Lambie Slayer
October 12, 2019, 09:21:44 PM |
Am I the only one who thinks that the US ain't going to vote for Yang only because he looks so Chinese-ish?
Giant swaths of the population want to vote for someone who isn't white. Yang is the only one in the top 5 contenders according to betting odds who fits this description. IMO racism/hate against Asians in America today is almost nonexistent. Tons of people have a problem with Whites, Hispanics, Blacks, Gays, Trans, Virgin Roach's, Bankers, and Arabs, but everyone seems to be cool with Asians. This is based on the hard science of my anecdotal life experience and borderline incontrovertible.  Thanks, it’s nice to know that. I'd have merited if I had any sMerit in my bag. When will we be able to trade satoshis for some sMerits? Or maybe we just fork Bitcoin and distribute all of Satoshis million coins in a pro rated fashion based on lifetime merits received by WO posters. 
Lambie Slayer
October 12, 2019, 09:25:54 PM |
Guess Im behind on Shitcoin current events, bc I have no clue what any of this means, but it looks funny. 

Activity: 133
Merit: 27
October 12, 2019, 09:36:29 PM |
Guess Im behind on Shitcoin current events, bc I have no clue what any of this means, but it looks funny.  There's a messenger called a Telegram. The authorities of the Russian Federation have been trying to stop the work of Telegram for several years now, but they still have not succeeded. The man who created this messenger in 2006 created a social network called "vkontakte" and later left Russia because of persecution by the authorities. And last year he started to create his own shitcoin.
Sr. Member
Activity: 728
Merit: 317
nothing to see here
October 12, 2019, 09:51:37 PM |
Am I the only one who thinks that the US ain't going to vote for Yang only because he looks so Chinese-ish?
Giant swaths of the population want to vote for someone who isn't white. Yang is the only one in the top 5 contenders according to betting odds who fits this description. IMO racism/hate against Asians in America today is almost nonexistent. Tons of people have a problem with Whites, Hispanics, Blacks, Gays, Trans, Virgin Roach's, Bankers, and Arabs, but everyone seems to be cool with Asians. This is based on the hard science of my anecdotal life experience and borderline incontrovertible.  Thanks, it's nice to know that. I'd have merited if I had any sMerit in my bag. ... I did it for you  These are for giving them away, so...
Activity: 3444
Merit: 4868
diamond-handed zealot
October 12, 2019, 09:56:36 PM |
Asian women are super hot.
Not sure how this factors into Yang's chances...just thought I would share.
Sr. Member
Activity: 728
Merit: 317
nothing to see here
October 12, 2019, 10:07:19 PM |
Am I the only one who thinks that the US ain't going to vote for Yang only because he looks so Chinese-ish?
Giant swaths of the population want to vote for someone who isn't white. Yang is the only one in the top 5 contenders according to betting odds who fits this description. IMO racism/hate against Asians in America today is almost nonexistent. Tons of people have a problem with Whites, Hispanics, Blacks, Gays, Trans, Virgin Roach's, Bankers, and Arabs, but everyone seems to be cool with Asians. This is based on the hard science of my anecdotal life experience and borderline incontrovertible.  Thanks, it's nice to know that. I'd have merited if I had any sMerit in my bag. ... I did it for you  These are for giving them away, so...  #nohomo
AB de Royse777
Activity: 2758
Merit: 4261
Campaign Manager. My Telegram @Royse777
October 12, 2019, 10:10:43 PM |
LOL just thought to share with you all, Rattlesnake? Black Mamba?? Not Bitcoin :-P
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13829
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
October 12, 2019, 10:16:25 PM |
#room spinning
As a brother just told me................
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1883
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
October 12, 2019, 10:21:09 PM |
Sr. Member
Activity: 728
Merit: 317
nothing to see here
October 12, 2019, 10:30:59 PM |
#room spinning
As a brother just told me................
When i was 16 and drunk af and wanted the room carousel to stop, i lied down on the right side of my (any) bed (or similar) and put my right foot on the floor. We called that "hitting the brakes" (in german). Hope it works at advanced ages too. Good night 
Activity: 1818
Merit: 1298
I guess this is OK.
