Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
October 20, 2014, 08:38:16 PM |
We just received 30K for the Video Contest from BitcoinOperated Boy. Thank you very much for this very fine gesture.
BTC: 1MyJmxS9ER5ZBNvpG3LhoUXGotpzbPowed

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
Litecoindark Reddit Moderator
October 20, 2014, 08:43:34 PM |
just got back my 280x from rma fans had to be replaced nice that it has lifetime warranty  Must be rough using GPUS for mining, my asics are so quiet and cool  yes iam not mining with the card anymore it made me enough bitcoin to buy a asic lol so now its just back to gaming with it 
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
October 20, 2014, 08:44:32 PM |
I have noticed that My own personal Scrypt rig is the largest at BestPool and with a reward of 8 coins pr block, I do not find it fair for the rest of the miners that I mine almost 3 coins out of 8 for each block. So for the time being I remove my rig away from BestPool so smaller miners gets more coins out pr block, but if the network needs some hash i will point 300 Mhash or more at BestPool again.
BTC: 1MyJmxS9ER5ZBNvpG3LhoUXGotpzbPowed
Litecoindark (OP)
October 20, 2014, 08:44:59 PM |
Dear Community, We have bought a new block explorer and richlist what is much beter. https://chainz.cryptoid.info/ltcd/https://chainz.cryptoid.info/ltcd/Also we have put out a bounty for a multipool who payout into ltcd, give me a pm to discus. Ofcourse when the community knows good multipools who is willing to accept ltcd let me know! Regards, LitecoinDark Dev
Litecoindark (OP)
October 20, 2014, 08:48:26 PM |
well iam sad I had to ignore the bit boy (BOB) but that's what its there for. Maybe bob you can do something more for the community then cry about how you don't do anything and don't care about the wall of fame. Face it you only care for the price and yourself that is it . I hope you can truly do something here then attack members good luck with your ltcd I wish you the best  Hmmm…. I do not fancy the tone and by the way Bitcoinoperated boy has helped a lot as well. So treat each other with respect. Don't you start lol  Look like he was putting up 20k for video contest, what u putting up. A simple website on reddit. U still havent earn any respect. Until the features are in place, u shoulds not be misleading people to buy into hype. Get the job done then u can promote the coin. In fact if the features was in place the coin would sell it self. How do we know all that you say can be done to this coin, because you say so. All I see is empty promises. Remember the roadmap is way behind, not that its trollbyfire fault, but the litecoindev is responsible to make sure things are done in a timely manner. ( and for the record, im stuck with all my coin. but im not going to mislead people for profit, till the job get done.) The roadmap is a indication don't forget this and we are behind schedule because the problems with multipools.
Activity: 1188
Merit: 1001
October 20, 2014, 09:11:02 PM |
dev an idea ,this is useful : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=780833.new#newexchange like trex , crypts or polo made with a blockchain, a public ledger , so anyone can see how much are they in the open or not mintpal is gone o wait is the ceo of mool with some thousand BTC of theirs maybe if used this new system can take LTCD in supernet even as it is now , i'm working in the project , someone can take this idea to the right people to exchange like cryptsy, poloniex or bittrex ?
reality ? you fell to Scammers after being in an ICO , IPO (more like any other stock and index in the world ICO or not got your portfolio down 25 % or 85 %) Now SEC is helping you getting back up your lost money maybe....
BitCoin Operated Boy
October 20, 2014, 09:13:21 PM |
Dear Community, We have bought a new block explorer and richlist what is much beter. https://chainz.cryptoid.info/ltcd/https://chainz.cryptoid.info/ltcd/Also we have put out a bounty for a multipool who payout into ltcd, give me a pm to discus. Ofcourse when the community knows good multipools who is willing to accept ltcd let me know! Regards, LitecoinDark Dev Ha, smashing. Works great! :-)
October 20, 2014, 09:16:29 PM |
Dear Community, We have bought a new block explorer and richlist what is much beter. https://chainz.cryptoid.info/ltcd/https://chainz.cryptoid.info/ltcd/Also we have put out a bounty for a multipool who payout into ltcd, give me a pm to discus. Ofcourse when the community knows good multipools who is willing to accept ltcd let me know! Regards, LitecoinDark Dev Ha, smashing. Works great! :-) nice of you to donate btw +1
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
Official BitFoundry Dev
October 20, 2014, 09:20:57 PM |
That awkward moment when you write a whitepaper on DarkInsurance and the then read SuperNet and it's almost exactly the same thing....
I can't believe I have never heard of either.... But since my idea is almost the same, i'm glad we are pursuing one of the options between SuperNET, and the others. YAAS
That is all.
BitFoundry - The Future is Transparent BTC Donation Address: 17pfLHegqJ3EPkbitbkyw37hi4ATvvJRdD
October 20, 2014, 09:23:33 PM |
That awkward moment when you write a whitepaper on DarkInsurance and the then read SuperNet and it's almost exactly the same thing....
