May 25, 2018, 04:25:19 AM |
I'm using this miner for months and I'm satisfied, hope that the developer may increase the hashrate and find a way to fix some of the bugs.. Thanks and Congrats to the dev!
Activity: 148
Merit: 0
May 25, 2018, 10:38:09 AM |
Minexcoin narketing team should arrange some type of bounty for the promotion of the coin to the youtubers with the large audience
May 25, 2018, 02:31:32 PM |
Minexcoin narketing team should arrange some type of bounty for the promotion of the coin to the youtubers with the large audience
The Minexcoin has a significant drops, from $37 to $8.3 today, what happen to this coin? Any idea why this drops happen? Anyway do you have a link of their ANN?
Apocalypse Onion
Jr. Member
Activity: 44
Merit: 2
May 25, 2018, 02:48:07 PM |
The Minexcoin has a significant drops, from $37 to $8.3 today, what happen to this coin? Any idea why this drops happen? I got two theories. First, there was some big video interview with Boris the boss, but no-one can be bothered to watch it and no-one has bothered to transcribe it so no-one knows if it's good or bad so they assume the worst. Or second (and more likely) the parking rates got changed.
May 25, 2018, 02:59:58 PM |
Trying to launch miner on my 1070ti rig, it doesn't work, miner crash.
French  ? You should have allocated an windows swap file of at least 8GB per card (yes it makes a lot). Prefer a permanent swap file (put the same values in the initial and max text boxes, it makes it permanent and not dynamically allocated). enough space on the 60GB SSD to create 40GB swap file ( 5 cards ), it's actually 32GB. Will try adding HDD to validate this point. French Power 
Lolliedieb (OP)
May 26, 2018, 09:40:20 AM |
Not enough space on the 60GB SSD to create 40GB swap file ( 5 cards ), it's actually 32GB. Will try adding HDD to validate this point. French Power  Well thats a Windiws specific problem that so many virtual mem is required on startup as is requested mem.on GPU. As an alternative you can fix --set-work-batch to a lower value, e.g. 8 For Nvidia the performance hit is low, less then 5% but then the miner uses much less Memory also on startup 
Check out lolMiner 1.56, an efficient miner for Ethash, Beam and many Cuckoo-Cycle and Equihash variants for AMD & Nvidia cards at low fees.
Jr. Member
Activity: 65
Merit: 1
May 28, 2018, 10:53:00 PM |
I'm only getting 5500 sol/s per HD 7950
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
June 01, 2018, 08:53:51 AM |
I'm only getting 5500 sol/s per HD 7950
That seems to be low. But with zero information on the context, I guess nobody can help you  It's not bad considering my RX460 got only about 4000 Sol/s
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
June 01, 2018, 06:16:40 PM |
Does anybody else have a problem with lolminer today? In the morning I installed v 0.34. At the beginning it worked well, it made 2 transactions. Last one in the 11:11 After that, in the cmd window nothing changed, it shows like everything ok, mining speed is running, but there were no transactions happening. Now I finally discovered and checked inserted signatures etc) but the page shows like I am not even connected( actually the mining speed is up and running). Then I started to test the old versions but nothing worked except 0.22 and 0.31. Later, other versions except 0.34 started working. Can somebody explain what is happening?
June 02, 2018, 11:41:52 AM |
What is the energy consamption of one 1080ti/1070 with this miner? Like ZEC or may be less?
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
June 02, 2018, 02:08:32 PM Last edit: June 02, 2018, 08:42:18 PM by farfui |
GTX 1080 TI = 27000 sols = 170w
Jr. Member
Activity: 336
Merit: 1
June 06, 2018, 03:42:02 PM |
Def-fee high? How to install 6 GPUs? And where to find the OpenCL miner? Is MxMiner faster than lolminer?
Lolliedieb (OP)
June 09, 2018, 06:40:40 PM |
Def-fee high? How to install 6 GPUs? And where to find the OpenCL miner? Is MxMiner faster than lolminer?
