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February 19, 2025, 09:24:43 PM *
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Question: Price Target for Nov. 30, 2024:
<$75K - 4 (2.7%)
$75K to $80K - 1 (0.7%)
$80K to $85K - 2 (1.4%)
$85K to $90K - 10 (6.8%)
$90K to $95K - 15 (10.3%)
$95K to $100K - 29 (19.9%)
>$100K - 85 (58.2%)
Total Voters: 146

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26735861 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (174 posts by 1 users with 9 merit deleted.)
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Activity: 223
Merit: 111

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November 21, 2018, 11:42:16 PM

I wish you guys would stop posting about your bad financial decisions in the white nationalist observer thread.

What do you suggest? Go all in on gold and silver?
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Activity: 1946
Merit: 1621

Self made HODLER ✓

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November 21, 2018, 11:42:21 PM

And that's coming from the guy that is constantly repeating how he went into silver instead of Bitcoin several years ago. Hilarious.
El duderino_
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Activity: 2786
Merit: 13829

BTC + Crossfit, living life.

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November 21, 2018, 11:42:54 PM

Are you ready for take off? Fasten your belts!

yes take your XhomerX gear Roll Eyes

haha nice!

yeah very cool avatar he made there would be a LOSS if not to be used .... as a SUPER BTC BULL ..... i should say it would suit you
Online Online

Activity: 4004
Merit: 11755

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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November 21, 2018, 11:46:11 PM

Who is this amorphous "they" that you are referring to?

It was Micgoossens, obviously. He did it with his army of fifty men.

Tbh, I don't care who was behind it, only that it was resolved.

haha it think i wasn't around here @that time .....

and serious would jjg really be thinking that? (i think even he couldn't make that shit up Smiley )

Pretty much Yefi confirmed that he did not have any information to really substantiate what he was suggesting.

I think that the official story is quite plausible in this situation, which was that Adam left and Admin was having some difficulties managing the thread and complaints and reports.  Initially, theymos took an easy route of closing the thread, but thereafter reconsidered his decision after there were reasonable proposals including the election of a new thread owner (which ended up becoming Infofront - through popular demand).

Personally, the way that it worked out, I think that it was overkill to remove signatures from this thread, and I doubt that the dynamic of the thread would be changed too much by allowing signatures, here.  Also, infofront's relative hands off (but a bit of hands on from time to time) does seem to have caused the thread to continue, even better than when Adam was here.. because sometimes Adam became part of the problem - especially once he became more jaded by some of the BIG blocker nonsense and seemingly largely made up conspiracies about this forum embarking in too much supposed "censorship."

As far as I can tell, what micpeep(bot) says seems accurate that he was NOT involved in the forum on or before the reopening of the WO thread and the then discussions around transition of the thread ownership to infofront.
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Activity: 2772
Merit: 2847

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November 21, 2018, 11:49:07 PM

Are you ready for take off? Fasten your belts!

yes take your XhomerX gear Roll Eyes

haha nice!

yeah very cool avatar he made there would be a LOSS if not to be used .... as a SUPER BTC BULL ..... i should say it would suit you

If he uses it he can probably never reuse his old avatar here again. It's an animated gif, and those got banned because they introduce a security vulnerability into the forum. Old users who already had them were allowed to keep them, but the forum won't let you add one now.

He could switch to an animated png, but the animated bit only shows on some browsers.
Online Online

Activity: 4004
Merit: 11755

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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November 21, 2018, 11:57:21 PM

I will bite.  And?
Jr. Member
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Activity: 138
Merit: 6

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November 21, 2018, 11:58:48 PM

 Roll Eyes
Full Member
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Activity: 223
Merit: 111

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November 21, 2018, 11:59:02 PM

next two weeks:
via Imgflip GIF Maker
Full Member
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Activity: 223
Merit: 111

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November 21, 2018, 11:59:47 PM

Roll Eyes
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Activity: 924
Merit: 311


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November 22, 2018, 12:03:30 AM

My only reason for living is to see Elwar's response after opening bitcoinity and saying "Oh nice, back to 6k again.  Wait, that's $600, not 6k!!! WTF!"
El duderino_
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Activity: 2786
Merit: 13829

BTC + Crossfit, living life.

