Activity: 1464
Merit: 1136
October 15, 2019, 08:09:24 PM Last edit: October 15, 2019, 08:22:42 PM by Icygreen |
When the trolling level is this high, I'd say that no other argument is required to rule the stage. I totally love it! Sadly that is only good before he speaks. Fuck what an idiot its embarrassing when he defends bitcoin so cluelessly and easily destroyed and made to look an idiot. Everyone introduces themselves professionally, Tone trolls CSW, CSW skips his introduction, (ironically a perfect intro), goes straight to trigger! LOL, classic and my favorite part of the talk. Skip ahead to 02:30 How does he get air time? What a fucking twat!
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13829
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
October 15, 2019, 08:21:25 PM |
Halving 2020 Price - $ High - $ Low - $ Fill in the blanks! Halving 2020 Price - $ 9,652 High - $245,825 Low - $7,110 That low from there..... would feel like a assf*** from a 50 inch monster c*ck
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1883
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
October 15, 2019, 08:26:43 PM |
Guys, what do you think of Angelo BTCTC semi-retired whale tweet?  According to Angelo BTCTC, he has predicted that Bitcoin can reach $ 30K in 2021. If this happens in a hypothetical case, it would be at the door of the Accumulation phase. Starting that it's just a prediction, this guy always causes impact when he makes his controversial tweets. More Info: https://u.today/top-bitmex-trader-says-hes-patiently-waiting-for-bitcoin-price-to-drop-to-6000-level
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1520
October 15, 2019, 08:31:50 PM |
Many congratulations Raja, thoroughly well deserved. You are one of the few of us who still does some real work round here.
Mmmm he’s like me, or what do you wanna say  You're actually better than me!  Neglected to say no homo. Accordingly, we can reasonably infer.  
Activity: 1464
Merit: 1136
October 15, 2019, 08:38:26 PM |
Halving 2020 Price - $ High - $ Low - $ Fill in the blanks! Halving 2020 Price - $ 9,652 High - $245,825 Low - $7,110 That low from there..... would feel like a assf*** from a 50 inch monster c*ck Maybe I'm reading the question wrong. I thought it assumes high and low between the 4 year halvings. My guess is price goes down just after halving to 7,110 where we gather the last of the rocket fuel. The dildo will be GREEN  Whereupon WO's will unleash their most sacred memes and legends will be born a fortnight. Congrats Raja!
Activity: 2856
Merit: 1520
Bitcoin Legal Tender Countries: 2 of 206
October 15, 2019, 08:42:47 PM |
forget the Pussy. real whales don't talk much.
Activity: 4004
Merit: 11755
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
October 15, 2019, 08:58:04 PM Merited by LFC_Bitcoin (1) |
Halving 2020 Price - $ High - $ Low - $ Fill in the blanks! Halving 2020 Price - $ 9,652 High - $245,825 Low - $7,110 O.k.... I don't mean to be too anal (no homo) LFC, but those are not Bitstamp prices on that last section of historical BTC prices........ Prices on Bitstamp for that last part should have been about: $650-ish, High $19,666, Low $3,122.28 Accordingly, I am going to use Bitstamp references while making my a kind of modified SOMA tm calculation attempt on this, which would come up with approximately these projected BTC prices: Halving 2020 Price - $14,256.59 High - $132,942.10 Low - $25,652.65 This is my second calculation attempt, and even though I am feeling that these projected prices are a little bit bearish, they are a little bit better (or I am more comfortable) with the results of the second calculation attempt ---- so likely my system is not very scientific. Anyhow, below I show some of my work and contemplations, which was that I was attempting to use an approximate formula that was based on these kinds of considerations. The approximate multipliers that played out in the 2012 to 2016 prices: Halving 54.833 High 16.9 Low 20.54 My own SOMA tm adjusted multipliers for projecting what seems to be reasonably plausible to happen in the 2016 to 2020 situation and subsequent BTC prices: Halving 21.9332 High 6.76 Low 8.216
infofront (OP)
Activity: 2660
Merit: 2920
Shitcoin Minimalist
October 15, 2019, 08:58:28 PM |
If he's even a real whale, he's just talking his book.
Activity: 4004
Merit: 11755
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
October 15, 2019, 09:06:09 PM |
Many congratulations Raja, thoroughly well deserved. You are one of the few of us who still does some real work round here.
Mmmm he’s like me, or what do you wanna say  You're actually better than me!  Neglected to say no homo. Accordingly, we can reasonably infer.   hahahaha and it is only Tuesday. Beeee Jeeez!!!!!
Activity: 4606
Merit: 4326
what is this "brake pedal" you speak of?
October 15, 2019, 09:16:09 PM |
You think I may be joking, but - after making a stop at a gun shop a couple weeks back - I finished loading 40x and 30x magazines for my .223 AR-15. Just sitting here at the edge of my desk waiting to be packed away into the carry-case.
be glad your state still allows high capacity mags. some dont. lotta high capacity mags were lost in unfortunate boating accidents a while back. very sad.
Activity: 4088
Merit: 5729
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
October 15, 2019, 10:08:06 PM |
[edited out]
You ignorant sot. "Sot" rhymes with "diptwat." I think that you are stealing from me,,,,,,,,, you, you, you....... stealer... well you are used to that kind of behavior from your bedfellows. While catching up I have noticed something. JJG has finally found the font size button and can't stop using it!And he's enjoying it. We gottsta do what we gotsta do in these here tryin times.  Ready to sacrifice a Pict.
