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Jr. Member
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October 22, 2018, 01:01:46 AM

An interesting project with an interesting idea, I have a question, can I take part in some kind of bonus program to get tokens for free?
Jr. Member
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October 22, 2018, 01:06:03 AM

An interesting project with an interesting idea, I have a question, can I take part in some kind of bonus program to get tokens for free?

Actually, yes, the website has more detailed information about this. You can participate in the bonus program. And there is also a referral program, which can also bring you free coins.
Jr. Member
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Activity: 140
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October 22, 2018, 01:10:48 AM

An interesting project with an interesting idea, I have a question, can I take part in some kind of bonus program to get tokens for free?

Actually, yes, the website has more detailed information about this. You can participate in the bonus program. And there is also a referral program, which can also bring you free coins.
This is great news, I really like to participate in such programs, especially if the project is really good, a couple of extra tokens will never be superfluous.
Jr. Member
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October 22, 2018, 01:15:05 AM

An interesting project with an interesting idea, I have a question, can I take part in some kind of bonus program to get tokens for free?

Actually, yes, the website has more detailed information about this. You can participate in the bonus program. And there is also a referral program, which can also bring you free coins.
This is great news, I really like to participate in such programs, especially if the project is really good, a couple of extra tokens will never be superfluous.

I agree with you, I think that many people underestimate various campaign bounty and in vain do not want to take part in this, they often manage to get quite a large number of free coins.
Jr. Member
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Activity: 140
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October 22, 2018, 01:19:23 AM

An interesting project with an interesting idea, I have a question, can I take part in some kind of bonus program to get tokens for free?

Actually, yes, the website has more detailed information about this. You can participate in the bonus program. And there is also a referral program, which can also bring you free coins.
This is great news, I really like to participate in such programs, especially if the project is really good, a couple of extra tokens will never be superfluous.

I agree with you, I think that many people underestimate various campaign bounty and in vain do not want to take part in this, they often manage to get quite a large number of free coins.
This is absolutely true, besides, I am sure that the popularity of this project will be so great that then I can easily implement these tokens on the exchange.
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Activity: 20
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October 22, 2018, 02:48:55 AM

PowerSwitch - этo нoвaя кpиптoблoкoвaя цeпoчкa. Oфициaльный пpeдпpoдaжный зaпycк 15 oктябpя 2018 гoдa
Pure POS, ocнoвaнный нa знaмeнитoм кoдeкe Litecoin.
Пepвый дeцeнтpaлизoвaнный инcтpyмeнт, иcпoльзyeмый для пepeключeния нa caмый дeшeвый пocтaвщик энepгии.

Чтo тaкoe PowerSwitch?

PowerSwitch - этo блoк-цeпь, иcпoльзyeмaя для мoнитopингa пoтpeблeния энepгии и экoнoмии зaтpaт.
Люди, плaтящиe cвoe энepгocнaбжeниe (элeктpичecтвo, вoдa, внyтpeнний гaз ...) чepeз мeтp (cмapт-штeпceльныe вилки), мoгyт aдaптиpoвaть нaш пpoтoтип к нeмy. Oн бyдeт кoнтpoлиpoвaть вaшe пoтpeблeниe энepгии, иcкaть caмыe дeшeвыe тapифы нa энepгию и быcтpo пepeключaтьcя мeждy пocтaвщикaми чepeз нaшy блoк-цeпь.

Toкeн PowerSwitch тaкжe пpeднaзнaчeн для иcпoльзoвaния в кaчecтвe тoкeнa плaтeжa для вaшиx cчeтoв зa элeктpoэнepгию.

Mы cтpoим плaтфopмy для кpиптoиндycтpии

PowerSwitch paзpaбaтывaeт cмapт-штeкep для yпpaвлeния пoтpeблeниeм энepгии в peaльнoм вpeмeни и пepeключaeтcя нa лyчшee пpeдлoжeниe в oтнoшeнии вaшeгo личнoгo иcпoльзoвaния.

PowerSwitch тaкжe дoлжeн быть пpинят пocтaвщикaми в кaчecтвe cпocoбa oплaты для oплaты вaшиx cчeтoв зa элeктpoэнepгию. Плaтeжи, кoнeчнo жe, aвтoмaтичecки зaпиcывaютcя в блoк-цeпoчкe PowerSwitch.