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November 22, 2018, 12:04:56 AM


you asked me the link for those BTC art things
came back across with it, actually they are not cheap....
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Activity: 223
Merit: 111

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November 22, 2018, 12:05:25 AM

My only reason for living is to see Elwar's response after opening bitcoinity and saying "Oh nice, back to 6k again.  Wait, that's $600, not 6k!!! WTF!"

If your so confident in this fall why don't you go and take a short position with leveratge......................
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Activity: 28
Merit: 10

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November 22, 2018, 12:07:18 AM

My only reason for living is to see Elwar's response after opening bitcoinity and saying "Oh nice, back to 6k again.  Wait, that's $600, not 6k!!! WTF!"

If your so confident in this fall why don't you go and take a short position with leveratge......................

We've bottomed out. I know, he knows it. Nobody thought it would happen. But here it is, happening.

And so on.
Sr. Member
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Activity: 924
Merit: 311


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November 22, 2018, 12:08:30 AM

Really? Melting bitcoin clocks?  I don't have knockoff art featuring melting bars of silver clocks.  Isn't that kind of a sign you've jumped the shark into a delusional cult instead of investment?
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Activity: 151
Merit: 111


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November 22, 2018, 12:09:18 AM

next two weeks:
via Imgflip GIF Maker

I can say I hope so. However I may not get that excited  since being a HODLer means I’ve been through 7k at least one time too many (on the way down isn’t as fun)  Cheesy Cheesy
El duderino_
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Activity: 2786
Merit: 13829

BTC + Crossfit, living life.

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November 22, 2018, 12:09:44 AM

Who is this amorphous "they" that you are referring to?

It was Micgoossens, obviously. He did it with his army of fifty men.

Tbh, I don't care who was behind it, only that it was resolved.

haha it think i wasn't around here @that time .....

and serious would jjg really be thinking that? (i think even he couldn't make that shit up Smiley )

Pretty much Yefi confirmed that he did not have any information to really substantiate what he was suggesting.

I think that the official story is quite plausible in this situation, which was that Adam left and Admin was having some difficulties managing the thread and complaints and reports.  Initially, theymos took an easy route of closing the thread, but thereafter reconsidered his decision after there were reasonable proposals including the election of a new thread owner (which ended up becoming Infofront - through popular demand).

Personally, the way that it worked out, I think that it was overkill to remove signatures from this thread, and I doubt that the dynamic of the thread would be changed too much by allowing signatures, here.  Also, infofront's relative hands off (but a bit of hands on from time to time) does seem to have caused the thread to continue, even better than when Adam was here.. because sometimes Adam became part of the problem - especially once he became more jaded by some of the BIG blocker nonsense and seemingly largely made up conspiracies about this forum embarking in too much supposed "censorship."

As far as I can tell, what micpeep(bot) says seems accurate that he was NOT involved in the forum on or before the reopening of the WO thread and the then discussions around transition of the thread ownership to infofront.

i did read the thread but wasn't active on it.... i remember the thread was off for a few days etc

but i mean't even JJG can't make this shit up, was about me not beeing one person Roll Eyes

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Activity: 2156
Merit: 1393

You lead and I'll watch you walk away.

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November 22, 2018, 12:09:48 AM

I wish you guys would stop posting about your bad financial decisions in the white nationalist observer thread.

Did mommy and daddy not give you enough attention when you were a baby?
El duderino_
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Activity: 2786
Merit: 13829

BTC + Crossfit, living life.

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November 22, 2018, 12:14:37 AM

you guys share same thought ......?
Offline Offline

Activity: 2156
Merit: 1393

You lead and I'll watch you walk away.

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November 22, 2018, 12:19:28 AM

you guys share same thought ......?

I sort of agree. I think there’s too much institutional money in bitcoin for them to let it crash hard.
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Activity: 2604
Merit: 3056

Welt Am Draht

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November 22, 2018, 12:19:36 AM

Did mommy and daddy not give you enough attention when you were a baby?

Sadly they were both Sayaret Matkal officers who made the ultimate sacrifice during the Yom Kippur war.
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