September 30, 2014, 06:10:51 AM |
We need a lot more voting on if you haven't signed up already please do! If you have signed up be sure to add your opinion to the existing petitions or create your own!
September 30, 2014, 06:12:06 AM |
Starting to make some progress on my issues. I've not been able to increase my keypool size (one of the reasons I didnt deploy a wallet with a shared wallet.dat to my VM's). When I run the daemon or QT with --keypool=xxx it just hangs indefinitely. I know it can take a little while to generate, but I gave up after 30 mins. I then checked my current size and found I had a keypool of just under 9000!! So I created a fresh wallet.dat in order to transfer my funds to it and found that I cannot send them all in one go, or indeed in any large amounts, as I get Transaction Creation Failed errors. So I'm guessing there is something wrong with my wallet. So I'm now transferring my funds piecemeal into a new wallet. I'll try mining again after that.
The woes continue. With an encrypted wallet, my miner gives "Failed to Update Height" whenever my wallet is locked. This has to be a bug.
Activity: 1246
Merit: 1000
September 30, 2014, 12:40:27 PM |
any news about pool?
Activity: 1560
Merit: 1001
Epic Private Internet Cash
September 30, 2014, 03:50:17 PM |
...or exchange?!
September 30, 2014, 04:29:43 PM |
Haшa гpyшa нaйpoзкopчyмaкyвaтiшa!
September 30, 2014, 05:11:35 PM |
There might be issues on the wallet side but without the source code, our hands are tied.
And this is yet another reason why CoinShield wallet needs source code available. I was extremely interested in this project until the dev decided to keep it closed source without any good reason.
Activity: 868
Merit: 1058
Creator of Nexus
September 30, 2014, 07:50:50 PM Last edit: September 30, 2014, 08:19:55 PM by Videlicet |
A] When wallet is encrypted, you need to unlock it to be able to mine. This is done with using RPC command walletpassphrase password. This is why you cannot update height or mine with encrypted wallet.
B] Source code is closed to prevent clones from raping my hard work, so this puts more work upon my shoulders until it is released open source. It will be released in 1 -2 months with the opening of the first exchange channel; and trust me I'm just as excited as everyone to release it: this means more eyes, more minds, and a better code base.
C] Total Number of 4-Chains Found = 214: When difficulty is 5.x 4 CH won't be accepted. The only logical reason I can see that chains are getting accepted above 5.x is somebody expanded supercomputing's code for 5.x and kept it private, or that the 4 ch that are found by his miner at random times are 5x too, which would account for so many rejects.
D] Mining LLP can handle way more than 100 Requests per Second, I tested it up to 80k on a local IP and 10k remote using 128 byte packets.
E] Every mining connection has its own reserve key: Wallet::CReserveKey* pMiningKey. Keep in mind that Coinshield is running secp571r1 private keys, so building the keypool takes longer than with other alternative coins. A keypool size of 100 is fine to work with, for if another key is ever needed, it is created and added to the pool by the Mining LLP. I just started a wallet file with keypool size of 1000, and it started up just fine ~3 minutes. Keep in mind if your hard drive speed is slower this process can take longer.
Regards, Viz.
[ Nexus] Created by Viz. [ Videlicet] : "videre licet - it may be seen; evidently; clearly"
September 30, 2014, 09:26:35 PM |
C] Total Number of 4-Chains Found = 214: When difficulty is 5.x 4 CH won't be accepted. The only logical reason I can see that chains are getting accepted above 5.x is somebody expanded supercomputing's code for 5.x and kept it private, or that the 4 ch that are found by his miner at random times are 5x too, which would account for so many rejects.
Correction, the wheel factorization procedure implemented in the code can efficiently sieve for prime twins, triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets, and sextuplets without any modifications to the code. But only prime constellations which meet the minimum difficulty requirements are submitted. The sieve is only for admissible k-tuples. Please see:
September 30, 2014, 09:44:15 PM |
Actual block submission log:
[METERS] 22 Block(s) ACC=22 REJ=0| Height = 6616 | Diff = 5.583707 | 16:44:10
Total Number of 4-Chains Found = 4339 [METERS] 22 Block(s) ACC=22 REJ=0| Height = 6616 | Diff = 5.583707 | 16:44:21
Total Number of 4-Chains Found = 4340
Total Number of 4-Chains Found = 4341
******* BLOCK FOUND *******
Preparing for Block Submission...
Submitting Block... [MASTER] Prime Cluster of Difficulty 5.864469 Found on Thread 52
ed48c405cf83b4b38ad5a733ccb2250ab952cfbd6b8f6148f3b3c49885153e929d2180c25210614 adda8de6255c63060e9b191834e35d0ba5414099428e8aa07a1e437b90c333da18959522223275e 79bd2bc67826b021110a336e50935a299b4e18ff74718bee38a3e22770ccdadda7fb5882eb39af2 e3a6374358614a1873d
[MASTER] Block Accepted By Coinshield Network. [MASTER] Coinshield Network: New Block 6617 [METERS] 23 Block(s) ACC=23 REJ=0| Height = 6617 | Diff = 5.586752 | 16:44:34 [METERS] 23 Block(s) ACC=23 REJ=0| Height = 6617 | Diff = 5.586752 | 16:44:45 [METERS] 23 Block(s) ACC=23 REJ=0| Height = 6617 | Diff = 5.586752 | 16:44:57
Total Number of 4-Chains Found = 4342
Activity: 868
Merit: 1058
Creator of Nexus
September 30, 2014, 09:53:25 PM |
It appears so, thank you for updating your miner to submit more than 4 ch, this will help this optimization be as fair as possible for those that do not understand how to modify it.
edit: we might want to run a check though before submitting share [GetPrimeDifficulty] to ensure it will be accepted by Coinshield Network. This will help reduce confusion concerning rejected shares. More debug output == less confusion
[ Nexus] Created by Viz. [ Videlicet] : "videre licet - it may be seen; evidently; clearly"
September 30, 2014, 10:28:51 PM |
C] Total Number of 4-Chains Found = 214: When difficulty is 5.x 4 CH won't be accepted. The only logical reason I can see that chains are getting accepted above 5.x is somebody expanded supercomputing's code for 5.x and kept it private, or that the 4 ch that are found by his miner at random times are 5x too, which would account for so many rejects.
