You haven´t answered, what happened with my FUN tokens after all also??
Your post was so long I didn't get that far. Again, show me a screenshot of your FUN token transaction history.
If something like that happens to you and your money vanashes like that, when you more need them with this pandemic now
for example, you will certanly try see and read everything you can and find, short or long!
You should read it all long or not because it is a serious situation, so you can understand what happened.
If you want support you have to understand that you are only one of many hundreds of people asking. You are far more likely to get help if you can manage to explain your problem concisely and as quickly as possible.
What you claimed was your first contact message contains 913 words to explain two simple problems. Reading that is time I could use to help someone with a real problem.
There is a screenshot of my FUN token transaction history. It shows nothing there, no transactions at all?
Why it is not showing anything since i bought 12,500 FUN token in the begining of the premium program...?
That would indicate that you didn't buy them in this account in the first place.
I didn't ask for your user ID because I should have been able to find it from your contact form message. However when I searched no such messages exist. So please either post it here or send it to me in a PM if you prefer and I'll check your account out.
I understand that there are a lot of messages and members to be answered. Then if you cannot manage it, you hire more stuff to do the job, don´t say that my problem is not real or serious?! That is not proffesional in the first place, sorry to tell you.
If you cannot manage the work, that is your concern. But support is for that, to help and read all the messages, with more, or less words. Support should always answer, even if it is "we need some extra information" or "can you explain in less words your problem" as an example. Not just to sit there, see "Ah, that letter is too long, so it is not real problem, so leave it be"!? That is nor fair neither normal. With that big member data, messages should be all supported.
If you got messages that are stupid or unlogical, that dosen´t mean the next one will also not be real or serious? You never know what is the person problem or issue so you can behaive like that.
As everyone can see my problem is a real problem, since 1500 euros just vanashed from my account, and it is suppose to be there since no one has access to my account. That is why i send the messages to support team.
You are wrong to judge the contain or importance of the contact form message only by his size.
What happened cannot be explained in 2 words, you must understand. I can´t simpy say "all my BTC and FUN tokens simply vanished"..because then support will start asking questions more what happened.
The more the message is contain with explanation and trying to explain what is your personal situation, the easier it is for support to understand what is the issue. Not to complain that is was too long...
You haven´t answered, what happened with my FUN tokens after all also??
Your post was so long I didn't get that far. Again, show me a screenshot of your FUN token transaction history.
If something like that happens to you and your money vanashes like that, when you more need them with this pandemic now
for example, you will certanly try see and read everything you can and find, short or long!
You should read it all long or not because it is a serious situation, so you can understand what happened.
If you want support you have to understand that you are only one of many hundreds of people asking. You are far more likely to get help if you can manage to explain your problem concisely and as quickly as possible.
What you claimed was your first contact message contains 913 words to explain two simple problems. Reading that is time I could use to help someone with a real problem.
There is a screenshot of my FUN token transaction history. It shows nothing there, no transactions at all?
Why it is not showing anything since i bought 12,500 FUN token in the begining of the premium program...?
That would indicate that you didn't buy them in this account in the first place.
I didn't ask for your user ID because I should have been able to find it from your contact form message. However when I searched no such messages exist. So please either post it here or send it to me in a PM if you prefer and I'll check your account out.
Now, there is where you get unlucky actually! Hehehehe lol. And also, now your ignorance is proven!
You are wrong. First of all, i have a prove, that i bought the FUN tokens, so you are wrong and unreal, to claim that i haven´t even bought any of them.
Unlucky for you, seems that you don´t even know, no problem, that system send members an confirmation email, when they make a purchase of the FUN tokens.
So by fact, i have the email from in my email, that i lucky kept, sent at the date i bought the FUN tokens! Also i got my cashback promotion in the case, so
i will put here the link of the screenshot from my email with the prove that i bought the FUN tokens so all people can see how wrong you are, and prove
that you are wrong to assume that i haven´t bought any of them at the first place, that is ignorant since you don´t know what i have done, and i have prove
of what i have done. Sorry to say that you are wrong. And why the system of has not registered my buy i the FUN history of the website, actually also is a question
to ask since i bought them for real, from my balance with BTC? I am not a liar like many people can be or try to scam I don´t need that since i have a honest job and
i am a honest person i am not a liar. My purchase is true and real, and now it is a real problem. is the prove of the email i got from at the time of my purchase, 31of January, so your claim that i didn´t bought any FUN tokens is funny and silly at all,
and not true, sorry for that. Everyone can see that i purchased my 12,500 FUN tokens, in the beggining of the premium program because i beleived in
So what you will say about that? What now since i prove that i made the purchase and they vanished?
