Be careful. That's an bannable offence.
Yes, I'm sorry 😆 Thanks for saved me!
Anyway 50 BTC is an old price right?
Yes. Back in the old days, it was worth much (MUCH) less (~1 month of hosting). theymos decided not to change it because it would't be fair for those who paid 50
BTC for it. So, now that's kinda of a special symbolical title.
What should say who paid 10k
BTC for a pizza? 😆😆😆 I really think it's quite impossible someone would pay such amount, also if BTC price drop to 100$
You need to rank up. Each rank has certain signature limitations.
Read this: url
Ok, but I still don't get how activity is related to post numbers and so on, for trust I still don't get how to get. We've paid some people, one for announcement of our ICO design, some for marketing and so on, they could give us a trust? Does only ranked people are able to trust us? Is it mandatory to had a btc transaction? How if we've paid in FIAT or other currencies?
Sorry man for so much questions but you seem a kind veteran here 😍