El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13788
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
October 12, 2019, 11:31:47 AM |
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
October 12, 2019, 11:33:43 AM |
You forgot the bit where the big blockers try to fool newbies into thinking Bcash lol and BSV are Bitcoin.
Quite a different proposition than trying to fool newbies into thinking BCH or BSV are BTC. But nobody is doing that. That would be dishonest. How about addressing the substance of my post which you have selectively cut off? Your entire value proposition is based on fraud. One of these logos is a BSV logo. One of these logos is a Bitcoin logo. I can’t tell the difference so I can’t see how a newbie could. This is plainly fraudulent passing off.   It is more than dishonest. It is fraudulent. It appears that you have no inkling of IP law. What makes you think BTC has exclusive claim on public domain art? Fabulous, completely irrelevant reply. Nice duck. How about you address the substance of the question ? Or are you going to pretend you don’t understand the question ?
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13788
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
October 12, 2019, 11:41:00 AM |
You forgot the bit where the big blockers try to fool newbies into thinking Bcash lol and BSV are Bitcoin.
Quite a different proposition than trying to fool newbies into thinking BCH or BSV are BTC. But nobody is doing that. That would be dishonest. How about addressing the substance of my post which you have selectively cut off? Your entire value proposition is based on fraud. One of these logos is a BSV logo. One of these logos is a Bitcoin logo. I can’t tell the difference so I can’t see how a newbie could. This is plainly fraudulent passing off.   It is more than dishonest. It is fraudulent. It appears that you have no inkling of IP law. What makes you think BTC has exclusive claim on public domain art? Fabulous, completely irrelevant reply. Nice duck. How about you address the substance of the question ? Or are you going to pretend you don’t understand the question ? Ducks everything or don’t reply .... Standard stuff for a person that’s wrong and knowing he’s wrong...
Activity: 2772
Merit: 4035
October 12, 2019, 11:44:07 AM Last edit: October 12, 2019, 01:51:36 PM by d_eddie Merited by JayJuanGee (1) |
I am not asserting that you are NOT telling the truth, but it does seem a bit strange for any of us BTC HODLers to NOT attribute a decent amount of significance to the surprising dynamics of the April 1 to June 27 period.
I was trading in that period, but only long positions. Unfortunately I don't have trace of the details. As I said earlier, my shorts only began with the latest bear market in 2018. Originally it was meant as a hedge. You know I had been thinking that bitcoin's doubling in late 2015 was quite amazing, and it took place from about October 15 to November 5, but the rise was so goddamned gradual until the decisive break above $320 that brought BTC's prices up to $504 from November 1 to November 4. Before 2016 I wasn't trading at all. I know that you are probably starting to suspect that I am either stalking you or becoming a pest, but the relevant period for this particular line of "interrogations" is April 1, 2019 to June 27, 2019.. our most recent exponential BTC price run up.. and clearly you had been in the BTC shorting practice already, after having had gotten a decent amount of experience under your belt during our somewhat deep and painful bearish period of 2018. Yes, a bit of a pest indeed.  And, also this 2019 BTC price run up would have been a BIG one to actually challenge any ongoing BTC shorting strategy. That is if you would have kept your BTC shorting strategy as ongoing and it seems like you are saying that you weren't, even though there would not have seemed to have been any reason (except in retrospect) to actually NOT expect a significant and meaningful correction of 30% or more.. which is quite common in BTClandia.. but did not really seem to happen during this 2019 BTC price run up. You made me take a look at my transfer history. I did well in the 2019 Spring Bull. And yes, in the Spring Bull I've been running all three basic strategies (one at a time), with the one-legged long less frequent than the two-legged balanced, more price agnostic approaches that tickle your curiosity. Maybe the surplus transfers (profit accumulation) were a bit less frequent transfers, OK. In retrospect, I could have done better by simply longing and waiting, hindsight 20/20 and all that. But as long as the bull run has pullbacks (and that one had quite a few IIRC), a bit of short scalping on the side doesn't hurt. More than anything, it's a safety net if things go astray. Otherwise, it's an encumbrance. No free lunch, of course, but knowing how whimsy and wanton she is, I prefer to err on the side of caution. Caution is the reason most of my shorts have stops before the disaster line. When I'm feeling unsure, and she smells like she's raising her head, I can tighten the stop and let the short go, at a loss. The same goes for the other leg, although I tend to cling to my longs with more pride. I've been swallowing small losses on both sides recently, including April-June 2019, and I did post about that at the time. Maybe you could go and dig out those posts. That would also help me to reconstruct past history. I was just using those older dates of late 2015 as a relative comparison of the magnanimity of this particular 3.5x BTC price rise (with hardly any significant price corrections of 10% or more within that decently extended 3 month period).
Ah, now I see. I occasionally post "trading disclosures", as I call them. Since I don't have an all-encompassing rule book (and I probably never will), the best way to figure out how things are going is keep an eye on those disclosures.