Also, you claim now that no such messages exist, so i have not sent any messages to the support team...Well, that is your program issue, because i sent them yes.
That is why i kept a copy of them, that i already posted here before earlier, the one you didn´t bother to read it all, because you claimed it was too long, so
it is not a real problem for you, because that way it is easy for you, but it is very real for me,( not that i live off bitcoin ) but that is one of my savings, so it is in the post here already, i posted here both messages that i sent to support in contact form so you can also read them. ( thinking that you will ) and make your job easier.
That is why i have them copied on my pc, so i don´t have to write all over again to try to explain the situation after sending them into contact form.
I will also, post in private message to you my member ID number since you ask for it and you need it, if you want to read the messages you should carefully read all.
I will not leave it here since i see i can get hacked with anything now lol
So i await to see how can you help and what support you will give to me as member.
Best regards
You haven´t answered, what happened with my FUN tokens after all also??
Your post was so long I didn't get that far. Again, show me a screenshot of your FUN token transaction history.
If something like that happens to you and your money vanashes like that, when you more need them with this pandemic now
for example, you will certanly try see and read everything you can and find, short or long!
You should read it all long or not because it is a serious situation, so you can understand what happened.
If you want support you have to understand that you are only one of many hundreds of people asking. You are far more likely to get help if you can manage to explain your problem concisely and as quickly as possible.
What you claimed was your first contact message contains 913 words to explain two simple problems. Reading that is time I could use to help someone with a real problem.
There is a screenshot of my FUN token transaction history. It shows nothing there, no transactions at all?
Why it is not showing anything since i bought 12,500 FUN token in the begining of the premium program...?
That would indicate that you didn't buy them in this account in the first place.
I didn't ask for your user ID because I should have been able to find it from your contact form message. However when I searched no such messages exist. So please either post it here or send it to me in a PM if you prefer and I'll check your account out.
I should mention, that is the only account of i have for all time. I don´t have several accounts, i only have this account for many years now so the purchase was made in that account where i had my BTC, as i mentioned i purchased my FUN tokens with my BTC. So all was in that one account of mine. So i purchased my FUN tokens in this account yes.
You cannot assume that since it is 913 words messages, you assume you won´t read it and it is not a real problem, and just go to the next one and don´t bother. This is not proffesional or honest at all to do. "Ah, it is too big for me to read, so it is not a real problem, someone is just begging again, so i will just jump on the next one"?? This is not admissible at all. As you can see my problem is a real problem like any other. It is not begging if something is mine already lol. You should be more carefull with the words when you support for Someone may make a complain against you some day for the behavior.
As i said, i only have one account.
If something like that happens to you and your money vanashes like that, when you more need them with this pandemic now
for example, you will certanly try see and read everything you can and find, short or long!
You should read it all long or not because it is a serious situation, so you can understand what happened.
There is a screenshot of my FUN token transaction history. It shows nothing there, no transactions at all?
Why it is not showing anything since i bought 12,500 FUN token in the begining of the premium program...?! You don't understand? They are thieves, robbing even 13 year olds. Never trust them, everyone who writes on the forum as his accomplices, together share the loot. Believe me, they have robbed many people over the years. Just read a bunch of reviews on the internet about them. They have developed an robbery scheme, which consists of several options:
1. They made a losing bet for you;
2. Ban, delete user;
3. Adjust the loss (for a user with a 50% chance of winning, he may require 40 losses in a row, why then it never happens that there are 40 wins in a row?)
If you've lost all your money, just forget about it. Read messages from other users, no one has returned anything to them. They will never be returned to you. Just never deposit a cent on their site.
Hahahahahahahah. WOW. You got them i can see man.
I claim that i have kept my prove at least.
Interesting. Now i am curious, and i will check out those reviews anyway yeah. Thanks for your support ;p. But i have always believed in and their platform and project. For many years, i had not any issues with them you know.
That is why i kept some of my BTC there and bought the FUN tokens premium program also.
But to be honest, at one point i though about it, since the "hacker" didn´t withdraw the money, and for him to have access to my account he for shure should have hacked my email before
so he can confirm the withdraw also. That said, and no withdraw, at one point i thought that there was a problem in the system and it sold my FUN tokens and made a bet without me knowing also..since that hacker was so dum! Hackers hack to steal, not to bet for free and leave the profit in your account lol.
Like think about it, someone hack your bank account where you have 10,000 euros, then he go on the stock market and he uses the money and makes 1,000,000 euros.
Then he don´t withdraw the money, from your bank account, he just leave it there for you to enjoy. Shame on that hacker! lol
Like, he hacked you to help you out to multiply your money, since you can´t? That is crazy lol, to think it is the hackers like that i imagine.