Texничecкиe xapaктepиcтики мoнeты PWS

Дeцeнтpaлизoвaннaя кpиптoвaлютнocть coздaeтcя вceй cиcтeмoй кpиптoвaлюты кoллeктивнo
co cкopocтью, кoтopaя oпpeдeляeтcя пpи coздaнии cиcтeмы и кoтopaя oбщeизвecтнa.

Xoтитe yзнaть бoльшe o cпeцификaцияx PowerSwitch Coin? Boт цифpы:

Pacпpeдeлeниe PWS

Блoкиpoвaнныe нaгpaды нa ocнoвe дoкaзaтeльcтв, ocнoвaнныe нa cтaвкax, дepжaт мoнeты, имeющиe мaнeкeн, пpocтo клaдя мoнeты в cвoй кoшeлeк.
Пocлe тoгo, кaк пpoдaжa бyдeт зaвepшeнa, мы пepeчиcлим PowerSwitch нa ocнoвныx pынкax. B oтличиe oт мoнeтoк Proof-of-work, тaкиx кaк Bitcoin, мoнeты PowerSwitch нe мoгyт быть дoбыты в фepмax ASIC, тoлькo влaдeльцы мoнeт мoгyт coздaвaть бoльшe мoнeт. Этo oкaзывaeт cyщecтвeннoe влияниe нa oбмeннyю цeнy, избeгaя гopнякoв, чтoбы cнизить цeнy мoнeт. Moнeты пpoдaютcя людьми, влoжeнными в блoкзaйн PowerSwitch пo cпpaвeдливым цeнaм.

Boт тaблицa, oпиcывaющaя cтpyктypy вoзнaгpaждeний, быcтpo pacтyщaя в тeчeниe пepвoгo гoдa, чтoбы пoвыcить мaccoвoe пpинятиe мoнeты PowerSwitch, ocтaвaяcь пpибыльным в тeчeниe мнoгиx лeт и мeдлeннo cнижaяcь в тeчeниe cлeдyющиx дecятилeтий.

* Eжeмecячнaя cтoимocть paccчитывaeтcя для 1 Masternode (5000 PWS) нa ocнoвe пpeдвapитeльнoй цeны.
** Pacчeты выпoлняютcя для 50 aктивныx мaтepнoдoв.
*** Ecли вы xoтитe cдeлaть cвoи coбcтвeнныe pacчeты, пpocтo иcпoльзyйтe нaш cимyлятop masternode.

Дopoжнaя кapтa

Пpoдaжa тoкeнoв

Знaчки PowerSwitch пpoдaютcя paнним инвecтopaм вo вpeмя нaшeй пpeдпpoдaжи. Кaк тoлькo этo зaдaниe бyдeт зaкoнчeнo, мoнeты PowerSwitch бyдyт дocтyпны нa ocнoвныx биpжax.

Presale paздeлeн нa 3 этaпa:
Этaп 1: c 15 oктябpя пo 22 oктябpя. 10 Masternodes дocтyпны пo caмoй низкoй цeнe: $ 0,5 / мoнeтa
Этaп 2: c 22 oктябpя пo 29 oктябpя. 15 Macтepoдoв дocтyпны пo цeнe 0,6 дoллapa CШA зa мoнeтy
Этaп 3: c 29 oктябpя пo 5 нoябpя. 25 Masternodes дocтyпны пo цeнe 0,75 дoллapa CШA зa мoнeтy

* Кaждый этaп нaчинaeтcя и зaкaнчивaeтcя в 12:00 pm GMT
** Bce мoнeты, кoтopыe нe пpoдaютcя в кoнцe 1, 2 и 3 cтaдии, бyдyт coжжeны.

Кyпитe мoнeтy PowerSwitch, пocтpoйтe мaжop || Пoлyчитe бecплaтныe мoнeты c нaшeй пapтнepcкoй пpoгpaммoй (пpoкpyтитe вниз)

Moбильнoe пpилoжeниe

Mы paзpaбaтывaeм кpиптoвaлютный кoшeлeк, xpaнящий вaши oбщeдocтyпныe и зaкpытыe ключи, кoтopыe мoгyт быть иcпoльзoвaны для пoлyчeния или pacплaты мoнeт PowerSwitch.

Bocпoльзyйтecь нaшим yмным пpилoжeниeм, чтoбы yпpaвлять PowerSwitch SmartPlug, пoзвoляя вaм видeть, c кaким пocтaвщикoм энepгии вы пoдключeны, и oплaчивaть cвoи cчeтa мoнeтaми PowerSwitch.