Activity: 3080
Merit: 1688
lose: unfind ... loose: untight
October 12, 2019, 11:44:45 AM |
You forgot the bit where the big blockers try to fool newbies into thinking Bcash lol and BSV are Bitcoin.
Quite a different proposition than trying to fool newbies into thinking BCH or BSV are BTC. But nobody is doing that. That would be dishonest. How about addressing the substance of my post which you have selectively cut off? Your entire value proposition is based on fraud. One of these logos is a BSV logo. One of these logos is a Bitcoin logo. I can’t tell the difference so I can’t see how a newbie could. This is plainly fraudulent passing off.   It is more than dishonest. It is fraudulent. It appears that you have no inkling of IP law. What makes you think BTC has exclusive claim on public domain art? Fabulous, completely irrelevant reply. Nice duck. How about you address the substance of the question ? Or are you going to pretend you don’t understand the question ? Well, there was no explicit question in the quote of your post. So you’ll have to tell me what question it is you want me to address. However, there indeed was a question in my reply. Which you conveniently ignored. We big blockers by and large believe that BTC is not rightfully Bitcoin, and that it will likely implode from incapacity at perhaps the next FOMO spike. Seeing as all BTC has in claim to the name Bitcoin is it is currently the most popular fork of the Satoshi Bitcoin, it has no more claim to the logo than does any other Bitcoin. If one of the other Bitcoins does indeed capture more market cap than BTC in the future, will you concede that that other fork will indeed be Bitcoin?
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
October 12, 2019, 11:49:24 AM |
Seeing as you are playing dumb: What is the difference between the two logos and how is not deliberately misleading / confusing to newbies ? A practice which you have just said is dishonest. However, there indeed was a question in my reply. Which you conveniently ignored.
Distraction technique. Duck, weave, obfuscate.
Activity: 2772
Merit: 4035
October 12, 2019, 12:03:21 PM |
You forgot the bit where the big blockers try to fool newbies into thinking Bcash lol and BSV are Bitcoin.
It appears that you have no inkling of IP law. What makes you think BTC has exclusive claim on public domain art? That's exactly the kind of slippery, "formally correct" argument that gives you a bad name, jbreher. You speak of dishonorable paths and then defend conman moves such as appropriating an already established logo because you have an "inkling of IP law". If the nutjobs(TM) were selling drinks, or toys, or other unrelated items, that would have been fine and no one would've called anyone out. The point is, the scamming shitcoiners are in the very same business (tokens, cryptocurrencies or what you call this Internet magic money). This is outright brand stealing. Not from the brand owner, but from the collective of stakeholders (bitcoiners). The fact that there's no opponent who can sue for damage is comfortable eh?
Sr. Member
Activity: 924
Merit: 311
October 12, 2019, 12:05:43 PM |
This guy walks into the room everyday drops his pants and sprays verbal diarrhea out of his ass like a rotating sprinkler. Everyday, unprompted, no one appreciates it, and yet he persists. Sure he may juggle flaming chainsaws every now and then while he does it. But we still are left covered in diarrhea.
It's not easy doing God's work. Jesus was murdered after confronting the Jew Pharisee money changers in an attempt to solve the Jewish problem. They were attempting to deceive people with imaginary, valueless tokens very similar to digital craptocurrency. Now here we are 2000 years later at the same inflection point of one man standing alone against the evil cult of Judaism and their bought and paid for minions like JayJuanJudas.
Activity: 2772
Merit: 4035
October 12, 2019, 12:08:27 PM |
^^ Jesus was a Jew too. Good riddance, no? Let them kill each other. 
Activity: 2758
Merit: 2560
$130000 next target Confirmed
October 12, 2019, 12:13:34 PM |
You forgot the bit where the big blockers try to fool newbies into thinking Bcash lol and BSV are Bitcoin.
Quite a different proposition than trying to fool newbies into thinking BCH or BSV are BTC. But nobody is doing that. That would be dishonest. How about addressing the substance of my post which you have selectively cut off? Your entire value proposition is based on fraud. One of these logos is a BSV logo. One of these logos is a Bitcoin logo. I can’t tell the difference so I can’t see how a newbie could. This is plainly fraudulent passing off.   It is more than dishonest. It is fraudulent. It appears that you have no inkling of IP law. What makes you think BTC has exclusive claim on public domain art? Fabulous, completely irrelevant reply. Nice duck. How about you address the substance of the question ? Or are you going to pretend you don’t understand the question ? Well, there was no explicit question in the quote of your post. So you’ll have to tell me what question it is you want me to address. However, there indeed was a question in my reply. Which you conveniently ignored. We big blockers by and large believe that BTC is not rightfully Bitcoin, and that it will likely implode from incapacity at perhaps the next FOMO spike. Seeing as all BTC has in claim to the name Bitcoin is it is currently the most popular fork of the Satoshi Bitcoin, it has no more claim to the logo than does any other Bitcoin. If one of the other Bitcoins does indeed capture more market cap than BTC in the future, will you concede that that other fork will indeed be Bitcoin? Then you are obviously posting in the wrong thread 
Activity: 3052
Merit: 2814
Enjoying $100k
October 12, 2019, 12:14:09 PM |
Good afternoon. Observing at $8,329 No move and boring AF
Activity: 2772
Merit: 4035
October 12, 2019, 12:15:10 PM |
Trading disclosure, because I feel sooo lovey-dovey when I think of JJG.
