November 02, 2020, 05:42:25 PM |
My ISP is blocking access to the website, I only see blank page, after repeated refresh, I am in India and using Jio network to access the website on chrome browser, both mobile and laptop has the same issues, please help..
This is really strange situation as you are not able to have any thing just blank page so better try with some other network if still not works then try to contact support on site may be they will able to help you and give some better response about this issue.
Activity: 427
Merit: 0
November 03, 2020, 04:18:32 AM |
My ISP is blocking access to the website, I only see blank page, after repeated refresh, I am in India and using Jio network to access the website on chrome browser, both mobile and laptop has the same issues, please help..
Have you tried using another browser or clearing the cache? Tried clearing cache and restarting my router, still same.
Activity: 2184
Merit: 1056
In Search of Incredible
November 03, 2020, 04:23:07 AM |
My ISP is blocking access to the website, I only see blank page, after repeated refresh, I am in India and using Jio network to access the website on chrome browser, both mobile and laptop has the same issues, please help..
Maybe the problem is from your network provider. Try a different network to access the site or you can use VPN with the current ISP. It will help to load the site without any problem. I have also faced this issue earlier. After changing the network service it was solved. And VPN allows to access FreeBitco from all network provider.
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Activity: 427
Merit: 0
November 03, 2020, 04:23:20 AM |
My ISP is blocking access to the website, I only see blank page, after repeated refresh, I am in India and using Jio network to access the website on chrome browser, both mobile and laptop has the same issues, please help..
This is really strange situation as you are not able to have any thing just blank page so better try with some other network if still not works then try to contact support on site may be they will able to help you and give some better response about this issue. If I shift to airtel or BSNL(other networks), the website opens, but I fear, this should not affect my account. And very time, jumping to my wife's mobile network every one hour to roll is annoying.
Activity: 427
Merit: 0
November 03, 2020, 04:25:03 AM |
My ISP is blocking access to the website, I only see blank page, after repeated refresh, I am in India and using Jio network to access the website on chrome browser, both mobile and laptop has the same issues, please help..
Maybe the problem is from your network provider. Try a different network to access the site or you can use VPN with the current ISP. It will help to load the site without any problem. I have also faced this issue earlier. After changing the network service it was solved. And VPN allows to access FreeBitco from all network provider. I don't think VPN is allowed to be used on the website, isn't that considered as fraud and account gets banned!
November 03, 2020, 06:31:38 AM |
My ISP is blocking access to the website, I only see blank page, after repeated refresh, I am in India and using Jio network to access the website on chrome browser, both mobile and laptop has the same issues, please help..
This is really strange situation as you are not able to have any thing just blank page so better try with some other network if still not works then try to contact support on site may be they will able to help you and give some better response about this issue. Only their ISP can resolve this. They need to contact their support.
Activity: 427
Merit: 0
November 03, 2020, 08:53:31 AM |
My ISP is blocking access to the website, I only see blank page, after repeated refresh, I am in India and using Jio network to access the website on chrome browser, both mobile and laptop has the same issues, please help..
This is really strange situation as you are not able to have any thing just blank page so better try with some other network if still not works then try to contact support on site may be they will able to help you and give some better response about this issue. Only their ISP can resolve this. They need to contact their support. Thank you, for the confirmation!
November 03, 2020, 11:42:29 AM |
hello, does anyone know why my bets on US election disappear? I cannot see it neither on my bets nor on expired tab?
I am looking for signature campaign  pm me

Activity: 308
Merit: 22
November 03, 2020, 03:04:39 PM |
My ISP is blocking access to the website, I only see blank page, after repeated refresh, I am in India and using Jio network to access the website on chrome browser, both mobile and laptop has the same issues, please help..