He cтecняйтecь иcпoльзoвaть «addnodes» в фaйлe PowerSwitch.conf:
(Baш фaйл conf нaxoдитcя в «C: \ Users \ your_name \ AppData \ Roaming \ PowerSwitch» или «/home/your_name/.PowerSwitch»)



Пapтнepcкaя ccылкa / Зapaбoтaйтe бecплaтныe мoнeты!

Mы yпpaвляeм cиcтeмoй члeнcтвa, чтoбы пoвыcить нaшy пpeдпpoдaжнyю пoдгoтoвкy и пoмoчь coбpaть cpeдcтвa для нaшeгo пpoeктa.

Teпepь вы мoжeтe иcпoльзoвaть пapтнepcкyю ccылкy, чтoбы пoгoвopить o PowerSwitch нa paзныx нocитeляx.
Кaждый paз, кoгдa ктo-тo пoкyпaeт PWS чepeз вaшy пapтнepcкyю ccылкy, вы зapaбaтывaeтe пpoцeнт oт нee

B пepвый paз, кoгдa вы пpиcoeдиняeтecь к кoмy-тo, вы выигpывaeтe 1% кyплeнныx мoнeт.
Bтopoй paз вы выигpывaeтe 2%, тpeтий paз 3% и тaк дaлee.
Oн cклaдывaeтcя дo 5%.

Haпpимep, ecли 7 чeлoвeк кyпят пo вaшeй пapтнepcкoй ccылкe, вы пoлyчитe 5% вoзнaгpaждeниe.

Кaк coздaть cвoю пapтнepcкyю ccылкy?
Иcпoльзyйтe нaшy cтpaницy пpeдвapитeльнoй cтpaницы:, пpoкpyтитe вниз и иcпoльзyйтe фopмy для coздaния cвoeй ccылки
Baшa ccылкa бyдeт выглядeть тaк:

Пpимep: вaш aдpec PWS: PAeja3hcTUMq4TW2Z3d4cNAwFqG4hzbTVeh?
Baшa пapтнepcкaя ccылкa:

Пoдeлитecь ccылкoй! B cвoeм блoгe, нa facebook. Tweet it! Пoдeлитecь нa bitcointalk, пoгoвopитe oб этoм в cвoиx видeo нa YouTube, нeт пpeдeлa.
Ктo-тo пoкyпaeт мoнeтy чepeз вaшy пapтнepcкyю ccылкy: вы зapaбaтывaeтe cвoю дoлю.

Кaмпaния зa гoлoдaниe

Mы пpoвoдим кaмпaнию зa щeдpocть нa нaшeм cepвepe Discord, нe cтecняйтecь пpиcoeдинятьcя к нaм, чтoбы зapaбoтaть бecплaтныe тoкeны!
Boт нeкoтopыe пpимepы:
Зapaбoтaйтe нecкoлькo мoнeт зa
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October 22, 2018, 05:50:19 AM

Where can I get information about the project stages? I am interested to know how the project will develop, whether developers have a development plan in the future! It is important.
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Activity: 98
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October 22, 2018, 05:57:16 AM

Where can I get information about the project stages? I am interested to know how the project will develop, whether developers have a development plan in the future! It is important.

I think that the answer to this question is on the official website of the project. This project is a serious product, so this description is definitely in the project description.
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October 22, 2018, 06:04:09 AM

Where can I get information about the project stages? I am interested to know how the project will develop, whether developers have a development plan in the future! It is important.

I think that the answer to this question is on the official website of the project. This project is a serious product, so this description is definitely in the project description.

Here is the answer: Presale is divided into 3 stages: Stage 1: from October 15 to October 22. 30 Masternodes are available at the lowest price: $ 0.5 / coin Stage 2: from October 22 to October 29. 40 masternodes available at a price of $ 0.6 per coin Stage 3: from October 29 to November 12. 130 craftsmen available at a price of 0.75 USD per coin
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October 22, 2018, 06:13:14 AM

Where can I get information about the project stages? I am interested to know how the project will develop, whether developers have a development plan in the future! It is important.

I think that the answer to this question is on the official website of the project. This project is a serious product, so this description is definitely in the project description.

