Activity: 1918
Merit: 1001
May 15, 2014, 10:46:04 AM |
What happens to the drk network when some masternode servers get hacked? If anyone can run them, do we all just trust that the individual's pc's have adequate protection??
I think DDOS attacks on the masternodes will be a big issue. Absolutely! The network relies on masternodes being safe, secure, and online. When these get hacked the dark network could be in lots of trouble  The implementation is fault resistant. If one goes down, it will be quickly discovered and removed from the list and the rest will remain active. I know there is supposed to be built in DDOS protection in the master nodes, but with my experience in IT i know nothing is fullproof, even with linux, you can still be prone to DDOs attacks, and look at all the mining pools ive been mining on, most of them run on linux, and supposed to have DDOS protection, yet many pools have been affected. Its very likely this could happen to master nodes, and if there is a big enough attack from a botnet for instance, whats there to stop it from shutting down each masternode one by one? Even if a few nodes got attacked it could cause havoc.
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
May 15, 2014, 10:47:01 AM |
The only thing why you should sell now is to buy it back cheaper later - i don´t see any other reason why to sell. It´s like playing lottery. Sell now and you maybe sit on your BTC because you are not able to buy back cheaper. If you win you can own more DRK, if you lose you sit on your BTC. Looks like selling now is a loose loose game  I like more playing win win games Buy the way, if you had followed the advise of AC2 you would be out of the game since 2 weeks now and you would damm hin selling your DRK for BTC on levels like 200k I just think new buyers who are new to this thread should know some of the facts. I mean it's all good and well to just buy a coin that is going upwards, but i think new investors want to know which coins are scam coins. The fair coins have a fair launch - everyone has access to mine them, everyone has a fair go. Out of all the coins, Darkcoin was instamined at 500 coins per second for the first 8 hours! So the dev and his friends can own like 10 % of all the coins ever! Its great that the price is rising and all, but yeah, new investors be careful. All of the coins out their with scam instamines always end up with the dev and his friends dumping them and leaving new investors with huge losses. Be careful hey...
May 15, 2014, 10:48:16 AM |
going by this graph, i think nows the time to sell and then reinvest when it crashes  dont tell them sssssst Wow this loooks really scarry i dont get it? IT looks EXACTLY like it.. The only diffrence is that here around end of may masternodes get paid first time. and since you ned 1000 for it. I dont see big holders selling it off..
Honest Tim
May 15, 2014, 10:48:24 AM |
Why I like DarkCoin By Jesse Livermore
I like DarkCoin because I can imagine a not-too-distant future where 99.999% of all available DRK is locked up in master nodes thereby making my non-master node-connected DRK be priced as I wish. Evan has successfully designed and created the most insane positive feedback loop that has ever existed in the capitalistic world.
1 question though: -Why the hell can't I buy DRK with fiat yet? (I would rather not buy through other coins' USD conversions on moolah, coinbase, etc)
JL Very interesting point. How will the masternodes receive an income if most of the coins get consolidated into masternodes? Would there be low liquidity and low volume due to consolidation? Low volume would mean low income for the masternodes? Nobody says the the money in a masternode has to be locked away forever. I can see a future where people run masternodes on a very temporary basis, meaning when they trade they suspend the masternode, but when they don't trade they activate the masternode again, etc... Masternodes should have a very jumpy ninja-like behaviour anyway, so they are not an easy target like a sitting duck. They should appear and disappear, here and there, now and then, having the maximum amount of unpredictability possible.
Whoa dude, you just set my head spinning. Thinking of ways how this could be made as effortless as possible.......
May 15, 2014, 10:49:16 AM |
going by this graph, i think nows the time to sell and then reinvest when it crashes  dont tell them sssssst Great post, thank you. Yeah you're right, drk looks like it is about to come crashing down! Probably a good time to sell before everyone else does. Cheers wanna get in ?  nope i am still in the process of getting out actually me too...i'm quite worried that darkcoin is going to look quite silly as an anonymity solution when monero hits the exchanges...Dark has had a good run, but yeah now would be a good time to unload Its been rising too fast its too unsustainable, the dump is just around the corner. And this is coming from someone that likes darkcoin. Unsustainable based on what? This rise started nearly three weeks ago at the end of April. Most coins get dumped with a few days or a week after a pump... IMO, DRK has already shown to be resistant to the standard P&D tatics. It will drop some, but don't expect it to go back to 0.005 levels.
