November 19, 2018, 10:06:41 PM |
One question. What is must be bitcoin value to bring bitcoin miners any profit? Now I feel they are loosing right?
November 19, 2018, 10:07:45 PM |
Watching the Bitstamp order book, just minutes ago we had around $30M in buy orders, now suddenly I see $50M+ again? Can someone explain?   Is this a genuine question? You can have money on an exchange without having outstanding orders, so that money can be used to make new orders...
Sr. Member
Activity: 616
Merit: 292
I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going.
November 19, 2018, 10:08:06 PM |
One question. What is must be bitcoin value to bring bitcoin miners any profit? Now I feel they are loosing right?
Someone posted a chart yesterday where average mining cost was ~$3200, so I guess they're still profiting. Depends where you mine and buy your electricity of course.
Activity: 2324
Merit: 2140
A Bitcoiner chooses. A slave obeys.
November 19, 2018, 10:08:18 PM |
Anyone who sells beyond this point is going to cry.
People have been saying the same thing since 15k Show me those people? Everyone here with a brain understood that after a pump to 20k it will come down to at least 6-8k with dips even lower. Everyone in the thread claimed it was going to go from $20k to $100k except me + tera. It is. If you hodl for years. That time is still coming and most experienced coiners know it. But any trader understands that what goes up must go down. And these ups and downs take a long time. Most people think bitcoin is something that will go from $1 to 20k and then down to 5k and back up to 100k in a week. But thats not how it works. Not even Bitcoin is that volatile. Sit on your shakey hands for now. For bitcoin to just skyrocket to $100k for no reason, it would require being created by the evil cult of judaism as some type of enslavement device to fuck over the goyim. But there's a decent amount of evidence that is the case such as evil Jews like Larry Summers and Ben Bernanke promoting digital currency, democrat lawmakers passing pro-cryptocurrency laws, and just about nobody in US govt actively trying to stop it, so maybe you're in luck. The art of Tai-Chi is to anticipate your opponents next move and use his own power against him. Has Yuri Bezmenov taught you nothing?
Activity: 3920
Merit: 5592
Note the unconventional cAPITALIZATION!
November 19, 2018, 10:08:28 PM |
 They didn't add crypto traders. That's because we are currently using ALL the red candles.
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11732
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
November 19, 2018, 10:10:34 PM |
Who the fuck is selling at these prices.
People who bought below $1000. I bought all of mine under $600. I didn’t sell at $20,000 so no way am I selling now. In hindsight I should have sold at the last ATH but I want to wait for $50,000 per coin. Also depends on how many you bought. If you bought 5 coins from $600, you can wait till it hits $50k. That's a sensible move. You might be attempting to agree with LFC; however, your whole framework is off base, and you don't sell coins on the way down unless either you are trying to manipulate the price down, or you have decently strong convictions (which may well be a gamble) that you are going to be able to buy the coins back for less than you sell them. Good luck with that. What if you bought 100coins from $600? You would be carrying x20 more risk now. And if it looks like it is going to go down in the upcoming weeks, (tbh it looks like it) it just makes sense to unload your risk.
Would have been more sensible to unload that risk while the price was going up, but I understand that peeps have differing trading philosophies and try to play around with predicting the short term moves of the market.. sometimes lucky, and sometimes not... so it still ends up being a tougher gamble to be selling on the way down when the price already corrected more than 75% from its $19,666 top. I am not talking about long term.
Yeah.. HODLers play long term... so if you are trying to shake HODLers based on short term fears then that is truly a different game as compared with the HODL and accumulate game, which is a longer term play.. in that anyone engaged in such longer term play presumes that the price of BTC is going to be higher at a future date (depending on time line) than it is either today or based on his average accumulation costs per BTC. I too bought some from $1k 2k and $3k. Also bought from $8k, 12k and 15k.  Didn't sell at $20k won't sell till I acquire my target networth. To accomplish this, I expect the price to be between $50-100k. That's a different scenario. Still does not justify a strategy of selling on the way down. There are people who aren't long term hodlers but only interested in short term speculation. That's why btc does these crazy swings.
of course, and historically the long term hodlers and accumulators have beat the pants (pun not intended) off of those who have let their emotions attempt to guide predicting short term moves. I can tolerate my $50k to go as low as $10k. No biggie. But I wouldn't so cool about it If my networth screen was showing $500k and about to be $200k in a few days.  Cross that bridge when we get there. Hopefully, guys (and gal) will skim a bit of profits on the way up, so that they don't have to be either nervous about attempting to play it all at once, and they will protect themselves from some of the BIGGER short term price moves, without getting too worked up about those shorter term price moves (even when they are getting above the 75% correction territory, such as where we are at currently).. stressful times, but NOT very likely a good time to be selling.
Sr. Member
Activity: 924
Merit: 311
November 19, 2018, 10:12:08 PM |
Anyone who sells beyond this point is going to cry.
People have been saying the same thing since 15k Show me those people? Everyone here with a brain understood that after a pump to 20k it will come down to at least 6-8k with dips even lower. Everyone in the thread claimed it was going to go from $20k to $100k except me + tera. It is. If you hodl for years. That time is still coming and most experienced coiners know it. But any trader understands that what goes up must go down. And these ups and downs take a long time. Most people think bitcoin is something that will go from $1 to 20k and then down to 5k and back up to 100k in a week. But thats not how it works. Not even Bitcoin is that volatile. Sit on your shakey hands for now. For bitcoin to just skyrocket to $100k for no reason, it would require being created by the evil cult of judaism as some type of enslavement device to fuck over the goyim. But there's a decent amount of evidence that is the case such as evil Jews like Larry Summers and Ben Bernanke promoting digital currency, democrat lawmakers passing pro-cryptocurrency laws, and just about nobody in US govt actively trying to stop it, so maybe you're in luck. The art of Tai-Chi is to anticipate your opponents next move and use his own power against him. Has Yuri Bezmenov taught you nothing? In other words, you are literally Judas and will lie and shill for the Chinese social credit score system as long as you think you can profit from it then flee the country before everyone is rounded up and dies, except for the fact there is nowhere to actually run to in the first place.
