Sampey (OP)
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
May 12, 2019, 10:44:02 AM |
hello sampey,
what is the formula for these "no lookup in the past x minutes bla bla, forcing lookup"
i think based on lookup each x seconds * ?
hi, how much is your current lookup time?
Activity: 2282
Merit: 1051
unnamed.Exchange, join the Cool Kids!!!
May 12, 2019, 11:04:48 AM |
depends on the exchange and performance. but to drop some digit. 1400 markets * 3 calls * 2 seconds = as example using on yobit to avoid cloudflare bla bla, or retry`S and could you think about to implement : something like "google : cloudflare scrapper" .. or better : if cloudflare blocked the api call the first time, then block any api calls for the next x seconds.
and, i have notice that the api Queue ignore the initial api call for an lookup. or better : if 8000 marketpanels wait for an lookup, // try to lookup as next then the Queue contains the 8000 api calls + the calls resulting by the lookup. idk .. it seems that the open markets rush through all calls and then add the "job" .. hard to explain ...curently markets 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 cast 9 calls before the first market add his "to do list" to the Queue.
->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->-> - markets 1 -9---- ---+ market 1 --- -market 2 --- 1 + 1 + 1+ 1+ 1 +1 +1 +1 +1 + 1+1+1+1 -1+1+1+1 delete recreate bla bla bla bla ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->-> it would be better if the cat crawl through market 1 lookup 1+1+1+1+1 + market 2 lookup 1+1+1+1+1 + market 3 lookup 1+1+1+1+1 + market 4 lookup 1+1+1+1+1 cheers
Sampey (OP)
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
May 12, 2019, 11:11:00 AM |
The error comes at single algorithm level. If algorithm is running but no activity for more than 15 minutes then a force lookup is triggered. Do you have some error in the console? Because this happens usually when a connection is not dropped by the server side (if you're trading on yobit that's possible because of their terrible api system)
About the cloudflare problem i need to check.
About the Queue i'm not sure to have fully understood your example, but any algorithm is indipendent by the other, and api call are processed in the order they are put into the queue. There's no algorithm like "let's finish all the api call from ALgorithm X, then continue with the other".
Activity: 2282
Merit: 1051
unnamed.Exchange, join the Cool Kids!!!
May 12, 2019, 12:05:19 PM |
ty for your reply. ehmm, lets try this example: 1 you start the cat 2 you open 8 thousand panels 3 you use sampeys uber super algo configurator 4 you add 4 you press 5 you will do 8 thousand single calls per market 6 and you place the first buy orders. ------------------------------------------------------------------ just for your info. on step 5. there is a tiny ammount of markets which will create instantly an order "step 6" but just a few, but these calls from "5" seems to have an higher priority. it wouldnt be a big deal, or a real problem. but the information from step is often outdatet in the moment when step place an order. sorry man, it was a long weekend: and i should take some nap b4 posting anything. just as side note you cant work with the buy or sell pool in bulk, like the algo creator you need to create an savefile, modify the buy or sell pool and then reload all markets. your last version doesnt generate an valid savefile if you just save the buy/sell pools but if you save with all flags /ordrs /settings /trades /buy&sellPool it doesnt reject the savefile when you try to load it. the SuspendApi Button / function just skip new api calls getting added to the Queue, there is no "global function" ..... the Queue gets proceed step by step until 0. and, havent yet figured out why and through which unlucky constelation .. across all versions, the CAT seems somtimes flooding the "ordersToRestore" list. with identical values, this result into the situation that the cat sometimes trys to restore few hundred times the same order.... the function to force processing an look ignores if the order was allright restored and the lookup wasnt completed regualar. but it seems to result from multiple issues happend at the same time. uhhh, much much text :-)
Sampey (OP)
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
May 12, 2019, 12:16:52 PM |
ehmm, lets try this example: 1 you start the cat 2 you open 8 thousand panels 3 you use sampeys uber super algo configurator 4 you add 4 you press 5 you will do 8 thousand single calls per market 6 and you place the first buy orders. ------------------------------------------------------------------ just for your info. on step 5. there is a tiny ammount of markets which will create instantly an order "step 6" but just a few, but these calls from "5" seems to have an higher priority. it wouldnt be a big deal, or a real problem. but the information from step is often outdatet in the moment when step place an order. i don't remember exactly how the code works, but any request is put inside a single queue. And any algorithm doesn't know what the other algorithms are doing. But for technical reason, i can't process 2 api at the same time. This is why all request are put inside a FIFO Queue. If the Api system on server side is fast, you won't see any difference. Your case is a little bit "extreme", you are trading on a (technicalli talking) shit exchange with thousands of algorithm. It's like open many programs on your OS : at a certain point you run out of RAM, and PC Get slower. Current CAT API System is balanced between technical constraints and fair api requesta distribution between algorithm. There's no way to obtain the percet system. CAT is not the only player : if target system (yobit) is slow, then CAT must wait..... About other things, i will take a look, thanks for suggestions
Activity: 2282
Merit: 1051
unnamed.Exchange, join the Cool Kids!!!