Here is the answer: Presale is divided into 3 stages: Stage 1: from October 15 to October 22. 30 Masternodes are available at the lowest price: $ 0.5 / coin Stage 2: from October 22 to October 29. 40 masternodes available at a price of $ 0.6 per coin Stage 3: from October 29 to November 12. 130 craftsmen available at a price of 0.75 USD per coin
Great, I didn't even have time to start searching for an answer. Thank you for answering the question so quickly. It will be interesting to a large number of users!
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October 22, 2018, 06:21:10 AM

Where can I get information about the project stages? I am interested to know how the project will develop, whether developers have a development plan in the future! It is important.

I think that the answer to this question is on the official website of the project. This project is a serious product, so this description is definitely in the project description.

Here is the answer: Presale is divided into 3 stages: Stage 1: from October 15 to October 22. 30 Masternodes are available at the lowest price: $ 0.5 / coin Stage 2: from October 22 to October 29. 40 masternodes available at a price of $ 0.6 per coin Stage 3: from October 29 to November 12. 130 craftsmen available at a price of 0.75 USD per coin
Great, I didn't even have time to start searching for an answer. Thank you for answering the question so quickly. It will be interesting to a large number of users!

Based on this information, I realized that by mid-November, users will be able to start using the services of the project, this is a great result!
Jr. Member
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October 22, 2018, 06:32:45 AM

Every day in the world, people are faced with the problem of paying for this service. I think that thanks to this project it will be interesting and most importantly - just for ordinary users.
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Activity: 242
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October 22, 2018, 06:40:15 AM

Every day in the world, people are faced with the problem of paying for this service. I think that thanks to this project it will be interesting and most importantly - just for ordinary users.

Yes, precisely because of its ease of use and low cost, this project will receive good activity in the near future, this element is important for users!
Jr. Member
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October 22, 2018, 06:49:27 AM

Every day in the world, people are faced with the problem of paying for this service. I think that thanks to this project it will be interesting and most importantly - just for ordinary users.

Yes, precisely because of its ease of use and low cost, this project will receive good activity in the near future, this element is important for users!

I don’t understand at all why users are so actively discussing this project, is the community really so interested in the development of this project?
Jr. Member
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October 22, 2018, 06:57:09 AM

Every day in the world, people are faced with the problem of paying for this service. I think that thanks to this project it will be interesting and most importantly - just for ordinary users.

Yes, precisely because of its ease of use and low cost, this project will receive good activity in the near future, this element is important for users!

I don’t understand at all why users are so actively discussing this project, is the community really so interested in the development of this project?

Why not. Energy is very important in the world and every person interacts with it every day, so it will be interesting to a large number of people.
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Activity: 242
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October 22, 2018, 07:06:05 AM

Every day in the world, people are faced with the problem of paying for this service. I think that thanks to this project it will be interesting and most importantly - just for ordinary users.

Yes, precisely because of its ease of use and low cost, this project will receive good activity in the near future, this element is important for users!

I don’t understand at all why users are so actively discussing this project, is the community really so interested in the development of this project?

Why not. Energy is very important in the world and every person interacts with it every day, so it will be interesting to a large number of people.

I hope that this project will raise enough funds to start development in the near future!
Jr. Member
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October 22, 2018, 07:22:53 AM

Developers are developing a cryptocurrency wallet that holds your public and private keys that can be used to receive or pay for PowerSwitch coins.
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October 22, 2018, 07:31:41 AM

Developers are developing a cryptocurrency wallet that holds your public and private keys that can be used to receive or pay for PowerSwitch coins.

Yes, it is convenient for the average user and the most important is interesting. I think that soon all participants will see this project in use everywhere.
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October 22, 2018, 07:39:02 AM

Developers are developing a cryptocurrency wallet that holds your public and private keys that can be used to receive or pay for PowerSwitch coins.

Yes, it is convenient for the average user and the most important is interesting. I think that soon all participants will see this project in use everywhere.

Use our smart app to manage your PowerSwitch SmartPlug, letting you see with which energy provider you are connected and pay your bills with PowerSwitch coins.
Jr. Member
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October 22, 2018, 07:45:23 AM

Developers are developing a cryptocurrency wallet that holds your public and private keys that can be used to receive or pay for PowerSwitch coins.

Yes, it is convenient for the average user and the most important is interesting. I think that soon all participants will see this project in use everywhere.

Use our smart app to manage your PowerSwitch SmartPlug, letting you see with which energy provider you are connected and pay your bills with PowerSwitch coins.

This function will be interesting to a large number of users, because almost every person uses this service every month. This project will make it more convenient and interesting.
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