The bloody weekend is not materializing. If anything, the short (equal to the long atm) is a losing bit now. I wish I could cash out part of one leg and rebuild it closer to the center (lower for the long, higher for the short). Which leg? My preference and rational expectation gravitate towards the short because reasons; one being I prefer to be long in general, another being that "down before up" is sexier than "up before down". Of course, I do my best not to let my hopes and preferences hinder my rational gameplay.
TL;DR Still more wait and see. Nothing to see here, gentlemen, move on please.
Sr. Member
Activity: 924
Merit: 311
October 12, 2019, 12:17:36 PM |
Jesus was a Jew too. Good riddance, no? Let them kill each other.  Acknowledging the existence of Jesus as a theologically historic figure would mean modern Christians are the real Jews while the people occupying Israel right now would by default be the anti-Christ. Which is why the evil cult of Judaism constantly runs internet pop-up advertising campaigns claiming some guy named Jesus never existed.
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1014
Make Bitcoin glow with ENIAC
October 12, 2019, 01:07:53 PM |
From the Canadian article The commitment promotes non-proliferation by removing existing weapons-grade material from Canada Guarantee the Canadians forget to hand some back. Several countries have HEU, but that just means more than 20% enriched. Not sure why Canada would have weapons-grade material. Might be small amounts for medical use. Edit: 7 kg a year for "medical isotope production and in research reactors". https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/secret-weapons-grade-uranium-shipments-to-canada-near-end
Sr. Member
Activity: 924
Merit: 311
October 12, 2019, 01:20:34 PM |
Ill be enjoying my life regardless of who wins.
Now you too can live the dream life of being trapped inside a Chinese communist, social credit score, basic income system. Swamp the drain with Andrew Yang 2020
Activity: 3444
Merit: 4852
diamond-handed zealot
October 12, 2019, 01:58:45 PM |
Has anyone else noticed the severe drop in liquidity on coinbase pro for BTC/USD?? Order book averaged about $50 million+ in buys all the way down to $2200 up until yesterday. Within the last 24 hours it dropped from $50 million down to barely over $10 million. What happened here?
Coinbase revamped its fee structure. Again. In the process, it nuked all standing orders made under the old fee structure. PITA to set up all the ladders again, but whaddayagonnado? bittrex, that's what I'm gonnado Seems to me that Bittrerx has rather anemic withdrawal limits, but I may be misrememberating. Yeah, there just aren't any good exchanges any more. But if Coinbase thinks they can just keep jerking me around they got another thing coming.
Activity: 3444
Merit: 4852
diamond-handed zealot
October 12, 2019, 02:13:26 PM |
nah i got errands mate chores dogs and logs, that's me for most of the day but i might go and see that movie. stuff the mrs in front of downtown abbey and see if the joker's all it's cracked up to be
If she runs out of Lord Grantham there give "Monarch of the Glen" a try, works a treat here.
Activity: 3262
Merit: 8878
Top-tier crypto casino and sportsbook
October 12, 2019, 02:14:04 PM |
We big blockers by and large believe that BTC is not rightfully Bitcoin, and that it will likely implode from incapacity at perhaps the next FOMO spike. Seeing as all BTC has in claim to the name Bitcoin is it is currently the most popular fork of the Satoshi Bitcoin, it has no more claim to the logo than does any other Bitcoin.
First of all, implying that "BTC" is a fork of something is disingenuous. The last "fork" was a soft fork. The Segwit Omnibus Change Set as you like to call it is backwards compatible with antiquated versions of the software. Its not nearly the same thing as creating an entirely new blockchain and using the old coin's logo while commercially billing yourself as "the real bitcoin." If one of the other Bitcoins does indeed capture more market cap than BTC in the future, will you concede that that other fork will indeed be Bitcoin?
I for one will. I'm 99.9% sure it will never happen, but if it did, then yes, Bitcoin Cash will have won the right to be called "Bitcoin." That's what the whole battle was about in the first place -- a battle to see which coin was the "real" bitcoin. BCH lost a long time ago, just as BSV lost the battle to be the real Bitcoin Cash. Seeing as how Bitcoin Cash has only plummeted in value compared to Bitcoin, its no longer in competition, and if Ver had any humility at all he would rename is coin. Does this look like the chart of a coin that is on the up-and-up to you?  Its over. The debate is finished.
Sr. Member
Activity: 728
Merit: 317
nothing to see here
October 12, 2019, 02:16:35 PM |
Looks like the market is ready for a move again... up or down?