May 12, 2019, 05:19:59 PM |
cheers, if its ok for you i will post the remaining things later :-) indeed yobit is the counterpart to binance ... roughly +/- feels the first comfortable when you doesnt send more then 26 - 30 api call per minute... even with 2 seconds delay between the requests it is possible to trigger yobits self defense "realy rare" long story short ... binance handles < 600 in the same time nice to know : Yobit itself has the fantasy to beeing able processing Дoпycтимoe cpeднee кoличecтвo зaпpocoв к API co cтopoны пpoгpaммнoгo oбecпeчeния пoльзoвaтeля - 100 в минyтy. Admissible quantity of requests to API from user's software is 100 units per minute. but Server responses are cashed every 2 seconds that is why there is no sense in making requests faster. Oтвeты cepвepa кeшиpyютcя кaждыe 2 ceкyнды, пoэтoмy дeлaть зaпpocы чaщe нe имeeт cмыcлa. Ocнoвнoe oтличиe Public API тpeтьeй вepcии oт втopoй cocтoит в вoзмoжнocти пoлyчeния инфopмaции cpaзy пo нecкoльким пapaм зa oдин зaпpoc к cepвepy. Пpи этoм cпиcoк жeлaeмыx пap yкaзывaeтcя чepeз cимвoл тиpe.
+edit: some useful feature would be definantly if you give the option to select the server fo the api calls. example: yobit / net / io /yobitex net the backup domain from the backup domain for the .net server => => shows a giant gap between the performance...
Activity: 2282
Merit: 1051
unnamed.Exchange, join the Cool Kids!!!
May 13, 2019, 05:16:14 AM Last edit: May 13, 2019, 05:35:03 AM by TillKoeln |
Good Morning, 1.)the function Start Algorithm after restore during loading an savegame has no effect and the user needs to start the process manual / global. 2.) for testing, i have cut the internet connection before loading an savefile: 2019-05-13 06:34:56| Message Type : Error HTTP Api Call Error : No Response Data From Server (Attempt 1) API Call Retry in 10 Seconds... 2019-05-13 06:35:08| Message Type : Error HTTP Api Call Error : No Response Data From Server (Attempt 2) API Call Retry in 10 Seconds... 2019-05-13 06:35:21| Message Type : Error HTTP Api Call Error : No Response Data From Server (Attempt 3) API Call Retry in 10 Seconds... 2019-05-13 06:35:33| Message Type : Error HTTP Api Call Error : No Response Data From Server (Attempt 4) API Call Retry in 10 Seconds... 2019-05-13 06:35:45| Message Type : Error HTTP Api Call Error : No Response Data From Server (Attempt 5) API Call Retry in 10 Seconds... 2019-05-13 06:35:57| Message Type : Error HTTP Api Call Error : No Response Data From Server (Attempt 6) API Call Retry in 10 Seconds... 2019-05-13 06:36:10| Message Type : Error HTTP Api Call Error : No Response Data From Server (Attempt 7) API Call Retry in 10 Seconds... 2019-05-13 06:36:22| Message Type : Error HTTP Api Call Error : No Response Data From Server (Attempt 8 ) API Call Retry in 10 Seconds... 2019-05-13 06:36:34| Message Type : Error HTTP Api Call Error : No Response Data From Server (Attempt 9) API Call Retry in 10 Seconds... 2019-05-13 06:36:46| Message Type : Error HTTP Api Call Error : No Response Data From Server (Attempt 10) API Call Retry in 10 Seconds...2019-05-13 06:36:56| Message Type : ApiPrintCall Aborted : 10Consecutive Error On Call 2019-05-13 06:36:56| Message Type : ApiPrint API Get User Orders Error. Trace Is : Api Response is nulljava.lang.NullPointerException at CAT.W_API.Support.CJ.asInt(Unknown Source) at CAT.W_API.API_YoBit.pvtGetMyOrders(Unknown Source) at CAT.W_API.API.getMyOrders(Unknown Source) at CAT.E_MarketSupport.RestoreRoutines.A_Executor.RestoreOrderManager.checkForTrad esOrders(Unknown Source) at CAT.E_MarketSupport.RestoreRoutines.A_Executor.RestoreManager.checkNext(Unknown Source) at CAT.E_MarketSupport.RestoreRoutines.C_GUI.JDialogCheckRestorableElements.b(Unknown Source) at Source) -----when restore some markets bla bla, the cat tries 10 times with 10 sconds sleep each time and then process the next job. what is to expected with an running instance of cat, and the market panels / lookups / whatver / trades if there is no connection to the internet for the next 10 x 10 seconds ? 3.) and maybe nice to know :-) what is the primary difference between Find Trades using: [ ] My Trades Api Call and [ ] Current Order Qty VS Previous if i remind correct cryptopia hasnt the option to choice "my trades api call" but yobit does.