Activity: 22
Merit: 1
November 19, 2018, 10:12:16 PM |
Watching the Bitstamp order book, just minutes ago we had around $30M in buy orders, now suddenly I see $50M+ again? Can someone explain? this a genuine question? You can have money on an exchange without having outstanding orders, so that money can be used to make new orders... Yeah, I get that, but how all of the sudden, in literally 5 minutes, people decide to put $20M+ in buy orders? That's what I am curious about.
infofront (OP)
Activity: 2660
Merit: 2920
Shitcoin Minimalist
November 19, 2018, 10:13:23 PM |
One question. What is must be bitcoin value to bring bitcoin miners any profit? Now I feel they are loosing right?
Bitmex recently put out something that showed the breakeven mining point at around $3,500 or so.
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11732
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
November 19, 2018, 10:13:54 PM |
 What's your opinion on this? To much cursing? Also, too much ALL CAPS.. so tldr.. and the person who originally posted this (ninobtcx) should have told us what his/her opinion is/was rather than expecting folks in this thread to actually read and digest such information as if it might possibly mean something, perhaps?
November 19, 2018, 10:15:17 PM |
Watching the Bitstamp order book, just minutes ago we had around $30M in buy orders, now suddenly I see $50M+ again? Can someone explain?   Is this a genuine question? You can have money on an exchange without having outstanding orders, so that money can be used to make new orders... Yeah, I get that, but how all of the sudden, in literally 5 minutes, people decide to put $20M+ in buy orders? That's what I am curious about. Ah ok, Big-ass whale maybe? Technically that number doesn't really say at what prices the orders are being set, so if somebody adds 20M in orders for 10 USD/BTC, that doesn't much for us. Of course you can look at the graph, but I don't know how that evolved.
November 19, 2018, 10:15:27 PM |
WTF? Down 15% in 24 hours.... and people still selling.....? I missing something? Is this just gonna back to double or single digits?
i dont think that many people are selling voluntarily.its more like they have to sell or are forced to sell by margin calls anyway, we could still see some support around this level in following days. but after today's action, i dont expect more than $500-1000 rebound before retesting low once more  [i hope im wrong as usual and we will bounce above 6k with force ] 
November 19, 2018, 10:15:58 PM |
One question. What is must be bitcoin value to bring bitcoin miners any profit? Now I feel they are loosing right?
Someone posted a chart yesterday where average mining cost was ~$3200, so I guess they're still profiting. Depends where you mine and buy your electricity of course. That is the electricity only cost of producing a bitcoin if you are paying ~$0.05 per kWh and doesn't include the cost of air conditioning, facilities, employees, or return on capital. Electricity is probably only 50% of the true cost of running a profitable mining business.
November 19, 2018, 10:16:58 PM |
I just want to know, how can I make a new address in bitcoin-qt 0.17.0?
My order got executed, but I need a new address to send the money.
I don’t know. But if you want, I can give you one of mine to use. I dont have Pepes to send to you. Also, bitcoin is under attack. I accessed a old wallet and its showing values from one year ago, whereas it should be empty.
November 19, 2018, 10:19:57 PM |
This is one hard decision point. When do I put down the last of my coin investment fiat that I have waiting. This seems like such an easy moment to profit. It is obscene. Anyone who has been here since the start knows this as well. What moron really believes the coin is worth long term this price or less? I call this guaranteed earnings on ever dollar of coin I buy. Though I am greedy and want to wait for the best moment to go all in 
November 19, 2018, 10:20:31 PM |
One question. What is must be bitcoin value to bring bitcoin miners any profit? Now I feel they are loosing right?
Someone posted a chart yesterday where average mining cost was ~$3200, so I guess they're still profiting. Depends where you mine and buy your electricity of course. That is the electricity only cost of producing a bitcoin if you are paying ~$0.05 per kWh and doesn't include the cost of air conditioning, facilities, employees, or return on capital. Electricity is probably only 50% of the true cost of running a profitable mining business. Still how much is taking one device to produce 1 bitcoin?
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11732
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
November 19, 2018, 10:23:18 PM |
Can't make out the numbers, but... does this projection place the local low in the 1.5k area? 3k. The last bear trap before the jump to 20k. I could probably just about mentally cope with a drop to 3k as long as that was the absolute bottom. If we drop to depths of 1k or similar I’m going to feel physically sick. Gotta agree with you on that one. Sometimes, it will become difficult to go out there and buy BTC, even though price would justify it... but it would be quite a BIG deal to have either level of correction, even though the $3k one would be more tolerable (even while it would be disappointing, at the same time).
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11732
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
November 19, 2018, 10:25:43 PM |
yeah i do like the HAT gonna make some t-shirts as well .... little personal BTC related gear and not the already usual shit with BTC logo that everybody got.... this kind of +points of my personal crypto sphere are good to fight my personal bitterness of the current DIP's and keeping my mind on the end goal mass useage of BTC and green everywhere  The only way that you could actually do all of this stuff that you proclaim is to have a micgoosen marketing team, so maybe you should discontinue acting as if you are merely one person and what you do and say are from just one person (implying a real person). 
November 19, 2018, 10:27:17 PM |