September 03, 2017, 09:17:53 PM |
It's not fake FUD. It is an issue I have raised before. We should be conscious of it rather than dismissing it.
Well, we could decide to rename that thing - maybe just XEL? Or we could write it with a "k" at the end? We could also try to find out if this would be necessary first. It's up to you @community. I do not think it is necessary, at least now. If/when elastic team meet problems due to trademark then community and team could consider rebranding. IMO
September 04, 2017, 08:32:23 AM |
It's not fake FUD. It is an issue I have raised before. We should be conscious of it rather than dismissing it.
Well, we could decide to rename that thing - maybe just XEL? Or we could write it with a "k" at the end? We could also try to find out if this would be necessary first. It's up to you @community. I do not think it is necessary, at least now. If/when elastic team meet problems due to trademark then community and team could consider rebranding. IMO I also think it's not needed at this point. There're many entities in the world that share the same names, especially if the name is common word. The differences then come from logos, slogans, and other stuff rather than the name itself.
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1015
September 04, 2017, 11:13:40 AM |
In the eyes of governments would the donation phase for XEL be seen as an ICO or something different? It's not fake FUD. It is an issue I have raised before. We should be conscious of it rather than dismissing it.
Well, we could decide to rename that thing - maybe just XEL? Or we could write it with a "k" at the end? We could also try to find out if this would be necessary first. It's up to you @community. ElastiK sounds very good. I think ElastiK sounds good also, but I do not think there is an immediate need to change it just yet.
September 04, 2017, 11:46:44 AM |
In the eyes of governments would the donation phase for XEL be seen as an ICO or something different? Officials are crazy enough to interpret anything they want in their favor, but I'd not say that the donation is ICO.
September 04, 2017, 11:51:13 AM |
In the eyes of governments would the donation phase for XEL be seen as an ICO or something different? Officials are crazy enough to interpret anything they want in their favor, but I'd not say that the donation is ICO. but in the end it doesn´t matter at all for elastic
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1015
September 04, 2017, 12:22:11 PM Last edit: September 04, 2017, 12:32:47 PM by NutMasterTardd |
In the eyes of governments would the donation phase for XEL be seen as an ICO or something different? Officials are crazy enough to interpret anything they want in their favor, but I'd not say that the donation is ICO. but in the end it doesn´t matter at all for elastic In the long run it won't matter at all, but for now the markets will panic like it always does in these situations. I am hoping to pick up more at a discount so this will probably benefit me, couple months everything will calm down.
September 04, 2017, 03:36:47 PM |
It's not fake FUD. It is an issue I have raised before. We should be conscious of it rather than dismissing it.
Well, we could decide to rename that thing - maybe just XEL? Or we could write it with a "k" at the end? We could also try to find out if this would be necessary first. It's up to you @community. I do not think it is necessary, at least now. If/when elastic team meet problems due to trademark then community and team could consider rebranding. IMO I also think it's not needed at this point. There're many entities in the world that share the same names, especially if the name is common word. The differences then come from logos, slogans, and other stuff rather than the name itself. Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks so.
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
September 04, 2017, 07:53:59 PM |
It's not fake FUD. It is an issue I have raised before. We should be conscious of it rather than dismissing it.
Well, we could decide to rename that thing - maybe just XEL? Or we could write it with a "k" at the end? We could also try to find out if this would be necessary first. It's up to you @community. Yes that would be one way to get round it. In fact I may be wrong but I think Elastic itself may be considered too generic to be copyrighted anyway. So Elastik (assuming nobody else has used it) would be better. is available for purchase ( Of course, it's probably best to search trademarks databases (US / Europe, etc) and talk to a trademark specialist before doing anything like this. It might be cheaper to just research and create a new name that becomes valuable and unique to the project. There are naming consultants that help startups create unique names with domains and trademarks cleared. It's always an uphill battle to use a common word as a brand name.
September 05, 2017, 06:26:11 AM |
It's not fake FUD. It is an issue I have raised before. We should be conscious of it rather than dismissing it.
