For those unaware, the first Silkcoin vote has expired. We were voting on the voting platform url and i believe the winner was , maybe the dev team will make a formal announcement
The new vote is up in the wallet and we are now voting on what the POS% should be.
"Description: We would like to increase the rewards (stake) for the upcoming crowd funding platform as outlined for development purposes at first nature."
Options are to keep it at 2%, increase to 5% or increase to 10%.
I assume the goal is to increase the amount earned while staking to help fund projects and development.
What is everybody's thoughts on increasing the stake percentage? If more silk is rewarded doesn't this increase the supply of silk and decrease the price? Does increasing the stake % create higher inflation or am I thinking about this wrong? Let's talk this out, maybe make a list of pros and cons
no. options will be much more radical then this.
the goal is to yes. increase the bagholders rewards. - to either use for sale or for the development creative cap we or building or the silkweaver. those of you around long enough know the silkweaver idea. I will not post here. You will all build the weaver after this vote. (planned to last approx 6 weeks before the beginning of weaver)
cons. raising pos. inflation.
pros. well long term supporters are rewarded personally and have more weight to contribute in the upcoming creative cap and weaver....
I would also prefer in the future. instead of making suggestions. make actions. for instance in this comment. take the action to make the list of pros and cons. everyone stop tiptoeing around and start acting. this is everyones coin and will be more so in the coming days.
Make your plans and act on those plans. the community will decide what to be integrative in the coming creative cap and weaver. we own the floor so everyone get at it. stop asking should we do this or that... just do it.
We will link the new selection to the site as soon as lorenzo is free. was the final selection? I apologize ive been on the road for over 5000 km and missed the conclusion.
If this is the site finally chosen it will be made so.