Activity: 4298
Merit: 5251
You're never too old to think young.
January 01, 2018, 12:45:59 AM |
Anyone paying $30 to get into some bar that's usually free to have a crap time surrounded by fucksticks and shit heels is a cock honker.
That's because they're doing it wrong. Right now (about 7:30PM local time) I'm chowing down to an inexpensive home-cooked dinner to make sure I'm not drinking on an empty stomach. I'm about to draw a bath to keep from wanting to nod out after eating a large meal. By about 10:00PM I'll show up at the local where some friends are playing. By then they'll have finished their first set and be warmed up. Lucky me, I don't have to play tonight although I'll probably get called up for a few songs. There's almost never a cover (none tonight) but even if there were I'd just go around back and go in through the kitchen. I'll be surrounded by friends and neighbors. Drinks are cheap and people are always buying rounds. Some people call it a "dive bar" but I'll take it any time over some over-priced trendy shithole full of poseurs and hipsters. Hopefully I'll get lucky but even if I end up coming home alone I'll have a good time and not spend too much money. Happy New Year all!
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1061
January 01, 2018, 12:54:45 AM Last edit: January 01, 2018, 01:06:22 AM by mymenace |
I'd rather pay 200K for a Vanuatuan passport and a 1-way ticket.
Yeah, well, I ain't gonna fight the IRS on what they are due. That's just a bad time right there and too much stress. I'm a proud, patriotic American Citizen. Fuck you. Sorry to hear you have been fed an illusion and indoctrinated into a system of authority and belief that gives you no other option than to pay the man with a gun Quite literally millions around the world understand your commitment to this archaic system and how hard it is to say no we call it brainwashing and fear of authority (gatekeepers, 1%, established, controlled, dynasties, centralization, media, institutions, political think tanks, universities, schools) quite easy to expose the lie - the one thing government should be ensuring for all citizens after all this time we have had government, less and less people are owning homes fundamental to our survival, shelter, undeniable inalienable human right
Activity: 2352
Merit: 1064
Bitcoin is antisemitic
January 01, 2018, 01:02:05 AM |
I'll be surrounded by friends and neighbors. Drinks are cheap and people are always buying rounds. Some people call it a "dive bar" but I'll take it any time over some over-priced trendy shithole full of poseurs and hipsters.
Hopefully I'll get lucky but even if I end up coming home alone I'll have a good time and not spend too much money.
Happy New Year all!
Screw a MILF for me tonight Jimbo! Happy New Year!

Activity: 371
Merit: 57
January 01, 2018, 01:07:20 AM |
I got a letter from the taxman the other day saying I owe the state the equivalent of 10 cents, that's slightly less then the postage .
After a temporary stay in the UK, I could not remotely close the account, so they kept sending regular mail and new cards to my current country. After many years they gave in and closed the account, and send me a UK check for the final balance: 14 cents, which will cost me several euro's to deposit at my local bank. I told them they could keep it or donate it to charity, but that wasn't possible in there system.
Activity: 4004
Merit: 11825
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
January 01, 2018, 01:11:19 AM |
You are defending alt coin pumps
I am doing no such thing. For the record, I have no use nor no love for Ripple. I was just espousing a valueless factoid relevant to it. One of which you quite evidently were unaware. I give a ratt's ass about some supposed issuance of allegedly "free" ripple? Or anyone else who is "into" relevant topics of this thread (aka bitcoin)? Rather than being pissy and misstating my motivations (yet again), you should thank me for correcting your misunderstanding.
Thank you very much for stealing my picnic food. Not gonna happen... at least not the thanking part.  And again: when I started talking about Ripple here it was merely in response to you talking about Ripple here. Your effort to shift the 'blame' off of yourself is fully transparent to everyone reading.
Oh? Poor lillie bear, not being taken seriously. Can you even get away from your appeals to supposedly what "everyone" can see? NOT easy to take you seriously when you get ssssooooooo caught up in dragging out irrelevant battles about meaningless topics..... OH yeah, that's right [insert lightbulb meme here], that's what trolls do.. they blather on about irrelevance.  And, try to manufacture drama.... Take your drama to your mama (or perhaps to the rhyming Obama, even though nothing that he can do about your nonsensical irrelevancies, right?), mr picnic food eating bear.
Activity: 3626
Merit: 3756
born once atheist
January 01, 2018, 01:20:09 AM |
oh now you hadda make me google that, eh?... ...ah ok, stupid frikkin me..I shoulda known. I guess my interwebz acronym literacy is sadly lacking...
Activity: 2352
Merit: 1064
Bitcoin is antisemitic
January 01, 2018, 01:28:38 AM |
If I don't pay the tax, the government/IRS is going to fuck my shit up, and I don't have time for that.
