I just got 10000 on a 1 satoshi multiply btc rool... i feel so sad
EDIT: I've read a few pages of this thread. I'm glad to see the developers active on the forum! So I'd like to ask a few question, hoping they don't ignore me
1) Feature-request: "Step-mode" for auto-bet. I lost lots of money by accidentally putting the wrong settings in auto-bet. It's fine, it's my fault, but I thought... Is it possible to have a betting option where settings change automatically but you still have to click the roll button every time?
We're not going to change the auto-roll. If you want any other features try
https://bot.seuntjie.com/2) Feature request: Dark mode?
That's already on the to-do list.
3) I'm falling in love with free bitcoin, so much that I'm using both my phone and my PC to get free rolls. Sometimes they are on the same IP, sometimes they are not. Many times I forget I already rolled on one device and I try to do it on the other one, only to have the error "someone has already played from your ip address...". Sometimes it also happens on mobile data connection ( I guess my mobile ISP NATs). My question is, do I risk to be banned? Should I be more careful about trying to continously rool? Some days I stay the whole day on my PC, so I can continously roll, do I risk to be banned because my behaviour is too similar to a bot? PS: Sometimes I also use my personal VPN (that is not detected as a VPN), can these things flag my account?
The system is designed to only let you have one free roll per hour. As long as you don't use multiple accounts to get around that you will be OK.
4) What is the minimum free btc payout? I've seen it decreasing to 15 satoshis and I bought tickets to bring it up but i'd like to know if there is a minimum payout or it goes down until 0 satoshis.
The low wagering reduction stop when you get to 33.5% of the base reward (0.002 USD)
5) I'm trying to figure out a bonus strategy to maximize profits (hope it's legit). Does the x% more satoshi bonus get calculated in real time or when the bonus starts?
I'll explain better: I now have 40 satoshis per free rool. With 100% free btc bonus, I would get 40+40=80. If, during the bonus, my free btc goes down to 20, does the bonus get lower as well (20+20) or stays at 40 (20+40)?
From the rewards page:
Redeem your points to increase your minimum free FREE BTC reward! Each bonus is valid for 24 hours after redemption. This bonus will only increase the lowest prize in the FREE BTC table and only the base reward will be multiplied by this bonus and then added to any other bonuses that you have currently.
Or bonuses are not applied to other bonuses in other words.
6) Is it possible to have the TOS available when you are logged in? As you can understand from my questions, I'm really anxious about getting banned, so sometimes I'd like to re-read the rules to ensure I'm not breaking them.
Don't abuse by claiming more than one free roll per hour or steal referral commissions by self-referring. It's too obvious to need a ToS.
7) I signed up using a referral guy that I know, but I heavily suspect he's using bots. My question is, if he gets banned, do I get banned as well?
That is quite possible as if they have hundreds or thousands of bot referrals I am unlikely to spot if there are one or two real ones hiding there. Just open a new account with default referrer and stop using the old one if you are worried about it.

No way to know if you're doing something wrong? Just permanent ban? For example in Pokemon go you first get kicked, than you get a 7-day warning and a 30-day warning and then a ban. Or in Youtube you can see if you uploaded copyrighted material they flag your account for some time and they let you know...
We have 2 types of ban. Automatic banning from free rolls but you can still use the rest of the site. This is triggered by certain behaviours that are common for bots.
Manual hammer ban if I find them abusing. Both are permanent unless you can convince me I made a mistake.
9) There is an option to disable interest. Why? Is there a reason of why an user should do that? Saying no to extra free satoshis?
Some people caught religion and cannot be cured.
10) Do accounts get deleted for inactivity? I got some satoshis from 2015 and I forgot I had them. In some months I'll probably stop using freebitcoin and forget I've deposited in there... (I forget everything

No. Only accounts that have never been used at all.
11) Bonus feature-request: Translations?
12) Bonus: I'm tired of mis-reading "provably fair" as "probably fair", can you change the words please?

It's the phrase that best describes what it does. It gives you the tools to prove to yourself that it is fair.