Correction, the wheel factorization procedure implemented in the code can efficiently sieve for prime twins, triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets, and sextuplets without any modifications to the code. But only prime constellations which meet the minimum difficulty requirements are submitted. The sieve is only for admissible k-tuples. Please see:! Looking at the original miner, it looks like it accepts gaps of up to 12 between primes, and tuplets are not required to have minimal diameter. So, we know that 6-tuples of minimal diameter have only one admissible form: p+0 4 6 10 12 16 however since they are not enforcing the diameter to be minimal (16 in this case), then the following could be a valid block even though it's diameter is 24: p+0 4 6 10 12 24 or lots of other combinations, with diameter up to 12*6 = 72 So, a sieve that allows only admissible 6-tuples of diameter 16 may not be the most efficient way to mine this... or it may be, idk, I just wanted to leave the question beause but I can't help thinking that the sieve may be filtering too much. btw, have you abandoned RIC? me miss you
Activity: 868
Merit: 1058
Creator of Nexus
September 30, 2014, 10:34:58 PM |
Yes, you are entirely correct. I allow the maximum prime gap to be +12 due to the fact that they can get this large when finding shares of difficulty 17.x. This will allow any sized k-tuples to be accepted, but there are many many different combinations than just k-tuples for each given difficulty level.
Thank You, Viz.
[ Nexus] Created by Viz. [ Videlicet] : "videre licet - it may be seen; evidently; clearly"
September 30, 2014, 10:57:27 PM |
Hello gatra, I will never abandon RIC - XPM and RIC are still my favorite coins. This summer has been extremely busy with too much to do and very little play time.
Yes, I do have some ideas to improve the overall efficiency. Also keep in mind that the sieve's output of at least four primes are passed to the checking function which may find other forms.
Activity: 868
Merit: 1058
Creator of Nexus
September 30, 2014, 11:07:12 PM Last edit: September 30, 2014, 11:37:17 PM by Videlicet |
I'm checking into the submission errors. Do you get a timeout during submission, or no submission at all? I've found especially running a lot of threads with a wallet on the same computer, you need to lower the process priority to "very low" to prevent it from stealing computing resources from the wallet.
edit: Also the difficulty has to be > nBits, not >= nBits. This was my mistake.. My apologies, the true check is:
if(pblock->nBits > GetPrimeBits(pblock->GetPrime())) return error("Coinshield Miner : prime difficulty below target");
Coinshield Core also does 4 checks on the prime difficulty in CheckWork [From your miner], and 2 checks in VerifyWork [From the Network], which does catch false primes, this might help as well.
Thank You, Viz.
[ Nexus] Created by Viz. [ Videlicet] : "videre licet - it may be seen; evidently; clearly"
October 01, 2014, 12:18:32 AM |
Thanks for the information on the process priority, that info will be helpful to others as well.
Version 1.1 resolved the submission bug (at least for me) after commenting out the mutex code. I mined over 200 blocks on testnet with no issues.
Your "GetPrimeBits" function is called twice before the actual block is submitted since version 1.0. The only difference is that I call it with 1 check instead of 4. The probability of a false check is less than 1/sqrt(N), N being a 992-1024-bit number, but will be increased to 4 checks in the next release.
Activity: 868
Merit: 1058
Creator of Nexus
October 01, 2014, 12:21:07 AM |
Thank you for your diligence in developing a stable optimized miner, a lot more people other than myself I'm sure appreciate it. edit: to add, checking the prime bits twice isn't the same as checks > 1. Each check runs a different set of parameters for divisors, fermat, and miller-rabin
[ Nexus] Created by Viz. [ Videlicet] : "videre licet - it may be seen; evidently; clearly"
Activity: 111
Merit: 10
October 01, 2014, 01:43:58 AM |
It seems that somehow I mixed up wallet versions. No more rejects, every block gets accepted. Thanks a lot!
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1000
October 01, 2014, 02:13:12 AM |
Hey the coin worth mining yet without a pool for someone with an 8 core processor?
October 01, 2014, 03:01:21 AM |
Hello vedran82, I am curious with your 1000 cores, how many block you can find in 1 hours now? Best Rgrds, It seems that somehow I mixed up wallet versions. No more rejects, every block gets accepted. Thanks a lot!
Activity: 111
Merit: 10
October 01, 2014, 03:58:08 AM |
Hello vedran82, I am curious with your 1000 cores, how many block you can find in 1 hours now? Best Rgrds, It seems that somehow I mixed up wallet versions. No more rejects, every block gets accepted. Thanks a lot!
You've mixed me up with someone else, I'd love to have 1000 cores I'm mining with FX8350 and FX8320. It happened I've had 3 blocks in 15 minutes, now I didn't have block for hours...