March 28, 2014, 01:42:35 PM |
Realistically, I don't think this is going to help at this stage.
Matt Y
March 28, 2014, 03:19:40 PM |
Realistically, I don't think this is going to help at this stage. I agree.
March 28, 2014, 03:21:50 PM |
Realistically, I don't think this is going to help at this stage. I agree. what do you think will?
Matt Y
March 28, 2014, 03:23:44 PM |
Oh dearie my! Will you look at that! Congrats on the mention! Yeah, this will change EVERYTHING, thanks once again. Matt, do you promote this on reddit and whatever other platforms? You're free to post it on Reddit if you like, as is anyone else. I don't have any plans to post it on Twitter as Counterparty is only mentioned once, at the bottom, while other coins are actually discussed. I contacted the reporter to let her know we are available if she requires information for a follow-up story.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
March 28, 2014, 03:24:02 PM |
Realistically, I don't think this is going to help at this stage. I agree. what do you think will? Your mom, if she can code.
March 28, 2014, 03:30:34 PM |
Do not know where to put the question elsewhere: Can somebody explain me (like I am five) why bitcoins cannot be taken in trustless escrow on blockchain. will it ever be possible to do that? for example i read that http://bitcore.io/blog/articles/cosign-our-multisignature-wallet-in-development/ will build a user-friendly multi-signature system. as a non-developer I was wondering if one could not use(or abuse  ) multi-signature in a different way as trustless escrow?
Full Member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
CabTrader v2 | crypto-folio.com
March 28, 2014, 03:35:52 PM |
I just wanted to point out Vtalik Buterin's gold nugget of a comment concerning 'smart fees' being implemented into the Bitcoin Protocol.
“It’s the protocol’s fault the OPRETURN battle is such an issue. In an ideal world, the concept of ‘abuse’ would not even exist; fees would be mandatory, and carefully structured to closely match the actual cost that a given transaction imposes on the network,” he says. “If you can pay the fees for what you’re doing then you should be able to do it, no questions asked.”
DayTrade with less exposure to risk, by setting buy and sell spreads with CabTrader v2, buy now @ crypto-folio.com
Matt Y
March 28, 2014, 03:37:17 PM |
Realistically, I don't think this is going to help at this stage. I agree. what do you think will? Engaging the core developers privately, in a positive manner, over a medium to long period of time. This is not going to be solved overnight, but we are getting closer to a solution. Phantom is in communication with Mike Hearn, we're hoping to get X on a call with Mark, and if any other core developers are out there and have input on how Counterparty can be less of an "issue" for the devs and the Bitcoin network, we'd love to hear their suggestions as well. I thought this was a great post and a step in the right direction: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=395761.msg5937979#msg5937979
March 28, 2014, 04:05:26 PM |
I just wanted to point out Vtalik Buterin's gold nugget of a comment concerning 'smart fees' being implemented into the Bitcoin Protocol.
“It’s the protocol’s fault the OPRETURN battle is such an issue. In an ideal world, the concept of ‘abuse’ would not even exist; fees would be mandatory, and carefully structured to closely match the actual cost that a given transaction imposes on the network,” he says. “If you can pay the fees for what you’re doing then you should be able to do it, no questions asked.”
And from one of the Bitcoin core devs, a less optimistic outlook, as quoted by freedomfighter yesterday: ...
Mark Friedenbach • 5 minutes ago ... This is a fundamental incentive problem with bitcoin today, and the parasitic use of the block chain as a publication system for Counterparty, Mastercoin, etc. is exacerbating the problem without any attempt to provide a solution. If and until the incentive problem is fixed (it's not clear it can be!) these groups should be doing their transactions on a separately validated side-chain, so only those users who opt-in to running the side chain incur the cost. Hopefully using 2-way pegging so their currency can be bitcoins, if they want to avoid the scummy currency issuance investment model.
Mark Friedenbach Bitcoin Core developer
"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." - E.M. Forster NXT: NXT-Z24T-YU6D-688W-EARDT BTC: 19ULeXarogu2rT4dhJN9vhztaorqDC3U7s
March 28, 2014, 05:31:40 PM |
I'm not technically savvy, is there documentation on how to import XCP from blockchain.info address (used this to burn) to the web wallet? Do you recommend this or should I wait until the web wallet is out of testnet? Thanks!