Activity: 129
Merit: 10
May 14, 2019, 07:02:18 AM |
Hi ..i sell licence BOT CAT ONLY for 0.03 the moment the licence price is 0.065 btc...i have buy licence from dev SAMPEI in november 2017...i don't use more because i am out from cryptoworld....i have talk with Sampei and he sad me that i can sell my licence...if you are interesting send me 1 message in Bitcointalkforum on in Discord sun#4055 or email luca77847784@gmail.comthanks
Sampey (OP)
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
May 14, 2019, 07:27:14 AM |
Hi ..i sell licence BOT CAT ONLY for 0.03 the moment the licence price is 0.065 btc...i have buy licence from dev SAMPEI in november 2017...i don't use more because i am out from cryptoworld....i have talk with Sampei and he sad me that i can sell my licence...if you are interesting send me 1 message in Bitcointalkforum on in Discord sun#4055 or email luca77847784@gmail.comthanks Sorry ,but this is not the correct place to put your announce.
Sampey (OP)
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
May 15, 2019, 05:25:32 PM |
Hi CAT users. I will be away for some day, around 1 week. No PC with me. Tomorrow is the last day i will be available.
Jr. Member
Activity: 169
Merit: 2
May 16, 2019, 02:22:05 PM |
I messaged CAT 2 Times via Mail ... 1x 28.04.2019 - 1x 07.05.2019 ... and 1x via contact form on the Website before some Days and get no responsee until today.
I bought Lifetime + Updates License on 11.1.2019 but after the last update, my Software doesnt work.
Sampey (OP)
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
May 16, 2019, 02:26:24 PM |
I messaged CAT 2 Times via Mail ... 1x 28.04.2019 - 1x 07.05.2019 ... and 1x via contact form on the Website before some Days and get no responsee until today.
I bought Lifetime + Updates License on 11.1.2019 but after the last update, my Software doesnt work.
you message a reseller. pm me with your current api keys (PUBLIC, not private). I will associate your bitcontalk nickname to your license if you have a Binance api key, i will replace it for free. So send me the new one. if you have other kind of problems, then write me in the PM message. As written some reply ago, i will be away from tomorrow.....
Jr. Member
Activity: 169
Merit: 2
May 16, 2019, 02:29:25 PM |
I messaged CAT 2 Times via Mail ... 1x 28.04.2019 - 1x 07.05.2019 ... and 1x via contact form on the Website before some Days and get no responsee until today.
I bought Lifetime + Updates License on 11.1.2019 but after the last update, my Software doesnt work.
you message a reseller. pm me with your current api keys (PUBLIC, not private). I will associate your bitcontalk nickname to your license if you have a Binance api key, i will replace it for free. So send me the new one. if you have other kind of problems, then write me in the PM message. As written some reply ago, i will be away from tomorrow..... Awesome ! Send you PM with Keys. Thank you.
Jr. Member
Activity: 169
Merit: 2
May 16, 2019, 05:55:26 PM |
1000 Thanks for the fast Support ... all works fine again now !!
May 16, 2019, 08:06:27 PM |
Hello sampey
Not long ago I bought the CRYptopia API. I am a costumer who bought the bot years ago. The API Now is useless,maybe you are able to replace IT with another API for FREE? Thx in advance.
Sampey (OP)
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
May 16, 2019, 09:11:26 PM |
Hello sampey
Not long ago I bought the CRYptopia API. I am a costumer who bought the bot years ago. The API Now is useless,maybe you are able to replace IT with another API for FREE? Thx in advance.
I'm sorry, that's not possible. Actually i'm making an exception for BInance, just because they delete all the customers api for the second time in few months.
Activity: 53
Merit: 0
May 17, 2019, 12:06:27 AM |
Hello sampey
Not long ago I bought the CRYptopia API. I am a costumer who bought the bot years ago. The API Now is useless,maybe you are able to replace IT with another API for FREE? Thx in advance.
I was thinking about re-buying the Cryptopia API but your comment has me worried. What troubles are you having with the Cryptopia API?
Jr. Member
Activity: 169
Merit: 2
May 17, 2019, 05:44:09 AM |
Hello sampey
Not long ago I bought the CRYptopia API. I am a costumer who bought the bot years ago. The API Now is useless,maybe you are able to replace IT with another API for FREE? Thx in advance.
I was thinking about re-buying the Cryptopia API but your comment has me worried. What troubles are you having with the Cryptopia API? Cryptopia is closed ->
Activity: 53
Merit: 0
May 17, 2019, 12:25:11 PM |
That makes me angry and happy. Angry because what happens to my holdings and happy because I never got around to buying that API.
May 20, 2019, 02:48:51 PM |
been away for a while but when you bought an licency, its for life time right ??
if yes , can i use my bot what i bought on 2017 still use without an update orso ??