Activity: 3276
Merit: 3608
Crypto Swap Exchange
March 18, 2018, 03:27:35 AM |
Activity is when i post a reply?
Not exactly (although, somehow close to that). Activity is a bit different (in a way that you can only gain a maximum of 14 activities [normally], per biweekly period). The activity number is determined in this way: time = number of two-week periods in which you've posted since your registration activity = min(time * 14, posts)
Refer to this sticky thread (for more information).
Jr. Member
Activity: 47
Merit: 1
March 19, 2018, 08:51:44 PM |
SO glad this was posted for everyone. I am trying to improve my Activity # for TIMEC Airdrop. I will surely miss out this round but will be paying close attention to these stats going forward.
Thanks all!
Activity: 80
Merit: 0
March 20, 2018, 08:36:50 AM |
And there I was, wondering why I can only send 2 pms daily......  This explains it all. I haven't seen any other forums with this activity mechanism, most just use the post count of each member to determine the status.
Activity: 2142
Merit: 1065
✋(▀Ĺ̯ ▀-͠ )
March 20, 2018, 01:07:42 PM |
Just saying - for new users it would be helpful to send this info in an email upon sign up or something - or have it in the area where you update your profile.. or somewhere. It would likely avoid many duplicate questions from current and future users.
No need to send it by email. It isn't that hard to find such information in sticky topics in beginners board or meta. The problem is users that came here by a guide showing them how to participate in bounty and do not inform them how to read the forum rules. Please, do not quote entire posts, just quote what is necessary.
PSPD:law and order enforcement! Press Section Police Department!
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
March 20, 2018, 02:43:33 PM |
And there I was, wondering why I can only send 2 pms daily......  This explains it all. I haven't seen any other forums with this activity mechanism, most just use the post count of each member to determine the status. I think this is a much better system, encourages you to post daily and only meaningful things if you want to rank up past certain points, better than a system designed on spamming posts as fast as you can.
Jr. Member
Activity: 81
Merit: 3
March 21, 2018, 07:46:04 PM |
i like the forum ranks, but i dont understand what i need to rank up to Jr. Member have: Posts: 61 Activity: 28 Merit: 2 why i dont rank up?  need this rank to airdrop some onions 
| DeepOnion - Tor Integrated - 100% Anonymous ===> Join DeepOnion Airdrop NOW! <===
March 21, 2018, 07:47:49 PM |
i like the forum ranks, but i dont understand what i need to rank up to Jr. Member have: Posts: 61 Activity: 28 Merit: 2 why i dont rank up?  need this rank to airdrop some onions  Your rank will up automatically in next round now you have to post and wait nothing else for more information check this
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
March 22, 2018, 07:51:01 AM |
Thanks for the useful information. I am wondering whether the forum limits the posts I make a day?
March 22, 2018, 08:04:31 AM |
Thanks for the useful information. I am wondering whether the forum limits the posts I make a day?
The only limit is a wait time between posts that decreases as your activity level increases. From the OP of this thread. Limits on postingwaittime = 360; if(activity >= 15) waittime = (int)(90 - activity); if(activity >= 60) waittime=(int)(34.7586 - (0.0793103 * activity)); if(activity >= 100) waittime = max((int)(14-(activity/50)), 4); That means you have to wait 6 minutes before posting again until you have more than 15 activity. You could use that time wisely by ready the OP of a thread to find out if the answer to your question is there before posting.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
March 22, 2018, 08:29:23 AM |
Why did some messages get deleted Sometimes I will post a reply and not long before I will receive mail that my message is deleted.
March 22, 2018, 08:39:54 AM |
Why did some messages get deleted Sometimes I will post a reply and not long before I will receive mail that my message is deleted.
Because it broke one of the forum rules, you should read them. example, the post you just made brakes rule 2 as it is off-topic in a thread about ranks. The other most likely reason is rule 1. No zero or low value, pointless or uninteresting posts or threads. If you are just posting to increase your post count but you have nothing interesting or different to say them your posts will get deleted and eventually you'll get banned.