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1010
he who has the gold makes the rules
March 28, 2014, 05:35:33 PM |
Realistically, I don't think this is going to help at this stage. I agree. what do you think will? Your mom, if she can code. Moving to Dogecoin
March 28, 2014, 05:50:25 PM |
I'm not technically savvy, is there documentation on how to import XCP from blockchain.info address (used this to burn) to the web wallet? Do you recommend this or should I wait until the web wallet is out of testnet? Thanks!
Wait till the web wallet is out. You cannot import Real XCP into the testnet.
March 28, 2014, 06:06:53 PM |
Every full node must download the full blockchain (prunable or not!). Every full node has consented to download and store financial transactions. NOT every full node has consented to store anything else
My 15GB copy of the blockchain contains an estimated 5GB worth of un-prunable gambling transactions, and I'm pretty unhappy about that. Are Satoshi Dice transactions "financial transactions"? Are Counterparty investment derivatives paid in bitcoin considered "financial transactions"? Who are we to judge? As someone who runs a full node, what I'm agreeing to is to support the blockchain and the Bitcoin protocol itself, no matter how it's used. What's objectionable is when the Bitcoin protocol itself shifts beneath our feet because the core development team is making these judgements on everyone's behalf.

Activity: 93
Merit: 10
March 28, 2014, 06:29:18 PM |
How does XCP compare with MSC?
Two different projects with different approaches. Have their own characteristics
Full Member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
CabTrader v2 | crypto-folio.com
March 28, 2014, 06:34:58 PM |
How does XCP compare with MSC?
Two different projects with different approaches. Have their own characteristics Does anyone care to say why?
DayTrade with less exposure to risk, by setting buy and sell spreads with CabTrader v2, buy now @ crypto-folio.com

Activity: 68
Merit: 10
March 28, 2014, 06:38:16 PM |
There is a lot of emotion over the data storage topic right now on both sides and that's understandable. There is also a lot of bad information being circulated.
I am not going to judge Mark on a statement or two that I don't agree with. Mark proved to be very reasonable in our discussion at CoinSummit. He had some interesting ideas and is willing to have discussions with the Counterparty developers that will allow us to work towards a solution together. It was obvious that mark cares deeply about Bitcoin as well as the ethics and motivations of other projects in the digital currency space.
Activity: 2604
Merit: 1186
March 28, 2014, 07:41:00 PM |
Great news! Filter added to block this crap in less than 5 minutes, and 1 line of code.
March 28, 2014, 07:50:10 PM |
Great news! Filter added to block this crap in less than 5 minutes, and 1 line of code. Great instead of developers responsibly engaged towards finding a solution - you're promoting cat and mouse. You realize you're also saying fuck it to net-neutrality? And trying to take into private hands what kind of transactions people should and shouldn't make on the Blockchain. What's next sanctions of certain individuals you don't like? Sanctions for transactions broadcast from Nodes in countries whose governments foreign policy you don't approve of?
Activity: 2604
Merit: 1186
March 28, 2014, 07:53:14 PM |
Great news! Filter added to block this crap in less than 5 minutes, and 1 line of code. Great instead of developers responsibly engaged towards finding a solution - you're promoting cat and mouse. I already proposed a clear, well-defined solution. It appears the Counterparty developers are only interested in abusing Bitcoin, though, rather than solving the problems.
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1010
he who has the gold makes the rules
March 28, 2014, 08:07:06 PM |
Great news! Filter added to block this crap in less than 5 minutes, and 1 line of code. Great instead of developers responsibly engaged towards finding a solution - you're promoting cat and mouse. I already proposed a clear, well-defined solution. It appears the Counterparty developers are only interested in abusing Bitcoin, though, rather than solving the problems. Hooray go bitcoin community lol Marc is wrong the implosion will happen over the next few months, not in 2 years He must still be thinking in human years not bitcoin years  putting my tin foil hat on over the next couple months