Groovy.   I remember listening to this album in high school. I borrowed the LP from my girlfriend's dad. He had the whole collection. The screaming part in "Careful With That Axe, Eugene" forever transformed the way I think about music. I was instantly addicted to all things Pink Floyd. And that's how I know I was a weirdo: I hadn't even done drugs at that point in my life, yet the music spoke to me. Here's another one I particularly enjoyed:  O hell yeah your a weirdo then! But I like that in a person.  He will miraculously not have had a short open when the Bear Trap hits. Had a lovely talk with a chap in a supermarket who said his doctor had told him to go keto. Is there any scientific research on the keto diet?  He said this was for his week's food, not yet finished, but he gets his steaks from a proper butcher. Similar to my regular diet my entire life. Meat, potatoes and Salad. fruits and nuts for snacming. Just lucky that I have never had a sweet tooth and my teeth are sensitive to Cold (icecream) due to a childhood accident. I was truly pissed when the Atkins diet came out and my Food bills doubled from all those yuppies jumping on my chow. 
Activity: 2772
Merit: 2847
October 15, 2019, 10:10:56 PM |
Halving 2020 Price - $ High - $ Low - $ Fill in the blanks! Halving 2020 Price - $ 9,652 High - $245,825 Low - $7,110 That low from there..... would feel like a assf*** from a 50 inch monster c*ck 50 inch wide?
Activity: 2856
Merit: 1520
Bitcoin Legal Tender Countries: 2 of 206
October 15, 2019, 10:20:01 PM |
sad to say but the Brits opened the Pandora's box with this weak "Leave" vote in 2016. Scotland is preparing a second independence referendum. the Empire is gone forever. the oldest democracy of the world is destroyed. oh my goodness! #emotionsarereal

Activity: 94
Merit: 22
October 15, 2019, 10:45:09 PM |
<snip>the oldest democracy of the world<snip>
Athens, Greece?
Ludwig Von
October 15, 2019, 11:09:00 PM |
sad to say but the Brits opened the Pandora's box with this weak "Leave" vote in 2016. Scotland is preparing a second independence referendum. the Empire is gone forever. the oldest democracy of the world is destroyed. oh my goodness! #emotionsarerealAs far as I am informed, the democratic thing was after Cromwell, a rather, ugh, cruel thing, and only became an empire because of very undemocratic actions after that "Democratic" thing happened. (And is now a slandering thing on it 's ordinary people). No way out, for the Umpire... . To be clear, no way out for EU or US neither. Except infighting to death of all... .
Activity: 2772
Merit: 2847
October 15, 2019, 11:26:08 PM |
<snip>the oldest democracy of the world<snip>
Athens, Greece? Atlantis?

Activity: 748
Merit: 29
October 15, 2019, 11:28:57 PM |
<snip>the oldest democracy of the world<snip>
Athens, Greece? Atlantis? For all the noobs who are scrolling the wall of delusion prepping to enter crypto: Fundamentals against bitcoin are severe: 1, Old world is already fully embedded in this coin, Goldman, Saudi, FBI, Forbes 1000 Billionaires, so bitcoin success is counter productive to original intent 2. This goes for all cryptos, but they really should not be obtainable with fake fiat money, launch a crypto that can only be obtained through services - everyone on equal footing in this new world order instead of status quo 2.0 3. Bitcoin doesn't scale, lightning network is centralized 4. BTC is old tech, like netscape in late 90's, this is important to consider 5. Mining is draining power towards useless calculations, yes its securing a network but this computing power could be way more optimized, which is why I bought ETH in april 2016, unfortunately, this also did not scale 6. True decentralization must support a retail and merchant space full of branded cryptos with migrated goods and services. This is where those multi trillions market caps will come from in the 2020's with added value of crypto integration 7. BTC is sustained by centralized exchanges which are completely subverted by super powers since mid 2017. I am a firm believer in Alts with use case and a future built on real democracy powered by a retail, science, merchant and investor community and not the status quo fiat counterfeiters that brought humanity a decade of stagnation. Private corporate money and private armies in a neo feudal model of society will overtake the royal kingdom of the military industrial complex. Neo feudalism is hopefully just an intermediate division before sovereignity of everyone in a virtual singularity. I do think that BTC will move towards quarter of a million but that it will be for reasons of fiat undermining confidence, and I believe that stockpicking alts with use case and momentum will vastly outperform BTC in the next parabola, by factors of thousands simply because BTC high valuation compared to alts in low hundreds of millions. Do not be fooled by a statement that BTC is a low market cap asset, it is the ecosystem that is important, not one coin. BTC is very overvalued compared to its competition, a factor of x20-100 when exlcuding subverted top 5. I am not an idealist nor anarchist but the level of corruption in this space since 2017 must absolutely be made public. Everyone is right to own a small amount of BTC but be aware that nothing will change in a BTC majority economy. True decentralization can never come from BTC and its forks, only from emerging altcoin ecosphere and this is simply not matured yet, and when it comes online through crypto payment gateways and realization by retail that crypto a new form of decentralized and unregulated branded stock, then the hour of parabola is upon this world once more.
Activity: 2772
Merit: 4070
October 15, 2019, 11:38:47 PM |
Closed a part of the short at a tiny profit. Looking to reshort the same quantity a little higher if possibile. I don't like that lonely long weeping softly. Especially if soft whinging should turn into acrid tears later on.
Activity: 4088
Merit: 5729
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
October 15, 2019, 11:41:43 PM |
sad to say but the Brits opened the Pandora's box with this weak "Leave" vote in 2016. Scotland is preparing a second independence referendum. the Empire is gone forever. the oldest democracy of the world is destroyed. oh my goodness! #emotionsarereal