I can't believe I have never heard of either.... But since my idea is almost the same, i'm glad we are persuing one of the options between SuperNET, and the others. YAAS
That is all.
the word was out for quite some time about supernet tho
Full Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
Official BitFoundry Dev
October 20, 2014, 09:24:10 PM |
That awkward moment when you write a whitepaper on DarkInsurance and the then read SuperNet and it's almost exactly the same thing....
I can't believe I have never heard of either.... But since my idea is almost the same, i'm glad we are persuing one of the options between SuperNET, and the others. YAAS
That is all.
the word was out for quite some time about supernet tho I guess I just never took the time to look. But it's a great concept
BitFoundry - The Future is Transparent BTC Donation Address: 17pfLHegqJ3EPkbitbkyw37hi4ATvvJRdD
October 20, 2014, 09:26:30 PM |
That awkward moment when you write a whitepaper on DarkInsurance and the then read SuperNet and it's almost exactly the same thing....
I can't believe I have never heard of either.... But since my idea is almost the same, i'm glad we are persuing one of the options between SuperNET, and the others. YAAS
That is all.
the word was out for quite some time about supernet tho I guess I just never took the time to look. But it's a great concept agreed, great idea..now to see it come alive hopefully 
October 20, 2014, 09:40:37 PM |
Dear Community, We have bought a new block explorer and richlist what is much beter. https://chainz.cryptoid.info/ltcd/https://chainz.cryptoid.info/ltcd/Also we have put out a bounty for a multipool who payout into ltcd, give me a pm to discus. Ofcourse when the community knows good multipools who is willing to accept ltcd let me know! Regards, LitecoinDark Dev you have a PM 

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
Litecoindark Reddit Moderator
October 20, 2014, 09:48:23 PM |
well iam sad I had to ignore the bit boy (BOB) but that's what its there for. Maybe bob you can do something more for the community then cry about how you don't do anything and don't care about the wall of fame. Face it you only care for the price and yourself that is it . I hope you can truly do something here then attack members good luck with your ltcd I wish you the best  Hmmm…. I do not fancy the tone and by the way Bitcoinoperated boy has helped a lot as well. So treat each other with respect. Don't you start lol  Look like he was putting up 20k for video contest, what u putting up. A simple website on reddit. U still havent earn any respect. Until the features are in place, u shoulds not be misleading people to buy into hype. Get the job done then u can promote the coin. In fact if the features was in place the coin would sell it self. How do we know all that you say can be done to this coin, because you say so. All I see is empty promises. Remember the roadmap is way behind, not that its trollbyfire fault, but the litecoindev is responsible to make sure things are done in a timely manner. ( and for the record, im stuck with all my coin. but im not going to mislead people for profit, till the job get done.) Ahhh I don't have your respect wow I cant sleep now lmao . So if you think its all empty promises why bother to hold ltcd or be here you are just fudding the coin bye bye you have been ignored lmao 
October 20, 2014, 10:01:08 PM |
As much as I don't care for "to the moon" type talk, anyone talking about price stuff should just be left alone. A coin needs a vibrant community talking about it all the time and that includes price talk as that leads to a vibrant market. Without either, coins just slowly die from disinterest and it doesn't matter what sort of tech a coin comes out with.
Yes, it needs vibrant conversations instead of pointless price reports-comments and investing touting. Almost the same comments, almost every every single day. Every time I check up what's new have been posted since previous day I find almost exactly the same comment posted again by the same person... There are three kinds of people involved in crypto. 1.The people that are sincerely interested in crypto and the tech that goes into it. 2. The person that likes the tech but really cares more about profit. 3. The person who couldn't give a shit about the coin or tech other can it make them some money. You complaining about it doesn't change that, unless people are just trolling or fudding for no other reason than to get people pissed off, I really wouldn't worry about it. I get it your a purist and I really respect that, but human nature is what it is whether we like it or not. I mean what options do we really have, just start erasing ever post about the price? I for one am just going to chill out and enjoy the ride. We have a killer Dev, a coin with huge potential and our imaginations to guide us. It doesn't get much better than that.

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
Litecoindark Reddit Moderator
October 20, 2014, 10:08:51 PM |
Yes we don't need to be censored like china its free to express what ever you like to say with in reason. Its just criticism from what I hear so its all good keep posting what you feel its your right
October 20, 2014, 10:08:57 PM |
So here's a little can of worms regarding PoS. Any discussion of "PoS" really needs to take into account a number of things before any talk about percentages can take place:
- The final anon feature of the coin - Transaction fees - Final mining reward - PoS vs Forging
The coins whitepaper says that the final anon feature will be Darksend, which I assume is a "copy" of the Darkcoin tech. By design, that necessitate the use of Master Nodes which then necessitates the implementation of transaction fees. So not only does the cost required to run a Masternode need to be determined, but then the transaction fees as well since, unless I'm oblivious, the coin does not currently have.
As things stand today, the mining reward was significantly reduced which will lead to the coin being mined out "very" quickly. It's my understanding though that there will be a final "minimum" reward and I've assumed that it will be implemented when the PoS version is rolled out.