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1005
DASH is the future of crypto payments!
May 15, 2014, 10:50:44 AM |
going by this graph, i think nows the time to sell and then reinvest when it crashes  dont tell them sssssst I`m very wonder what will happen in DRK example btw. Masternodes get paid 10% for newly found blocks not for coins that have been mined in past.
BE SMART, USE DASH ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
May 15, 2014, 10:51:09 AM |
Stop spreading FUD. Darkcoin has one of the better distribution out there, and everyone knows it. If what you're saying was even remotely true, those "mysterious holders with 10%" would have sold months ago and run away with millions, such as you got played on Asiacoin, and many people on hundred others. This is one of the very few coins worth a look right now, and you're not fooling anyone.
May 15, 2014, 10:51:52 AM |
What happens to the drk network when some masternode servers get hacked? If anyone can run them, do we all just trust that the individual's pc's have adequate protection??
I think DDOS attacks on the masternodes will be a big issue. Absolutely! The network relies on masternodes being safe, secure, and online. When these get hacked the dark network could be in lots of trouble  The implementation is fault resistant. If one goes down, it will be quickly discovered and removed from the list and the rest will remain active. I know there is supposed to be built in DDOS protection in the master nodes, but with my experience in IT i know nothing is fullproof, even with linux, you can still be prone to DDOs attacks, and look at all the mining pools ive been mining on, most of them run on linux, and supposed to have DDOS protection, yet many pools have been affected. Its very likely this could happen to master nodes, and if there is a big enough attack from a botnet for instance, whats there to stop it from shutting down each masternode one by one? Even if a few nodes got attacked it could cause havoc. a few nodes ? what ? down ? Masternode is on top of Darkcoin p2p network. So Even if a few nodes got attacked it could cause havoc.
May 15, 2014, 10:52:22 AM |
ac2 can actually type? Thought you could only copy paste. Either way you still haven't made any impact on the coin.
Activity: 1918
Merit: 1001
May 15, 2014, 10:52:48 AM |
Why I like DarkCoin By Jesse Livermore
I like DarkCoin because I can imagine a not-too-distant future where 99.999% of all available DRK is locked up in master nodes thereby making my non-master node-connected DRK be priced as I wish. Evan has successfully designed and created the most insane positive feedback loop that has ever existed in the capitalistic world.
1 question though: -Why the hell can't I buy DRK with fiat yet? (I would rather not buy through other coins' USD conversions on moolah, coinbase, etc)
JL Very interesting point. How will the masternodes receive an income if most of the coins get consolidated into masternodes? Would there be low liquidity and low volume due to consolidation? Low volume would mean low income for the masternodes? Nobody says the the money in a masternode has to be locked away forever. I can see a future where people run masternodes on a very temporary basis, meaning when they trade they suspend the masternode, but when they don't trade they activate the masternode again, etc... Masternodes should have a very jumpy ninja-like behaviour anyway, so they are not an easy target like a sitting duck. They should appear and disappear, here and there, now and then, having the maximum amount of unpredictability possible. I would like to see a leasing option like what NXT has implemented with forging so that anyone has the opportunity to lease their balance to masternodes, i think it would work very well.
May 15, 2014, 10:52:56 AM |
going by this graph, i think nows the time to sell and then reinvest when it crashes  dont tell them sssssst I`m very wonder what will happen in DRK example Fundamentals win out over chartist voodoo every time. You could have drawn the same chart when Bitcoin was $5.
May 15, 2014, 10:54:18 AM |
What happens to the drk network when some masternode servers get hacked? If anyone can run them, do we all just trust that the individual's pc's have adequate protection??