March 23, 2018, 08:34:19 AM |
Look at the OP. The image of the gold coin included in Cyrus's post has been deleted. Is it possible for someone to repost an image?
I'm a former moderator of Bitcointalk Japanere borad. Decred is a true community governance cryptocurrency.
March 23, 2018, 08:51:58 AM |
Look at the OP. The image of the gold coin included in Cyrus's post has been deleted. Is it possible for someone to repost an image?
If you hit quote to get the url they are still there. The forum has been very slow to load or failing to load images ever since the switch to CloudFlare.
March 23, 2018, 08:55:41 AM |
Look at the OP. The image of the gold coin included in Cyrus's post has been deleted. Is it possible for someone to repost an image?
If you hit quote to get the url they are still there. The forum has been very slow to load or failing to load images ever since the switch to CloudFlare. I see. Thank you TheQuin. I'm praying that this situation will be improved.
I'm a former moderator of Bitcointalk Japanere borad. Decred is a true community governance cryptocurrency.

Activity: 90
Merit: 10
March 23, 2018, 10:33:09 AM |
Signature restrictionsThere are restrictions on signatures, based on your activity/rank. - Newbie: No styling (including links) allowed. Max 50 characters. - Jr. Member: Max 150 characters. - Member: Links allowed. Unlimited length. - Full: Color allowed. - Sr. Member: Size allowed - Hero: Background color allowed
Can someone verify or confirm the signature max heights ? For the Member rank it says 'Signatures taller than 42px will be cut off.'Is height the same for all the ranks or does it change same as lenght and styling do ?
March 23, 2018, 03:51:49 PM |
Can someone verify or confirm the signature max heights ? For the Member rank it says 'Signatures taller than 42px will be cut off.' Is height the same for all the ranks or does it change same as lenght and styling do ?
For my account (Hero Member) it does say the same, and I'm almost pretty sure it has always been like that.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 2678
March 24, 2018, 06:04:33 AM |
Look at the OP. The image of the gold coin included in Cyrus's post has been deleted. Is it possible for someone to repost an image?
If you hit quote to get the url they are still there. The forum has been very slow to load or failing to load images ever since the switch to CloudFlare. CloudFlare has nothing to do with it, IMHO. That's why pictures load for a long time. The forum acts as a proxy for all embedded images. This is a privacy feature to disable tracking pixels, but it's also slow.
Activity: 294
Merit: 0
March 24, 2018, 06:20:46 AM |
This thread is a great help! Thank you so much!
March 24, 2018, 06:20:53 AM |
Look at the OP. The image of the gold coin included in Cyrus's post has been deleted. Is it possible for someone to repost an image?
If you hit quote to get the url they are still there. The forum has been very slow to load or failing to load images ever since the switch to CloudFlare. CloudFlare has nothing to do with it, IMHO. That's why pictures load for a long time. The forum acts as a proxy for all embedded images. This is a privacy feature to disable tracking pixels, but it's also slow. You might be right, I just noticed that it started happening at the time CloudFlare was introduced. It was never so slow that you would read a post without even knowing there was an image missing before. Also, I'd never seen the 'Invalid Proxy' message displayed when there is a link to a valid image. Whatever it is the post hasn't been changed and the images haven't been moved so it is something about the forum that is preventing them being displayed.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 2678
March 24, 2018, 07:52:51 AM Last edit: March 25, 2018, 12:26:12 PM by Xal0lex |
You might be right, I just noticed that it started happening at the time CloudFlare was introduced. It was never so slow that you would read a post without even knowing there was an image missing before. Also, I'd never seen the 'Invalid Proxy' message displayed when there is a link to a valid image. Whatever it is the post hasn't been changed and the images haven't been moved so it is something about the forum that is preventing them being displayed.
Sometimes, when loading a embedded image, this picture is displayed.  If you refresh the page several times, the normal image is loaded.