So the coin would have to have transaction fees implemented at some point as well. Now, I don't know much about actual mining, but don't miners also typically get transaction fees when a coin has that? So would the people running Masternodes compete for those transaction fees? Or would there be a different set of fees related to the anon transactions that the Masternodes would be paid?
My original thoughts about PoS were that "forging" would be a better idea. The forgers would get transaction fees while miners continue to add to the supply over time which would take care of lost coins etc and thus PoS isn't really required in order to solve that particular issue. But with forging, we'd now have another group competing for transaction fees right?
Am I completely off base with some of this? The whitepaper really doesn't discuss any of these sorts of things in depth.
As far as "pure PoS" goes, my feeling is 2%-5% is adequate. But in this case, the coin isn't pure POS due to ongoing mining and the running of Nodes.
On a personal note, I'm really not fond of anon tech that relies on trusting other people with running nodes. If you don't have enough people running the nodes you open up attack vectors and getting enough people that are willing to invest enough to run them can be difficult. Not to mention that a couple people with deep pockets could "own" the majority of nodes and then do what they wish. I prefer blockchain type anon (CN coins for example) for those reasons. Now some people say that blockchain anon isn't as secure as "eventually" someone will hack it. IMO if someone was able to eventually hack blockchain anon, we'd have much bigger problems for cryptocurrencies in general.
I'd much prefer the coin to implement something like the zerocoin/zerocash tech which no one has done as of yet. One coin was supposed to have implemented zerocoin within the next week or so but they just came out and said it won't happen for awhile. I don't know of anyone that's trying implement zerocash yet (there is a fundamental issue with it but I believe there can be a solution for it). It should be noted that zerocoin was talked about many times as potentially being added to bitcoin but from reading a bunch of threads it seems like they're sort of waiting for an alt coin to do it in order to prove it out. Zerocoin is fundamentally just a "mixer" whereas Zerocash is actually for anon transactions.
So from my perspective, there's a whole lot of intertwined things that really need to be nailed down first and then the actual values for things like fees, PoS percentages etc worked out so that they are all well balanced. Not an easy task but it needs to get done ASAP and spelled out clearly in the coins whitepaper. Without knowing all these things ahead of time, we could end up with a coin that has very high inflation on top of the high supply which would be a bad thing.
I'd also like to know what the PoS design would be. Whether it would just be the "old" peercoin coin age type thing, one of the newer PoS V2 (some other coin is building on V2 and calling it V3 but can't remember which), PoSV or something "new".
I don't know much about anon tech, but you might look into what StealthCoin is trying to do with Stealth Send, and do something similar.
October 20, 2014, 10:18:05 PM |
I think the enthusiastic outbursts made by some community members is quite refreshing actually and gives a positive vibe to the coin. Much better than complaining about the price or something. Even the best coin is nothing without a vibrant and active community.
Enthusiastic outbursts are refreshing, I agree. Not that refreshing when someone has these outbursts almost every day, often more than once a day... ;-) It's quite intertesting that most of voodoo1967 supporting replies tend to come from forum members with the activity of less than 20... :-) CHILL OUT QUIT BEING A KILL JOY! I am as tired hearing you complain as I am with the DA THE MOON! dumb asses.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1030
Yes I am a pirate, 300 years too late!
October 20, 2014, 11:41:37 PM |
I think a lot of people at CoinMine are going to be in for a big surprise!! They still think they are getting 200 LTCD 62417 v Updating xxx 0.00 0.00 2 minutes ago 0.0000 62412 v 23 left xxxmultiminer.2 200.00 0.00 7 minutes ago 111.4541 62410 v 21 left xxxNFRANOISB1004.131 200.10 0.00 16 minutes ago 113.1865 62391 v 2 left xxx.x11 200.00 0.00 35 minutes ago 112.9914 62362 v Confirmed xxxtagon.1 200.00 0.00 53 minutes ago 103.6946 62335 v Confirmed xxxNFRANOISB1004.131 200.00 0.00 > 1 hour ago 115.7862 62320 v Confirmed xxxelo_5 200.00 0.00 > 1 hour ago 116.1968 62292 v Confirmed xxxtt.R 200.00 0.00 > 2 hours ago 112.4099 62291 v Confirmed xxxehashfoo 200.00 0.00 > 2 hours ago 112.4099 62289 v Confirmed xxxon1 200.00 0.00 > 2 hours ago 113.9739 62288 v Confirmed xxxmultiminer.2 200.00 0.00 > 2 hours ago 113.9739 62286 v Confirmed xxxry.1 200.00 0.00 > 2 hours ago 113.7760 62272 v Confirmed xxxry.1 200.00 0.00 > 2 hours ago 113.7760 62266 v Confirmed xxxehashfoo 200.00 0.00 > 2 hours ago 113.7760 62223 v Confirmed xxxelo_5 200.10 0.00 > 3 hours ago 115.1757