Activity: 924
Merit: 1001
April 17, 2017, 08:04:08 PM |
HI all,
anyone have a list of the new places you can buy DASH?
Activity: 1183
Merit: 1000
April 17, 2017, 08:09:22 PM |
The Ryan/Evan news in particular is cool. Dash has grown too much for the founder to preside over all of it. The Dash DAO is going to change the world, and we're witnessing its beginnings today.
Welcome newbie! Yes this is great Dash news for sure
Activity: 924
Merit: 1001
April 17, 2017, 08:10:45 PM |
I just bought my first DASH. (Long-timers may be amused, as I was around for DRK, I used to have 200  ).
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1001
April 18, 2017, 01:40:09 AM |
I just bought my first DASH. (Long-timers may be amused, as I was around for DRK, I used to have 200  ). Hey pbleak! I'm so sorry to say that there are so many new faces and that I barely even come here anymore, that I didn't notice you were missing! Glad you're keeping in touch 
Another proud lifetime Dash Foundation member  My TanteStefana account was hacked, Beware trading "You'll never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks."Sir Winston Churchill BTC: 12pu5nMDPEyUGu3HTbnUB5zY5RG65EQE5d
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000
April 18, 2017, 03:00:02 AM |
"...I suspect we need a better incentive for users to run nodes instead of relying solely on altruism...", satoshi@vistomail.com
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
April 18, 2017, 05:32:41 AM |
Does one simply day trade with dash? Or do they hold steady and keep the line? There's so much potential in dash that one doesn't know where to place their bets... any advice? I'm a long time holder but damn it's hard not to sell on those highs and buy on those lows...
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
April 18, 2017, 05:33:46 AM |
Hi, I just found out about this project, what was the ICO price?
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1245
April 18, 2017, 06:58:54 AM |
Hi, I just found out about this project, what was the ICO price?
Why do you think there was an ICO price ?
Learn from the past, set detailed and vivid goals for the future and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control : now
Activity: 1318
Merit: 1040
April 18, 2017, 07:10:06 AM |
Hi, I just found out about this project, what was the ICO price?
Hi, I just found out about this project, what was the ICO price?
Hi, I just found out about this project, what was the ICO price?

DASH: XsV4GHVKGTjQFvwB7c6mYsGV3Mxf7iser6
April 18, 2017, 07:15:58 AM |
It seems that this guy is farming accounts with same text but he is playing with same thread where people he is meeting are more smart and experienced. He simply has nothing to do with Dash but increasing and developing his account. Dash is good stronger than ever if you are looking for long term then go ahead my advise to new comers in here.
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1023
April 18, 2017, 07:56:42 AM Last edit: April 18, 2017, 08:12:42 AM by tungfa |
Sr. Member
Activity: 494
Merit: 252
Warning: ICEBreaker on this Forum is a troll!
April 18, 2017, 10:28:25 AM |
Not me buddy...lol
Someone else made that gif, check your community members.
Smell that .0497???
Just wait for the next batch of what were cooking...
Check the menu - its .0345.
@Mastertrader777 you can post whatever you like, but let me send you provide you some words of wisdom... "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."I believe were nearing the end of that quote and DASH will surpass bitcoin very soon, so you can do what you want and say what you want.. You know yourself that DASH is far superior then bitcoin and the rest of the Market realises this, just look at how much "BTC Dominance:" has gone down too: 67.1% lol.... When Evolution is released you will be dumping all of those bitcoins for DASH... and then this cycle will start again, but this time you will most likely be defending DASH. time will tell my friend!
Activity: 2814
Merit: 1666
Yes, I'm an asshole
April 18, 2017, 11:34:46 AM |
~whoa~ "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
I'll just... Put it here, a simple reminder of his kindness to urge people about his upcoming pump... .
Best move you can make is buy 500K XRP and wait 2 weeks.
You're welcome!
See yea,
... Which should be two weeks around the post, so it was . . . . what? Two days overdue? There actually other post stating that he'll do a pump within the week, poated last week, can't find it, somehow. IDK if it was being removed by mod or by self Guess it's quite difficult to do a pump, eh?
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1245
April 18, 2017, 12:39:18 PM |
Link : http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-traders-raise-concerns-largest-us-dollar-exchange-halts-deposits/Coindesk managed to bury this article pretty fast from main page to .. well .. where-ever it is right now. Now i can understand the higher price at Bitfinex, but why is it also equally driving up the price at Poloniex and not at other markets ? 
Learn from the past, set detailed and vivid goals for the future and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control : now
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
April 18, 2017, 03:25:15 PM |
Poloniex doesn't have a BTC/USD pair...the price shown there is BTC/USDT (tether). In theory, 1 USDT = $1, but Wells Fargo just suspended all bank wires coming from Tether (and also from Bitfinex). Consequently, a lot of people are pretty wary of tether right now too.
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1245
April 18, 2017, 03:42:35 PM |
That explains it then, thanks ddink7
Learn from the past, set detailed and vivid goals for the future and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control : now
Activity: 1183
Merit: 1000
April 18, 2017, 04:05:09 PM |
 WORKING FOR 1000+ BOSSES: EMPLOYMENT IN THE DASH DAO By Amanda B Johnson Some people imagine that a freelancer is her “own boss.” That she is beholden to no one but herself and that, somehow, money just rolls in. Having worked as a waitress, an SEO blogger, a children’s party entertainer, a valet driver, a Hollywood movie extra, and over a dozen other jobs, I can testify that there is no such thing as “being your own boss.” If you’re getting paid to do something, guess what? You have a boss. The question is, just how many bosses do you have? If you work a more traditional job, you have just one. If you are considered a “freelancer,” you have upwards of a dozen or more bosses (you probably call them “clients”). And if you work for a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) like the Dash DAO? Welcome to the land of a thousand (or more) bosses... https://www.dashforcenews.com/working-for-1000-bosses-employment-in-the-dash-dao/
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1245
April 18, 2017, 05:37:20 PM Last edit: April 18, 2017, 06:04:24 PM by qwizzie |
thats pretty amazing .. current number of masternode : 4415 ATH : 4486
Learn from the past, set detailed and vivid goals for the future and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control : now