Maybe the problem is from your network provider. Try a different network to access the site or you can use VPN with the current ISP. It will help to load the site without any problem. I have also faced this issue earlier. After changing the network service it was solved. And VPN allows to access FreeBitco from all network provider. I don't think VPN is allowed to be used on the website, isn't that considered as fraud and account gets banned! I've been using vpn service quite a while since my country restricted all possible gambling site, including SO, I've no other option but must continue with VPN service in most of times. It's allowed me until now without having no issue however that its not a healthy manner to do. So if somebody wants to try it should be on it own risk.
November 03, 2020, 03:38:50 PM |
hello, does anyone know why my bets on US election disappear? I cannot see it neither on my bets nor on expired tab?
By right, it should appear on the Expired tab since the results are still pending. 
. .500 CASINO.██ | ▄▀ | ▄
▄ | | . THE HOTTEST CRYPTO CASINO & SPORTSBOOK | | ▄▄▄████████████ ▄▄▄███████████████████ ▐█████████████████████ █████████████████████ ▐███████████████████ ▐███████████████████ ███████████████████ ██████▀█████▀██████ ▐████████▀█████████ ▐███████████████████ ███████████████████ ▐███████████████████ ▀██████▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀█ | | █▄▄▄██████████▄▄▄ ███████████▀██▀▀██▄▄ ███████████████████▄ █████████████████████ ████▄████▄███████▄███ █████████████████████ ████▀████▀███████▀███ █████████████████████ ███████████████████▀ ███████████▄██▄▄██▀▀ ▀▀▀██████████▀▀▀ | | ► ORIGINALS
| ▀▄ | . ██..PLAY NOW.. |
November 03, 2020, 05:05:52 PM |
hello, does anyone know why my bets on US election disappear? I cannot see it neither on my bets nor on expired tab?
By right, it should appear on the Expired tab since the results are still pending.  Thanks, In a meantime I realised that it is "pending" tab which I didn't noticed previously :lol: and there's US Election;  interesting Trump had better odds BTW What this error means?: Your previous request has not yet completed. Please try again in 5 minutes
I am looking for signature campaign  pm me
Activity: 78
Merit: 0
November 03, 2020, 09:07:37 PM |
I have a question about the presidential election - WINNING PARTY
The language in the decision logic says the winner is the party that comprises the majority of the Electoral College.
The Electoral College could in theory end in a 269-269 tie.
In that case, the House of Representatives votes to determine the President but since the decision logic explicitly says it's the party with the majority in the Electoral College and there was no tie option given, would all bets be refunded if it was a tie?
Activity: 427
Merit: 0
November 04, 2020, 01:57:51 AM |
My ISP is blocking access to the website, I only see blank page, after repeated refresh, I am in India and using Jio network to access the website on chrome browser, both mobile and laptop has the same issues, please help..
Maybe the problem is from your network provider. Try a different network to access the site or you can use VPN with the current ISP. It will help to load the site without any problem. I have also faced this issue earlier. After changing the network service it was solved. And VPN allows to access FreeBitco from all network provider. I don't think VPN is allowed to be used on the website, isn't that considered as fraud and account gets banned! I've been using vpn service quite a while since my country restricted all possible gambling site, including SO, I've no other option but must continue with VPN service in most of times. It's allowed me until now without having no issue however that its not a healthy manner to do. So if somebody wants to try it should be on it own risk. I finally managed to get a fix working to some extent. using Cloudflare's Private DNS, but now the website loads some times after trying to refresh and offers are not loading.
Activity: 427
Merit: 0
November 04, 2020, 02:00:31 AM |
My ISP is blocking access to the website, I only see blank page, after repeated refresh, I am in India and using Jio network to access the website on chrome browser, both mobile and laptop has the same issues, please help..