Well, we could decide to rename that thing - maybe just XEL? Or we could write it with a "k" at the end? We could also try to find out if this would be necessary first. It's up to you @community. Yes that would be one way to get round it. In fact I may be wrong but I think Elastic itself may be considered too generic to be copyrighted anyway. So Elastik (assuming nobody else has used it) would be better. is available for purchase ( Of course, it's probably best to search trademarks databases (US / Europe, etc) and talk to a trademark specialist before doing anything like this. It might be cheaper to just research and create a new name that becomes valuable and unique to the project. There are naming consultants that help startups create unique names with domains and trademarks cleared. It's always an uphill battle to use a common word as a brand name. We changed logo several weeks ago, and now the name? I don't see the reason. Perhaps later, if it's really going to become an issue but now it's just not needed.

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
September 05, 2017, 01:55:03 PM |
Hello guys.
I am new in XEL.
Someone can help me to introduce myself to this crypto? What forging means? What is the advantage to forge?
September 06, 2017, 08:09:52 AM |
Hello guys.
I am new in XEL.
Someone can help me to introduce myself to this crypto? What forging means? What is the advantage to forge?
XEL is NXT clone. You can find more information on forging here account needs to have an effective balance of at least 1000 NXT. That is, it needs to have had a balance of 1000 NXT (or more) over the last 1440 blocks / 24 hours.
More information about XEL here
September 06, 2017, 11:40:36 AM |
It's not fake FUD. It is an issue I have raised before. We should be conscious of it rather than dismissing it.
Well, we could decide to rename that thing - maybe just XEL? Or we could write it with a "k" at the end? We could also try to find out if this would be necessary first. It's up to you @community. Yes that would be one way to get round it. In fact I may be wrong but I think Elastic itself may be considered too generic to be copyrighted anyway. So Elastik (assuming nobody else has used it) would be better. is available for purchase ( Of course, it's probably best to search trademarks databases (US / Europe, etc) and talk to a trademark specialist before doing anything like this. It might be cheaper to just research and create a new name that becomes valuable and unique to the project. There are naming consultants that help startups create unique names with domains and trademarks cleared. It's always an uphill battle to use a common word as a brand name. We changed logo several weeks ago, and now the name? I don't see the reason. Perhaps later, if it's really going to become an issue but now it's just not needed. Yay, its not a big deal and the name spelling does not mean that much. "Tech first, marketing later" as the wise people say)
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September 06, 2017, 12:05:30 PM |
How's everything going? Think i've missed out on the recent news but it seems that there haven't been any since bittrex listing.
September 06, 2017, 12:57:03 PM |
How's everything going? Think i've missed out on the recent news but it seems that there haven't been any since bittrex listing.
Devs are still working on Elastic. You can get more info on their Slack Channel. Expect a moderate progression not a pump and dump and hold steady. 
September 06, 2017, 01:09:43 PM |
Maybe now his wallet is still on testnet, mainnet and live may be on the 17th with a lite wallet. then now can redeem your xel. You do it well and there is no obstacle at all. 
September 06, 2017, 02:18:35 PM |
How many coins are needed for a XEL masternode? is it 100k?
September 06, 2017, 03:10:36 PM |
How many coins are needed for a XEL masternode? is it 100k?
We moved away from the supernode approach a couple months ago. The community expressed concerns about it being to centralized of an approach. In the current design being worked on, any node can opt in to validate Elastic jobs (or opt out such as in the case of exchanges).
Full Member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
September 06, 2017, 03:14:04 PM |
ElastiK rocks!!
My opinion, if rebranding issue will arise with the name, it is better to stick with XEL. Look at TenX and their token named PAY, and other projects. It is ridiculous, and ppl are tend to confuse them and think they are two different things...
CHANGE — First Decentralised Global Crypto Bank | ICO | DISCUSSION
September 07, 2017, 03:31:18 AM |
I am an investor in the original xel project with my btc address. Can i redem my XEL or not? Thanks