October 12, 2019, 11:06:44 PM |
As a non smoker I prefer smokers over vapors. Smokers stink up the place and a little smoke may blow your way if they are close to you but you can easily avoid it or just use your hand to wave/fan it back in their face. Ive literally done this next to people who blew smoke towards me as the were next to me at a bar or casino. Their reactions of shock, fear, and or anger are always funny but im just returning their little gift to sender. Vapors present a different dilemma bc they will sometimes be walking in front of you or past you and leave a giant vape cloud in their wake that you end up walking in to. These are hard to dodge sometimes bc of their size and impossible to hand wave back into the scoundrels face. As far as Im concerned second hand smoke and vape are simple assault and should only be allowed in private places among consenting company. TLDR: I laugh when I hear of Vapors dying. Jk, but not really bc idgaf about scoundrels blowing toxic poisonous bubble gum flavored shit in my direction. What gets me is when you're driving behind a vapor'er, you see a massive cloud appear from the drivers side window of the car in front, and your car sucks it in you get a dose of some shitty cherry flavoured nicotine. Never fucking happened with cigarettes. Thanks, I'd rather inhale diesel fumes.
Activity: 4004
Merit: 11755
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
October 12, 2019, 11:09:27 PM |
[edited out]
If one of the other Bitcoins does indeed capture more market cap than BTC in the future, will you concede that that other fork will indeed be Bitcoin? You cannot really believe that "the real bitcoin" is based on market cap, can you? How long would such pumpening of the shitcoin price would be needed in terms of sustainability in your perverted conceptualization of what is "the real bitcoin", jbreher?
Activity: 4004
Merit: 11755
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
October 12, 2019, 11:22:00 PM |
Trading disclosure, because I feel sooo lovey-dovey when I think of JJG.
Don't feel like that. Gosh. I am blushing. In other words, try to exercise some emotional control within these here interwebs (aka tubes). The bloody weekend is not materializing. If anything, the short (equal to the long atm) is a losing bit now. I wish I could cash out part of one leg and rebuild it closer to the center (lower for the long, higher for the short). Which leg? My preference and rational expectation gravitate towards the short because reasons; one being I prefer to be long in general, another being that "down before up" is sexier than "up before down". Of course, I do my best not to let my hopes and preferences hinder my rational gameplay.
Sounds good, to the extent that it makes any sense. The part about attempting to structure your outstanding orders in such a way that causes you to feel largely emotionally neutral about bitcoin's short-term price direction resonates with me the most. TL;DR Still more wait and see. Nothing to see here, gentlemen, move on please.
Sometimes tweaks can feel boring, but from time to time, tweaking tends to be a prudent and preferable practice.
Activity: 3080
Merit: 1688
lose: unfind ... loose: untight
October 12, 2019, 11:23:32 PM |
Seeing as you are playing dumb: What is the difference between the two logos and how is not deliberately misleading / confusing to newbies ? A practice which you have just said is dishonest. However, there indeed was a question in my reply. Which you conveniently ignored.
Distraction technique. Duck, weave, obfuscate. So fucking weak. Tell me... Exactly what is the authoritative organization that has deemed the presented artwork as the official BTC logo? Hmmmm?
Activity: 4004
Merit: 11755
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
October 12, 2019, 11:26:54 PM |
BCH lost a long time ago, just as BSV lost the battle to be the real Bitcoin Cash.
They are both variants of bcash, and who cares about details? including if their is any meaning to whether one or another of them might be the real bcash.. who cares?
Activity: 3080
Merit: 1688
lose: unfind ... loose: untight
October 12, 2019, 11:31:57 PM |
You forgot the bit where the big blockers try to fool newbies into thinking Bcash lol and BSV are Bitcoin.