Maybe the problem is from your network provider. Try a different network to access the site or you can use VPN with the current ISP. It will help to load the site without any problem. I have also faced this issue earlier. After changing the network service it was solved. And VPN allows to access FreeBitco from all network provider. I don't think VPN is allowed to be used on the website, isn't that considered as fraud and account gets banned! I've been using vpn service quite a while since my country restricted all possible gambling site, including SO, I've no other option but must continue with VPN service in most of times. It's allowed me until now without having no issue however that its not a healthy manner to do. So if somebody wants to try it should be on it own risk. I finally managed to get a fix working to some extent. using Cloudflare's Private DNS, but now the website loads some times after trying to refresh and offers are not loading. I'm getting this error on my browser console - /manifest.json:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
November 04, 2020, 03:58:00 AM |
I'm getting this error on my browser console - /manifest.json:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
Who is your ISP?
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
November 04, 2020, 01:54:59 PM |
Hello! Why did you increase the commission for the withdrawal of Satoshi?
November 04, 2020, 02:05:41 PM |
Hello! Why did you increase the commission for the withdrawal of Satoshi?
It happens when the price of Bitcoin increases, along with the transaction fees because the network is getting congested. So it's not just you, it happens to all of us.
. .500 CASINO.██ | ▄▀ | ▄
▄ | | . THE HOTTEST CRYPTO CASINO & SPORTSBOOK | | ▄▄▄████████████ ▄▄▄███████████████████ ▐█████████████████████ █████████████████████ ▐███████████████████ ▐███████████████████ ███████████████████ ██████▀█████▀██████ ▐████████▀█████████ ▐███████████████████ ███████████████████ ▐███████████████████ ▀██████▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀█ | | █▄▄▄██████████▄▄▄ ███████████▀██▀▀██▄▄ ███████████████████▄ █████████████████████ ████▄████▄███████▄███ █████████████████████ ████▀████▀███████▀███ █████████████████████ ███████████████████▀ ███████████▄██▄▄██▀▀ ▀▀▀██████████▀▀▀ | | ► ORIGINALS
| ▀▄ | . ██..PLAY NOW.. |
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
November 04, 2020, 02:17:38 PM |
And what is the minimum amount of satosh to withdraw? If there are 30,000 satoshis, and the commission is 16,000, then only 14,000 satoshis will come to the wallet? Right?
November 04, 2020, 02:31:00 PM |
And what is the minimum amount of satosh to withdraw? If there are 30,000 satoshis, and the commission is 16,000, then only 14,000 satoshis will come to the wallet? Right?
30,000 minimum. Yes, you will receive 14,000 after the commission. For now, instant withdraws are commanding 39,243 in fees so it's better to opt for the delayed withdrawal (<10,000) which takes between 6 - 24 hours.
. .500 CASINO.██ | ▄▀ | ▄
▄ | | . THE HOTTEST CRYPTO CASINO & SPORTSBOOK | | ▄▄▄████████████ ▄▄▄███████████████████ ▐█████████████████████ █████████████████████ ▐███████████████████ ▐███████████████████ ███████████████████ ██████▀█████▀██████ ▐████████▀█████████ ▐███████████████████ ███████████████████ ▐███████████████████ ▀██████▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀█ | | █▄▄▄██████████▄▄▄ ███████████▀██▀▀██▄▄ ███████████████████▄ █████████████████████ ████▄████▄███████▄███ █████████████████████ ████▀████▀███████▀███ █████████████████████ ███████████████████▀ ███████████▄██▄▄██▀▀ ▀▀▀██████████▀▀▀ | | ► ORIGINALS
| ▀▄ | . ██..PLAY NOW.. |
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
November 04, 2020, 03:09:31 PM |
And what is the minimum amount of satosh to withdraw? If there are 30,000 satoshis, and the commission is 16,000, then only 14,000 satoshis will come to the wallet? Right?
30,000 minimum. Yes, you will receive 14,000 after the commission. For now, instant withdraws are commanding 39,243 in fees so it's better to opt for the delayed withdrawal (<10,000) which takes between 6 - 24 hours. Even better, choose automatic withdrawal. Then once a week there will be a withdrawal from Sunday to Monday, that is, just at the time when the Commission is usually the lowest. Do you agree?