At one point, i also thought that they sold my FUN tokens, and then made that losing bet for me, but since i believed in them i never like acused them of nothing.
Even my mother asked me how is that possible, and she thought that also, did they do that?! She knows about my investments and future believes, and one moment
we are there watching my balance, at the next there is nothing there..she got like "whaaat"!?
I just send the contact form messages so i can know what went wrong, and for them to fix it because is my money.
And to know what happened so i can protect my account in future from weird invasions.
They can´t ban me or delete my account, because for that to happen there should be a prove and reason and why the ban/delete happens. It is not possible just to do it because of
nothing because then there is a problem, attorneys, laws, and bitcoin may not be so legal, but with proves there are a lot of legal issues againts the company or website.
I have never done anything wrong or scam or have diferent accounts you know, to be banned or to have my account deleted, if i had done something wrong, my account would not exist until now for shure you know. They would have banned me or deleted my accoun long time ago.
Do you have any prove of that claims about them making losing bets for you, can you send me or post here links of some of those reviews that you talk about?
I would love to see some proves, of what members claimed.
About adjusting the lost, it is gambling you know. You can loose or win. I guess the bigger issue is betting behalf of you lol. That would be interesting to see it happening with prove.
As you can see i posted here my prove of my purchase of FUN tokens, even that TheQuim claims that i haven´t bought any FUN tokens

And if i didn´t bought any FUN tokens, then why will send me that kind of email information!?
I have and keep my prove, i learn in life that is better to keep things so later you can have proves that your words are true.
Also, another interesting thing is that i have money in other websites, and if the hacker hacked one like, he can hack all of the websites.
Why he only did Since he hacked me, he can hack a lot of other websites i have money in too. He didn´t do that.
PS: You know, when a institution or a bank you keep your money in, offers you that if you keep your money in, you will earn year % interest of your money, they guarantee
the safe of your money there. That is why you keep you money there. So if by any case someone steals your money, or if you get you account or card hacked, the instituion,
or bank, by law, is obliged to recover and give you back your money that they say if you keep there you will earn % interest on them since they are responsable for your money
at that point. You know how that works, when the money is in, institutions can use it while you don´t, and if you need it they always have balance to have it ready in your account.
Even if someone withdraw your money that was not you, they instantly cover that and fill up you account even if they have to take it out of their pockets.
That is how they guarantee clients.
If you have 1,500 BTC and a big clients data that keeps money in, if proven, you have to cover your clients, if not that is a bad image for the company. And it spreads fast and you loose
clients. It is a proven fact.
That is why since has this kind of function, and it has % interest, i thought that they have this covered and if stolen or hacked proven, they cover you, you know?
May be it is my mistake to feel safe with them.
Keep it cool
lol. Don't believe all the long-standing members of the forum vouching for but instead listen to the troll with 10 posts all making allegations against them who has never produced one single bit of evidence to back up their claims.
I hope you will help him return FUN tokens and btc
Thank you, for writing that. I am here and i am looking forward to see that, will do that, since it is the honest correct thing to do.
I left the prove of my purchase of my FUN tokens in the post so. You also want to see what will happen i can see that.
This is the first time, like i am feeling some "support" for this situation, at all, and it came from you, not from support team at this point.
I appreciate that. Troll or not, it was a good one written here for answer.
Best regards
I hope you will help him return FUN tokens and btc
He just posted a screenshot that shows he never had any and then hasn't come back to answer. That makes it impossible for anyone to help him.
I am here don´t worry. I haven´t gone anywhere. This is my money we are talking about.
Me not coming back for 1-2 days, dosen´t mean anything, since i don´t stay all day long in front of one pc.
I work an honest business job, i have my company, and i have to take are of that. Also i have to take care of my private life and my house and car.
This takes time. But i am here. Like you take your time to answer, me also.
I posted that screnshot because it is also strange for me, since i bought my FUN tokens with my BTC balance in that account, that is again i repeat
the only account i had and have for long years, and there is not information neither registration about it in the transaction FUN history.
I also don´t understand why since i did that purchase. What is happening after all?
That is why i kept my email from that proves that i spent money and made that purchase in my account and bought FUN tokens.
I knew i will need it one day, unfortunately. It was a wise decision.
That is why i took and left the screenshot of email to me, saying to me that, here, so everyone can see that is true. I am not a liar.
There is date of purchase, amount of cashaback, all. even thanks me of being a part of this new project as a VIP member.
So i await for you to help now that this is so strange, and unbelievable as 16xypjnxlrew say also.
With this email from for my purchase of FUN, being real prove, you can´t claim that what you claim before.
[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]