It appears that you have no inkling of IP law. What makes you think BTC has exclusive claim on public domain art? That's exactly the kind of slippery, "formally correct" argument that gives you a bad name, jbreher. You speak of dishonorable paths and then defend conman moves such as appropriating an already established logo because you have an "inkling of IP law". If the nutjobs(TM) were selling drinks, or toys, or other unrelated items, that would have been fine and no one would've called anyone out. The point is, the scamming shitcoiners are in the very same business (tokens, cryptocurrencies or what you call this Internet magic money). This is outright brand stealing. Not from the brand owner, but from the collective of stakeholders (bitcoiners). The fact that there's no opponent who can sue for damage is comfortable eh? I will grant that that logo has some aspect of 'bitcoin-ness' to it. I will not grant that BTC has any higher claim upon that 'bitcoin-ness' than does BCH, let alone BSV.
Activity: 3080
Merit: 1688
lose: unfind ... loose: untight
October 12, 2019, 11:34:21 PM |
Then you are obviously posting in the wrong thread  I thought we were discussing Bitcoin?
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
October 12, 2019, 11:35:17 PM |
Seeing as you are playing dumb: What is the difference between the two logos and how is not deliberately misleading / confusing to newbies ? A practice which you have just said is dishonest. However, there indeed was a question in my reply. Which you conveniently ignored.
Distraction technique. Duck, weave, obfuscate. So fucking weak. Tell me... Exactly what is the authoritative organization that has deemed the presented artwork as the official BTC logo? Hmmmm? Not addressing the question but asking a different question. Duck, weave, obfuscate. I will grant that that logo has some aspect of 'bitcoin-ness' to it. I will not grant that BTC has any higher claim upon that 'bitcoin-ness' than does BCH, let alone BSV.
Not addressing the question but raising a different issue. Duck, weave, obfuscate. Answer the question. What is the difference between the two logos and how is not deliberately misleading / confusing to newbies ? A practice which you have just said is dishonest.
Activity: 4004
Merit: 11755
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
October 12, 2019, 11:37:27 PM |
Segwit and LN and Schnorr are not BitCoin, for a very good reason.
You miss the real point. Money is supposed to be a constant and unchanging. Things like the noble metals (physical silver and gold) resist entropy. Bitcoin FACILITATES entropy. It's the #1 worst form of 'money' ever created. If something starts out as some completely arbitrary abomination and randomly transforms into some other new, completely arbitrary abomination, it's obviously not fungible or money. "Fungible" does not mean tumbling coins in some Albanian mixer to try and obfuscate outputs, it means the object has actual, inherent properties that don't mutate at random. Fungibility is a requirement of money and no imaginary, digital shitcoin has it. Physical metals are money and digital shitcoins are scam hoaxes pretending to have the traits of metals when they don't. True, but it is just implicit. Bitcoin cannot be changed after Satoshi left. It is fraud to do so and keep the name. You (hv_) are surely making up arbitrary rules in order to attempt to create a definition of bitcoin that could possibly cause some bullshit cultist shitcoin bitcoin attack vector to claim to be bitcoin... What a bunch of nonsense. If you understand the concept of various network effects, then you might begin to understand that bitcoin has seven market affects going in its favor, and bcash variants hardly mark a dent in any of the network effects, unless there were a network effect for a prolific ability to spread phoney baloney, then perhaps one of your bcashes would prevail in that (even while there is no such legitimate network effect that gives credibility to a project merely for an ability to spread phoney baloney... ... helrow?). Biggest shit was Segshit, and we had the biggest drop of btc in market share with that.
As if you are making any kind of meaningful assessment of importance and the power of BIG daddy bitcoin.  Hope we have biggest learning curve about money now.
You can hope all that you like, and that is not going to get you anywhere without meaningful network effects. True Bitcoin is better than any PM though
Well yeah.. bitcoin is an improvement upon all the PMs including gold and silver which are the most touted of the PMs for having some kind of store of value and/or currency effect, and of course, bitcoin beats both of them on those grounds.
Activity: 4032
Merit: 4750
October 12, 2019, 11:38:44 PM |
This board spends inordinate amount of time and effort talking about forks. Seriously, who cares much about it? They came and now largely gone.
There are many other really relevant topics. One, for example, is why govvies are so gung ho against Libra and telegram? I am quite curious about this. Will this spillover to btc? Is is difficult not to expect some "regulatory" efforts by next summer at the latest. How will bitcoin respond?