I'm trying to understand why are so many people against bitcoin? is it the innovation that scares them? the feeling of staying behind? the fact that that money will go to the wrong hands?
The fear among the common layman
Are you guys retarded ?
Where is this fear ?
Show me.
Most people heard of it in 2013.
And they gove 0 fucks.
Why ?
It didn't work like a currency.
And now in 2018 it's way the fuck worse.
Yet the world rolls on in silence.. they simply don't care about BTC.
What fucking fear ? LOL
There isn't any.
The world is indifferent.
The world has no need for a broken currency.
Their scared of it ? hahahhahaha not fucking likely.
I think this topic is a farce.. noob training.
It's circle jerk to pad post counts and sharpen your BTC rhetoric.
Guess what ?
I can go buy some god damn fucking crack with dollar bills in my wallet.
Who's afraid of the US or Canadian dollar ?
Know what would scare people ?
Super mega ultra high fee's and mega long wait times and sketchy ass crypto site bullshit and exchanges that come and go with "I wuz haxed " excuses.
So don't give me this their all scared of technology crap.
I swear this forum is retard pajeet-ville.
What the fuck does a flood of 3 post noob accounts know ?
Not a god damn fucking thing.
They are fucking idiots.
Good luck with that