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Question: Price Target for Nov. 30, 2024:
<$75K - 4 (2.7%)
$75K to $80K - 1 (0.7%)
$80K to $85K - 2 (1.4%)
$85K to $90K - 10 (6.8%)
$90K to $95K - 15 (10.3%)
$95K to $100K - 29 (19.9%)
>$100K - 85 (58.2%)
Total Voters: 146

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26733816 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (174 posts by 1 users with 9 merit deleted.)
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October 10, 2019, 01:41:40 AM


Please keep shorting sir....

Currently, his purported short seems to be exactly on and in the green - not that I am advocating for shorting BTC in an apparent bull market nor am I actually conceding that the goof/troll actually is doing what he is saying that he is doing, even while he currently seems to be on target, no?
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October 10, 2019, 01:46:08 AM

If you guys / management dislikes this Whalecalls stuff, please let me know and I'll cease.

No fuck that.

Continue posting them Bob, I like them.

Seems exactly on topic and a service to the rest of us. No?  Objections?

In other words.. what LFC said.
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October 10, 2019, 01:49:46 AM

Hey gang. I just started buying a bunch of bitcoins a little while ago but as I keep buying I get less bitcoins for the same amount of money.

I am not sure why this is.

Oh well. Time to buy thousands more at ever decreasing returns.

You just know everybody has family members who will be FOMO buying at $15,000 or something.
Average Joe & all the institutional money should have bought in at sub $6,000 (if not years earlier).

It’s going to be fun on the way up again, being smug AF.  

I'm thinking that average joe buying starts around $28k-ish or maybe a little higher, of course, some variance, depending on how she plays out.
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October 10, 2019, 01:53:43 AM

Where did "fatty fuck you" come from? Its all over WO. Am I missing out on something?

he seems to be a BigBlocker.

Surely a reason for personal denigration, if ever one there were.  Roll Eyes

The current era of big blockers are fraudsters and scammers.  Just spend 10 seconds researching Ver or CSW.  

That’s sufficient reason for personal denigration.  

I am an unapologetic big blocker. I am neither fraudster nor scammer. IOW, Go Fuck Yourself.

Historically, in order for you to have employed a variety of your BIG blocker supportive assertions,

Indeed I have. All either statements of truth, reasoned future projections based upon solid facts, or reasonable opinions supported by rational point of view.

Surprise that we don't agree about those characterizations... ... Go figure?  or don't.   Tongue     Roll Eyes

Jbreher = the objective teller of "hard truths," who would-a thunk?    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

I am an unapologetic big blocker. I am neither fraudster nor scammer. IOW, Go Fuck Yourself.

That's "...Go Fuck Yourself. #nohomo"

Jeeze, get with the program.

That's cute and all -- and I hesitate to call you out specifically -- but this merely demonstrates what a nattering echo chamber full of cross-congratulatory baboon shriek this formerly-important thread has devolved into.

Protip:  You need join forces with fatty in regards to your faux pas reminiscing about how this thread has allegedly gone down the drain.
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October 10, 2019, 02:05:20 AM
Last edit: October 10, 2019, 04:08:45 AM by JayJuanGee

People have been "talking their books" long before this thread came about. That accounts for a sizeable part of the big block hatred, I reckon.

Look at you, infofront, trying to be BIG blocker sympathetic......  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes  

Strictly objectively speaking, I would account for the seemingness of BIG blocker hatred mostly because the ones who persist with their spouting of such nonsense are a bunch of retards (hopefully I am not dragging down actual retards by making such an equivalency assertion).  

 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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October 10, 2019, 02:31:21 AM

In the third-world state of California PG&E will shut off power to nearly 800,000 customers. Be safe in the dark!

Meanwhile, the #Bitcoin network is not affected and will continue its 100% uptime.

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October 10, 2019, 02:42:20 AM

^ ^
I would be more concerned about what is happening in hong kong right now with what is going on with relation to the price of bitcoin and the effects it can produce going on with the global markets.
Their influence on the world economic situation can impact everyone involved and not just power outages for those california people who cant heat their pools. Angry
I would think rioting and having all hell breaking loose in a country could be worse then having your power cut off for a few days. Generators are a nice piece of equipment to have and probably cheaper then the $0.19 per hour rate they are paying on their premium electricity bills.
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October 10, 2019, 03:12:32 AM

^ ^
I would be more concerned about what is happening in hong kong right now with what is going on with relation to the price of bitcoin and the effects it can produce going on with the global markets.
Their influence on the world economic situation can impact everyone involved and not just power outages for those california people who cant heat their pools. Angry
I would think rioting and having all hell breaking loose in a country could be worse then having your power cut off for a few days. Generators are a nice piece of equipment to have and probably cheaper then the $0.19 per hour rate they are paying on their premium electricity bills.

Yaah, Bitcoin every time to make trying manage the global markets. it is her first target not only electricity bill  huge payment option on day by day.
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October 10, 2019, 03:25:22 AM

The key is knowing how to wait and have patience because it is coming every time is much better.

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October 10, 2019, 03:48:46 AM
Merited by xhomerx10 (1), JayJuanGee (1), BobLawblaw (1)

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October 10, 2019, 03:58:13 AM
Last edit: October 10, 2019, 04:27:52 AM by Paashaas

And as far as BSV is concerned, well let's not. Its been proven an outright scam by this point and there's nothing left to be said.

Defend your statement. In what way is BSV -- the blockchain, the payment system, and the protocol -- a scam?

Don't try to make this an argument of semantics when you know full well what I'm referring to. That's weak sauce.

