I think the rise will end when the pumpers dump. Those buy walls are there for a reason. They were 155 and 153 respectively two days ago. I could be wrong but it just looks like a vert pump all over again and when the dump comes, it will be intense. Here's to hoping I'm wrong.
The reason you might be wrong is:
[1] - that this isn't a 'safe' "pump and dump" coin for dumpers. It is actually being bought on solid fundamentals which makes it far tighter on liquidity when there's a change in sentiment. If you watch the major dumps, they have all blown up in the dumpers face shortly afterwards as the market takes off again
[2] - it's been steadily rising for weeks. Lately, the pump and dump cycle has been getting ever faster - down to several hours for example for CINNI.
[3] - there have already been plenty of "tree shaking" moments lately. It lost nearly half it's value about 2 weeks ago and had a further few shocks since then. All of these tremors help to pack the price in
[4] - there is a certain market cap threshold which an asset can get to which gives it a stabilising inertia. Look at the top 7 or 8 coins on marketcap. They've been there since the dawn of man (well, of crypto alts at least

). That's because mass holding gives the asset a kind of market "rubber stamp" that secures its position and makes it very resistent to challenge - even from newer coins having major technological improvements. (Witness Litecoin. Almost every other coin out now is about 50 times more technologically advanced. It doesn't even do anything interesting except confirm a bit faster than Bitcoin. All the same - check its market cap compared to the nearest competitor).
On the other hand, of course, you may be right. No one can ever tell in this market. It's the wild west with some earthquake zones and a few untamed lions thrown in for good measure.
But we must keep our thinking hats on all the same and not just throw in the towel because there's too much turbulence to read the writing on the page. The writing's still there and pumpers and dumpers will definitely not have the last say on which technologies and assets emerge from all this intact.