03/2018 soullyG 04/03/2018 InvoKing 05/03/2018 Notme 06/03/2018 sa_94 07/03/2018 NUFCrichard 08/03/2018 Imbatman 09/03/2018 Roombot 10/03/2018 STT 11/03/2018 badream 13/03/2018 erre 14/03/2018 julian071 15/03/2018 podyx 17/03/2018 fragout 18/03/2018 fabiorem 21/03/2018 dakustaking76 23/03/2018 nikauforest 31/03/2018 vroom 01/04/2018 somac. 02/04/2018 kurious 04/04/2018 fluidjax 05/04/2018 bitcoinbunny 08/04/2018 tyler1890 10/04/2018 ludwigvon 11/04/2018 hairymaclairy 16/04/2018 practicaldreamer 18/04/2018 free-bit.co.in 27/04/2018 drbrockoin 01/05/2018 sprinkles 02/06/2018 oblox 07/07/2018 IntroVert 03/08/2018 toxic2040 28/08/2018 bitserve 15/10/2018 Yefi 05/11/2018 mikenz 31/12/2018 melman2002 01/01/2019 Spaceman_Spiff_Original 12/02/2019 FractalUniverse 21/04/2019 gentlemand 20/02/2020 romneymoney 18/12/2021 luckygenough56 UPDATE AND GOOD LUCK
Activity: 3122
Merit: 1538
January 02, 2018, 10:20:23 PM |
Gold is just another Altcoin with a bizarre POW
Quoted as possible 'quote of the year' 
January 02, 2018, 10:29:07 PM |
Sr. Member
Activity: 1204
Merit: 293
"Be Your Own Bank"
January 02, 2018, 10:30:42 PM |
Activity: 3822
Merit: 5504
January 02, 2018, 10:57:10 PM |
January 02, 2018, 11:10:37 PM |
Silly poll doesn't have any choices over 22k???
Activity: 1834
Merit: 4197
January 02, 2018, 11:17:14 PM |
Silly poll doesn't have any choices over 22k???
Sr. Member
Activity: 924
Merit: 311
January 02, 2018, 11:17:33 PM |
Gold that thing with lots of mothball mine's waiting to come out of retirement when gold is worth x. with modern extraction techniques that make the old days and numbers comparison totally obsolete.
You bitcoin shill bugmen really are clueless about metals. It requires moving twice the tonnage of dirt right now to get one ounce of silver as it did just over one decade ago (then add 2007-2017 printing and inflation on top of that). Peak gold and silver have just occurred recently. All the low hanging fruit is taken first; only much more costly stuff is left in the ground. There is no super secret technology to move exponentially increasing amounts of dirt using the same amount of energy as before. Most of these machines involved are running on diesel. The govt is afraid that letting stocks implode will cause the boomercucks to riot since all retirement funds are tied to them, plus the oil industry has mega amounts of bad debt that could probably blow up the whole system as well if they don't try to inflate that away. Govt is clearly attempting some type of last ditch effort to float the system by having a 1970's inflation epidemic. Metals went up 10x last time this happened in an 8 year span. Putting money into bitcoin and praying some other scammer pumps the valueless tokens is gambling. Putting all your money into the base of Exter's pyramid (gold and silver) and waiting for the 10x is not gambling. The dollar is also dying/losing reserve status this time around unlike in the 70's, so god knows what type of crazy numbers you will see for things like metals in the near future (denominated in USD at least).
Ludwig Von
January 02, 2018, 11:22:39 PM |
Gold that thing with lots of mothball mine's waiting to come out of retirement when gold is worth x. with modern extraction techniques that make the old days and numbers comparison totally obsolete.
You bitcoin shill bugmen really are clueless about metals. It requires moving twice the tonnage of dirt right now to get one ounce of silver as it did just over one decade ago (then add 2007-2017 printing and inflation on top of that). Peak gold and silver have just occurred recently. All the low hanging fruit is taken first; only much more costly stuff is left in the ground. There is no super secret technology to move exponentially increasing amounts of dirt using the same amount of energy as before. Most of these machines involved are running on diesel. The govt is afraid that letting stocks implode will cause the boomercucks to riot since all retirement funds are tied to them, plus the oil industry has mega amounts of bad debt that could probably blow up the whole system as well if they don't try to inflate that away. Govt is clearly attempting some type of last ditch effort to float the system by having a 1970's inflation epidemic. Metals went up 10x last time this happened in an 8 year span. Putting money into bitcoin and praying some other scammer pumps the valueless tokens is gambling. Putting all your money into the base of Exter's pyramid (gold and silver) and waiting for the 10x is not gambling. That is why I have 30% in metals... .
Rosewater Foundation
January 02, 2018, 11:32:28 PM |
Quote a R0ach, might as well be one. Another ignore. 
Activity: 3458
Merit: 4902
diamond-handed zealot
January 02, 2018, 11:37:38 PM |
Quote a R0ach, might as well be one. Another ignore.  watch and learn kids extreme prejudice, this is how it is done
Rosewater Foundation
January 02, 2018, 11:43:58 PM |
Quote a R0ach, might as well be one. Another ignore.  watch and learn kids extreme prejudice, this is how it is done Ruthless, like a colorectal surgeon. It's the only way.