Looking at his pools payouts vs burst.ninja who he loves to disparage/slander.....
Burst.Ninja Time up: 7 months. Payouts: 26.9M burst
Mininghere Time Up: 6 months. Payouts: 1.67M burst
Well, we mined on ninja and all the names it had before, but I got tired of hearing "it is down", so I setup MiningHere by myself.
I mined with some friends (6) only for myself there for several months. I had no missing transaction, so I gave it a shot to let others mine as well. At the moment 262 people are actively mining there. Other pool say to that number "Miners responded". To get a new "inactive miner" is easy, just use the reward assignment to a new wallet, and you got more miners.
Now, haitach and co attacks me of not paying out, but look at the blockchain, we do! We do have a link to transaction, a WORKING link. No other pool does!!!
Maybe I miss that link to find there.
I recommend to proof first with other pools that they pay out, before attacking me again. Otherwise I might also disable the link to be "equal".
Elmit, hey - if you're going to slam me, please at least speel (sic) my nick right

H. A. I. T.C. H.
And this was the last message I sent to you over on BurstForum, where 100% of the claimed latest payments were missing from the block chain, 20 hours after the claimed payments.
You too can use your working link to the block explorer to verify - it's how I found you weren't paying out properly.
And now we're at 100% of payments are missing - either massive incompetence, or flagrant theft. Which is it ?
Recent Payments (None of which are on the blockchain)
S3FP-PN5T-94Q7-DPGG4 14.24 06/04 20:21:07
MXY2-YN9Q-K5W9-8RXN6 19.94 06/04 20:20:58
VE7E-J6AB-K6BZ-A3VFY 8.17 06/04 20:20:43
JYVY-CT2V-2KTL-G6PPE 3.48 06/04 20:20:43
TCQT-KCZX-32VA-F3CLG 2.31 06/04 20:20:43
MV3V-4NZ8-F2CC-2YPWQ 6.62 06/04 20:20:43
CBC3-FYXQ-H28R-3T9KE 23.96 06/04 20:20:43
V4VJ-RQY5-6Q2G-5FH7W 3.31 06/04 20:20:43
8MH7-DTJ7-W9F2-DXJMC 12.36 06/04 20:20:43
GSLH-ZAP4-N9XD-D4FUE 4.27 06/04 20:20:43
T4CK-T76F-JL7R-CDBF7 20.37 06/04 20:20:43
7C85-VNSQ-ZNSU-CB6RW 57.07 06/04 20:20:43
7BFS-N72Q-4UHP-AU9QW 5.64 06/04 20:20:43
B7DQ-ZZQC-EASC-3LKGW 10.22 06/04 20:20:43
763A-L4UU-DPX8-BTP8L 2.27 06/04 20:20:43
83VN-2LG8-JVMS-EK5NK 12.12 06/04 20:20:43
U7HB-E7WB-TS2Z-BY2TN 8.73 06/04 20:20:43
MBXC-R4MD-3HYP-FWBGN 14.25 06/04 20:20:43
9WVJ-KVA4-4X6X-3ENE8 8.59 06/04 20:20:43
LQ7A-NMQD-4YYV-EEXJE 23.28 06/04 20:20:43
WYEH-T7PX-LYUU-6CKTM 3.99 06/04 20:20:43
4HL5-88LL-TN8T-7ENKR 9.41 06/04 20:20:43
YH9N-7K2K-VQWD-4QEYJ 30.90 06/04 20:20:43
6SHJ-PZUU-YNYE-64MQJ 3.04 06/04 20:20:43
WWS6-TWZ8-DCZ2-9KRJH 15.32 06/04 20:20:43
QTYN-GLWC-DCDJ-F935F 33.97 06/04 20:20:43
SKN8-QLRP-TS69-CB37J 5.39 06/04 20:20:43
WYR7-W4F8-DDQ5-36ZJ2 24.77 06/04 20:20:43
3ZDR-WLV6-CYKM-8WBPP 5.98 06/04 20:20:43
9G7P-KG6C-RP26-GXKVE 6.63 06/04 20:20:43
7DNH-FEQS-7DN7-AJG3S 7.02 06/04 20:20:43
QPCW-KHT3-KZRW-C38UT 87.84 06/04 20:20:43
CEZA-AM5L-82DA-5UDKG 7.38 06/04 20:20:43
4LBT-AJRV-KQXZ-B8NKX 41.44 06/04 20:20:43
RNUG-8KU3-TAZ6-3HJSK 10.53 06/04 20:20:43
KX4U-K4YQ-GP92-H6NEU 3.68 06/04 20:20:43
F6BQ-YGLR-NTYA-AEL3R 7.03 06/04 20:20:43
YCHZ-Y8ZG-K9YD-92PH3 5.08 06/04 20:20:43
WXMB-2GSS-AY3U-DS8QG 7.93 06/04 20:20:43
8GYK-F86A-C9ZW-6NLVT 3.52 06/04 20:20:43
MNSU-XRD5-KUZ4-EMUQT 10.37 06/04 20:20:43
6QQF-X6ZV-RN57-3TQBT 43.88 06/04 20:20:43
NJFY-HEYV-64U5-AKC5Q 46.32 06/04 20:20:43
U7UZ-6ZCL-KDK4-7APQ2 5.72 06/04 20:20:43
F3F5-2ETW-Q8DY-FSTDK 5.86 06/04 20:20:43
B8GU-SAY2-54YQ-C396J 4.69 06/04 20:20:43
K9P7-TT4W-WP5X-4UXCY 5.63 06/04 20:20:43
CMCE-JWKJ-RMR5-HBRNV 4.60 06/04 20:20:43
H6CQ-Y8WB-KDAL-7GYX2 42.82 06/04 20:20:43
UJF5-WG63-MBRW-DGER2 12.56 06/04 20:20:43
And then after that there was:
Looking at current Payouts from his pool:
G5Y2-DF78-Q27R-EBGUK 274.42 09/04 15:32:21 <- On Blockchain - but only for 24.99
H3ZB-FKZC-8C86-33GK5 60.68 09/04 15:32:21 < -On Blockchain
MN5M-X6HT-ELEW-4T25B 44.11 09/04 15:32:13 < -On Blockchain
K5CW-YNUE-XKCS-6HY42 26.16 09/04 15:32:04 < -On Blockchain
I guess that explains how Elmit covers the cost of micro-transactions, just get one of your miners to pay them for you .......
As for "We do have a link to transaction, a WORKING link. No other pool does!!!
Maybe I miss that link to find there.
I recommend to proof first with other pools that they pay out, before attacking me again. Otherwise I might also disable the link to be "equal".
Yes, the burst.ninja link is broken currently - it's being fixed, but the "cryptomining.farm" user links work fine. So, no, you're not the only pool with working links. The other curious thing is when you look at cryptomining's links you see payouts of hundreds of Burst per miner, that are on the blockchain; when you look at mininghere's you see payouts of of a few Burst (mostly) to a few hundred Burst (occasionally), that more often than not aren't on the blockchain. Oh, and even if you figure out how to turn off the links to your miners, we can still explore how badly you're ripping them off. Is there a Singaporean Gov't Office we can report you to ?
Elmit - fix your pool or shut it down.