You don't have time for the Revolution??? That's gay!
Activity: 2604
Merit: 3056
Welt Am Draht
January 01, 2018, 01:32:24 AM |
If I don't pay the tax, the government/IRS is going to fuck my shit up, and I don't have time for that.
You don't have time for the Revolution??? That's gay! Frankly his attitude is despicable. Surely any signed up member here is fully prepared to make their last stand when it's tax time? My arsenal now fills three warehouses. I've already pre visualised it with my sports psychologist and it plays out almost exactly the same as the last twenty minutes of Commando.
Activity: 2352
Merit: 1064
Bitcoin is antisemitic
January 01, 2018, 01:41:18 AM |
Frankly his attitude is despicable. Surely any signed up member here is fully prepared to make their last stand when it's tax time? My arsenal now fills three warehouses. I've already pre visualised it with my sports psychologist and it plays out almost exactly the same as the last twenty minutes of Commando.
I found an easy fix by marrying a native of another continent. All that matters is the will to get out of the tax slave farm.
Sr. Member
Activity: 1204
Merit: 293
"Be Your Own Bank"
January 01, 2018, 01:45:09 AM |
Activity: 2604
Merit: 3056
Welt Am Draht
January 01, 2018, 01:45:32 AM |
I found an easy fix by marrying a native of another continent. All that matters is the will to get out of the tax slave farm.
When did They get to you, man? 
Rosewater Foundation
January 01, 2018, 01:46:27 AM |
I picture Bob's last stand against the taxman at Walden Pond surrounded by loved ones and an army of fiercely loyal cabana boys.
the artful bodger
January 01, 2018, 01:49:12 AM |
Happy New Year
I hope bitcoin's $400000 by next year.
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1061
January 01, 2018, 01:53:44 AM |
If I don't pay the tax, the government/IRS is going to fuck my shit up, and I don't have time for that.
You don't have time for the Revolution??? That's gay! Frankly his attitude is despicable. Surely any signed up member here is fully prepared to make their last stand when it's tax time? My arsenal now fills three warehouses. I've already pre visualised it with my sports psychologist and it plays out almost exactly the same as the last twenty minutes of Commando. luvin it, sign me up but alas I myself am an economic hostage and lack your courage opting for building my own world hoping for change
Sr. Member
Activity: 1204
Merit: 293
"Be Your Own Bank"
January 01, 2018, 01:55:35 AM |
Activity: 2604
Merit: 3056
Welt Am Draht
January 01, 2018, 01:57:01 AM |
luvin it, sign me up
but alas I myself am an economic hostage and lack your courage
opting for building my own world hoping for change
Ok. I'll let you know the day before. Whatever you do, stay indoors that following day.
Activity: 4004
Merit: 11825
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
January 01, 2018, 02:11:01 AM |
oh now you hadda make me google that, eh?... ...ah ok, stupid frikkin me..I shoulda known. I guess my interwebz acronym literacy is sadly lacking... Hello sirazimuth? Are you for real? You know that if you want to be "woke" to these kinds of terms, you gotta consume a bit more internet porn. We are no longer in the 90s. 
Full Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 222
Deb Rah Von Doom
January 01, 2018, 02:12:58 AM |
Blockchain is not the future. Blocktree is.
Sr. Member
Activity: 924
Merit: 311
January 01, 2018, 02:14:38 AM |
You prove it again. People who have a sexual behaviourship that is unnormal, unnormal in that way that if anyone would live like that...
Suck my dick. Ok ? By any rational standard, an organism that is incapable of reproducing has failed natural selection and is a genetic error. So yes, things like lesbians are objectively abnormal if nature is any guide; however, the only thing evolution is really good at is throwing an endless amount of varation at the dart board to see what sticks, so these errors are normal and to be expected in that regard. There will be different kinds of errors born to take their place after they die like "asexuals", so it's not exactly something a standard human can or really should try to solve since all of this is above your pay grade and will be regulated by nature in the grand scheme of things. The only issue at hand with regular humans is when the genetic errors start to form coalitions and lobbies in order to lobby AGAINST non-genetic errors for their own selfish interests. The scientific term for genetic errors lobbying against healthy cells is cancer. They want short term personal gain at the expense of collapsing the entire civilization and system. This is an extremely selfish and destructive path that has to be condemed. The physical manifestation of such practices can be seen in things like "SJW-ism" and liberalism - cancer cells attempting to attack the functional cells. 
Rosewater Foundation
January 01, 2018, 02:17:37 AM |
...then the Westboro Baptist Church shows up and all hell really breaks loose.