I think DDOS attacks on the masternodes will be a big issue. Absolutely! The network relies on masternodes being safe, secure, and online. When these get hacked the dark network could be in lots of trouble  The implementation is fault resistant. If one goes down, it will be quickly discovered and removed from the list and the rest will remain active. I know there is supposed to be built in DDOS protection in the master nodes, but with my experience in IT i know nothing is fullproof, even with linux, you can still be prone to DDOs attacks, and look at all the mining pools ive been mining on, most of them run on linux, and supposed to have DDOS protection, yet many pools have been affected. Its very likely this could happen to master nodes, and if there is a big enough attack from a botnet for instance, whats there to stop it from shutting down each masternode one by one? Even if a few nodes got attacked it could cause havoc. You do realise that right now, even without the masternodes payments there's > 160 masternodes spread around the world with DDoS protection. After 25th the number will be 500-1000 and growing. If what you're saying is possible, someone would have done that with all Bitcoin network already.
May 15, 2014, 10:54:25 AM |
ac2 can actually type? Thought you could only copy paste. Either way you still haven't made any impact on the coin.
ac2 is the first one ever I've set on ignore in any forum. He's even more obtrusive than ymer was.
DRK: Xeojbw5gDNtvCbUK7VXaDqfyNU29ahqavB BTC: 1K5hJ1wiRJ9mAWwn9pLzjst18jTa1benHT LTC: LiUgyndo4sibahGEyuw8ymphciaq7tbS9a
May 15, 2014, 10:54:32 AM |
going by this graph, i think nows the time to sell and then reinvest when it crashes  dont tell them sssssst I`m very wonder what will happen in DRK example btw. Masternodes get paid 10% for newly found blocks not for coins that have been mined in past. If you look carefully you can see we are at the first sell off. Bitcoin and litecoin could just go on a massive rush towards 10 dollar and beyond. Darkcoin is also at a point where it cant just be dumped 50% all of sudden anymore. AT these levels 20% is just down to 80. And a 20% dump is already big
May 15, 2014, 10:54:38 AM |
Ok, so this is ridiculous. Whenever there's growth, random people show up crying the sky is falling. If it's not clear to anyone, you can make the data tell whatever story you like. The above comparison to a section of the "typical bubble" is just a story. Here's another:  It's pointless. Don't try to analyse the market like this.
May 15, 2014, 10:56:09 AM |
some more of the same BS
Do you go over to Bitcoin and Litecoin forums and talk about the early mined coins with those? Do you know how many coins Satoshi mined in the beginning? It's not very subtle when you spread rumours about Darkcoin being a dump then say 'Hey come over and buy some Monero. I have heaps of those and I promise I don't want to dump those on you.' People on here weren't born yesterday. Anyone who falls for your BS deserves to lose their money.
May 15, 2014, 10:57:08 AM |
going by this graph, i think nows the time to sell and then reinvest when it crashes  it's a bear trap? ok 
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
May 15, 2014, 10:57:41 AM |
Stop spreading FUD. Darkcoin has one of the better distribution out there, and everyone knows it. If what you're saying was even remotely true, those "mysterious holders with 10%" would have sold months ago and run away with millions, such as you got played on Asiacoin, and many people on hundred others. This is one of the very few coins worth a look right now, and you're not fooling anyone. Nope. Just facts. All you are interested in is making a quick buck, and as long as dark keeps rising you will all stick your heads in the sand. Someone needs to warn the poor new investors new to this thread. The poor miners, getting a measly 1 or 2 coins per day if they are lucky, while evan duffield and internetape raped it for 500 coins per second, mined about 10% of all the coins that ever will be in about 8 hours, than said, 'woops, sorry about that' and changed the coin supply. That might not matter to you. But it matters to anyone interested in fairness. A coin should have a fair launch, a fair wealth distribution. Otherwise the dev and his friends can just dump their coins and completely destroy the market whenever they want - which is what they can do to dark. Oh and that chart your looking at...that will happen to dark. Not because dark is bad, just what happens after a pump. The smart thing to do is know that this pattern happens again and again and again, and take your profit early. If your smart, you will sell your dark tonight, so you don't wake up tomorrow with 30 percent less value...
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1019
May 15, 2014, 10:59:47 AM |
Beware the trolls, ac2 especially.
Quick check of hist post history and all is clear.
this isnt it kind of ridiculous that someone who invested in shitcoin asiacoin and lost his stack comes here and spreads fud? i mean ASIACOIN. lol!
May 15, 2014, 11:00:33 AM |
I remember mining darkcoin on the first day that the GPU miner was announced, was getting around 0.5 dark per block with 5 mh/s. Why oh why did I not save my darkcoins. 