Get real. I am merely responding to your literal fucking words. If you don't mean to imply that BSV itself is a scam, then don't say "as far as BSV is concerned, well let's not. Its been proven an outright scam". Because that would be lying, you conniving bastard. And lying is scammy behavior. Should we all tag you now?

Defend your statement. Or retract it. Any other path forward for you would be dishonorable.

They presented it too much as the true Bitcoin, creating confusion. Also people involved are generally shady with low ethics.
Its obviously meant to enrich the first BSV adopters.

Also cmon, Satoshi’s Vision implies BTC is not what satoshi envisioned which is just plain wrong and unethical to build a marketing campaign on.

Bit sad we have to explain this to you, one would expect more comprehension from someone who has been involved for a long time.

One can debate the term scam. At least it's a very unhealthy distraction from BTC, but this is true for any fork.

MicgoossenCoin, PaashaasCoin, WOCoin, bCash, bGold etc..are all useless scams.
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October 10, 2019, 04:26:41 AM
Merited by Paashaas (1)

The reasonable opinions are fine. The rational point of view is fine. It does seem to me (and I'm not the only one) that there is a great deal of bias.

Fuck the various bcashers and their attempts to be reasonable.  The whole premise of the various bcashes has been based on attacking bitcoin rather than really attempting to solve purported technical issues.  Yeah, there have some gullible fucks that got sucked into those pretextual reasons and believing that bcashes were trying to actually provide value and to solve technical issues, but likely many of them are wanting to be mislead rather than actually studying into the truth of the matter.

As mathematicians put it, numbers don't like. The price is the price. 1 BCH = 1 BCH and 1 BSV = 1 BSV. They are already valued by the market accordingly.

No need to give them fucks any benefit of the doubt regarding having some kind of equally significant chains.

The more meaningful prices are:

1 BCH =  .027645 BTC


1 BSV = .01070027 BTC.

And add them together

1 Bcash (combined BCH and BSV) = .03834527 BTC

And, likely the bcash variants are going to continue to lose value against BTC, but sure, they are likely to pump and also mislead some more people into their lame-ass evolving attempted claims to legitimacy.

Big blocks is not as simple as just increase the block size. One can argue that because of SegWit, the effective block size has increased as you can stuff in more transactions in the same amount of blockspace.

As for security, it's out there already. There are native bech32 segwit addresses containing more than 350k BTC. That should be more than enough incentive for anyone to attempt spending them out of a perceived flaw in the system.

"In it for the tech, not the money." used to be true 10 years ago. It could be true for some people today, but there's always that little voice in your head where you do want to take profits one way or another.

Of course, any of us can be in it for the tech and for the money.... So having various right ideologies in regards to recognizing the value in bitcoin is also incidentally going to allow me  (and other BTC HODLers/accumulators) to become rich and/or more rich along the way.  A double benefit, even if we don't want to or care to become rich or more rich, the mere accumulation and HODLing of bitcoin is going to cause it.. whether we like it or not... especially if we have at least a 3.5 to 5 year timeline (perhaps less in the current BTC market posture).
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October 10, 2019, 04:52:03 AM

Thanks for the repost of that, I think I'll not be catching up anytime soon. Smiley

Haha, i like this one. Smiley

ETF decision (drum roll) REJECT rule change     Cry

So, basically, 95% of the Bitcoin market is fake volume and/or unregulated and therefore it is not possible to monitor the market for manipulation. Also, that 95% can't be separated from the real 5% in a reliable way that prevents the fake/unregulated/manipulated exchanges from affecting the price of the real exchanges and therefore, the ETF is denied.  

Based on that, i don't see how it will ever be approved.

As soon as Goldmann Ballsacks decides to file for ETF it will be approved.
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October 10, 2019, 05:41:37 AM
Merited by JayJuanGee (1)

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October 10, 2019, 05:51:58 AM

Can someone please tell me where the new dildo came from?

I mean is there a particular event that I missed or what? I woke up today dreading that BTC price might have touched $7200's again but it seems like since my absence of about 18 hours from the crypto world, the price has now reached $8600 and on the way to break $9k soon.

So, what changed?

Edit: I am not complaining. I just need to know.

Uncertainty about ETF removed.

Which might mean that it's not a technical move, which might mean you don't want to trust it.
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October 10, 2019, 06:13:01 AM

Seems the ETF Story is the last Story told in btc - what 's next ?

Find out what Satoshi was about?
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October 10, 2019, 06:19:58 AM


Please keep shorting sir....

Currently, his purported short seems to be exactly on and in the green - not that I am advocating for shorting BTC in an apparent bull market nor am I actually conceding that the goof/troll actually is doing what he is saying that he is doing, even while he currently seems to be on target, no?

got filled around 8700 but not in size. (weak bulls)

more orders sitting.

will reevaluate after/if the 200DMA falls.

developing the theory that the pump ist fueled by stable coin worries.

still long the major alts as a hedge.
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October 10, 2019, 06:27:16 AM

Noticed someone sent me PM   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Dude you can say anything you want in public, please don't send text in private. I don't reply to any -wanna be scammers- in private so save it and no one keeps any good or bad book. Undecided
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October 10, 2019, 06:42:41 AM

^ So the petty fight between you both have spread to WO Board too  Huh
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October 10, 2019, 06:43:05 AM


I thought you were pulling my leg and wasted 20 minutes looking for rude gifs. 

And then I thought to actually check my profile.   Dammmm. 

I guess I can sit at the big boys table now. 

wtf hairy a legend?Huh!?  

well i guess game over now. we can all go home. we have overdone it, the last tiny drop that makes the barrel spill...


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