The miner is OpenCL ... just load it from the links from the start page. MxMiner, originally from Racquemis, is about more then a magnitude slower then this one here on Nvidia devices. For 6 GPU just run the miner - it should find them when your OpenCL driver is installed and finally the fee is 1.5% atm as described in first post and readme file.
Check out lolMiner 1.56, an efficient miner for Ethash, Beam and many Cuckoo-Cycle and Equihash variants for AMD & Nvidia cards at low fees.
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
June 11, 2018, 09:19:56 PM |
Try with multiple miners(for every card). In first put 0, in second 1 end so on... New error: after many hours mining miner stop showing new data. Just standing on last speed report and down line blink(pool shows normal hash rate)
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
June 11, 2018, 11:23:00 PM |
Constantly off manners, that is, an indefinite amount of time passes and POPs up an error to close the miner? or to look for a problem in the Internet? closing restarts. but getting really tired of having to restart, can someone tell me what to do?
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
June 11, 2018, 11:33:55 PM |
Cигнaтypa пpoблeмы: Имя coбытия пpoблeмы: APPCRASH Имя пpилoжeния: lolMiner-mnx.exe Bepcия пpилoжeния: Oтмeткa вpeмeни пpилoжeния: 5ace026e Имя мoдyля c oшибкoй: lolMiner-mnx.exe Bepcия мoдyля c oшибкoй: Oтмeткa вpeмeни мoдyля c oшибкoй: 5ace026e Кoд иcключeния: c0000005 Cмeщeниe иcключeния: 0000000000161e76 Bepcия OC: 6.1.7601. Кoд языкa: 1049 Дoпoлнитeльныe cвeдeния 1: ee46 Дoпoлнитeльныe cвeдeния 2: ee468c567de3a5cb9ccd63beda0902f8 Дoпoлнитeльныe cвeдeния 3: 3321 Дoпoлнитeльныe cвeдeния 4: 332192c534ce034937070852b852c75f
Activity: 54
Merit: 0
June 12, 2018, 06:40:49 PM |
what about version 0.4?
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
June 13, 2018, 05:22:08 AM |
Cигнaтypa пpoблeмы: Имя coбытия пpoблeмы: APPCRASH Имя пpилoжeния: lolMiner-mnx.exe Bepcия пpилoжeния: Oтмeткa вpeмeни пpилoжeния: 5ace026e Имя мoдyля c oшибкoй: lolMiner-mnx.exe Bepcия мoдyля c oшибкoй: Oтмeткa вpeмeни мoдyля c oшибкoй: 5ace026e Кoд иcключeния: c0000005 Cмeщeниe иcключeния: 0000000000161e76 Bepcия OC: 6.1.7601. Кoд языкa: 1049 Дoпoлнитeльныe cвeдeния 1: ee46 Дoпoлнитeльныe cвeдeния 2: ee468c567de3a5cb9ccd63beda0902f8 Дoпoлнитeльныe cвeдeния 3: 3321 Дoпoлнитeльныe cвeдeния 4: 332192c534ce034937070852b852c75f
У мeня тoжe бeдa, мaйнep пpocтo выpyбaeтcя пo 3-4 paзa в дeнь. Линyкc paбoтaeт, oшибoк нe пoкaзывaeт, a мaйнep бyдтo и нe зaпycкaлcя. Пpoблeмy peшил? Ecли пpaвильнo пoнял y тeбя тa жe cитyaция
Lolliedieb (OP)
June 13, 2018, 09:55:32 AM |
The random crashes during run on Windows are due to instable runtimes. I will try to improve that on next version.
On startup the reason could be different, e.g. missing OpenCL drivers. Did you try to run "clinfo" to see if your GPUs are properly recognized by OpenCL?
Check out lolMiner 1.56, an efficient miner for Ethash, Beam and many Cuckoo-Cycle and Equihash variants for AMD & Nvidia cards at low fees.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
June 16, 2018, 05:43:12 PM |
Do we have an estimate on the API timeframe? It would be nice to be able to implement stat tracking, and this miner is pretty darn fast at what it's supposed to do.